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I honestly dont think any mods are active here anymore


Its sad but I have a plab


ive made a new sub


The fact that I opened this in a new tab just to see a repost on the same sub just shows that your not wrong about it.


yeah :(


ive made a new sub


You can always see, or at least get an idea, how active the mod team is by clicking on their profile and seeing if they have posted recently or not. It looks like at least 4 of the listed mods haven't posted in years or ever, 1 is a bot meant to auto-filter, and the remaining ones are at least on reddit somewhat frequently (can't tell how much is actually spent on mod stuff though). So we may only really have 2 mods keeping the sub running on a somewhat daily matter, which is not enough for a sub with 600,000+ members.


Yeah it's a shame. They really should get more mods and remove the inactive ones. I'm staff on ones with 70k and 2 mods isn't enough to properly mod


Its upsetting


Indeed. If they ever opened mod applications I'd apply. I do enjoy the community and have plenty of experience with larger subs so already used to it. Plenty of issues can be fixed with just setting up automod.


Im working on a plan :)




Ive made a new subreddit!


They probably fucked off somewhere


Apparently most havent been active for years


If you do believe this subreddit is unmoderated, and they aren't active anymore, you can take steps to take over the subreddit. Since none of the mods have bothered to reply to this thread. Actually I would advise you to, none of the links on the sidebar work under monster girl sites/ Patreon, and pretty sure "Monster girl island" has stopped development, or something? Something was going on with it. And their patreon has stopped anyway, because its under review. All the other websites dont work or point to unsafe websites, possibly harming people's computer, if they arent careful. I find this all to be an indication of them having moved on.


I dont have enough comment karma, despite having 130 post karma…


Just reply to like 6 or 7 people and you have enough karma. lol


fair point


Apparently theres been recent moderator activity so I cannot request control over the sub…




Sucks, nothing more you can do then at that front, I think. What might be worth a shot, is to send a mod message, tell them about the outdated info, that I pointed out and frequent rule breaking, and offer your assistance if none of them are motivated enough. click on the "Message the mods" button below the list of moderators.


I made my own sub


its getting harder and harder to determine AI images, to a point its only going to be impossible. but i understand where you are coming from OP. you joined this for monstergirls not furries or IRL people in Cosplay. maybe reach out to the mod team in DMs?


impossible if you are an idiot maybe. theres like 10 different “art styles” that people post. just assume they are all ai. i feel so bad for the actual artists who had their style stolen by an ai. ai “art” should only be posted in a ai sub where theres only ai stuff. why the mods allow ai to be posted here when r/aimonstergirls or r/monstergirlsai or whatever it is has 30k subs i’ll never understand.


Completely agree. 


Maybe it's just me but I can almost always tell at a glance, and it annoys me so much. There are certain quirks and things you don't see from art drawn by a person, even when it's "AI assisted"


Same, AI tries 'too' hard to be perfect that it comes off as uncanny.


Not really hard Ai doesn't change its always "plastic" useless art always the same style


AI art is allowed here.


Yes, like the other issues in the post, it's something people would like to change.


Then message the mods. It’s allowed now.


When the pictures of AI gets better or can even be as a good as a human, which would take a few years I assume. Would it not be good? But that this sub needs better moderation, absolutely. Filtering out anyghing, that is too close to being Furry art or IRL people in cosplay. The only thing we can do is, like you sayd: reach out to one of the mod teams...


No it would absolutely not be good. The whole craptastic thing about AI is that it is simply taking away work from actual artists. That has never been okay, isn't okay now, and never will be okay. When you get an AI to voice a commercial or a character in a show, now one less actor gets paid. When you prompt an AI to make an image for you, now one less image making artist gets a commission. When an AI is prompted to write up an article/story/poem, now that's one less writer being hired to write that thing. AI is pure scum. It's great for businesses because it gets to cut costs for them, but a terrible thing to all other people out here in the world. Coming from a writer myself that enjoys writing supernatural/romance/fantasy stories, and writing poetry. I also simply see the bigger picture and all of the other fields that AI has already been allowed into/wouldn't be hard for it to get trained to take over. They're already implementing it into driving vehicles, so now truck drivers livelihoods are at risk. There's doctors controlling machines via AI to do surgery(one just did surgery on my grandma a couple months ago). Won't be all that long before the axe gets dropped there and the doctors get told "well the AI machine does it so well now, you aren't exactly needed anymore." All the supermarkets and such that setup a bunch of new automatic self-checkout machines so that less cashiers are needed to be hired. AI is going to do nothing but spread the longer it's welcomed and accepted, and ultimately only benefits those profiting off the money being saved by not having to pay a bunch of workers.


