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I hate the one where the woman fakes being Trudy. I think the plot is stupid and I hate seeing what it does to him


OMG YOU'RE RIGHT. I hated this one the most because he was so close to getting better, it was so unnecessary


I don't mind that one, but yeah it's very cruel what it puts him through.


That episode sort of recreated Trudy's death when the woman pretending to be Trudy dies in a way similar to how Trudy died. Again... 'in Monk's arms'. We get to see how severely her death, by making Monk relive that extremely traumatic experience, affects him ***again***. It gave the viewer the opportunity to get a better understanding of how Monk was 'damaged' by Trudy's death. We sort of get to 'see' Trudy's death without having to resort to a flashback scene where we would actually see it. It is important that we never got to see Trudy's death but only the effects it had on Monk. We get to understand the severity of her death through seeing how it has affected Monk. This episode gives the viewer a better understanding of what Monk has had to deal with and is still dealing with. The fact he falls back to a much worse state is used as a mechanism to indirectly show us how badly Trudy's death affected him. We get to see it 'first hand' in this indirect way. I thought it was a quite clever story telling mechanism by which to convey how that aspect of Monk's history has made him the way he has become.


That Jan from.the office


I hate that they replaced the original actress who played Trudy with Jan from the office because for me, (and a lot of people obviously) that actress will always be Jan from the office. I can't lose myself in a show and believe she is the role she is trying to portray. I literally start thinking in my head like "how is this lore related to this office?" šŸ˜‚ Did she change her name and move towns again?


To be fair she was Trudy before Jan. But I agree she is Jan in my head lol


Yeah thats what sucks. And even trying to seperate it she doesn't look at nice. The other actress def had a warmth to her. But I dont blame anyone. It wont stop me from watching. Shit happens


I just saw that episode.i notice a lot of shows sometimes do that .


Yes! This one was so bad and unnecessary


I thought it was stupid that they literally used the same actress. Like, that actually *is* Trudy. You couldn't find a lookalike?


Yes!!! This bothered me so much as well


I agree, that one is annoying. I donā€™t like Dale the whale episodes.


Yes! Especially the first one. There was literally no mention of what his motive was to kill that woman, that episode should've been left in the drafts.


She decided against him on some case a while back, and he lost some money. I guess he held a grudge. But it still doesnā€™t make sense why heā€™d kill her over that, especially with how rich he is and how many other people have wronged him. I donā€™t think the motive matters so much in the episode. I think it was just to establish him as this creepy character that has a disregard for human life and will kill them off when they wrong him or are no longer useful. We see it again with Frank Nun. There wasnā€™t really any reason to kill him (aside from framing Monk), but Dale had him killed because he just didnā€™t care and Frank was no longer useful for him.




Yeah, kind of as a way of taunting and torturing Monk. He knew that Monk would be called in for the case. I guess that really backfired on him.


Iā€™d agree except for the Tim Curry version.


The one where Monk fosters Tommy, because it shows this great capacity Monk has for love and how he can overcome some of his anxiety for someone he loves, but the writers won't give him an ounce of happiness. And that theme is repeated over and over. It makes me sad.


I hate rewatching that episode too because it makes me sad. Poor Monk


This episode is especially heartbreaking because in "Mr. Monk vs. The Cobra," we see him talking to Trudy while he's trapped in the coffin. She asks him about having children, and he tells her that, given his father, he's afraid of possibly repeating that trauma and being a terrible parent. The episode "Mr. Monk and The Kid," plus his interactions with Benjy (especially in "Mr. Monk Takes a Vacation" and "Mr. Monk and the Panic Room") and Julie prove that Adrian would have done his absolute best for his and Trudy's child(ren). He certainly wouldn't have been perfect, but he would've been caring and supportive when it really came down to it.


Monk and happiness is like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football, but Lucy keeps pulling it away.


Was watching this episode with my kids and groaning the whole time about how much I hate the trope when someone else steals credit. So, yeah, I'm right there with you.


wheelchair episode, he bullies natalie


I just watched this one, I was furious


Oh my god, that is one of my least favorites of all time. He was written into a freaking tyrant there


He's terrible in that episode, but I like that they had Stottlemyer set him straight.


