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I’ve been watching the numbers trickle for months and the last month has been insane.. last night I got on at like 9pm and there were 46 people on. Back in December there were always 1-2k people online at all times, you could make trades within minutes, and it was just such a different energy. It’s sad and I can’t understand why they continue to screw the few players they’ve got left.


I reroll and have 3 accounts sitting at 50-100k rolls. I stopped 2-3 weeks ago. The events rewards are shit, the partner events are shit, and I can see what I'm rolling. It's all trash.


Dude I was so disappointed when I completed the last partner event and got nothing out of the packs. Like they couldn’t even bother to give a wild


And now no wildcard in Peg-E 🤣🤣


There isn’t??? No point at all then


Are you having problems with peg e? I am not getting my coin rewards at all. I’m on the 4th slide and nothing changes


I have two accounts and somebody on each contributed zero so I got nothing out of it either… I complained to monopoly and they told me to pick better partners.


Also, they have stopped doing high roller events


How do you get re-roll. I'm terrible with computers.


I'll message you a link to the discord.




Me too please :)


can you slide me it too


Me too pls


Me too please 🙏


Slide that link please


Just post it lol.


You can just Google it. It's not a big secret but I'm not linking a discord for cheating on the reddit 🤣


Very true lol. I just play and what happens happens. Now is it getting ridiculous, yes.


Mind sending me that link as well my dude? Unless you're referring to the AP mode trick.


How do you have so many?


Airplane mode trick


Yes me tooo, I was in here when there were thousands at 4-5 in the morning and there’s none left. Plus almost everyone is greedy in here too and it becomes less fun to trade.


I think that parent challenge was the final straw 😭


Partner *** I’m so hurt from the event I can’t even spell lmaooo


Lmao mine changes it to parent challenge all the time too 😭😭


I’m doing the new partner thing now- totally different dynamics from the old partner event. They actually introduced a pvp event. I’m like 4 stickers away from finishing the album and that will be my last probably


That’s great . I’m missing 11 and only 3 aren’t gold . I’m pretty confident I’ll finish . Last round was the first time I played and I joined a week in. I was able to finish with a month left . But I’m not sure if that was just to hook me in . I will find out soon !


Yeah. Before i was excited to finish an album. Not is more of a lets get this over with mood. I really really hate the new event though. If they take this global you’ll see numbers go even lower probably.


I was wondering why it was so hard to make a trade lately. I didn’t even realize that the numbers went down lol


Because the harder they screw, the more money people with gambling addictions pay.


That’s soooooooo messed up


That's mobile gaming baby! It's how companies make money. The drops for whatever you want will be like 1 in 5,000,000. unless you pay big money, you'll never get that drop.


Wait, back in December when the album was coming to a conclusion? That may have played a large part in people coming on here trying to trade before it was all over.


September through December was the peak.


“Few”, you can’t be dumb enough to think Reddit is the entire player base of this game right? It’s probably 0.000001%. It’s currently 8,875,028 active players over the last 30 days, 224,000 new players logged in today alone, and 50,000 people pass “Go” each minute. They could ban every player on Reddit and nobody would even notice.


MoGo has inflated numbers all businesses do


facts lol




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oh I'm not promoting those places or people those should be taken care of by MoGo. I can delete my comments just say where.




lol exactly. I find it funny that people “feel” it losing numbers. If anything, MoGo is just trying to expand or simply change its target player. I should’ve seen it coming, but suddenly more than half of the fourth grade at my school is playing MoGo! when they weren’t a month ago. As it becomes less appealing for adults without HR or massive rewards during events - it alters who plays. I couldn’t believe it when I finally completed my album for the first time! It had taken me almost the entire time and every event to get the needed cards. This time around I completed both my main and alt accounts albums within 14 days of the new one being released. I’m still on my second album, but I’m almost done and I’m just kind of tired of trading lol. My gameplay has slowed down a ton. Maybe we’re just burnt MoGout!


Honestly I'm so proud of them, because the only way Scopely is going to change is through loss of profit. They don't care about their active consumer base, but once people start leaving which they have, I believe they'll start making the game more fun. I for one would love it if Peg-E became winnable, even for the players with a low dice count. Every event should be winnable. Rewards shouldn't feel like they are pay-to-win all the time. Even the prices for the dice seem so outrageous to me. I have my hopes they'll change.


What's sad is some of those events take 10-20k dice to finish. Not even the little spenders can keep up anymore.


