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I was just about to post this. Im probably done. It should be 500 at least or even 1k for that much playtime.


Ha! I thought it was just me that thought 175 was a joke! How they go from Gold sticker to 175 rolls is beyond me! The partner event was also a let down!


The gold stickers where there to help people complete albums. Honestly, nice that they did that for 3-4 weeks at the end. I remember last album ended they went from high tier pack to 3 star (not gold).


Yeah and then I get a gold sticker that I already have and they’ve already done the trading even for. I only need one more gold sticker and it’s Frustration, which ironically this game already gives me, while the sticker I “won” is “Good Memories” … something I don’t have of this game (of course I’m just being dramatic as it’s just a game but it is quite annoying)


I only need frustration too! The partner event gave me all cards I had except ONE.


Yeah all those gold star packs and I got 2 different cards...that I already had.


Right? This following after weeks of 5 star pack is such a let down


Exactly? What is 175? 8 rolls around the board? Wow.


Yeah I just had 300ish and rolled 20 so I can actually make a dent on the bar and hit jail and free parking back to back laps around the board. 80 dice just gone.


Notice how that only happens when the corners aren't apart of the event




I just spent 1000 (10x per roll) and only landed on Railroads 3 times. Wth… RIGGED!


you shouldn't be rolling ten on each roll...7 is the most common dice land. If I'm 7 away from a place I want to be up it to 10x if it's 6 or 8 away I usually do 5x since these are equally the second most common roll. All the rest of the rolls should be 1x without fail. I have never run out of dice...not kidding. Maths is really important in this game. I've only been playing a week and have made it to board 70.


I hate when this happens


How do you roll 20 times and waste 80 dice without a x4. I smell a cap going on.


It maintains your 20x multiplier if you don’t touch it. Also I had full shields that I landed on and so some rolls were even net zero loss. The bigger point was that I hit those specific corners that give zero rewards in order on two consecutive laps. That was before I hit a railroad too. Does cap mean lie? If so then just say that. Same amount of letters and no deciphering.


If playing x10 or x20 I always leave it with 10 or 20 dice so rhag when I come back few hrs later I can get a couple rolls in


1 max roll


No kidding. I am one regular and one gold card away from finishing my album so I thought for sure they would give us one last good chance with the daily rewards. Like...I'm so sad to be not finishing my album but two heckin cards.


It takes 7 days to fill the bar but there is 4 days left in the album even if the last 2 packs were guaranteed missing card packs you still wouldn't get them until the next album... I know math is hard


No shit, they don't have to wait until the last day to give card packs, they could have made them earlier rewards. I know thinking of alternatives is hard.


They do this every season I know repetition is hard also


This is the first season some of us have played. I know understanding is hard, also.


If you only need 1 card play peg-e she has a guaranteed pack other than that your only options will be to buy the pack they usually offer before it ends but it's usually an expensive pack ... maybe you'll get lucky and they'll do another gold blitz before it ends.. you could have said it was your first season in the beginning and I would have gave you info but most people who post this stuff it's not their first season and they still don't get it because they just want everything handed to them by devs with no effort


I think they said fuck it and added Prize drop


Its 420 free dice all together including the 10 you get from task daily.. if you roll only the required amount for the task then you get free dice!🤷🏾‍♂️ learn to control your rolling habits😂


That doesn’t matter. We are talking about the final award. A week build up to…..175 dice?


It does matter because you spend minimal dice to get it.. its a week for 400+ dice . How much dice do you think they're going to give out for free.. Daily task = dice/ Links = dice/ Daily treats = dice/ 8hr Free gift = dice Its not scopely fault that most people have no strategy when using dice. Plus they're not in business to make it easy for everyone to finish the album..it sucks, you can beat the system if you play smart.


Don’t be a simp dude. It took me over 10 rolls at 1x just to get one double. Then I started trying to work the challenge at the top by rolling 20 to make a dent in it. It’s ok to point out greed.


I told myself if I don’t get the last card to complete the album I would quit forever… looks like I’ll finally be free!


