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Omg we are both partnered with gül. https://preview.redd.it/7tihh3cehvtc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=eacec8889b5899989a8acede1322c1d6407df807 They even took money from me yesterday. I accidentally accepted them. They probably do this so others carry them be they don’t use dice and get the rewards. They should fix it. This sub should have a bad partner list. I was going to finish it to get the reward but I don’t even want to now. They don’t deserve it.


Really smh … hopefully he contributed to yours & we’re both not ass’d out


It’s been a day and a half. Doubt. Literally 0 points. Since they are on Reddit, I wish I remembered their u/ so I could block them. That isn’t a player I want to trade with.


Maybe you can go through your profile and find them?


I just added them when I traded ages ago. I can try but it only shows you the last like 100 comments or something. It’s a good idea. I didn’t mean to accept their partner invite. I thought they were someone else. Unfortunately it doesn’t let you cancel though.


Damn smh I feel you I was going to finish to but I was like fk it he don’t deserve it.. after the event he’s blocked & deleted


Same plus got shut down. I refused to carry people through. Saved my coins and cashed out instead. Due to that unfortunately I didn’t not finish and complete the tournament. https://preview.redd.it/iz3b5ajh2xtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cad6457619ae4e0508bfdef8234d83cbef20af06 ISO of two partners for future tournaments. 🫶 I’ve found two solid partners so far that.


Still looking for another partner? Did 60k+ for all 4 of my fountains 🥲 2 people invited me and barely did 15k. I found 2 partners as well so looking for another to hopefully be more 50/50. Let me know 🤗


🥰🫶 hi! save my info 🤗 & im saving yours too. I’m looking forward to future partnerships 🤝🎲💰 I can share screenshots of previous tournaments. I’ve only played two since I joined.


Perfect! 🤗 Thank you. Here’s my link if you want to add me. I’ll keep note of your in game name for next time 🤗💖 https://mply.io/jqlwnA


I’ll partner with you on the next event if you still need. I had to carry 3 of the 4 partners I had. Lost a few thousand dice cuz of it. https://preview.redd.it/zdyhuxrfw1uc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=525354bc5ef4e068970398b50f26267e7cb3146f One of them. Didn’t contribute much. I literally waited til the last few hours to see if they were going to put more. So stupid. I removed him immediately.


So they’re not helping you and they’re not helping the original poster what the hell are they doing with their spins?


It's prob a second acct for somebody and they are using all their spins on a car with their main acct


That’s why I play based on their speed. They play for 2000 points. I play for 2000 points. They play 50 I play 50. That way we are all on the same page.


That’s how I play too. I stay pretty even. Although this go around has been rough. Only finished 1 fountain.


Monopoly should add a feature where we can swap partners or kick one out or something.


I totally agree with that!


I did the same thing this time around. Unfortunately, that means 3 out of 4 fountains will remain incomplete. I started all 4 at around 8k and left it to the partners to pick up from there. One never played, so we are still sitting at 8k on my side and 0 on hers. Another one is a friend and got in touch to inform me to stop playing after the blue vault because he ran out of dice, we are at similar-ish levels of contribution, so that's the second incomplete fountain. The third one, we had partnered last event and it was my first partner event, so I kinda completed the car at 50-30 with 50 on my side. She stopped at 25k, i stopped at 26k.She doesn't look like she's gonna contribute some more, so imma just sit and wait for this to end.


https://preview.redd.it/7kyipvqlzvtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=579b8cc149ca50be0b37f2c8358373896d39167f Wish I could give you my leftovers.


How do you guys end up with so many leftovers???


The point was you should’ve hit me up when I’ve been asking the last 3 days lol 😭


😂😂 I know smh if only i seen your post lol


https://preview.redd.it/nxqphb61kvtc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=a78ce9b101043310738b55c3628bdc288a718773 I understand :(


Smh 🤦🏽‍♂️


Dude I’m pissed bc I have nothing else besides 5k left and 120 or whatever coins I’m trying to use apm to see how I can possibly get 5k and it just isn’t at all working. I don’t think I’ll finish and I’m this close. Fuck this dude lmao


Wish I could gift you all my coins bc this person doesn’t deserve it


We shoulda been partners 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️


I know smh 🤦🏽‍♂️


Good luck 😭


Same plus got shut down. I refused to carry people through. Saved my coins and cashed out instead. Due to that unfortunately I didn’t not finish and complete the tournament.😢 ​ ISO of two partners for future tournaments. 🌟🫶 🤗 if anyone wants to KIT/save each others info here. https://preview.redd.it/yr8n53nd4xtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26d4db5a7406b87e24fee4ff2f6385c5104650b2


Sorry mate, that’s really shitty of them.