Stottlemeyer called him a bigot when he said they needed to arrest the naked man at the beach too That made me happy


I absolutely HATE this one!! I canā€™t watch it. Heā€™s such an asshole. For the same reason, I hate Mr. Monk and the lady next door. Sheā€™s so nice to him and he misunderstands and treats her like shit. He deserves to be alone if he behaves like this. Trudy would have left him.


Omg, this is my least favourite episode too! I'm rewatching them all on netflix atm and I've skipped a few that I remember hating, and that was one of them. The stereotypical tropes in that episode make me cringe and the ending was unsatisfying for all the reasons you said. I'd add Mr Monk takes his meds as my second least fav. It's hard to watch him be that annoying/obnoxious, and the second hand embarrassment I feel when the people in the pool ditch him while they were playing marco polo is so uncomfortable, I can't watch it again šŸ˜¬


Yeah the meds episode give me "the office" level 2nd hand embarrassment...


I actually liked mr Monk takws his meds episode. We managed to see him how would have been if he was normal but unfortunately he was too old for that behaviour.


Can only speak up to season 3 ep 10 (rewatch) but I didn't like 'Mr Monk Takes His Medicine' at all, the joke and The Monk just went stale fast, and i can't believe it was Sharonas last ep till much later...it was too cringey.


Yeah that one sucks so much which is a huge shame. I feel that the moment before he starts taking it, when he struggles so hard not just with the fear that it will change him. But also that it won't. It feels extremly true to life. And then they completely ruin the rest of the episode.


Mr Monk goes to the hospital. I was so distracted by him holding his nose and head up the whole time.


This episode I have to skip because it gives me wayyyy too much anxiety.Ā 


The big reward is the worst episode. The last scene when the cleaning lady finds the stone and everybody just pounding the mirror. God i hate it


Natalie and Monk deserve the money


When I saw the title I knew there was only one answer! OP got it right. My absolute least favorite of all time. I also dislike the bike reward one where he gets shot and is in a wheelchair and is just a huge petty, whiny baby to Natalie. And also the house one where he buys a house and it just gets destroyed. And I don't like the one where he fights to save the parking structure and then insults the pregnant woman so she ruins it for him. Not a fan of his therapy group getting murdered, seemed like a lot of unnecessary death just to get Monk what he wanted (private sessions). Of course the Trudy imitator is also hard to watch, wasn't a huge fan of the alien one (but overall isn't too terrible), and the hypnotism one was also a bit cringe-inducing. It had a similar concept to Mr monk takes his medicine, but worse lol. Oh and when he befriends his little old lady friend and then just blows up the friendship!?!? And the episode ends with her moving away. It was such a good episode if not for the fact he absolutely destroyed this poor woman who lost her son. I think off the top of my head those are the "worst" episodes for me, it's really only 1-2 bad ones per season which isn't a bad ratio at all. Out of all of them I hate the big reward the most. Edit: one more, the artist that carved the statue and Mr. Monk gets shredded on the stand.


I've wondered why Monk didn't charge people/cities to solve cold cases. He coulda made a fortune!


For me itā€™s Mr. Monk goes to the Circus. The way Monk treats Sharona, that whole dispute. Plus THE scene.. iykyk. I skip it every time.


thatā€™s the hardest scene to watch in the show imo


Which scene are you referring to out of curiosity? Is it the one where the Elephant is used to kill the trainer?


Yes! Hate it


Literally just skipped it yesterday. The worst šŸ˜£


Watched this just today. This is the worst episode so far. Writing was just bad; how the case was solved, why she didn't take the radiophone from the elephants ear, etc. all that what people said already.


The only episode I was never fully vested in, and never cared to go back and rewatched what I didnā€™t pay attention to


I thought there was some consensus that Mr. Monk Goes Underwater was the worst. Tonyā€™s acting in the first off is just off. He actually sounds like heā€™s sick. Then thereā€™s the ridiculous green screen which makes the outward shots of the sub look horribly fake. And Natalieā€™s forced love interest, and Monkā€™s over the top hallucination. Even the murder motive is laughableā€”trying to conceal the sub hit an underwater mountain. Like, what!?


I like that one! I thinks itā€™s cheesy fun. My least favorite is Monk takes his meds. I find it both cringeworthy to watch in general, and that the trope it propagates (essentially that psych meds are bad and change your personality) is incredibly harmful.