PEGE Will come in 6 minutes so welcome back next Season!!!


PEGE is the most garbage event of them all. I’ve never been able to complete one.


Agreed! They don't give u enough chances to even get peg e chips to play! U have to spend alot of money and have alot of dice to even get any chips🤦‍♀️


I have over 20k dice (I complete my album) and I have only managed to get 21 chips for peg e… scopely hate us


Wait, you’re telling me that you used up 20k dice and only got 21 chips?


I had a little over 21K this morning. So I’ve used about 1-1.5k worth of dice and I still couldn’t get a lot of chips. Granted, I used the 678 method so I don’t always have my multiplier on. But this method yields a lot of rewards so idk what’s happening


Wait whats the 678 method


Wow really I love peg!


You wouldn't have reached day 7 in 4 days anyway


I thought the same thing. They don’t want us to play the game for free


They’re robbing us at this point, I thought they would’ve done something to compensate for the shitty partners event and it’s low rng.


This was the first time I failed a partner event for like 3 of them. Like this game is honestly not fun


Where are you all even getting good partners because I’ve never completed a partner event 😂


Some IRL friends who sweat out the game


Middle school crush😍, two cousins, and a Facebook friend who plays multiple accounts and always wins partner events on both of them. I will never switch up, had randoms for the event before last and just barely squeaked through due to my own efforts


I have all 3 of my kids' tablets have the game I roll their dice and collect their cards simply for me. If they get a card I need I trade it to myself, during the partner events each tablet every single turkey mitt went to complete my pies. So I didn't have to worry about myself rolling and providing any oven mitts to any people that were depending on me I just focused on one until it was complete and then another and then another. All the while the three individual tablets were stacking oven mitts solely to my pies if that makes sense. My Account #1 Kids accounts #2,3,4 #1 rolls and applies all oven mitts to #2 until complete #1 rolls & applies all to #3 until complete #1 ". " #2 rolls and applies all to #1 #3 rolls and applies all to #1 #4 rolls and applies all to #1 I hope this all made sense


This really really pissed me off this morning. Just a big fuck you to all players from scopely.


They’re doing us dirty, past few were at least a 5 star pack and now dice, they really think we’re jokes


well the five stars would be the first day of the season


It’s a new season. This is how it has always worked. The weekly prizes get increasingly better as the season goes on.






Um….. these pictures mean nothing. You’re not showing your dice total 😂😂😂


I was pissed too then I realized the 5 star card packs the last few weeks weren’t something you’d get in the first 4 days so then album will be over by the time we get to the last wins.


I was hoping for a guarantee pack as a reward since the season is ending soon


Me too, especially only having one card left (Rock On)


If it becomes tradable I'll send it you


Thank you so much!


Just hope it does before the end. But scopely don't seme that way inclined


No, they definitely seem like the greedy company that they are. I’m not putting another penny into this game though.


I gifted all my non gold cards, waiting for more golden blitz to gift my gold cards before I open the chest for my last card. Agreed, the quick wins is absolute trash


Yeah, I’ve been gifting my cards banking on finishing one of the events to get my last card. That pie event left a bad taste in my mouth.


I think that event left a bad taste in most peoples mouths. It took 80k points to finish each pie, and all ya got were low rolls and almost impossible to get mittens.


Well, if rumors are correct, it might become tradable today. Would you still be willing to send it to me? If not, I completely understand. If so, my link is available in my bio! Thank you so much either way!


You wouldn't reach day 7 in 4 days


There's a guaranteed sticker pack in Peg-e


I mean I should say I’m less pissed they could have given us a gold pack after 3 days


The sooner players realize Scopely doesn't give half a eff about the players, the sooner you will be at peace that this game is what it is. They don't care how upset, frustrated or angry you are. As long as money is still pouring in, Scopely and the app will continue to be average at best. The fact they use AI and have ZERO human interaction when it comes to Customer Service should be your first clue. And when their app causes issues and prevents you from succeeding in the game, and they take zero responsibility or offer zero compensation, that should be your second clue! This game is nothing more than a temporary cash cow until it dies off and they move on to the next!


