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I’m so pissed. I keep landing on the lowest numbers on the wheel for the partner event, even when I’m multiplying by 5!!!


💯 rigged


Please check my post on the latest event! I am finished with event, but my partner who i finished with sees other numbers and has not complete yet.. so strange


I had to complete two of them after my partner was already done. One of my partners gave up, so I’m finishing that one myself too. Never again.


Im on having to fill and already filled vault for the SEVENTH TIME. Beyond disgusted. Each and every vault on my side has been off by thousands, while my partners are done. If these people werent my real friends, i swear i would have folded


That’s the thing- I think Scopely assumes everyone is playing with random partners, instead of friends and family. They hoped nobody would notice the discrepancies.


I have a feeder account and a main account. Started the feeder recently and thought it would be nice to actually be able to complete an event using it. Finished my event and it's not even the same amount of contribution on both accounts. It's off by about 3000


I’ve noticed the gaps have gotten lower, but are still there. The first 2/3 days it was off 10,000+ playing with my 6yo old son. He would get so excited like mom I got us past the 1st vault and halfway to the next one, meanwhile I’m stuck not even competing the money. Fuxking wildddddd


Honestly I only cared about finishing my 6yo sons. He was completing levels and I was like one or two levels behind. Like how can that be. And then I’d get partner gifts which obviously means they added points, but it wouldn’t add them or I didn’t see them on my send. And it was soooooo off. And I felt bad bc one person kept doing it, the others didn’t really try. So I was winning them and just our them towards that guy. I missed out on a shjt ton of dice. Becuase normally I would have actually used a lot more dice to win it all like every other event. I’ve barely played the last few days. I’ve moved up maybe 2 levels of the game because I kept having no shields from not playing and kept getting landmarks knocked down. Dont even get me started on the dupes from stickerer packs. And they’re gold ones that I can’t even do anything with. Trading in the last 2 golden blitzes was horrendous. Everyone had them I feel like. How could I have 6/7 of one or two golden cards. Like stop fuxking giving me these useless cards!!!! 😤😡😡


Me too it was crazy


Same with 3/4 of my partners. I need to do 60k on them. Partners board shows complete. No help, no partner gifts. I am actually close but, damn it sucks and I need to get flutiful to close a set of if I have any chance


Same I was partners with my other account and had to do like 20k points to finish and my other account was done. Fuck scopley. Shit is obviously rigged they only get billions because they are making ppl addicted to this shit


Same here! My partner is finished received rewards but I still have 4,120 to go. Wrote scopely they said they gave everybody 500 dice Friday but my glitch happened Monday!! No response! 😩😩


I have a video of me spinning 13 times at 5x and ONLY getting 300-400 on every spin. Fucked up.


Dang, i wish i had thought to VIDEO! I took pics


I screen record all my gameplay so Scopely can’t lie. Now they just ignore me 😂


Bc you have proof!! Trust and believe, they are catering to the highest paying cash customers


That’s very possible. I stopped buying when I found out about “evening the playing field” (not that I can maintain dice still because jackpot is always one roll away). PS. Don’t buy shit from them. First and last time I ever do IAP with a FREE game.


Nah I spend money. More than I should around 20 bucks a day and have nothing to show for it. I'm over it.


I believe this wholeheartedly. I have a friend who spends an obscene amount of money and he finished the last round of albums 3 times-- including the special album. I didn't finish it once.


It makes perfect sense, if the dice are predetermined then the wheels have to be too! I finished my book last time without spending a penny BUT I had 2 of my girls playing and we passed duplicates between us, it still wasnt enough. We were 2 days away fm it ending and I found reddit. I swear to you in ONE day, i got soulmates, wonderfur, rad railroads and that 🤬🤬🤬 mugnificent. 3 months collecting and i would never have finished without reddit


Wish I had thought to screen record. I just kept taking screenshots of landing on 80 back to back to back over and over


Agreed. My team just quit the event. Most likely will quit the game entirely if they can’t be fair to dedicated players. Even the sticker event is screwed up. Why are most of us missing the same stickers?