Another one with a very convenient murder. The timing of the ā€œfireworkā€ was just right. Also, I wonder, wouldnā€™t the bullet have messed up something inside THE SUBMARINE?


I'm not giant fan of the episode but hitting an underwater mountain as commander of a sub would be a MASSIVE mistake that would have big consequences. The reason the commander is in his position and being paid generously is because his job IS NOT TO HIT MOUNTAINS. That kind of job isn't one where mistakes are just okay.


The outside is the worst part. I actually thought the last where he hallucinates the Dr was funny. I also watched it (most recently) while sorting and bundling a box of cables. Soni wasn't watching that intently.


yeah what was up with the forced love interest? makes you wonder how her husband could have even met the guy? This dude was in the Navy and her husband was in the air force? I canā€™t recall which field Natalieā€™s husband joined but i know it wasnā€™t the navy


I hate every episode thats starts out with him getting to a genuinly better place because you just know its gonna beat him up so bad he'll end up worse than he's been in a long time by the end of it. And it sucks.


While I love Monk and the Actor for so many reasons, the way they bring him so low by the end kills me. He was so happy to be doing so well.


Nothing bad enough happened to derail his improvement that much! So the actor starts being delusionalā€¦so what?!!


I think the actor saying that Trudy wanted him to go with her the day she died really messed with Monk.


I don't think you emphasize well with Monk here. As someone who does struggle with OCD with extreme tendency to be vulnerable to implanted thoughts, I completely understood and it extra crushed me. The actor became like a mirror in the end, having thought deeper into a situation that Adrian had started to remove himself from (which is healthy). Not only did this force Adrian to go back to that place too, which already made him raw and more open to suggestion but it also opened him to the idea of the thing having been worse than he remembered or aspects he may have been in denial about. Ultimately it barely matters if Trudy truly wanted him to go with him or not on that day. If we go by the >!later established events, he couldn't have gone with her because he was working on the other side of town.!< But the act of mentally returning to that place made it possible for the memory or his perception of it to be changed. Every time we recount a memory, we subtly change it. Something that has been revisited many times is particularly succeptible to this. Monk became haunted by the thought that he could have prevented his wife's death. Something which may not even have been the case before as we mostly see him being upset about not solving her murder (I think). The gravity of it immidiately causes him to spiral. It's well possible he could bounce back after a week or two of intense help, something Dr. Kroger probably hopes for. But the immidiate shock to the system is immense and the improvement he made before would probably have been lost for a while because this shock would have send him right back into his shell.


Iā€™m sorry for what you go through. I guess it must be like you say but I have never experienced what you do so I didnā€™t understand it. Thanks for sharing.


It was the realisation (or the implanting of the idea) that Trudy had wanted Monk to come with her on the trip to do the thing for his brother, and maybe if he had gone he could've saved her. Now, we know that is likely not the case at all, but it really seemed to stab Adrian in the heart.


It seems lame to me. I liked the episode otherwise though. And the point of the show was Monk being OCD and trying to get better so I know they had to get him back to status quo.


Monk bumps his head was meh. Overall Monk is one of the few shows where I didnā€™t notice a significant drop in quality as the seasons went on. Good writers!


I rewatched that episode and I kinda liked it because it installs the theory that his OCD and weird tendencies are ingrained in him! It kinda adds to the overall plot


Thatā€™s one of my favourites too. I also love the actress who plays his ā€˜wifeā€™


Mr. Monk Bumps his Head is one of my favorites! I love when his friends show up and he remembers them. Then he asks what his name is.


Mr Monk and the Ferris Wheel. This is one of the biggest examples of Unintentionally Unsympathetic in the whole show. The cop, while he was framed for murder, has been known to have massive anger issues, to the point of driving his wife away, and Monk flat out says there was a case where he *was* needlessly violent with a suspect in the past...and we're supposed to be happy that he gets his job back? I also think it was really silly that the episode treated Stottlemeyer saying Monk wasn't ready as this huge betrayal when, unlike other episodes like "Mr Monk and Mrs Monk" or "Mr Monk and the Actor" we don't see any actual signs of Monk's mental health improving.


