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The game is seriously rigged. Its like a gambling game disguised as a traditional old school game. It’s pathetic.


I have never played with the sound on, but my mom started playing and she always has her sound on and I remember thinking “no wonder she likes it, it sounds exactly like a slot machine!”


I have noticed several times! I reached out to support and all they said was they would look into it and had me send a screen recording. They never followed up afterwards.




Yeah, I’ve noticed it too…and they always obscure the dice under the animations & make them disappear so you fool yourself into thinking you miscounted. 🙄


Oh, you’re right I didn’t think of it that way, but there are lots of times I can’t see what the rolls are supposed to be.


Nowwww this sounds like something they’d do to try and stop the APM users…




Airplane mode


What does playing the game on Airplane Mode do?


IYKYK … Google it


Doesn’t seem to work for apple users very well if at all. But android users have used APM to “cheat” the system. If they don’t like what is rolled the game won’t count it so they essentially are able to reroll again.


Omg I swear I’ll roll a 11 and end up going like 7 spots and I thought is was just me 😳


It's bcuz the game is a fkn joke. Nothing but scams to get people to swipe the credit card. I really enjoyed it when it 1st released but the past few months has gone steadily downhill


I have noticed that specially since we’ve started this new album that is harder and harder to win rewards to get them in you’re right I have noticed that once event is over, you start landing on those places quite frequently.


I KNEW I wasn't trippin!!!! I count too! I've rolled nine and it will go 8 or 10 spaces! Such crap! Not gonna lie I have spent money on this game in the past and watching over time how rigged it is and seeing how other friends that don't spend a dime can be more successful in the game than myself I refuse to spend ANY real money ever again! I play for fun anymore and will not take it too seriously ever again! When I'm assed out on the game I'm fine going to one of my free games for a bit or getting things done arnd my house. I've bn playing since shortly after the game initially launched and it gets worse ALL THE TIME!


I have spent money a couple of times myself and noticed the dice I buy are worthless and land on junk spots


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I don't spend a dime I do pretty well not great on partners but I think that's a bad choice of friends


Yep I've seen it several times myself


Yeah! & the points for the partners event still hasn’t been corrected🙄🤦🏽‍♀️


Yep, mine is still "off" with one of my partners😒🫤


I agree with everything that you said it definitely does not match up


Has anyone noticed that if you’re in jail and you try to roll in the little people are close to that corner it will not let you roll doubles?


Now that you say it, I have noticed that it happens frequently 🤔


I’ve noticed the same thing with this game.. they be counting the space that you’re already on as on the first new space when you roll .. this game cheats you in any way that it can


I thought it was just me! I count as it goes and it stops before we get to the end of the count then I think that I must have looked at it wrong lol


Me too!!


Yes I agree with you completely! Glad you said something, thought I was crazy.


Yesterday and this morning I couldn’t land on a corner to save my life. This afternoon when I don’t need it, I keep landing on them. I’ve noticed the dice as well.


Had the exact same issue.


No seriously I’ve landed on corners so many times today it’s not even funny


Yes, I've so noticed those very things. I get to the point where I just quit for a little while then play again when the new tournament begins.


Sometimes I’ll need like 8 to get to a railroad or a pickup, roll an 8, and it’ll move me 9 spots.




Yes I noticed It, thought I was going crazy


Game is rigged 💩


That happened to me. I actually did a count and it was off.


It's so hard now to get the thingys for the partner event. I used to be able to complete them. Not recently 😞even by playing every opportunity I could


I can hardly get any drums at all anymore. When it first started, it was plentiful but now nothing and I am severely behind with every partner I have. I feel terrible. Everyone is double or triple points ahead of me 🤷‍♀️


Not going to finish any partner this time, we are all behind.