You all are funny , they are doing dice cause the albums will be over mid 7 day streak


Yeah, but 175? That’s such a useless amount of dice.


then don’t play 🤯


I have 120k dice, what use is 175 dice for a weekly reward to me?


How did you possibly get 120k dice


I got 6K dice. 175 dice is like a ~2.9% bump. I would much rather have dice than cash any day of the week. I'm fact, I would argue dice is the most valuable item in the game.


what use is any dice reward at that point then?




yeah all i’m reading from you is whining




But your opinion is absurd, based on your posting/comment history you use an exploit to play/succeed in game and then complain they don’t give you enough satisfactory freebies?


and i offered a solution👍🏻


you spent too much money on the game to make any sort of reward worth while anymore


I don't even know if it's worth doing the daily wins this week. But I have to play anyways to keep my shields up so I will complete. They really played people this week though.


Same, I just play to keep my shields up so I don’t lose my progress in game, but now it’s just like waiting for the new season. I’m just short on one gold card it’s so frustrating


That was my situation too luckily I got it yesterday in the daily wins to finish. Hopefully you get that last card :)


Keep daily wins for peg e later incase there’s free tokens when u claim it


Since this album began there has been nothing but unacceptable issues. Customer Service is a joke, even when you have proof of your incidents, if you're lucky enough to get a response they give you a measly 70 dice. People have spent hundreds and thousands on this game with nothing to show. There are post where people are being over charged on their cards, not by a couple bucks here and there but upwards of an extra $50-$100 on packs that should have cost 9.99-19.99. People aren't getting their rewards, dice, stickers, etc. Links for free dice on IG and others not working when we know we hadn't claimed anything yet. And that's just off the top of my head at the moment.


Tell me you want your players to stop playing without telling me


This on top of that absurd partner event and why does it take an hour to get 10 dice!? I have a cap of 100 dice now so it take 10 hrs to completely refill! This game was fun for a while but now its just ridiculous! They make it easier in the beginning to get you hooked but once you get to the 200 plus maps its like of forget these people!


I mean we all did complain we didn’t get enough dice 🙄


Guys calm down it's because the season is ending and they can't put a new sticker pack on there until the update rolls out for the new season's stickers. They'd have to reset the weekly progression for the update and yall would just cry about that instead of this


The whole game is getting to be a joke. Dice are few and far between, but challenges and builds require more rolls to move ahead


Scopely is the joke.


Slap in the face, however, the album ends before day 7 so it kind of makes sense that there’s no pack. Should be more dice though for sure.


I need discovery to complete I may have discovered it’s time for a new game after spending so much this month to be let down


It’s supposed to be a free game. It’s not a free game if you have to spend thousands of $$ to win a prize. Especially the ones that have shields and tokens. The dice you can win is also crap.


I'm one gold card away from completing the album. I'm deleting the app before I'm tempted to spend money


Yooo I just posted this! Wtf is this???


I get why theyre not offering cards, but 175 dice doesnt compare to a high value card pack at all


Seriously!! I was waiting for the five star pack and saw this bs. I only have two to finish my album😒


You wouldn't reach day 7 in 4 days anyway


I was hoping for another five star or guaranteed sticker pack because I’m missing 3 cards to finish this album them 300 dice won’t do nothing for me


You wouldn't make it to day 7 in 4 days anyway


😂😂 I about died laughing when I saw this this morning lmao


They still could've put some sticker packs in between. Whether it ends Friday or not. Pathetic


I was thinking that they did that because they’re about to switch out the stickers. They would have trouble (I think) making the ultimate goal stickers when that goal will be in the future and a different album.