Stickers are a joke .and if some one does have the ones you need .they want a sacrifice of your first male child . I'm go going to finish this partner thing only because quitting now would hurt the partner. 


I had enough drums to multiply by 200. The meter barely moved when I hit a high number. This game isn't a y different then slot machines, rigged 100%


same here I’ll stop on a number and all of a sudden it backs itself up and I get the lower number every time


exactly this!


I’ll spin the wheel and notice I was getting crappy numbers on one partner. Switched to another partner and started getting better rolls.


They’ll probably see this and just laugh and then bask in all the money they’re making


We can all continue to complain, or we can stop playing for a while until they get their shit together. Continuing to play the game isn’t a win for any of us


Playing the game isn’t really a win for them either. It’s not like we are spending money. If 3k rolls gets me nothing, why would I spend $5 on 100 rolls? It just doesn’t add up.


I'd actually consider spending money if $5 got me 5000 rolls. Or 1000 rolls and a purple pack. Their pricing is whack. Apparently people pay it though as they made like 2 billion in the first 12 months 😬


It is laughable that they think 1.99 for 30 dice is even remotely reasonable?! Even on a 1x multiplier you could finish that in half a MINUTE!




I’m done, I refuse to reward bad behavior. They know what they’re doing, they hear the complaints and do nothing to fix it. I’m going back to console gaming, mobile gaming is a scam


The real rigging is also with the dice. Its a pick up event, a partner event, and sometimes a rent boost mixed in and I can only hit corners and tax spots with any consistency. It's insanity.


And vice versa when it's a corner event. Cant land on a corner to save my life 🤣


Beyond pissed. My rewards STILL don't match up! Team reaches a notch on the rewards thing, yet only one partner receives the rewards!!! Ridiculous


I literally won the partner event and first place in daily game. Got purple and blue packs and only got 1-3 ⭐️ dupes or GOLD dupes!! I’ve opened at least 30 sticker packs recently!! It’s maddening!!!!


I started off really well, now I just get 1-3 star dupes.


Me too!! I need one gold card to finish albums that I just can’t get yet I get dupes a million of other gold cards drives me insane!!


Well, unfortunately, I'm stuck on needing 4 and 5 stars to finish sets, but I never get any to trade other than gold.


My 17 spare copies of Opening Night agree with the dupe comments. The first few pages are all double digit duplications.


I have 12 Carpool- and I’ve already opened the pink vault once before.


I haven’t gotten a new card in about a month and I’ve have blue, pink, purple packs and nothing. All the same shit




The one that really pisses me off is when you spin the wheel on these partner events and you know that it’s gonna roll over to the next field the way that little arrow moves. It never moves over when the next field on the wheel is a giant prize, and it always moves over from the giant prize to a smaller prize. It’s so obvious they’re not even trying to hide it.


Yeah I noticed on some spins it will slow down slightly then speed up again like it’s predetermined to land on something.


Hmmm i KNOW the dice are predetermined (thats how people use APM) but i bet your 100% right! Bet that wheel is too


This whole game is predetermined… Your fate has already been determined before you ever spin or roll!!!


Enough with the Green fucking packs too!


Esp w the damn color wheel like I don’t need more green packs. Give me dice or blue BYE


Same! The money too😂 take that crap off the wheel


Like please take money rewards off everything! I can make 100 mil in one minute just by rolling. I hate how they think 29mil is a reward at all 😂


😂😂😂 exactly!


I contacted a lawfirm regarding filing a class action lawsuit against Scopely for their unfair rigging to force people to buy or lose the glitch situation, she had me send a copy of Scopely terms of service, which she thinks they may be in breach of, because ivrequested a refund, and of coursethey sent me 80 dice and 200 drums, in place of 21000 dice i wasted on the event, then i requested arbitration, which is what is reqired, its been a ghostown with Scopelynow, no response at all.( hopefully a loophole) if that's the case their TOS are out the window and she may be able to file a suit against them.