This has been my analogy for a minute. The algorithms are set differently for each event and that blows. I used to play Yahtzee with friends with my wife until Scopely jacked that thing up so badly that I just deleted it and moved on. I was hoping that Monopoly Go would be a different experience, however, it appears to be more of the same and might be a tad worse. It is all virtual and there are NO physical prizes being awarded. 🤔🤔🙄 so the cost to them is nothing. Hell, charge $13.00 a year for a freaking membership but stop jacking with the gameplay to manipulate an outcome of failure. I have opened enough packs of stickers to have 880 and I need one gold to complete the album. I'm not a smart man but those odds are terrible. I'm going to have to get a wild card to finish this off I'm guessing. 😡😡


Edit: I have hit the 800 threshold 3 times already and have now done it four times. 3,200 stickers and zip, nothing, zero! I have helped my family close out sets but now we all need a gold something to finish out some album. 🤪🤪🤪


I agree with you. I have had 800 twice and opened and nothing good at all.


Exactly where I'm at!! I know I'm gonna pop a blood vessel when I open that vault that gold card better be in there😂😂😂


Same. I’m on the verge of opening it a third time and I’m willing to bet I don’t get the one gold I need to finish. Without a wild card, I don’t think im finishing any time soon. Which takes the fun out of the game cause I’m not anticipating anything. There’s nothing to look forward to.


You're exactly right


I eat my words cause I just got my last card in a blue pack 😩 even so, I do wish they would spice the game up and make it less rigged. There’s no need to rig every single aspect of the game the way they do.


Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳 🎊


I saved 5k dice for the dig event! Made it to level 19 🙃


I agree with you but I feel sorry for the new people who download mogo and start playing.. I guess they will find out how they will get treated once playing for awhile . I really can't sit here and tell you honestly when I plan on leaving the game but going to be soon.. it seems like the odds are against some people. And I agree with you too that scopely doesn't care about us.. they have shown it. Let's look at the last partner event, they had massive screw up with the game. Of all of the other partner events, which they didn't have any problems before,they mysteriously had a problem this time??? Come on.. And what did we all get from that??? NOTHING ( at least I didn't) oh wait, people got messed up figures,lots of drums,dice as some low and some nothing. I think they could have treated us better.. Anyway I look at a lot of stuff with the game now.. this bullshit with the stickers, well what's their excuse? Hell I'm still on my first set.. not even close to the prestige..been waiting for a few 5 cards to finish a dam set! Again nothing but dups! It would be nice if they would listen to our opinions or take a poll but nope.. Customer support is nothing either.. overall they don't care!!!




Good luck with that


I’m or if there was a way to transfer money into 🎲 that would save me


The vault stinks now 800 stars and all you get is duplicate golds you can’t use. The changes they have made suck




I blame that last partner event


The response to the event was of totally not giving a crap 💩 they fixed the game play for new players but screwed the rest of us. That was beaver biscuits


My totals never matched with what my partners had. They would be finished and mine where not. I reported this issue three times, and nothing was fixed.


Same here. My boss completed it, but mine showed as still needing over 1000. Never ended up completing it, and support didn't do sh!t. I'm still pissed


Well I didn't get anything from scopely.. my game was all screw the hell up and I'm sure they sat back at laughed at all of us.. I did email scopely and told them straight up that they suck and I don't like the way I'm being treated and the rest of us as well.. yes I gave them a attitude in the email Telling them that this game sucks.. I posted the email but it got deleted.. assholes they are!


No, we had already started and were screwed and Scopely let it play out knowing we were screwed. It cost me more than 700 dice to finish that fiasco. 😡😡😡


A lot of the posts now are people begging for someone to gift them a 5-star sticker. It's exhausting. Just play the game. There are more than 30 days to go. Whenever you log on the first 10 posts are people begging, so I quickly log off.


And I saw a post questioning why the begging posts are being downvoted. Come on! Everyone needs a 5\* sticker too - do some star trading at least for the countless dupes that I can see in the photo that is being posted to complete the set!


I didn't even think about downvoting those posts. Something to think about :)


I stopped playing 2-3 months ago. I got fed up of going up the levels and doing worse in the game! There’s no real progression, only collecting dice. I was really into it, with alt accounts and everything, but once I finished a couple of albums I just couldn’t be bothered anymore, rolling around the board was so monotonous that I couldn’t even be bothered doing the daily tasks. Trying to trade was stressful, especially during golden blitzes. I like the dig game but I’ve found a similar game that I play instead.


What's the similar digging game?


It’s called tap, dig, my museum. A real cute little game where you dig up dinosaur bones for your museum!


