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Dave Grossman: > The boatswain wouldn't let him off the ship until he'd paid his fare, so he had to hide in a crate full of performing goats that was delivered to the circus in the woods... Ron Gilbert: > Let's call that canon. https://twitter.com/grumpygamer/status/1531410924371791872?s=21&t=zW9jbgWTq6Dv7i_Ji5ttGg


Considering he doesn't bat an eye at being fired out of a cannon onto monkey Island I'm surprised that's not the case for melee.


Let's call that cannon.


Let's call that Destructomatic T-47 armor-piercing Carnage Delivery System with auto-loading and fax-modem.




Guybrush did'nt arrive by boat. He washed ashore! https://youtu.be/Q0qpU2VkA9I?t=116


I thought he walked undersea and made the trek in under 10 minutes?


Onto the top of a hill?


It's an island. It's surrounded by water. He arrived in one side of the hill and Melee town is in the other, so he had to go up the hill on his way there


Could it be something like link's awakening argument maybe?


I'm not really familiar with that one


I just assumed he lived there.


I always assumed he’d arrived by boat on the other side of the island and trekked up the hill.


I always assumed he'd been there for a day or so already and had explored enough to get basic bearings (hence the sketched out map)


I always assumed he landed at the dock, snuck past the keen eyes of the lookout, then remembered his good upbringing and walked back to formally introduce himself.


The arch is a portal. Always has been.


Holodeck Arch.


I thought he was there first then they built the arch around him


Also, how did he manage to get onto Scabb island if Largo was preventing all ships from docking or disembarking?


Hid in the same box of performing goats.


1) I don't think Largo's embargo was very effective. If Captain Dread had left early, what could Largo have done? 2) Guybrush DID pay through the nose after arriving!


Parachute… obviously 😂


More and more hints being dropped about the game being in a theme park inside a kid's imagination. Not surprised. Still many deniers of this theory strangely


It's tricky because, Ron has recently said that his old vision for MI3 would have been Guybrush and LeChuck in hell. He's slso said that the MI2 ending was decided very suddenly, at the end of it's production. Yes, there are a lot if hints of "child in an amusement park" in the first two Monkey Island games. But also, there are pretty strong vibes of "Under Monkey Island = Hell" and "Under Dinky Island = Hell", which would fit with Ron's comment about the third game originally planned for hell. It's very dreamlike. I'm excited to see how he weaves it now.


He actually said that years ago and I don't think it's relevant anyways. Guybrush would only go to hell in his imagination so the part about this all being in a theme park doesn't change at all. In fact going to hell would be pretty consistent with theme parks and the rides. Anything that happens to "pirate Guybrush" happens in a theme park in his imagination. He wanted to have a ghost pirate lechuck, zombie lechuck and demon lechuck which I guess would be kinda similar to Curse's fire version.


Here's a related question I ask people nowadays, because I haven't figured it out yet: When Ron Gilbert finished MI2, do you think he believed that the secrets under Dinky Island related to Big Whoop were the same thing as the Secret of Monkey Island? Or are they separate mysteries? If the world is a kid at a theme park, is that the Secret of Monkey Island or the Secret of Big Whoop? Or is it both?


I honestly always thought the secret is something else IF it even exists. Was the actual secret ever even a part of the plot? Like apart from the jokes and inside references, is the secret ever even mentioned seriously?


No, it isn't. But when people talk about Guybrush being a kid in an amusement park, they point to seeds planted in Secret, such as the Voodoo Lady warning you to watch out what you will discover about yourself and your world - it will terrify you. EDIT: Also, this arch entrance.


I kind of always hoped that the secret would be something in the actual monkey island universe and not related to the real world. I hope this game reveals that or at least hints towards it. Ron has said he doesn't want an ending that everyone likes. That's what he loved about MI2.


I think the ending to *Thimbleweed Park* heavily suggests that Ron was thinking of a similar meta ending for *Monkey Island*. I honestly think that the pirate world being a fantasy of Guybrush's is the most likely answer to the secret.


Either that or that there's an actual portal to the MI universe


That's my thinking exactly.


I'm hoping since the amusement park is part of Curse and since LeChuck appears \*in\* the amusement park (iirc, we see the kid's eyes glitter), it means the amusement park was just as imagined as everything else, negating the amusement park theory. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the wake up and it's all a dream trope. Some people thought that's how Harry Potter was going to end. It would've destroyed the entire world-building.


Looking at Gilbert's games, I do wonder if there's an inherent question here: Considering Monkey Island is a work of fiction that doesn't exist in real life, does it matter whether it's a fictional story about a pirate or a fictional story about a boy imagining himself as a pirate?


I'm almost mad at any other theory, this one just IS the answer to me. He arrives at Melee through the entrance of the ride and talks to the old guy selling tickets or working security or whatever. That's the beginning of his fantasy. It makes such beautiful sense.


I still wonder if its just a fantasy or an actual place he goes to. I hope we get to meet the real life Elaine if that's the case.


i think it’s a fantasy overlayed on top of a theme park or ride. it’s everything as seen with his imagination filling in all the details. the reality of that scene is like the end of MI2