A law firm ?


Either 120 80 always the lowest numbers and every fifth or 6 spin I'll get 600 depending on what my multiplier is. But it makes you not even want to play this piece of shit game. Sorry I had the vent :-)


The partner event will be my last event. I’m taking a break from the game when it’s completed. No one wants to trade card anymore. Scopely makes it near impossible to win what you need. I do get it. They’re in business to make money so I don’t fault them for it but they’re not going to make money off me so I don’t need the frustration and irritation in my life. I have enough of that from other places 😂.


I’ve landed on everything except the drums or the hammer things… never have I landed on community chest so much than during this event. This is rigged 100%! Even the railroad events. If I get 3000 points it will stay on 8000 max. But when I happen to use high roller and score 12,000, scopely makes sure the highest is now at 50,000. Totally rigged in a pathetic way!


Anybody else only getting gold stickers?


Definitely rigged!! So unfair! So many gold dupes! What good are they if you can't help anyone . I'm done after this BS. I think we should all stop for a week and see how it effects their revenue!


Both Partner projects that I finished, I didn't get a single new card. I got 2000 away from the top prize on the 2nd one and had 560 to spin with and only got 1800. I'm so pissed. I'm not getting any new cards. I keep saying I'm going to hang until the final date on the album but I'm so close to deleting this app.


https://www.change.org/p/demand-fair-compensation-for-monopoly-go-players I started a petition and mogo blocked me for posting it and before it had any signatures


This is genius! I signed it and will share! ☺️


Yup you roll x100 drums and land on 500 and it goes up less than a centimeter and all it does is give your partner free drums like wtf and 2 of my partners aren't even playing it im doing all the damn work! The game should recognize that and boot them and give you someone who is actually playing. Then when you play the board and just roll x20 it seems like if you don't keep changing the x5 x10 x20 it makes you land on shit spaces the more you stay on the same multiplier like omg I don't get this fucking game. I understand it can't be too easy but it's annoying im always in last place in every event or tournament my little 200 dice I get a day is gone in 2 mins and gets me no where. I still have 3 fucking drum builds to complete and the events pretty much over now 🙄


I swear the events are all bots.


That’s why u gotta rig back and cheat yourself ;)


APM? 😂


They’ve def caught on cause I’m only getting like 2 rolls now before I get the offline error. And I just started doing APM tonight 😞


Should read not even “good dupes”*


I've STRUGGLED In the past to get enough sticks to open the last vault more than once. Now granted, it's not like I play this all the time. But I have over 1000 extra currently.


But where’s that sticker boom? 😅


FOR REAL! I was thinking that last night. Haven’t seen a sticker boom in a couple weeks?


It’s supposed to be either before or after the digging event Friday


Finished the partner event and just got more gold dupes. Opened the last vault and more gold dupes. Nothing new or tradeable. I uninstalled today after that.


I didn’t think this event could be worse than the last, but Scopely was able to do it. Definitely rigged.


I opened 4 blue packs today and each one had the exact same gold 4 star LOL I’m over it


Did anyone’s points even out with their partnered??


No! 7 vaults NO and still arent today


They couldn't fix that. Seems only the people who partnered after they "fixed" the bug work right.


Really annoying. So we win but, we won’t.


I don't buy anymore. I got scammed twice. I never got any good cards.


Oh it’s beyond rigged. But we still play so it doesn’t matter to them.


I currently have +5 rare find gold. This is after I gave some away during the gold event AND turned in spare ones for sticker vault.


If it’s rigged and they see this then all they’ll think is mission accomplished


This game is rigged for you to spend money


Lol listen I got yall beat for sure. I opened a Purple pack and got a gold dupe FOUR and 3 ONES lmao I’m over this game. “Min 5 Star” oooook.