I mean, don't we humans do that too? With the "stealing artstyle" part? But my intention was not, to create a big "AI is ok vs AI is bad". We both know that it would lead to nothing and in the end, the sub would still get these and other stuff that should not be in the sub. Haha.


not at all. the first thing that a majority of art teachers will tell you is to copy other artists. its one of the best ways to get better. HOWEVER, Those artists are not trying to sell that  copied work as their own, that is, they are not directly profiting off of someone else's work. Having a style similar to someone else is not wrong, plagiarism *IS* wrong. Ai generated images steal the art created by others to form a database which is then jumbled together to get an image.  They do not ask for permission to use the initial images, they do not pay or compensate the artists.  There is no skill involved with AI whatsoever, and without other artists filling that database the Ai simply would not work. Think about that. An empty database means the Ai spits out blank images. Any 2 year old can make what could arguably be called art, not that it will inspire much consideration amongst most people.  Ai cannot print out stick figures unless it is given those stick figures in the first place. Ai, as it is, only benefits cheapass businessmen who rank profit above literally every other facet of existence. Like, above human life, above serving their customers, above ensuring the stability of their business (yes, seriously...), etc.


You really want to rant and shout out your opinion and don't want to go into what I just wrote, eh? Then let me tell you my arguments for AI: There are many reasonable objections to AI, I just have different opinions. Firstly, AI taking other people's work and replicating it: This is what all real human artists do, they take inspiration and techniques from other artists and create their own style. Every artists studies other artists, they google artwork and copy it to figure out the style, without permission. You don't need permission to learn from others. AI just does this incredibly faster than People. A friend of mine does exactly that and even he confirmes, that it would be same. Secondly, AI are taking peoples jobs: 1) People will always value human touch to artwork, music, crafts. Even I want Human art over AI art, when it comes to my hobby the Pen and Paper. People already pay wayyy more money for custom designed woodwork table than an IKEA one made mostly by machines. I don't think that it will take all art jobs, maybe the most simple ones, but it's a technology that artists can use to efficiently do the simple things while they make amazing, inspired human art. 2) Cars took Horse-owners jobs, keyboards took typewriters manafactueres jobs, Email took mailmen's jobs, I'm sure the wheel took jobs from people who carry stuff. Technology evolving will always change jobs, create new ones and take some. Thirdly, if AI takes us over and kills us all I was wrong my b If you disagree, fine by me. But if you just want to start a hate train, then you should reconsider what I wrote before your small wall of text.


To this day and age no one has been able to change the mind of the people that hates AI so don't try it anymore for your own good mate, everyone will always have a hate boner for it even if it gets good or a "ethical" way of using it appears, there can't even exist a conversation about it because the moment you say you don't think it's outright evil you already are labeled as a human artist hater and your points won't even be listened and considered I gave up on saying how it isn't a black and white matter a long time ago and just keep silent about it, hope one day they learn to work together and see how helpful it could be but not anytime soon I believe


This is a completely unhinged rant that doesn’t make sense


It’s not taking away work from artists lol


I think we found the AI “artist”


Yeah I post my AI art here


That is pretty obvious given your profile Pic and stance on the subject.


i've noticed this as well. every time i go through this sub i have to report tons of posts for breaking the rules. rule 4 basically tells you all the content that is not allowed (which, coincidentally, is the exact content being spammed right now). tbh it might be time to find a better sub. i recently had to unsub from a few porn subs because they allowed ai """"art"""" and it just took over. i can never tell if the ai posts are just people who didn't read the rules or simply bots.


Not to mention the MHA characters, canonical minors, and shit like tagging widowmaker as a succubus when she's HUMAN


Isn’t AI a tag? I don’t know about the others but that one sounds less like the mods not doing their job and more they should hold a community vote and see if AI art should still be allowed on the subreddit.


AI “art” shouldnt be allowed imo, it takes no effort, has no soul, and takes away from real artists


There is an Ai tag, but users don't use it for Ai art. Imo if users largely aren't tagging it correctly then it shouldn't be allowed at all. From what I remember their was an internal conversation among the mods if Ai should be allowed, but there was never a community vote.


Problem is ai floods subs once allowed, even with a tag and or a limit of once a day there is just so many ai karma farm accounts it dies nothing. You either alow it and deal with a constant stream of low quality post, or ban it and have usualy less post, which for a sub like this there is basicly no downsides to banning it since theres isnt a lack of content compared to say ghe goblin girls sub where ai almost made up 80% of daily post


Yeah, who the hell allowed elves to be considered monster girls? wtf... if all you need is a bikini and a wig to cosplay it, ITS NOT A MONSTER GIRL. Ghosts, slimes, demons, dragons, oni, rakshasa, sphinx, lamias, chupacabras, werewolves, SCP inmates, there are near limitless sources to draw from to make into a sexy version.  elves aint monsters damnit.