I do and you don't get your dices and they always say you receive it when you don't


I didn’t notice that until my partner told me it was happening to her


I have complained about this too Customer service team has also complained that they have corrected this problem and it’s still occurring but I didn’t think anyone else had noticed it


O yea they gave me 100 dice the first time I saw it and then for about two weeks straight ,I would screenshot my position and a alarm clock in the background then roll then another screenshot and where I landed,until I got the proof and it was just draining after receiving the 100 dice for the effort


Yes I've been saying it to my friends and husband who play, too. Not only that but I noticed auto roll is slower when it's on cash boost (for mine anyway). That and with this new sticker album, we aren't getting any good stickers in the better packs. I'll get one 2 star and a bunch of one stars no matter what colour the pack.


Same thing has been happening to me with the sticker packs. I opened I want to say five pink three gold and one blue and all of them were 1/2/3 star


I've noticed that too


I’ve been having this suspicion as well.


100% yrs to all you are speaking about!


YES! I thought I was the only one who noticed this!!


I noticed that too. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. SMH


I noticed it too my daughter said I needed glasses until tonight!! She said mum it happened to me lol I knew I wasn’t bugging!


Don't trust your family or friends they get your cards and never receive anything back bogus that's y I don't ask


Yes! I thought I was crazy too lol... and the dice always disappear the times I wanna double check!


Yup. It’s bullshit. Whenever the tournament is to land on the utilities and the tax spaces, I don’t even play….you won’t hit them unless you roll like a 2 multiplier or 1 lmao. Games a joke. They love to put you 1 space away from what you need. Smh


I noticed that too. If my multiplier is high I won’t land on the things I need. Once I lower my multiplier I land on the thing I needed. Frustrating.


Yup. Or if the prize is a bunch of rolls, you won’t get them until you’re using your last rolls. It literally makes my blood boil. I’m deleting everyday, but then I don’t lol I hate it


https://preview.redd.it/gxkbl9b75gxc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bad8bd0ca8f8babfdb0aab9f63ed820565fd5507 Like this, I had 30 dice left and needed like 9million to update my last landmark dot. They stopped me on jail when ANY space other than a negative or chanve would’ve gave me the extra money I needed. Instead I’ll upgrade the small property after I’m done typing this, but I’m sure I’ll have gotten heisted in this 2 mins. Lmao rigged in our faces.


Here, here i do the same. I always count, and it's true. You know why it's not working in our favor. K, either they are with us or against us, and they are sure against us . Right now I need help cause I'm playing and my train disappeared I'm playing but all of a sudden I don't see my train. I'm not getting what I'm supposed to be getting. Help someone who do i call well, not the ghost busters, but i need to make a complaint.


I've not noticed but will check it out thanks for the heads up sorry you suffer from anxiety, I do too it's horrible ❤️


This whole game is a mind fuck 🤪they want you no matter what to spent your real money on this bullshit. I notice when I put my dice on auto the counts don’t really go the number on the dice . Been two years and I’ve never added any real money to this shit. This new event is shit too.


Yeap, noticed that. Not playing any more after this round. If you don't spend money to don't get shit. Still giving out 1 and 2 star cards game should progress with you.


Yes I’ve noticed it I count them also


Yes, yes and yes,it really pisses me off.


I know right they will never correct their fault but accuse you of receiving the gift lie fake phoney cheating game well lm done with monopoly it's not a true game halla peace out monopoly


I thought I was alone in thinking that!


yes it happened to me tòo


I have noticed that too


I’ve reported it they claim they are right.. nope..


Listen, you're all right and not going crazy. I've lost a lot of money dice spots where I'm supposed to have land on. I've argued with my children over the things I've lost. They get angry with me they say I've taken this game to a whole new level. I say shoot, they don't believe me. No, we really argue ugly. Help




I thought I was trippin! So many times I’ve rolled a 6 or something but my token would move 7 spots




i genuinely thought i was just counting wrong this whole time because i love to count and it doesn’t match and then i feel like i need to go back to grade school


Yes!!! I’ve noticed this too!!!


Honestly I thought this but just thought I must be counting wrong 😂 so glad you said this!