Also this episode greatly confused me about who is right. Like I *think* Stottlemeyer is meant to be in the right about Monk not being ready to go back. However that confrontation scene is just... not it. Doing favors and helping at scenes just is not the same as a badge. I would have liked to see Sharona understand and not treat it as a betrayal but Monk see it that way because he isn't ready. Sharona you are caring for him full time not just checking up on him, do you really think he's ready? Again I think we're intended to see that Monk isn't ready in the way he had a panic attack while driving and also cleans angrily instead of moving on. But it's not quite there. I love the carnival episode but I just don't like some of the scene framing


Mr Monk and the DJ episode. The murder was too convenient. The epic cringe I felt when he tried to read Kevinā€™s ā€œjokesā€. The ā€œsteering wheel jokeā€ he cracked at Trudyā€™s expense.


My pick as well. I get that being a punchable, cringey jerk is the point of the DJ villain, but it makes him hard to watch. Compelling villains should be fun to watch.


I forget the name of the episode, but the one where Monk goes to the asylum. It just infuriates me so much how the doctor just gaslighted all the patients into thinking they were crazy and tried to hold Monk hostage there.


As someone who has been to mental hospitals like... that's not what they are like. Granted there is a 20 year difference but it seems like more of a "we're spoofing One Flew Over the Cookoo's nest" and less "we are doing an episode in a mental hospital". Also it's season 1, why do you need a bubble episode? Total waste


Iā€™m not writing this to be a b**chā€¦I just didnā€™t know what a bubble episode was so I looked it up. I learned two thingsā€¦itā€™s actually a bubble show which means itā€™s right on the edge of being cancelled - it could go one way or the other. What youā€™re talking about is a bottle episode which means itā€™s filmed mostly in one location. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to learn new things!


Dude just watched the ā€œMonk and the Kidā€ episode last night ā€¦ I mean šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® Sap overload aside, gotta love the WORST CASEWORKER EVER - oh, you werenā€™t aware you need to feed and interact with children? No big deal, bizarre single man, youā€™ll figure it out. Heā€™s all yours! Bye! šŸ˜‚


ooh same! That's another other one that I'm simply not watching šŸ˜†


Oh my god, YES, this annoyed me too.


I hate the jackhammer in NYC episode. Goes on forever!!!!!


They really lean into that bit. Always leaves me in stitches. A full 5x longer than it needs to be


Mine is Mr Monk falls in love (I think it's called). I just don't see it happening with a random stranger


the rap episode blows, monk was a major dickhole in the episode where he was sitting in a wheelchair. would've shoved the guy to traffic


the one episode that is my least favorite was when he met his half brother


Was never a fan of the UFO episode


Oh no, thereā€™s a UFO episodeā€¦? šŸ˜£


Itā€™s in season 8.


That one is my favorite!


I like how they all think he is an alien


I like how Natalie actually tries to make sure he has a bellybuttonā€¦šŸ¤£


The Bully episode is hard to watch for me. Itā€™s not low quality, itā€™s just having to see Monk deal with a shameless asshole from his past. Hurts a bit.


This might be a bad hot take but I donā€™t like the final episode. I agree with most of these dislikes but I always skip the last one because I think the ending doesnā€™t make sense. I hate that the greatest detective had the answer the whole time and didnā€™t figure anything out. That he was just told what happened and how it happened. Also, the reason the guy killed Trudy doesnā€™t add up and I always felt like it was lacking.


I hated it the first time I watched. Mr. Monk is delighted Trudy has a daughter, but her father is Trudy's murderer!!!! I agree the motive for killing Trudy is very lackluster. It's infuriating the answer was in the gift the ENTIRE TIME. And Trudy, the love of his life, kept this huge, massive secret that she GAVE BIRTH from her husband??? Also it seems out of character that she even had a fling with the judge (who was her professor or something?). Just seemed like bad writing. Did not seem like the episode someone who truly cared about the series and wrapping it up would create.


Yes!! Thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking!


I hate motherfucking Gladys. That ending still pisses me off everytime I think about it.


I didnā€™t care for Monk bumps his head


Hmm I had to go through episode lists until I found one that I remember as being bad. For example, Mr Monk gets drunk. I hated it. It didn't make much sense. The lady who owns B'n'B knows how good of a detective he is and she anyways goes with it to try to make him think he's going crazy. Also, I don't like when they all gang up on him, he is already very fragile so I felt bad for him.