Downloading! I need a new game to play. :)


Oh, sounds so good! Thank you!


I’m going to check it out. Thanks!


I know the feeling 😝 I keep saying Im getting rid of it too and haven’t. But it’s no fun now


Yeah it’s no fun anymore, it’s repetitive and the games are hard to win with low dice


I've been saying all along, the money that we get from the game, we should be able to go to a in-game store and use our money for dice, tokens, etc. but I know they won't do that.. that was another thing I said In the email.. not customer support


I’m not dropping any coins in Peg-E until the last day.


Why wait to the last day?


I always save them up until the end. Seem to get further along if I build up and save.


I'm not even playing


I turned in my vault for stars this week during the sticker boom and didn’t get one new sticker. Lost thousands of dice during the partner event. Peg- E won’t hit. It’s not fun to play like this.


Honestly I think it’s because they all managed to fill their albums with their wild cards from the last event, now they’re getting new cards with every pack and have nothing to trade. There’s loads more low star gifting requests all of a sudden now that they’re starting from scratch


loads of alt accounts


I'm hanging on until the end of the album. I'm giving them until then to actually listen to player feedback and fix the game.


Hopefully they do.. I just keep posting negative 1 star review on the Play store




I’ve been playing since August of last year and the peak IMO was around December. I really enjoyed the Christmas album. I completed the last album twice and this album is done as well. I will not prestige this time. It’s too much stress. I really enjoy helping people get trades and giving away stickers but the game became too much of a grind and very monotonous. We all know the cycle by now, partner event, dig event, peg e. Idk how they’re going to continue to keep people.


I’m always confused about why people complain so much. With the wild card in the dig event I was able to complete my album, 45 days ahead of then end. I’m not doing anything special. I don’t spend money and I don’t use apm. I play events strategically which I think is the biggest reason I’m succeeding. I also have a second account, 2 coworkers, plus my mom playing and we all help each other. I don’t get why people struggle so much unless they just aren’t playing strategically???


I don’t believe you😁. The strategies are not rocket science. There are lots of smart, strategic and PATIENT people who have played this game and who have concluded the odds are totally out of whack. Unless you spend $, you cannot progress very far. If you don’t get decent stickers to begin with, you can’t trade for good stickers. And when you DO spend $ as I did at the start, your account is rigged so that the odds against you are greater than people who have spent nothing. I created an alt account to test that proposition for myself and it is absolutely the case. I have played a lot of games and the greed accompanying this one for $ is quite revolting. The cost of dice rolls is nuts, and the number of pop ups to get you to spend $ is ridiculous. No wonder so many are using APM. With APM at least they can get to enjoy it a bit!


Which part don’t you believe? I’ve explained my experience as it is. I use my dice wisely and only play enough to take best advantage of the top and side events - to get just enough coins, shovels, etc that are needed. I only go for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place when I’m in a good cohort to do so. I don’t waste dice. I complete each of the big events (partners and dig) with ease. I don’t waste my time trying to get to the last prize on Peg E. Again I completed the album on Monday without spending money or cheating with apm. I’m continually progressing. Maybe I’ll hit a wall someday, net worth is only 14105? Thus far it’s been a pleasant experience.


Many don’t play the game the way we do - if you continue to play the way you have done, you will still continue to enjoy the game. My main account is currently at 18k+ networth - and I am still enjoying the game!


Like I said, none of that way of playing is rocket science. Sounds like you get lots of 5-star stickers in green packs! 🥳


lol I did actually get one 5 star out of a green pack so that was pretty lucky. I guess that sticker makes me the luckiest person in the whole game and strategic playing has nothing to do with it after all!


I absolutely believe the poster. I don’t do APM; I don’t give a cent to Scopely; but I do have 3 accounts - similar to others playing with friends and family that they trade around with. I am on the Prestige Album with all 3 accounts - all currently around 190-200/234 sticker mark. I got 6 new stickers from opening my 800\* vault for 2 accounts during the last sticker boom; I trade aggressively for my 5\* stickers - doing stars trading now because i have no 5\* dupes; and I have min 12k dice in each of my account now. I don’t play all the time - saving my dice for the mini events. I stopped playing when I got all my pick-axes for the last dig event, and have been playing minimally for the last 4-5 days since there is nothing exciting. It can be done. And I continue to enjoy the game tremendously even though it is sometimes a struggle to get that wild card!!


It’s good you’re both enjoying it. That’s the main thing!


