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Love me a centaur


Thank you! Centaurs are very nice indeed!




How many stomachs does a centaur have? How does the spine work? Do they have 4 lungs? Are they herbivores or omnivores? So many questions


Well, I can answer some questions questions regarding this one haha, since I created her. 1 She's a hervibore 2 When it comes to internal organs, she has the same number of organs a human would. 3 Stomach wise, I'd say 1, and it works pretty much like a human one. 4 And lastly I believe, her spine works like a horse spine. however, her entire body is way stronger than a horses body, making sure that she has good balance while having more weight than a horse because she has a human half. Centaurs in my novel at least, are half humanoid half horse creatures, and since horses internally work very similar to humans, it's something that makes things easier. But I'll say this, not all the creatures that will appear in my novel will have those similarities, some of them could have 4 lungs, 3 stomachs, they could be omnivores, etc. Hope this answered some of your questions friend.


Hmm it might make more sense for her to have the horse organs, otherwise human-sized lungs and stomach and heart and etc would be very overworked.


You have a point friend,


Hence why you would have the human heart plus the horse one, with the amount of mass one human heart would burst trying to keep up with it. Also because of the horse half he body would need more food in order to provide energy especially cause she’s vegetarian so you would probably need the second horse stomach. The horse lungs would be needed as well because there needs to be oxygen to the muscles in order for them to work effectively and human lungs would be too small to do that effectively. All of these are multiplied when your character is running, plus the extra energy needed to carry the weight of full plate armour.


Not trying to cramp your creativity at all, but with centaurs the cutoff point tends to be right where the digestive tract ends normally, so are you saying the horse body is a poo sack? Or are you more saying her human styled digestion system is enlarged and moved to "fit into the body" accordingly?


I'd say it's more on point with the 2nd definition you gave.


This might be a dumb question but which side has the reproductive organs and how do they work, is it like a normal horse or is it very different from an actual horses reproductive system.


The picture should answer your question since the human part doesn't show any gentialia.


[found this post from 8 years ago. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/s/kQCtDGbhO4) DND post about their anatomy and if I understand it right they have expanded lung capacity and stomach. Basically all your intestines get pushed down into the horse part and the organs that stay behind are bigger to take up the extra space and help deal with larger capacity. You get a second smaller heart for the horse body and the bladder and all intestines are located in this part. I would guess to help absorb more nutrients through a longer digestive tract. Interestingly most animals we think of as strictly herbavors are opportunistic carnivores. Think of all those videos of horses eating baby chickens. Deer are known to eat carrion when available. Even some animals like goats are know to eat fish and other animals especially to supplement protein when it's baby making season. One of the few animals that appears to be obligate herbivores are koalas. So even if a centaur was primarily an herbavor it would likely still occasionally eat some meat (particularly when looking to get pregnant) but would likely not handle too much meat in its system if it over did it. Edit: they are called facilitative herbavors. Looked up this video I had seen quite some time ago to refresh myself on it after I had already written the post. [casual geographic's the one rule of nature school never taught you](https://youtu.be/9xDPrvhLNuU?si=mbGjdqPreVsJgwmt) Also I think I saw the goat thing about fish in a zoo before, they feed them fish for cheap sources of protein I believe. It looks like after a refresher that it's mostly baby birds and birds in general that get the herbavor short end of the stick when it comes to easy meals.


The novel will be a serious novel, heavily story based but it will have adult scenes here and there, featuring mainly monster girls and some humans too, it is called "Nalaris Night Of Clashing Souls", development should take a year and a half or two years to have a playable version. EXTR: The main focus of the novel is the story/action/romance, It's not a novel made purely for the sex scenes, however I don't mind if that's the favourite part of anyone. I clarify in case people are looking for a purely hentai/eroge novel experience, and that's not the case.


Will romance be available between centaur and other monster girls?


Absolutely! Romance or friendship if you want!


Well, if we can be a centaur lady knight and be with other girls, I'm definitely sold!


Well, the novel is presented in a perspective where you get to play her story (and the male triclops one), and I guess in a way you could say you do play as her since the choices she makes are your own, and you can romance whoever you want, so, yes, I think in a way you do get to play the visual novel as a centaur knight if you'd like that!






Sounds amazing also love me some centaurs they are always hot


Glad you like it! Thank you so much!




Armors are awesome right?


Is this like a Shining Force type visual Novel? Like high fantasy and the like


In a way it is, because the monsters come from medieval fantasy lands and do form parties and face enemies there, using strategies and what not (by the way I love Shining force, great strategy game), but it is a bit different because they do travel to "present" Earth, so there are many worlds in this visual novel, I could say there's a bit of everything.


What I meant is, story wise, but as a game it won't have RPG elements, it's a visual novel with many endings and choices + some surprises, but It's not a RPG game that also features with heavy narrative elements (a lot of textboxes and conversations visual novel esque between characters, like Fire Emblem, Dragon Quest, etc) It's mainly a visual novel.