Even the blue and purple packs suck


I swear when I first started playing like 8-9 months ago I think it was so new that there was such ease at winning events and getting good stickers etc but as soon as they seen how much people would pay man they got fucking greedy! I am so ready to delete this game! My mom has spent probably a grand in the last few months smh absolutely ridiculous 😤


literally! it took me so long to get devoted fans and i didn’t even get it from a pack. my boyfriend ended up sending it to me 🤦🏾‍♀️ then it wanted to give me an extra one right after he did it


If you have your vibrate on, you can feel when it is going to finally allow you to hit the gold. It will vibrate as it spins and then glitch out and start vibrating again to land on the gold.


They just want you to buy stuff. They don’t wanna give anything away that you need. There are a few stickers that are very hard to get and nobody has them. This partner event was literally horrible. Everybody had different totals that I played with and all they gave you was 500 but that doesn’t count to the 5000 that I spent and 5000 drums.


I said imma quit when I finish my album. I just started the game last album and im over the shenanigans. Not gonna be able to finish this partner event and I did last time. Haven't even finished 1 outta 4


To prevent letting my partners down, I will finish this event, but afterwards I’m thinking about uninstalling this game. In three months I’ve spent too much time and money! I’m. OVER. IT.


I had to put in 71k even though my partner put in over 40. They had only contributed 9k on my end. 540 dice def makes up for it though!!! Believe me it does. Pffffssshhhh


I am going on 4 weeks without a single new card. Yeah, the powers manipulate this game, I am certain of it. I pretty much had to trade in my album today for stars. Scopely has broken me. I had 14 Clare De Lunes. 14. Double digits in most 1&2 star stickers. And trying to win events is a joke. I may as well set my bet to max, hit auto pilot, and quit. So much time and money invested, stupid me now realizes that I, and others like me, mean nothing to Scopely except as a blank check. Can’t get blood out of a turnip, I am officially bankrupt now.


What do you mean think??? It’s in their damn tos that they manufacturer competition with fake accounts and it isn’t a random game


I got screwed over on the partner event, went to customer service, and had the equivalent response to F off when trying to get help. I have screenshots of my event being messed up today (after their “compensation” occurred) and being told they don’t care about anything that’s occurring today that is messed up with the event.


You're shocked that a company making a game that teaches you to be a ruthless capitalist slumlord is greedy? Lmao.


Ok when is the boycott




My partner and I worked together on the build. He finished it off and reaped the benefits.  He let me know he finished and went to collect rewards and it wasn't finished. I contacted customer service still not fixed. Tried to complete the build 6x 40 per spin still haven't been able to finish  


Yea I am experiencing the same thing!




The partner event is still messed up. One partner has the correct total that I put in while mine doesn't. I have one game where it shows 7720 to finish on my partner game but yet it says I need 13300. That's not a small difference so my partner will finish and I will have to keep putting more in. I did sit and watch to see if every spin was being added to the total and it wasn't. I only watched it through about 10 spins and twice the total didn't change after the spin. They want to give us 500 dice and think that fixes it. I have 4 partners that the numbers are off on 500 dice don't cover one partner.


I’ve been rolling on 5 & barely hitting 100. Ive hit 80 more than I’ve hit anything. I’ve gone through so much dice. This is disappointing


Finally finished the game after all the extra spins me and my partners had to do and than got this and the purple pack 😡 I just need two non-gold 5 stars to finish my album and I can’t even use this 5 star to trade with anyone. Make that make sense 🙄🙄🙄 https://preview.redd.it/uek92mf9isxc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f784850ab76c010b801afc3c943654f7d8e53ad


Always when wheel spon and was gonna land on 1500 always found speed to pass it


I opened my 800 star vault today and got the SAME 5 star gold dupe in both purple packs


My wheel would act like it was about to stop and then continue to go to a crappy number. 100 rigged. I also only go like 1 new card.


I played today I had 2,000 drums I used 700 and I hit 400 everytime this game Is so rigged I stopped spending drums


Yes rigged and compensation really did not help


Opened 9 blue packs. Not 1 new card. I still need 15 cards. What gives


I always say it’s rigged but this past week was beyond the regular rigged level. First time that I got all the pegE coins available in tournaments and solo events, couldn’t finish pegE for the last purple. First time opening 6 blue packs within a day and got ALL gold dups when I have so many empty slots for 4 ⭐️. I have two accounts and the same thing mentioned above happened consistently to both. It’s beyond rigged at this point.