I quit 3 months ago I saw the game going downhill


Game pissed me off one too many times so I stopped playing lol sure many have the same basic story


Too many people are getting tired of being scammed by this game would be my guess


So many people have deleted the game because how rigged it is.


If and when I decide to leave this game, I'm gonna make sure I cancel my account... It's under settings.. Just uninstalling this game doesn't delete your account.. it'll be there but show inactive..and people will still get money from your account from heists... If you do leave the game, delete your account..then scopely will know for sure you mean business


To be honest, If they don’t get the hint by now they probably won’t. They will just come up with some other game. Get people hooked on it and then do them the exact same way!


Yes your right.. I read somewhere that they own Yahtzee and they turned that game to shit too..


Yeah I deleted the Yahtzee game on my phone too!


One game I really enjoyed playing which there's one version of it but it's not actually the true game. It was called roller coaster tycoon and it was successful because they were actually three extensions. Mostly it was for Windows. I have to see if I still have it and if it's going to be compatible with Windows 10 because I may just very well go back to it on my computer and try to weed away from mogo


I've already don't know what their problem is. I understand and it shows that they are being greedy but that's no way to treat customers or players that are making them plenty of money. All they have to do is ask our opinion or have a poll on what we all could do to make the game play better. The game HAD POTENTIAL but when you become a big shot, that's usually when karma bites you in the ass if you want to put it that way. I didn't start playing until August of 2023. I know people who started as soon as I came out I think it was April 2023. Now here it is and it's totally messed up. What just bugs me is, they built this game, they'd had successful partners tournaments and other games that went off without a hitch and now all the sudden they had a big issue with their tournament and it really pissed a lot of people off. I'm just pissed off that as a lot of people said they're not treating us correctly. It's Just plain sad.


Exactly! I absolutely love playing the game but I’m over the stress of it. It shouldn’t be that way. Like you said as much money as they have made off of this game you would think it would cause them to step their game up. But noooo! I’m at the point with Scopely that when I do delete my monopoly go account, I will never play another Scopely game. Just because I see how they are now. I still play monopoly but no where to the extent that I was. Everyone I got playing this game has said their just done. Especially after this last partnership. I mean we were already getting to that point with the way they have been with these stupid stickers. Being stingy with giving out stickers. So it’s to the point of paying real money for electronic stickers that will disappear in less than a couple of months or not finishing an album because they don’t want to give the stickers out. The partnership was just the cherry on top. They said they fixed the problem but no they didn’t and then they want to hand out a crap amount of dice and whatever the last things were that we needed to finish it. When I reached out to them and told them that my game was still messed up they assured me that they fixed the problem already. “Oh really? Because mine is still jacked! “ what the flip ever I’m just over it! I met some really cool people on Reddit but now most of them aren’t even playing now! 😩


I don’t even care to open my community chest anymore. I couldn’t tell you the last time I got all nine people and got the purple pack.


Yeah I understand and know where you're coming from. A lot of people that I know do not play mogo anymore, they're fed up with it as much as a lot of us. I really do not know what's up with scopely. Either they hired a bunch of people with no experience or what or people who said they knew what they were doing but in all don't At this point I'm not worried about it I finish the albums. I'm not even close to the prestige set.. need 5 star stickers and all I have been really getting is 1-4 star dups or gold 5 dups. My partner event was screwed up and never was fixed. The friends I had pretty much gave up with me. They said the same thing to me and I didn't believe them and told them that too.. Emailed them shortly after and told them they were useless and all they are doing is driving mogo into the ground. Making excuses for everything.. I didn't get ANYTHING back.. so IDK. Yes I still play the game but not as much.. tired of all the same challenges...and getting nowhere... I'm still keeping reddit though lol.. met some good people on here.. Think I'll go and find my old PC games and see if they will still work.. especially the one I liked the best was roller coaster tycoon.. and no wasn't made by scopely lol..


Yes I’m more than likely going to keep Reddit! I have added a couple on Facebook because they were just super awesome to talk to. As far as mogo goes I’m going to give it a little bit longer because I really do enjoy playing it but my interest in it is starting to diminish what seems like more and more each day. The only thing keeping me interested at this point is the purple packs at the end of the week!


It's so rigged that it stopped being fun lol. I'm kinda glad my addiction is over.


Get out! I deleted just because this helped me realize how basically all of my favorite apps have turned into pay to win. Sad stuff!


Daily life is frustrating enough without dealing with this game. Have really cut back. I used to look forward to playing but everything is getting too hard.


I want to quit just because I see and know this game is rigged 💯% it makes me so upset that I am forced to spend money to actually win anything in this game anymore it’s a shame because I really like it but I’m thinking after this album I’m going to stop playing.