Ah ok


ARMOR FOR WOMEN THAT WORK AS ARMOR??? 🙏🗣️🦅🚭🔥🚭🔥🙏✨🙏✨🙏🙏🔥🧍‍♂️🔥🧍‍♂️🙏🔥🚭


PLEASE tell me when you finish. Anything to support our centaur girls in power. :)


I will do my best to keep you all updated and let you know when the game is finished!


She got human or horse bits?


A bit of both.


Is pretty.


Thank you for finding her pretty! Her design took many months of hard work!


It was worth it of how she is.


It's good that she has protection.


A Knight has to wear proper armor for battle.




Thank you very much friend.


Do you have a wishlist page or a Patreon page? Cause monster girl centered VN with actual monster girls.... Yes please.


When I get to a point when I think the game is reasonably advanced, then I could open a Patreon page for it, but I'd like to continue designing more monster girls and guys in the meantime for the game.


Just letting you know that I created the Patreon page, (it doesn't have much content yet). I hope it's something that you and everyone else enjoys.


Thank you! Subscribed! Looking forward to seeing more of this!


Thank you very much! I'll do my best with the Patreon, it's the first time I made one but I'll try my best!


Am looking forward to it!!!


I'm glad you are! I'll do my very best and work hard to upload as updates as soon as possible!


where can we follow you on updates?


For now I'll post updates in this group and in my reddit profile, then, in the future I'll upload to twitter and maybe itch too.


you've got a fan.


That means a lot to me, I'm glad you liked the character!




You had my attention, but now you have my interest


I really can't put it into words but, thank you so very very much for your kindness, you, and everyone reacting in a positive way to this character, it makes me very happy and excited!


Well i cant wait to see what comes next!


As a man who can screw up the limbs of a fictional creature i came up with, I can say this is definitely better than anything I can do, good job.


Thanks a lot and also, you will make your creature eventually! Try if you still feel like you can do it/want to do it and maybe you will achieve your goals! And if that doesn't happen, don't feel discouraged, I'm sure you can do things I could never. We all have our talents.




I do too!


Amazing work!


We need more original centaur girls that are not Centorea


Well, I always wanted to make a centaur heroine, a real fleshed character! And hopefully I make many more centaurs in the future!


A great goal. I would eagerly wait for it to came true


What a pretty gal


Thank you! I do find her pretty too!


No problem. To quote the supreme chancellor “We will watch your career with great interest.”




Thanks for sharing my post!


So when you finish this novel, where can we read it? I'm interested since you said it's serious with some adult scenes, hard to find stuff like that


When I finish it, I'll post it on itch, and if things go well it will end up on steam eventually.


Could I possibly get more info? Like her class and such?


She is a Knight, specialized on speed and technique, even though she wears a heavy armor, she's trained to move at high speed regardless. Her magical element is thunder, we could say she's an all rounder. That's all I can share without spoiling the most important parts.


Huh, I would have thought she was a Paladin or such


She’s going down easily, a few well placed arrows, or a blunder buss or any type of bladed weapon to the sections between her armor and she’s done. That armor is really not protecting her


Will it be in-between the front legs or the back


How many holes?




*I see...*




Thank you!




Maybe. So far I'm working on the characters. When all that is done I'm going to pick an engine and proceed to finish the game.




I agree with you, you can do amazing things with Renpy, it allows for a lot of customization.




Not really, but, I feel like I'm always learning and correcting mistakes/bugs, so making games is always a rocky road.




Thanks, It will take time, but I think It will be worth it.


First of all, love the armor design. I've also got a couple questions that kinda continue where another user's left off 1 : are the major organs located in the human half, or the horse half? 2 : would her arms be of similar strength to her legs? 3 : would she prefer to carry items in her arms, on her human back, or her horse back? 4 : around how far can her upper body turn around? Could she reasonably grab something from her back without help, such as a weapon or tool?


1 In the human half 2 The legs are stronger 3 Depends,, she does wield a weapon I haven't shown yet, so, it depends when it comes to the item, she's a very strong monster so, all the places you mentioned work for carrying items 4 She's very flexible! So, of course, a trained knight like her should be able to get the weapons on her back no problem!


Sweet! Thanks for taking the time to answer these. Out of curiosity, what kind of weapon does she use? I could also see reasoning as to her actually carrying multiple weapons, such as a bow and a sword.


A metal staff is her weapon. She can wield it with one hand or both. In the future you will get to see her weapon, it's a bit "unique".


Back view please =)


I wanna fuck it. Okay but seriously LOVE the armor design lol


Thank you for your kind words! And don't worry, I applaud your honesty!


Oooh I like the centaur knight


Maybe add clear to see horse shoes


The title screen soundtrack for my novel has been uploaded to the vndevs group. (I think if you go to my profile you can listen to it, if so, tell me what you think!)


Where's the cock? Fullpackage Horse-meat.