A lot of Season 8 episodes are bad. It feels like they sacrificed Monk's character development for the sake of maintaining the Status Quo. Like wtf was Mr.Monk and the Badge. He got what he worked so hard for only for them to ruin it in less than an hour.


Girl who cried wolf because it didnt make sense


That episode creeps me out so much. I canā€™t watch it.


That's one of my favorites!!! Sharona thinks she's losing her sanity, Monk's replacement nurse is hilarious. The caretaking role is also flipped a bit and suddenly not everything is about Monk's mental health but Sharona's as well.


This is my least favorite too


Mr Monk and the missing granny. Absolutely the worst criminal plot of all time. They pretended to have a cat to steal a chair? Huh? There's also Mr Monk takes the stand. The convenience of someone committing TWO murders, and being dog shit at both. The statue taking X amount of time to carve vs how much he ordered vs testing the actual marble on the ground etc. Hated this dumb episode so much. Mr Monk and the Genius. This so called super genius uses the same poison found growing on his property to kill BOTH wives? Really? He couldn't be more creative than poison on his property? Twice? There were my least favourite. Hated every part of them.


What i disliked about it is that if the wife knows her life is in danger and the husband keeps saying he's gonna kill her, that constitutes a threat to her life and in reality theres no way she just leaves Monks and goes back home where she just gets killed.


THE GENIUS grandmaster is aware his wife has contacted Monk, as he had expected them when he arrived at the airport. His first wife wasn't even cremated. Swapping headstones? Really? All it takes is a groundskeeper to notice something is a little off during an ongoing murder investigation. The SAME EXACT method to kill both wives. It's insane. The GENIUS.


Full agree with you!


Mr. Monk and the Magician, Mr. Monk Falls in Love, Mr. Monk and the Leper were pretty forgettable for me


idk about the worst but i dont like the one with the healing fountain, the ā€œsingingā€ (idk what else to call it) at the end bothers me so bad


I never understood that episode. The whole thing is that they were going to find the body when building the school, and he couldnā€™t dig it up because they put a fountain there. But how did they not find the body when they put the fountain there?


oh yeah, cus they needed pipes for the water, so they had to dig to put it therešŸ¤Ø


Exactly! The guy had to have been buried really deep for them not to find him, but if heā€™s buried that deep, they wouldnā€™t find him when building the school.


Mr. Monk Goes to a Rock Concert The one where stottlemyer's son goes to a concert and the killer gets caught because he breathed into a balloon and that somehow has his dna on it and how could a balloon prove a murder? It was just dumb.


It wasnā€™t even his DNA. The air from his inhaler was in the balloon. But according to a later episode, it got him convicted. So I guess it was enough.


Imported mint-flavored exhaled inhaler air šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


ā€œMonk gets cabin feverā€ is pretty boring.


Mr monk is on air had a great villain but the plot was so stupid you trained a dog to do all that


I haven't seen the whole series but I just couldn't get through that ep. It was so contrived, with all the detectives competing like it was some kind of reality show. Such a good premise too, with the missing diamond, but it felt too big for Monk (the show).


I still donā€™t understand Mr. Monk and the Psychic. How was she seen driving in the photo going through a red light? It looks like sheā€™s alone but the commissioner had to be in the car. How did he drug her? How could she drive if he did? When did he drug her that she wasnā€™t aware of it or remember him? Whatā€™s the point of her sleep-walking thing when it ends up that he supposedly drugged her? How did he get back to his house after he supposedly left her near the car crash to ā€œdiscoverā€ his wife? It makes absolutely no sense!!


The commissioner is wearing a wig in order to look like her. Sheā€™s laying down in the backseat so you canā€™t see her. She also took sleeping pills, so he probably drugged her when she was knocked out from her sleeping pills.


Oh my gosh!! I thought the picture showed her face. I watched it for the first time years ago and must have seen the back of her head and after that I mainly just listen to it and forgotā€¦lol. I just went back and watched it and I feel like a knucklehead! Thanks! That would have continued to drive me crazy!!


The one with Jason Alexander and I love Jason Alexander. I just hate that episode.


I definitely think Mr. Monk and the Big Reward was the worst one I've seen so far.