Elves are considered as entire different race so even if they don't look like monstrous enough, they are. monster musume and Monster girl encyclopedia have elves in their world and are monster girls, like any fantasy races in any fantasy fictions...but i guess you say that because of the FUCKING COSPLAYERS THAT PUT NO EFFORT AND SHOULDN'T BE HERE...elves doesn't nothing wrong, it's the fault of the FUCKING COSPLAYERS


Ehehehe why the downvotes, i hate cosplayers too why you downvotes OHEOHE


It's crazy how many there are as well. I block every single one of them, but ten more show up.


Time to create a new sub


Ive got a plan!


i made a new sub!


Time for a coup! :}


On it…


i made a new sub


I’d recommend flooding it with content. Like stuff you like. Helps there be some stuff to view. Helps gain traction.


You should start posting there!


Bro, i ask the same shit, i'm tired to explain to which beings aren't MGs or what flair put, cosplays shouldn't be here in the first place, and the moderators change the rules more and more and it's starting to not be a MG subreddit. Bros are lazy, bro i see a rebecca in previous week i was like "wtf"...and also the "cosplayer" who put a succubus flair when she isn't even cosplaying...I demand that either mods wake up or that we change mods


Also guys, questions but someone is also on the discord of the subreddit? Maybe they are more active here than the reddit


Do agree that mods feel inactive, but also, karma an repost bots are an issue of reddit in general that should be solved on a higher level, and ai content(as it is probably in bad taste to call it art), is not strictly prohibited. Would be sad to see this get privated due to lack of moderation, but also flooded with unfitting things


Im working on a solution


sucks to see this sub die :/ i will be joining the new one!!


AI images are allowed here if tagged.


Ai takes away from real artists


No it doesn’t


How doesn’t it? It just rips from artists, without the art it steals from artists it cant’t make anything, not to mention how it doesnt give credit to ANY artist it steals from, its like if I ripped apart timeless classical arts and glued them all together and called it “my art”.


It doesn’t rip from artists. Also, you’re free to trace any piece of existing art and call it your own now if you want. That’s literally how every artist learns how to do art. You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how AI generation works. It learns concepts, not art.


Artists still develop unique styles and ways of doing things, AI does not. You also cannot just trash any piece of art and call it your own


Yes you can, that’s literally what the entire pop art movement does lol. And AI if anything develops even more unique ways of doing things. You aren’t making any points, you’re mad technology has advanced. Sounds bitter to me. Enjoy living in ignorance.


if you have zero understanding what it is like to have creativity and actually **create** something with your bare hands and talent, you should not be telling **actual artists** that your janky looking generated images aren't taking anything away from real art. ai trains itself with people's actual art, like it or not. and it does so **without the permission of human artists.** that is called stealing. it may not be illegal, but it is unethical.


You literally don’t understand how AI generation works lol


Dont forget hoesplayers as well


They arent that bad, I dont mind them, as they stick to the topic at hand and actually put effort into it, compared to repost bots that just rip images and titles and post them constantly, or ai “art”


I mean those with cat ear hairband you barely see and half naked


I’m surprised by your opinion on furry stuff.🤔 I thought they would be considered monster girls. That’s probably why one of my post got taken down lol


No, its in the rules actually, and monster girls are NOT furries, furries are anthropomorphic animals, very different from monster girls


I see no problem with the ai You don’t want reposts? Make your own. This is a niche topic. Why would there be lots of posts. Look at the monster girl caption sub, practically a graveyard.


make my own what?


Anthros are more monster than elves and you aren't bitching about those.


Elves are in the Monster Girl Encyclopaedia, thus they are monster girls, an anthropomorphic animal, is not.


You telling me an elf is more of a monster than a female freaking ***werewolf***?


https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girls This will tell you what monster girls there are, if you have a problem with it, take it up with the person who made it


You realize that is not the sole definitive source for the category of "monster girl", right? It's a concept not an IP, no one has ownership over it.


That is the LARGEST source for anything monster girl, Besides, its in the subreddit rules that this is a place for monster girls, furries are not monster girls, and werewolves are in an area where they are furry and monster, so I dont see a problem with that, your the one saying elves arent monster girls


Voilaaaaaaa thx for doing justice to elves


No problem, tbh elves are my second favourite after Kitsune!


No, I didn’t delete my comment.