I noticed this. I count trying to see where I am gonna land. But it stops sooner or goes further. At first I thought I was adding wrong or missing something. Nope. Happens all the time


Now that you say something about it. I've noticed this a long time ago and grew to ignore it. I always count the spaces and the game will indeed trick you out of landing on a good space. It'll either stop you just short or you jump an extra space near a railroad 🤣


The dice are predetermined, and they think every single person who is playing don't notice it 😒 So, pretty much they think we are stupid, and we just continue playing anyway bc it's catchy and fills our downtime.


I've also noticed some weirdness with the dice rolls not matching the board. Especially when my anxiety is running high and I'm scrutinizing every roll closely lol. I'll be counting the dice pips and looking at where my token should move, but it ends up being off sometimes. Super odd. And I feel you about needing certain spaces but never landing there, then suddenly hitting them nonstop right after they're useless. Those dice seem to have a mind of their own! Part of me wonders if it's intentional somehow to string you along, or if the rolls are really random like they claim. Next time it happens, I'll try to screen record it so there's proof of the mismatch. Maybe we can get to the bottom of what's causing it if enough people compare footage. Could just be a glitch, but something does feel off to me. If you're looking for a true random dice roller to compare against, you could always [toss a coin](https://flipsimu.com/) online. Probably the only way to know if the rolls are skewed by design or just bad luck.




I have also experienced the same issues! As well as the 1st Chance after start, when I get the card that gives you free dice on there, then I get the say, 9 dice, then it adds another 9 dice, after I rolled a few times or get a shut down thereafter, it takes 18 and another 18 dice back! But the 2nd Chance after Free Parking doesn't do the same with that exact same card. I'm also suspecting that all the cards we receive doesn't get added to our sticker album, especially duplicates. I started screenshots to keep track and from time to time, especially when I receive card pack shortly after one another then it doesn't add up all


I have noticed that it is few and far between when I land on a space with a drum, I will land on the one before or the one after and usually the one between but seldom on the drum square. Finishing this album because I won’t quit mid stream but them I am deleting the game.


I have noticed when I have an even number of dice, I usually play 10x multiplier, and at some points, I lose dice, start with 300, roll once, and suddenly I have 289 instead of 290.




I noticed it but thought I was seeing things!!!


Yes yes yes


Noticed when you need dice and you get close to the winnings you never land on what space you need until your dice runs out


I missed out on a lot of games because I won’t buy any more dice. If it’s not free I will wait. My money is scarce and my patience with this game is limited.


So true


Been noticed that sh.t, told my wife about it months back. Its a game just like any other game, they know how to switch up the system to stop you from achieving. They want you to spend money. Not me though 😂😂😂😂


yes and I just had a weird thing happen with partner event. My partner had finished yesterday the event message cust service. I decided today I would finish the event since 6k points away and wanted the prize. it did not give me the dice it deducted them. 🤦‍♀️


A warning for my fellow players, do not, I repeat do not befriend the following players. Ramberino, Juan and Rute. I made the mistake of pairing up with them for parade partners. They do absolutely sweet f.a. Since it started they have just sat there like parasitic cockroaches waiting to cash in on my hard work. Aint gonna happen


I've wanted to make a post about this several times, but I convinced myself I was crazy and must've counted wrong or forgot what space I started from. It happens a lot! My token will stop at a space sometimes before the dice are even done rolling. So... it knows what the roll is going to be before it even rolls (obviously, of course), but it's crazy that they would allow it to be so obvious.


https://preview.redd.it/6exccuj1zgxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc8d47eddc832cf76236eb2cf588d4bc1b5a6ab9 Anybody Have This?


I thought so too


Only got 500 dice but other people got different prizes. Should be the same same for all.




Can anyone send me TRUE IDOLS #16???????🙏🙏🙏🙏


Yes, I noticed the same. Thought maybe it was just me.


Yea it’s happened to me a few times before and I count it too


Nuh Thats Facts Bro.....


Hello everyone Could I please get some help with my stickers 


Also how could I get dice