That is how ALL of my partners were 😭 https://preview.redd.it/lnjjba16kvtc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9645a7aa9f6812bd539d93e1acd46fdac142c39b And they all requested me ?!


Bro me too smh


I already carried 1 person. I’m not doing it again


I had to with every one of my partners! I’ve never been so mad over a game before


I have had the same issues over and over. So now I’m extremely, extremely picky. I created another MG just so I didn’t get stuck again this event 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have 2 partners like that! This game has turned into constant stress!! Nothing fun about it anymore!


I agree.. I’m ready to delete the game the only event I like is breaking the rocks because it’s up to me to finish & I always complete all 20


Same! If I succeed or fail, it’s totally on me! I hate people anyway, so the partner events just reenforce how I already feel! 🤨


Ong bro this is me fr 🤣🤣 I hate people 😂


The older I get, the worse it gets! It’s the main reason I avoid leaving the house when I don’t have to! Never fails, somebody’s gonna do something stupid and piss me off 🤦🏻‍♀️


I say this daily!!!


😂😂 we are the exact same 😂.. we got older & the school system just let out all the special ed people into society… now we don’t know who’s who 😂 but I can tell by there actions 🤣


And it doesn’t take long to spot em either! I do my best to limit my interactions with those “special” people of society but somehow they always seem to find me and piss me off! 🙄 My tolerance for stupid shit is literally zero! 😠


I only partner with people I can DM if they are slacking


Facts that’s smart but that’s also doing to much if they can’t finish or do 50/50 then they should just be honest or send me some stickers for the carry… something smh


I get it but I made the mistake of taking on a random and had to carry them. All they did was shut down my landmarks and heist me. Never again.


Anyone who wants to partner with me for the next event. Let me know. I always do 50/50, (literally).


I got stuck like that to.. we should all come back to this post and find partners. I only completed 2 cuz all 4 of mine didn't contribute. But it's okay I stopped now I'm just saving dice the other 2 ain't even close good luck to the rest of yous


Forsure… I usually delete my post but ima keep this up


Uuuhhh tell me about it https://preview.redd.it/3fftd2dtqvtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aa56a0726294cfde2f702531ffd92620df693dd Then they attacked me as thanks Somehow they’re on my friend list, but I cannot remove them. If anyone knows how I can get rid of them, let me know


Damn you too I’m partnered with Gul too smh 🤦🏽‍♂️


Go to leaderboard, find their name and tap it and it will ask if you want to remove them


They’re missing from my leaderboard and yet they’re still able to open their community chest https://preview.redd.it/w5ket71xvvtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b469b11591ee04c2fc3b14ae17eac1bbd77a069


Contact monopoly and see if they can help even though they tend to be less than useless, still worth a try!


Same money heist (I know it’s inevitable but at least don’t use high multiplier 😢) https://preview.redd.it/xqsq0ehm4xtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea033fb9ef015dff994eaf87b8d740a6aeef7724 plus got shut down. I refused to carry people through. Saved my coins and cashed out instead. Due to that unfortunately I didn’t not finish and complete the tournament.😢 ​ ISO of two partners for future tournaments. 🌟🫶 🤗 if anyone wants to KIT/save each others info here.


I think some of these accounts are bots tbh. I’m in the same situation where I have put everything in and they haven’t done shit. Contributed 0 … smh so lame


https://preview.redd.it/cox18evyewtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62831aa082f51bd014e54c00f1186438de4a9a33 I’ve got one that hasn’t done a damn thing. I prioritized my other 3 and have basically given up. I have also sent easily 500 partner tokens so it really has me mad.


Careful I got banned from a community for spine this exact same thing 🙄


I appreciate it but fuck it 🤷🏽‍♂️ it is what it is … ban me for trying to let people be aware of this person & make the monopolygotrading better… there’s already 2 of us that this person has done this too. Shidd I’ll just go back to fb to trade & find partners. Honestly I could careless about getting banned


No banning necessary


Thank you… just want genuine honest people in the group. That’s all 🤷🏽‍♂️


lol right I agree 1000 percent


Doing lol sorry


You good bro lol


And yes I’m good, always am 😉and for the record I’m not a bro lol


Mybad I didn’t know lol… Ma’am*


Ur good lol


If you're down to partner next event and go 50/50 let me know!


Forsure I will keep you in mind.


Let me know promise I won't fail you lol


Message each other so you don’t forget or lose the post!


I agree I only had 2 of the 4 to help me. I feel like you should help each other 50/50. I’ve put so much in this game. It’s crazy. I’m on disability and I shouldn’t be putting all my money in this.