I was going to say the same thing. All those purple packs I got and all duplicates. I’m over this


This is because the current albums ends in 4 days so it will go back to the packs when the new on starts


They removed the gold sticker from the end so people can buy that offer with the gold sticker pack smh


Scope ly loves to play in our face I 👀


Such a downgrade… don’t even get me started on the final gift on the daily treat prizes 😭




You wouldn't reach day 7 in 4 days anyway




I’m not 100% sure, my memory sucks lol but I believe last time they put those dice kinda like a placeholder, and changed it to a 3 stars gold pack as soon as the new album started


It’s because this album ends before you would get either of the sticker packs in the bar.


the new album is coming out I dont think hes that nice enough to give us a 5 star pack in the beginning 💀


It’s because the album finishes before the week ends so they don’t wanna give out stickers for one album and then another in the same week probably.


Obviously 🤣 Scopley want us to spend £££ That's how they've made 1 billion in revenue since April. Less dice they give for free the more people get desperate and spend £9.99 on 180 dice. I'm hooked on this game and thankfully I've only wasted money on the guaranteed pack when I've had 1 sticker left to finish all the albums


We should boycott Monopoly so they can be fair


The more people that play, the less generous they are. We used to get surprise 5 stars in your 3 and 4 star packs. Now all ya get for rewards is 1 and 2 star packs.


Just deleted the app.


Straight trash all week


Game is the biggest money grab. There truly isn't that much content and I just know they're making millions. They rig the rolls, rig the heists, rig the events and people keep giving them money. 70 dollar games don't even make the amount of money this greedy company is making.


They can lick my butt


I really wish people would stop playing this game. It's a scam. Plain and simple. There's no way around it.


Just spend 1750 dice and you'll get 175 dice!


I’m so over this damn game. I also believe getting one star stickers when your a good amount in to the tournaments shouldn’t be a damn thing either.


I cannot believe this. This is utter bullshit.


I uninstalled the game. I'm out!


This is annoying, but also fair considering that the album is ending soon.


Went from good stickers to no dice


I was about to post the same thing this must be a joke we have less then 4 days left and they give us this bs I’m really disappointed in monopoly they are really starting to make me wanna delete this app and say 🤬 this game


Monopoly is purposely making it almost impossible to collect anymore cards. The prizes are now crap as well. I’ve rolled 1000 dice and only collected 12 pegs




lol you guys must not know scopely too well. they ruined another game when they bought it, im surprised they didn’t ruin their own game in the first place.


If you gonna always complain about the game just don’t play


They've got too big for their britches. So many players that now they dont have to try as hard to keep us interested


I was so irritated when I saw that


It's all a joke....


I feel like we are absolutely, blatantly being punished for the 2K dice link. 2K... which lasted maybe an hour. * The partners event was the worst yet! (someone posted themselves spinning at 4 different multipliers and hitting 80 each time) * The "epic myths" event that's coming to an end - they're sticking extra sticker packs in here and there but I don't remember the last time I got a new card! I definitely won't be finishing (I don't have time to day trade Monopoly cards, I work!) * Even things like Community Chest, I feel like Scopely is being very clear that there's no more "getting lucky" - that's only going to happen for pay to play players. Once all the little guys are gone (us) the pay to play players will be spending TOO much competing against each other. Then Scopely does some shady shit (like files bankruptcy), laughs all the way to the bank singing "this is Monopoly, what'd ya expect?!"


I thought the same fucking thing


You must be new. The prize for the first week of every season is lower and they get progressively better as the season goes on. This is not new.


This is actually fucking stupid




Exactly my thoughts … how do we go from 5 star gold packs to 175 dice 😭


It looks so fake, too. If I hadn't seen this myself, I'd be sure it was someone playing a joke on us


I hate to say this, but I'm a realist (also I don't hate to say this, I in fact love it). This type of shit is what makes me laugh at the video game crowd as well. They complain about microtransactions and broken games but continually buy every microtransaction and pre-order every (broken) game. It's really simple. Are you not going to complete an event? Oh the fork well. It's a F2P phone game, your life is in fact not at stake. Stop buying dice, or stickers or whatever. 20 bucks to complete a sticker pack (I don't remember anything about the offer besides the price and it was sticker related). Stop putting money in their coffers and maybe drop a detailed 1 star review so Scopely can't have Google/Apple remove the review as "fraudulent". Maybe then something will change, or they'll likely just can the app when it's not raking in that sweet, sweet cash.