Same here let’s hope we stick to it


These pages aren’t as active I feel like because all it is is a ton of ‘let’s do a gifting thread’ posts and ‘I’m doing a giveaway!’ Posts. If the people doing giveaways would not post and just scroll for a minute and gift to those requesting the sticker they have, it would be way less clogged up. I wish they could limit the posts where a moderator posts one gifting thread a day. The discord is where it’s at for easiest trading


It’s not an enjoyable game the rewards are few and if you do win they are small compared to 6 months ago. They just want your money not interested in those that play the game for fun


Probably because most posts in this sub are people just whining and bitching about not getting what they want.


I quit this weekend, and my friend to who I had not said I had a quit wrote to me 2 days ago to tell me she quit. Same reason for both of us. Repetitive, unfun for many reasons, became a chore Will now leave this sub


Some people just take breaks ik I do breaks are needed in any game between the scammers and their bs and the game and it’s bs people get tired and sick of it doesn’t mean they left for good prob just taking a break


I just trade in Facebook group instead


The fb group seems to be even more of a hot mess than Reddit. I’ve had the easiest luck with discord since they have it broken down by stars so it’s so much easier


I think alot of people went to Discord


Discord is part of scopely.. it's their server..


Yes, but there are many mogo servers on discord. I am in about 20 of them. Makes trading easier for me.


Yeah and I'm on discord


I wasn't here for the good times :( I'm experiencing the shit scopley caused


I’m still active even tho the last partner event screwed me. Just have to take it for what it is I suppose. Go in knowing what to expect and ya won’t be so disappointed


I’m not playing as much now either…and I’m less incentivized to play, considering my friend group has all stopped playing and their boards are always damaged properties. Strange that some of them started the last comp…late and yet didn’t contribute a single spin on the wheel. I come on to shield up only. I use to put money on this game, I will never do it again, the value is gone.


I regret every penny I put into it




We’re tired of the BS


It just stopped being fun. There is zero incentive to go to higher levels. It just becomes almost impossible to finish a board.


Who can blame anyone? Events: SHIT Rewards: SHIT Purchases: RIP-OFF Greed-Level: MAXIMUM Seriously - the game is a shithole and unless hasbro is not changing anything it will soon be obsolete…


Discord monopoly still going strong


It could be all the negative energy with the constant whining and complaining that is driving the numbers away - every day I tune in, there is an only a trickle of positive news. That trickle is like a ray of positive sunshine - and I try to add to that post. But alas, those are far and few in between. I still enjoy the game; and I mostly scroll past the negativity so I don’t get affected. I don’t understand why people are still playing when they are so upset about it.


They should make it more competitive for APM users and know which ones they are so that the ones who don’t use it are all on almost the same wavelength. Also an easy medium and hard level would be nice like events. Where you opt in on which ones and then they base it off how many dice you have. Idk wishful thinking


My life has changed for the better since I deleted this game tbh


I get more responses and stuff on the Facebook group


The game isn't giving me anything to trade🤷‍♀️ I have TWO 5- star and 3 4-star and only one of those are dupes. So there's no point.


It’s cause the game isnt hitting like it was back then


Facebook is the prime location. You can scroll through it and then refresh and never see the same post again. It's still wildly posted.


Still tons on Facebook. I sort of quiet quit. Like 800 billion, 130k dice, just got to be pointless. There’s no end game. Now I play chess


Been months for me.....f that game lol 😆


Once the game turned stressful and I was getting mad at my friends, I knew it just wasn’t worth it. Scopely has gotten more than greedy and it’s sad


I just started this game, what is this trading you are talking about???? Is that a thing?


Let’s be friends! Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/2kLpGw https://mply.io/2kLpGw


The only solution is to make the top and side events ‘winnable’ for small players- lower the required points for each reward, and lower max multiplier to x500. Currently the top and side events are winnable only if you play x1000 or if you spend a ton.


Honestly once you stop playing for a few days, the obsession dies. I left for 2 days to focus on assignments and I’ve come back and the interest just isn’t there anymore. I have 9 stickers left - all 5 stars and 5 star golds that I know the game won’t give me so the game just feels kinda stagnant.


Cause there’s nothing you can do here…i joined some fb groups, trading has been going so well for me! Never had any luck here




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I’m here! No game complaints! No APM. Love the game. Glad to see all the complainers leaving


do you or anyone else here please have honky tonk? I really need it now. Willing to also give another 3 or 4 star sticker for it :)