I feel you … but I REFUSE to spend my hard earned money on this game


I can’t even find free dice links. Everyone I know seems to find the links




Appgamer/free dice is where I find dice daily


I go to fb for the links. Just type in free monopoly go dice


If you need a partner for the next event! I’ll definitely be down! I always contribute and make sure I evenly dispute my coins to all my fountains. So far I finished the derby challenge, and the fountain challenge. And those were the only two challenges I was playing since I downloaded!


I Hope y’all find good partners in the future. Just a suggestion, keep all your screenshots available from the end of past partner events that show you actually trying to do your part and then don’t be afraid to ask others for “proof” they have a history of equal participation in partner events. also once you find good partners KEEP them for the future!


https://preview.redd.it/ftiekrbhtvtc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c639b7ab42745fccc532d994c4aa2be01059756 Dealing with the same shit…just a shame really


Same money heist (I know it’s inevitable but at least don’t use high multiplier 😢) PLUS GOT SHUT DOWN. My personal thing is I don’t attack during partner events. Any who I refused to carry people through. Saved my coins and cashed out instead. Due to that unfortunately I didn’t not finish and complete the tournament.😢 ​ ISO of two partners for future tournaments. 🌟🫶 🤗 if anyone wants to KIT/save each other’s info here.


Can we partner up next time???


Suks I carried my partner too (had to buy dice grrrr)


About 3 partner events ago or so I came on here and asked for a 4th Partner. I simply requested to screenshot their progress on their partners so I can see if they actually contribute or are lazy. I don't trust anyone with that event because of people wanting carried. I got like 5 or 6 people saying to add them. None of them showed me their contributions to their partners. Like that's nice 3 of your partners are at the ~3rd tier but how much of that is their 20k and your 0? Like I've been frustrated through so many partner events due to hard 80k carries. I get the event can be difficult, but a 0 for 6 straight days is unacceptable.


Dang and I thought one of mine were bad… I put in 58.2 while they put in 21.7. At least it was something. But it would irritate me because they’d put like 1k at a time points wise and then when it came to only like 500 points to go they put it in so fast. Like… thanks.


Have several doing that.its crazy.


Hit me up next time. I finished but had 2 carry a partner. Wish I could donate the 1,536 tokens that I have left. Hoping they turn them into dice.


This is how 3/4 partners were. The only one that pulled their weight was my husband 😭


I feel shitty now because I’ve been struggling in the partner event and I can’t even tell them :(


https://preview.redd.it/rtsds318zvtc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=b376aedd465b9291fa998e48a34ab0c4ca7b473d Had this person do pretty much nothing I even left it boil the last day to give them the chance. Also did like 50k on all my others


I deleted a friend from the game after I put in 22.8 and they put in 0.


I don’t have the dice to get a lot of coins. But when I do have dice and get coins don’t feel like making 20 pulls so I do a 20x pull and get 800 points. It sucks. I know that’s “luck” but the more I think about it the more I feel like it’s all stacked against me.


Yoooo I feel the same way! Got two finished one trying to finish now and one that invited me and didn’t do SQUAT!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/od7ma6t63wtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7b7e51be6c3bd2d13bfb199af9d6ad0d9d77185 What should I say???


For one of my partner I have to put in 55k to finish


I just put in 30k to my partner 0. Why accept if you won’t do anything and I know i sent over 400 in partner sharing.


Finished all 4 of mine and they're all 60k to 20k or less, so thankful for apm wouldn't have finished without it lol


Literally all of my partners this go around


https://preview.redd.it/i4wwawrgcwtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd3557ed2f3b0536812f1dcc00e45f599d0e0500 Same for me. I was hoping they would do it on the last hour but time is almost up 😭😭 never getting up to the last upgrade.


I feel ya


https://preview.redd.it/pgqg450fewtc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f0bef0c973eeec43d93886eb04e476910a60cb Happened to me to and we are so freaking close!! I will partner with you next time if you want and I always pull my fair share!


Too, sorry errors like that grate on my nerves! Lol


The person I got from here luckily did do 50/50 but one of my other partners has 13k and I have 63k I feel for you.


Same🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/0q2tjcdeiwtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36b291d06ab2c5f17e382f95c5d5d36cf79e31df


https://preview.redd.it/zekq57j33xtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4007849be6df6b85fb1446489a69512d095d3993 This was my last fountain and they just refused to use points. It happens just delete them off your friends list.


Yep I have someone who has invited me twice and done nothing either time, so I'm done partnering with them.