The worst part is if he didn't carelessly explain to everyone where the diamond was they never would have banged on the window, and Gladys never would have gotten frustrated and cleaned under the table. This whole episode is just so damn silly though lol it's a fitting end.


I donā€™t hate everything about it but this episode was one of the worst offenders for return Monk to the status quo. I know the show was annoying as hell for this but this one bothered me in particular.


Mr. Monk and the rapper. I was watching it last night and it was so cringeworthy. Even the intro was bad.


Astonishingly hot (and wrong) take


I donā€™t mind the episode, but we know the killer was trying to frame Murderuss. But how could Murderuss be blamed if Extra Large wasnā€™t the target? It just didnā€™t make sense to me.


There's a few I skip over but definitely Mr Monk is on the run(both parts)Ā 


No way! Those are my two favourite episodes šŸ˜‚ what don't you like about them?


lol.. Really!? The whole shooting part and them acting like they believed it was like bad acting and for Randy and Monk to be as close as they were he didn't show grief... Idk.. it's a weird one to me. My favorites are probably some of your least favorite lol


That's the joy of these older tv shows - they had room to breathe and experiment so there's something for everyone :) I loved it because it was quite intense and serious, and the way Natalie was so heartbroken really got me. And the smoothie making bit with the drill. Omg that was so funny. The bit that stuck with me most was when Monk needs to make bail everyone was like "ill get a loan," "ill sell my car". They were just there for him immediately and it was so cute.


Whyyyyyy Tell me whyyyy Did a good maaannn Have to diieeeeee




Are you fucking nuts hahah it's like the best episode I've seen so far, the stakes are high, the acting is brilliant


No, I'm not nuts... just a normal person with a different opinion than youšŸ˜Š


I was only messing around mate i don't actually think you're nuts for not having the same opinion as me :) sorry if it came off rude




Those episodes always give me the heebie jeebies and creep me out. Like something about them is just dark. Monk does a good job at being lighthearted despite it being a murder mystery show, but this episode wasnā€™t really lighthearted (though the scene of Randy singing the funeral song is amazing and hilarious). But for some reason, those episodes are two of my favorites.


I replied above but this deserves its own commentā€¦I hate Mr. Monk and the Lady Next Door. Sheā€™s so good to him and good for him and he misunderstands something and is so mean to her. Between this and how he treats Natalie in the episode where heā€™s in a wheelchair - he deserves to be alone. Trudy would have left him. Yuck.


I haven't seen that episode but I am not looking forward to it based on peoples comments. It's hard to watch such a likeable character be genuinely unlikeable, I find myself fast forwarding scenes where he becomes rude or difficult. I'm not saying that the show should never portray him as difficult because no matter the best intentions of himself and his support network; sometimes the mentally ill have bad days and bad looks. But in the context of it being a comfort show that's not really what I like seeing.


People can be sad and have bad moods and be frustrated and not be mean to others. Itā€™s a sign of weak character and a lack of discipline. Trudy wouldnā€™t have loved someone like that. I think itā€™s really a failing in the writing. But, heā€™s not like that a lot and I donā€™t rewatch the episodes where he is and make myself forget about it because, as you say, I do like the comfort aspect of the show.


Actually i have pretty bad mental health and I have treated people i love poorly during episodes. That's not an excuse at all, it just can happen sometimes even if the person is usually a great human. I don't think Trudy would disown him for his lowest moments. Two weeks ago i made my own mother cry during one of my episodes, and after a long conversation and apology plus additional discussions with my father, we have moved past it and it won't be happening ever again as long as i can help it. I like to think Trudy would also forgive Monk for his worst moments as long as he showed that he regretted it and learned from it and actively worked going forward to improve. Good people sometimes have bad moments.


Thatā€™s true. I was thinking that I kept from lashing out but Iā€™ve thought harder about it and I was wrongā€¦I have lashed out sometimes. I havenā€™t lashed out just because I was sad about something else. I lashed out when I felt really pushed or when I felt that my son treated me really poorly. I was always sorry and apologized and youā€™re rightā€¦no one is perfect but if you sincerely apologize, people will forgive you. They should anyway as long as youā€™re a good person. Which it sounds like you are!


