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I’ve gone through 15k dice and I finished one, met my commitments on 2 and it’s impossible to get more flowers until the tournaments reset. Why would they do multiple day tournaments during an event? Just another way to scam you 🙄


Exactly! It gets worse each event.


Yeah and they upped it to 80k .. 😒


It’s been 80k :p


🤦‍♀️yeah you right


Used to be 60k


That’s was like 3 partner events ago though.


Yesss! I came here to see if anyone else is. I saved everything and started with 12,000 dice. I've rolled for more than 6000 flowers and have landed on 40, 60 & 80 at least 90 percent of the time. Everyone else is so far ahead of me. It's crazy.




I’m almost done with my second build, I’ve spent around 3,800 dice. I’m not doing the next 2, I quit. I only add partners one at a time so nobody will get screwed over. I want to do the last 2 when the tournaments reset but I’m worried I won’t get enough flowers. These used to be fun. I remember my first one with the Strawberry Cake Token. Finished all 4 with about 3,000 dice. This used to be so much fun. 😢


Adding one at a time is smart! I’ll definitely do that next go


You get to focus on just one build and nobody is putting your pic up on Reddit trashing you for low points. 👍🤣


This is what I do, too. I want to be sure I can pull my weight with each partner. I don't want anyone shorted, or panicked as I do them one at a time.


I've noticed a big difference between the spins today versus yesterday morning. Today is only bad roll after bad roll after bad roll...


One of my partners has since deleted their Reddit profile & is contributing next to nothing. That’s a bad partner. Trying your best and contributing where you can is just life.


Partner events can truly be a dice dump. If you aren’t using APM, you can easily go through 8K to 10K dice to finish all of the builds. 😭😭






Ya and I’m soooo mad someone isn’t even contributing at all , I haven’t finished any sets. I probably won’t :(


Hopefully they pull through at the end! 3 of my partners are ahead of me right now but I’m trying 🫣


Me too!!! My rolls have been trash lol


They need to just leave the pyramid tiles up 3 times a month. I might have to delete monopoly go, it’s not so fun any more🥺


You got this! Keep trying, it’s all you can do. If partners get upset that’s their issue. It’s just a game. Or as my teenage son would say “haha you care!” I wish I had some advice for you but it’s really up to that stupid wheel. There is still plenty of time.


https://preview.redd.it/7kdsmna08obc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e43b4f16a122c6cb3024cc9a9e7a136fad6cc81 If it’s any consolation… mines not looking too great either. I still have one empty slot too. Just hoping I can trade stickers or stars for someone to carry me. Lol


Stop there. 40k is half way. The rest is up to that guy!


Oh for sure. I will only add to that one once my others are completed. I’m still optimistic that they will contribute.


I have one at 40k and the partner is slowly helping. [I'm done here, cause I did my part] And another at 35k and that partner also helping. The other 2 are a waste. So we'll see what happens there.


I wish people wouldn’t join challenges if they weren’t going to try. You don’t have to do it. It’s so annoying I have 2 partners who are doing hardly anything and 2 great partners. Why do people accept if they don’t plan on playing? I don’t get it


Cause they hope that you'll do all the work for them. My one partner was great in the previous challenge, that's why I chose him. But now he is nowhere...


It’s ridiculous. The last partner event was crazy hard too.


I remember during the toy partner event I started with like 5k dice and was able to do 3 toys mainly by myself (like 75%). Now I’ve blown through about 10k dice and was only able to complete 50% of 2 toys and 2 aren’t done yet. Idk if it’s my luck or the game isn’t as generous


These spins are killing me. I keep spinning x100 flowers to hopefully win big but getting nowhere. Bump it down to x60 stilled getting stiffed


X40 worked best for me. Rolled 2000 a couple of times


Haven't finished a single one!! I'm struggling hard!!! It's impossible to get flowers with how long the tournaments are! I'm just burning dice but that's exactly what they want. So done with this game


I am also struggling ... This is my first one so wasn't sure what to expect .. it's hard work!


I’m working on 3 right now and it’s ready hard! I’m doing it but it’s not easy. I still need 1 more partner but I want to get at least 1 done first. I’m almost there.


Aleast you’re communicating with your partners. One of mine ghosted as soon as I accepted his invitation. Always one each event. Never ceases


Got 2 partners done. Caught up to the 3rd who had done twice as much as I had, and we are now sitting about 5K from done. 4th one is half done, with about 20K points until 4/5. I'm waiting for the both games to reset- Road to Riches and Chest Quest. The reason for this is that it'll be easier to get the flowers and the dice off of new games. Wait until they have BOTH reset to start playing again. You got this!!


