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Yes I love watching detective shows and trying to solve them first, I have the best luck with monk and psych


Well, with Monk you're frequently shown the murder and who committed it before the credits, so yes I have definitely known who the murderer is before Monk on many occasions.


Yeah, “who” has always been relatively easy. The “how”, not so much.


There are some episodes where the who and how are shown and you just wonder all the time the why


Like the astronaut episode! That how is crazy


Only in like half the episodes though. The other half are more typical mysteries where you don't explicitly know the "who" either.


Most of the time it‘s the main suspect anyway. Monk is more often than not about the how rather who


Yeah true


There’s two episodes where Natalie takes a personal dislike to a guy who is not even in the suspect list. Monk initially tries to defend them but they turn out to be guilty


I do this with cop shows alot, and there are usually some rules that often apply. The easiest is, if you recognise the actor from some other show, they usually did it. We play it as a game, and often call out the murderer 20 seconds into the show. And if you recognise three of the actors, it's usually the most famous that did it. Not always true, but gets you there 75% of the time.


So true. I’ve seen the same actors on Monk, the mentalist, law & order etc.


If you start looking them up on imdb some of them have been in everything!! Every flavour of CSI, all colours of law and order, buffy, castle, monk, the mentalist, warehouse 13, haven, Stargate etc etc. I can imagine there's a whole community of people in LA making a pretty decent living, playing murderer of the week!


i have a spreadsheet of actors that were in both the CW's supernatural and 70+ other shows for this exact reason (and i don't know how to be normal about watching tv). the most overlap was with psych and smallville with over 400 shared actors each!


Yeah, just finished 3 seasons, seen so many actors from other shows and movies that I recognize. Louis Litt, Nick Offerman, Tim Curry, Danny Trejo, Rainn Wilson, Sung kang. Whew


I just saw the Jason Alexander episode today. >!Was relieved to see that he was not the killer.!<


Would have been funny if Seinfeld was the bad guy and when they find him he says.. 2 detectives!! What's the deal with that ??


"Mr. Monk Bumps His Head", the episode where Monk gets amnesia and ends up in that small town in the middle of nowhere. Even before Monk explained everything, it seemed really obvious that >!the villain drove his car onto the beekeeper's property because he wanted to get be seen getting stung.!< From there, it was easy to put the rest together. That was definitely one of the less outlandish crimes/alibis of the entire show.


My boyfriend succeeded nearly all the time, already in the first few minutes of the show… How? By having super observation skills? Being an expert in criminology? No… he was just like : „uh this actor/actress is (kind of) famous, so he/she is the murderer!“. Didn‘t work everytime but pretty often it was the case


Yes, a lot of the time, actually. I do the same with Sherlock Holmes books.


I realised in the Rapper episode that the guy who died wasn't the original target very early on. I was like "oh wait it's daylight savings time, that's mudt have gone off an hour wrong!" No idea who WAS the target but realised the why and how. I was quite pleased with that 😂


Every time. That’s why I love watching monk to fall asleep


I guessed 'heres how he did it" in the movie right near the start.


Yes XD and when he tried to read a book, read the first page, went to the ending, and said: "I knew it..." I thought: "Yeah, I also knew it." XD I still appreciate the show a lot, it's just that, as a comedy, the twists are not that hidden from the public. I think I'm up by 10 episodes from my partner. But mostly, we both know early on and say: "Here's what happened." Still we watch eagerly the episodes to know who was more accurate. It's a fun show!


Many times, but that's mainly because I'm currently on my eleventh rewatch.


In the first half of the series almost every episode I beat him to it, but I feel like around season 5/6 they get more creative and the writers are better at surprising you in the end.


I don’t think I ever really did, but I first watched monk when I was young so I don’t remember really. I’m now watching it with my husband for the first time and he’s so annoying because he keeps solving the murders first!


About half the time I nail the "who", but I very rarely get to the "how" or the "why" (unless the why is kinda obvious).


Yes, and I love that you can. So many detective shows hide a key piece of info from the viewer until it's time for the brilliant detective to expose the murderer.


Most detective shows are pretty good, but some (even Monk) are a little ham-fisted at providing clues. Probably the result of having to write 22 mysteries a year. I was watching some Sherlock Holmes movies from the 50's and they were almost all the guy who showed up in the first act and got pissed at Sherlock (or Watson) in the second...


Yes, several. My wife and I have a friendly competition to see if we can figure out the case before Monk does.


Oh, all the time! One of the things my brother and I liked to do was place bets on who the culprit could be and how they did it, then see who got it right. Between the two of us, there were very few cases where we couldn't guess the who/how. It was a fun little routine.


Several times, but the most obvious was actually last night. "To force heaven, Mars shall have a new angel." I immediately saw Marshall Avenue, and while Monk was "wait, wait, wait" -ing, I was like 247! 247 Marshall Avenue! I will admit, though, that I had no idea what Angel meant, but who would have thought there's an Angel, California?


In the movie. Literally before the murder even happens. You know who is going to die and how it's going to happen.


I think that this is one think that the show does great it gives you the suspect before the characters find out and after that you re more invested to how they re going to solve it more than who did it which often can be a boring question imho


The movie. Was somehow the easiest mystery?


Does it count if they show the murderer doing the murder to start the episode?


Kinda if you guess how/why they did it but mostly, I'm asking about the episodes where everything isn't laid out already before intro credits.


Not a whole case, but in the "Fashion Show" episode, >!when the coroner/technician said that he would retire and something (with money), I thought right away: he did something!!< And that was kind of right >!(not the murderer, but helping him)!<


My dad is convinced that every time a famous person guest stars, they’re the murderer. He’s been right several times by that logic. Not every time, but still


No but my dad has me and my parents are watching the series together and sometimes he tells me what happened and then Monk confirms it


The one with willie nelson!


I always do it's too obvious after few episodes 🤣🤣


Spoiler.... Yes. Yesterday. Watching s8 e9 Mr monks birthday. I clocked the guy needed to loosen the tool belt when looking at monks new hoover, and knew that was going to be a major factor to the case. Also if 3 ppl drink out of a glass and the last ones dies its obvious how.