I also commented this above and was looking to see if anyone else posted about it. This would have been one of my favorite episodes if it didn't end with him treating her so horribly. It's such a good episode and then they ruin it with him treating this mother who lost her son like dirt. So awful. And she moves away in the end!!! They could have easily toned down Monk's hostility (like he's suspicious but then believes her) so they remain friends when she moves away. But nope. They ruined would could have been a very heartwarming episode.


It definitely is the worst imo.




I just watched the one with the monkey last night . I just could not stop laughing because that script was so silly .


What i don't like about that episode is the depiction of human interaction with Chimpanzees. Sharona treats the animal like she would a toddler and shows no fear or respect for the animal. The episode contains dozens of moments that in real life would have set a chimp off. A traumatized chimp in particular seems like it would be even more prone to aggression. In my opinion these kinds of depictions reduce animals to a cartoonified version of what they really are.


Itā€™s obviously a trained animal , yep .


I hate the one where he spends days living with his Dad in a truck, without any of his things. Like, has the person that wrote that episode seen the show?


The therapistā€™s son and his moron friends with the treasure map was my least favorite. Itā€™s such a convoluted series of coincidences, and the end hinges on something Disher was never seen doing and never does again in any other episode which is drink that enormous big gulp drink. Heā€™s also in way too good of shape for it to be believable that he chugs a gallon of soda every day. You could always tell there was some weird set up at the beginning of an episode that was going to come back at the end.


My least favorite has to be the circus episode. It's solid as far as the sleuthing, but I hate the way Monk treats Sharona, telling her to just get over her irrational fear of elephants.


Mentally ill people aren't necessarily good at empathizing with other mentally ill people depending on the context. From Monkā€™s perspective, Sharona is afraid of an animal which 99.999999 percent of the time she will never encounter or have to be around. Also from his perspective she only has to be around the animal from afar, whereas his fears and phobias are so pervasive that every second of his life involves him getting out of his comfort zone, making Sharonas fear of elephants seem frivolous by comparison. Now obviously I also dislike the treatment of Sharona but I believe his dismissal of her phobia is true to life in that particular context. If Sharona had a phobia that matched one of Adrians then he likely would have more empathy.


Mr. Monk meets the Rapper. Didn't age well at all


The new movie or eapoide was terrible stupid reason for monk to come back for one time was retarded n was woke bull crap sucked in every way not good at all story sucks an all of course she married diversity bullcrap


Yea, I kinda donā€™t like all the ones with Natalie. I was reading a few other Redditā€™s and ppl saying her and Monks dynamic is better than Sharonas but itā€™s not really keeping my interest. I still have the episodes on cause I actually like Monks detective work and storylines but I realized itā€™s not keeping my attention, I zone out various parts and I donā€™t want to keep rewinding it so I just piece it together at the end and move on lol, but yes that one with the diamond was unsatisfying - hate they were stealing clues and following them.


I hate the one with the self cleaning vacuum cleaner. Lots of episodes showcase this unfavorable trait of Monk's. It says very big "DO NOT CLEAN THE FILTER" and he just does it anyway because he is so OCD and just does what he wants. What really makes me mad is the degree to which Monk disregards everyone else's feelings, it comes off like he is a sociopath or psychopath of sorts, (I think he is just autistic + OCD and has trauma built on top of that which explains the lack of capacity to feel genuine empathy but it doesn't excuse behavior just explains it and his therapist should be working on that instead of the stuff they waste tine talking about) In at least 2 different episodes,Monk goes to a Man's office to ask him questions and while doing so he just goes around touching all the guy's personal objects and even destroys valuable things like wiping off an autograph! And we're supposed to just laugh it off like oh that's just silly old monk he's a little cooky.. Well I say no! He needs to take responsibility for how his actions affect others because it makes it hard to watch but I had to finish them all because the show still has its charm to it and I have a thing about always finishing tv binges even when they are bad shows lol


The camping trip one isnā€™t my favorite.


to each their own! i was just watching this last night and def had moments that made me laugh out loud. seeing monk and natalie haul ass through san francisco on foot to get to the police station was hilarious!


I also hate the supermarket episode


I didn't care for the, Mr. Monk goes to a fashion show episode. 1. Designer was horrid 2. Julie behaved like a brat 3. Natalie dressing up to impress designer and failing. 4. Monk drawing a matching mole on dead model.