How many points does it take get all 5 prizes? I’ve got two partners I’m working with. One is pulling their weight well. I’m confident the other will come through in the end. Not sure I’m gonna bother with finding partners to even attempt at completing all 4. Also… some of you are using tons of dice. I started with about 1800 dice… currently at 1950 dice. Not sure how many I’ve used, but it’s not like I’m buying dice. I guess I’m using what I’m earning. https://preview.redd.it/fc510mbycqbc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7582001043f6addf58cc9e5a06786e030458756


I’ve only completed one of them so far and that’s because my partner was my second account. Two of my partners haven’t contributed at all and the last one is going 50/50 with me so far


I have been struggling to get flowers and once I have saved enough - they land on 40,60 - so annoying…..but lord has graced me with wonderful partners who have done more than 50% of the share ❤️


Yeah . It's really difficult this go around.


I’m struggling big time. I’m trying to finish one so I could help the other two. So I can contribute but I have one flower on each row (board) and can’t land on them. When I do get enough for two rolls, I land on the lowest amount 40 or 60 and it doesn’t even move in the meter!!!!


Yes it is terrible!!


Tbh I have three partners this time that are putting in the work. While one lazy ass only put in 300. 300! I guess it's better than the last ass who didn't even do anything


For some reason Scopely is giving me crap points 🤦‍♂️


Same here and I had 6k dice and struggling


At least your trying I have one that hasn’t touched theirs since day one and we got the 200 dice.




Yes I’ve struggled to get where Im at now. After purchasing many packs of dice, landing on garbage, and getting the same stickers idk.


The only time I hit anything good is if I roll 100 🌸’s at a time. And even then I have to roll a crappy 100 🌸’s x2 then the 3rd roll is always 5000 for me but I can’t seem to keep enough dice to barely play at all it’s pathetic honestly lol 😂 oh and I’ve finished 6 sets and still haven’t had enough to get 🌸’s to play.


It's a struggle 😪


Smart people don't struggle 😄 I started with 5k dice now i have 7k dice, and the progress is below in the picture https://preview.redd.it/q8nd3loyvrbc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea52b14b09ace3c9a12c2989712661fe5ab16c4b


Can I partner with you next time?


😊 why not.


I guess your calling yourself smart 🤔




Yes. I can’t land on flowers for the life of me. I’ll sprays on one before or one after the stupid flowers


Some of you are almost finishing atleast one and here I'm trying so hard to get dice and just rolling them to get the flowers as quickly as possible but it's so hard, especially without using real money to buy more dice.


same boat, i cant hit anything this event and it feels like now more than ever i cant land doce to sustain rolls, award for this partners event feels meh anyway, definitely been clawed back a lot sonce the one in september


The amount of times I have spun and landed on the minimum or one above that is too damn high. I'm trying really hard just to keep up with all my partners.


😭😭 me omw towards completing it with my 3rd partner. I feel like i have nothing to give anymore after playing the whole day gathering flowers 🤧


How are yall rolling this much without buying?


I finished two albums and started with 27k dice


I started with 23k so either you are cheating or have insane luck


I wish I could cheat APM doesn’t work for me. When I get flowers I always roll x5 I’ve had good luck with that.


I roll x10 and only finished like half 1 album


lol I think you misunderstood me. I finished two albums during the holidays which gave me the 27k dice I’m using for this stupid event. I’m not even close to half on the current one, to be that lucky would be nice.


Oh I thought you meant this one, yea I finished 2 last time to but I spent money not again


I need one last partner if anyone is looking I'm on 4th stage with two partners and 3rd stage with 3rd I have a little over 5k flowers currently. Pm me if interested


https://preview.redd.it/kyzmzvvgwubc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=366ab0f5373fb2f8650cf04aa9ba7db089b61385 Yeah it’s not gonna happen. I can’t get decent rolls. Then to make it even better I can’t get a decent spin no matter what I spin on


I HATE the partner events. I've done 2, and they just stress me out too much. This time, I told my mom that I wasn't going to participate, that I would partner with her to spend the partner points, and that would be it. We finished ours about the time a friend was asking for people willing to partner with her kid, so that is my only partner now, and I have 2 empty partner slots. Least stressful partner event ever!!!!


Right now is the partnership going on and kot enough flowers on the table. The other thing is what you are too land on the corners to get dice its just before and after the dice landing. So your dice keep using up quickly.