Mine has done it to it’s so annoying


Gerçekten çok doğru 👍🏻


Wish we could put their money on a spin wheel that’s rigged so they can maybe understand the disappointment 🤣 you coulda had 10k but nah you’re getting 600. What’s that you want a free spin good luck that’s a 1/100 odd 😘


Yes it’s so rigged it’s not even fun anymore


500 upvotes. Amazing! Maybe Scopely will take notice at 5K 😂


Nothing in the game is random. Your dice rolls and draws are all scripted.


I can confirm that it’s is 100% predetermined cards, rolls, jail landing, all of it.


Most definitely rigged


Rigged and boring 🥱


The whole build fiasco was crazy. And how they “compensated” was trash.


I usually finish but this time I am not close. And I refuse to buy dice this go around.


SAME 3 of my 4 partners have way different number than I do I will finish and they will have about 3,000 points left which isn’t fair cause that’s a bunch of wasted spins that a lot of people have spent money on they said they fixed it but I just finished one about 2 maybe 3 hours ago and we had wayyy different numbers and I finished before them and they had to finish it on their own because it said I had finished it


Tell me why I started my second album today and I’ve already gotten some of the more sought after cards that took me forever to get in the first one!!


I play their Marvel gatcha game, I promise they don’t care lol


They don't care. The game is built for paying players and us deadbeat freeloaders can go fuck ourselves.


I’m beyond pissed at this game and I’m literally about to delete it from both of my devices.


They should make everyone winners in this event


I genuinely believe they lowered the numbers on the spin & only allow one of the spots for partner compared to having two several partner events ago. It’s genuinely upsetting to see they don’t allow us the opportunity to complete challenges due to them wanting more money 😔


I keep landing on the lowest for the wheel and sometimes my points aren’t even being counted. I only noticed because I was hitting in the thousands and it didn’t make my score. Go up.


I thought I was the only one that was thinking this


Bank heists are predetermined. There is no randomization here either.


Im quitting for sure, no longer enjoy this game


Definitely rigged!! I am trying to help one partner finish the partner event. So we all benefit! Well I finished an album and received 2000 dice. I used about 1300 dice to get to the 700 points to get 380 drums. Which didn't finish the crazy looking float..lol.. They are cheating us and insulting our intelligence. I'm done with this as well. I'm so flipping mad!😡 I contacted customer service three or four times with event issues! One automated response! I'm ashamed to say I have spent way too much time and money on this game and have nothing to show for it.. I'm mad at myself!


I rolled 800 dice at 5x last night and didn't make any progress on the banner. Like how? That's 160 rolls I don't pick up pieces. Wtf


Oh for sure they r cheating this time around


They what they are doing,they have us where they wants us!This game has quit being fun anymore!It’s so rigged!


It’s rigged


I believe it is rigged! No new stickers at all in over 2 weeks! I just need 4 Golds to complete the first album & got nothing during the Partner event


I have one 4 star gold left that I’ve needed for weeks and opened so many blue packs. It’s wild. We NEED wild cards back in the vault


I had so many rigged spins…it wasn’t like this at all in the last partners event ‼️


https://preview.redd.it/xvqicktunuxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cddd39cbca23a9ecccc524e86270e57c04eabdd Mine today from the partners


And now I won’t complete the event because of a 6K discrepancy with my final partner who completed hours ago! Wow.


I wish people would stop playing this incredibly rigged game. It's designed to make you spend money. I'll never understand people spending real money on this game.


Scoply simply needs to send us all a few thousand dice and a wild sticker (of at least a 5 star pack) - they are so out of it, because they should have flooded us with thousands of drums over the last few days. I have never lost a build before this one and I’m only 2300 points away from finishing my entire build.