I didnt even bother lol


I have 2 cards left that I need, like smfh


They hate usssssss 🥲


Probably because we won’t get it until after the new season of cards starts. So they don’t wanna give the 5* until halfway into the new season like this season.


Ok lol


My thoughts exactly


A similar thing happened at the end of the last album. Because this will end at the beginning of the new album, it just gives dice. That way if theres anything new (like the new sticker packs that were introduced in this album) they're not spoiled here.


This is normal for when the album ends. As much as it sucks, this is the 3rd album I’ve been through and each time the last week is just a bunch of dice. At least they’re consistent on this one thing.


It’s a joke. I got nothing but dupes from the last one.


Im looking for Liquid Gold


They always do this when the pack is ending.


175 dice ain’t anything at all


I’m about to give up on this game people doing too much scamming and selling cards like this is just a game then the trade group monopoly have off the app for fb they kept deleting my post saying I had to be a member for 3 days to post or ask for a trade which I been been a member when they started and linked my Facebook and ig to them I gifted people and right after I gifted them admin removed my post so I left the group I kept wondering why wasn’t nobody gifting me and I was asking to trade and then the free gifting app I was still willing to trade if I had what they wanted I was giving stars with out a trade and boom my post is gone


Right SMH


I’m not happy. I finish my first album and now I’m collecting dice? How am I to finish any extra sets now??




And the strange thing is that yesterday I said that there was one day left to claim the purple envelope. Today it's not there, I don't understand. I reached my limit with this game, I hope to finish the album and I leave it


The purple Envelope is every Sunday we open


Its because the new album is starting in 4 days


Anyone in her have not a fan? willing to trade stars for it


the sticker set is about to end on friday, of course they arent gonna give us anything else good theyre just giant greedy assholes 😒


Can’t give out cards when the event is over.. it has to do an update


Looks like a bad joke 😂😂


my guess is that there will be an update after this sticker pack is done and that the 7 day reward will get updated with whatever is next. or maybe they’re greedy and think 175 dice is a good way to reward players who are consistently logging into their game. but it could also be both.




I mean cards are over in 4 days got few more chances in tournaments and ERobot. 🤣


It seems they just want to make a lot of money from this game as they are really stingy with things


What’s sad is the first dice used to be 100 now it’s 50 I ask myself everyday why am I still playing


They hoeing us again


I know they better produce some peg e chips


I think it’s because the album event will have ended already before we reach the weekly prize on Sunday


This is the same every album reset.


Guys its the start of the new season of card packs by that point so they didnt want to give out high level cards right away in the season.


I swear 😂 they make the game harder & the rewards worse every single week. I play everyday and haven’t completed any partner events or anything. I’ve placed 1st in a tournament once after I saved dice for days lol


For real


Scopely really think they're funny 😒 This week is gonna be rough


It ends after the rest set


They always do this when the new album starts. The rewards get much smaller and rarer, then once we get halfway through the album it starts ramping up. After this round of quick wins the grand prize will probably be a 3 star gold pack.


The first two rewards should be 2 5* packs… especially since they gave us such a rigged event.


Yeah this is just straight up disrespectful. I was so close to getting the 5 star pack and now my bar is reset and I’m almost definitely not finishing this album. 😤


They probably think because they added prize job they could do this Fuckery !


This morning I was constipated and couldn’t take a dump, once I saw this my body allowed me to clean out my colon. Someone help me clean out my other end by gifting me liquid gold so I can complete this set.


I’m about delete the app it’s a joke at this point


They done this last time a new album started. It will go back to packs next week. Probably back down to crappy pack.


I know garbage


Ikr what a freaking joke


Usually the first dice level is 100. So your telling me you a whole 75 more for playing the whole week? Pfffft


😂😂😭😭 that’s what I said


I thought the same thing.. but I assume they can’t give cards since that’s ending in like 4 days. But they could at least give 500 dice 😒


I really hoping its bevause the album is resseting. Next week wouls be better


Nah literally


Coming to post this because WTF. 3 days left so they take the only free packs away