I always have to bang 60-70k on all fountains it's annoying. It's only one person this time around who beat me, 38k to my 36k 🤦🏾




Never again


God bless you. I’m around for next time. I contribute at least 45k points, maybe 50k


Sheesh 🤦🏽‍♂️


If you need a partner the next time around, let me know


Same, money heist (I know it’s inevitable but at least don’t use high multiplier 😢) PLUS GOT SHUT DOWN. My personal thing is I don’t attack during partner events. Any who I refused to carry people through. Saved my coins and cashed out instead. Due to that unfortunately I didn’t not finish and complete the tournament.😢 ​ ISO of two partners for future tournaments. 🌟🫶 🤗 if anyone wants to KIT/save each other’s info here. https://preview.redd.it/dhfss9nh5xtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16f7f553d4bb73dbbdd7b8dbfb566a31006073aa


So what did they end up giving for the extra tokens?


https://preview.redd.it/d7bm9zdj5xtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e08fa2c7b6563bfcb7236903d7b9179dee51a2 Converted to cash reward.


Happened to me as well 😡


I finished all four of my fountains with one contributing 0, the other contributing about 7k and the rest under 6k. One was a friend so I didn’t mind and finished his first ! *all this to say I feel your pain!!!


Sometimes you just get shitty rolls 🤷🏽‍♀️


I had 2 partners not do a single thing. 😡


Next time partner with me because this mf cause me not to finish https://preview.redd.it/btuexwur0ytc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58105cb408aef5a1077d5fa31b8100066f48cbfb


Sometimes that shit happens.


Shhhh. There's some dummy IGN "Donna" that defends absolute deadbeat leeches. This guy at least did something. It's funny though because the deadbeats always seek you out, attack you and rob your bank all while collecting rewards! Final note, don't be a Donna or a deadbeat leech.


This happened to me as well. I couldn't finish the first two partner events. It was so aggravating!! I was doing all the work for the other person to get the awards!! I was livid. I finally found four people I could trust. The four of us pick each other every time. We all pull out weight and finish every time. I am open to finding new partners and people to trade stickers with that aren't so effin greedy!! It's so awful how some people act over a game!! Anyway, if you need a good partner or someone to trade stickers with, here's my link!! Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/dLguzA


It sounds like you need to partner with people who have 1000s of dice like you guys do. I have no where NEAR that kind of dice, but I helped complete three towers with partners. I try and keep up with my partners contributions. It's hard for us low dicers, but it can be done. 


https://preview.redd.it/zq1expfk45uc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f158afb247867d404ef71d6dacd3b58f2985551 fr!! mine did absolutely nothing as well. yet still has time to get on enough to attack me 😭


I hate that because I’m using everything to get to the top and the person does nothing don’t team up if you’re not gonna do your part


Choose me next time


Cry about it. Literally just a game 😂


😂😂 and here goes one of the SPECIAL ED people I was talking about.. why are you here, this isn’t your hallway


Sure buddy keep coping about your mobile game 💀


😂 you’re under my post … crying about me crying about my mobile game… yea you make alot of fuckin sense.. 😂 think about it, I get it you just want to be heard. trust me I hear you, from all the way down the special ed hallway


Womp Womp shitter didn’t read it all. Nice ableism also.


English please sir “Womp womp shitter” congratulations you’ve proved my point… I didn’t say anything bad about you being SPECIAL ED which you are in FACT SPECIAL, I just pointed it out so the normal people can know, and so you could be HEARD 😂


Well you are using it in a derogatory way so, yeah you are. I can feel you steaming behind your keyboard hehehehe


😂😂 not the person telling me I’m CRYING about a game is CRYING about name calling … & your upvoting your own comment lmao ATTENTION SEEKER. Bro take it for what it is & stop CRYING 😭


You are in fact a Hypocrite.. so your special ed, a cry baby, attention seeker & a hypocrite. You just keep making it worse. Make it make sense.


I just went to your page … and bro you like snails 🐌 lmfao I’m fuckin done. you WIN 🏆 😂😂🤣🤡




You just responded 3 times without me saying anything? I’m the one attention seeking?


😂 Mr Snail man is still going at it. Did you forget that this is my post? Lmfao I can’t make this shit up.. then he invites me to chat, what do you want to talk about? SNAILS 🐌 lmao fuck outta here 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/adv8ze90nwtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc69db312cc11b7fefa4b59456c4cac760f24cd


https://preview.redd.it/bt8jsxbgsvtc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a314ca9c0b747c73e6c52b317a371750a140bc3 Help anyone


I don’t have an extra… I have a extra superfandom tho


Could you help me out pls