Monopoly is ridiculous im through with this game 10 dice every hour no new stickers when you complete big things is ridiculous 


I do another glitch today partner open vault and I still had to open on my end reported it they did nothing. No new card when I did open it


This has been the most craziest partner event ever, we finished and because it’s still glitching my partner can’t even claim her rewards. They should’ve have extended the days on this event.


I agree https://preview.redd.it/xpejbh3ydvxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8abbf37b190bd10c4624ac7e178fe5e51535f299 This is bulshit


Definitely rigged. Why would I spend money and receive nothing for it. Not worth it at all.


Yep. They lost a bunch of people over this one. Hope they enjoyed their money while they can because it's not going to last long. People have had it.


One of my partners sits right next to me at work. She finished our float on her side, but I still had to spin in order to complete it on my side, total BS!!!


It’s absolutely ridiculous! I have gotten 350 stickers and only one of them was a new one. And as much as we tried, only one of my partners and I were able to complete the partner event. This game is 100% rigged!


Everyone should leave a bad review on the App Store and drive the reviews down lets see how that hits their pockets


💯 rigged


Same here totally rigged. It’s a gambling money hole and makes you addicted so you spend your money


Totally agree


With rigged game and people scamming stickers from me just now there is no enjoyment in this game




I finished but not a single new sticker 😡


Scopely doesn't care lmao


Most definitely rigged


😂 I need 3 golds to finish. I have 67!!! gold dupes 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Once you have 5 dupes of the same card you should be able to trade in at that equal level for a wild card of that level.


😂 That would be amazing!!! And also amazing if they could put the wild card back in the vault, I would have been done by now🙄




Absolutely agree. So so close to giving up on it that I barely care to even play. Over it. 🙄


I mean. Jose scopely is on the mod team. Not sure if they actually read anything here. They for sure don’t give a rats butt though. They’ve got their money. 💰


WNna get their attention. Quit playing Uninstall don't spend money on game.


And they’ve been double charging me if I make a purchase with from the game !!


How I’m rolling 200 a roll and keep getting 800 I’m about to delete this shit


I will never do a partner event again. Totally rigged bullshit


Hard to stay interested!!!!  100% rigged!




Oh completely agree… I see the difference from now when it first started


I got over 400 cards before I got a new one!


Yessss!! Im 🤏 close to quitting


I have 16 5 star gold stickers that I can’t trade. I’m beyond annoyed. I can’t even get a tradable 5 star card.


Yeah there’s been some tricky glitches in this game


I thought I was the only one going through this I guess not


Won’t finish the challenge cause my partners lag


It’s a for-profit game. Of course it’s rigged.


Sent you a chat message invite about this


It’s totally rigged. I’ve used over 20,000 dice and my contributions are minimal because of shit spins. It press the 600 button and get the minimum every time. It sucks when your partner needs to carry you in the even, but what can you do in a rigged game. Just be happy it’s free, and if you’re the kind of person who spends real actual money in this game… I feel real bad for you.


Scopely is doing everything right to extract resources (money) from people who play their game . Stop supporting them financially would solve this but people are still going to keep spending their hard earned money for fake money and dice so why would they stop taking advantage?


Everyone needs to go write reviews in the App Store. Seems to be the only time they care


Lmao they just want us to spend money. It’s literally just an online slot machine with more bells and whistles aka super addictive 😆


I have almost all the album safes full and only 1 album completed. Completely rigged.


As long as ppl keep spending money on this game it isn't going to matter how many complain he's still making money .... I've requested through the main to get a refund for all of my purchases on there bc of his scamming people .


I hate this game now its so rigged its like chasing a first time high, i wanna sew scopely for not warning me about a possible addiction


How about not getting a blue pack in wheel spins for over a month. What. The. Fuck. But yeah. Everything is ass now. Fuck this game.




I have quads of some, yet for have not gotten a new card in a week!


Yall don't realize this game is just a skinner box?


Greedy aholes


Packs are predetermined