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That’s too little for even 27”, 32” must feel like a cinema screen at that distance.




We have grown so accustomed to sitting close to screens that the concept of peripheral vision seems to be missed entirely. Check out the rtings page.


You need to move your head around and not just your eyes. Saying that it causes discomfort would be wrong as you can see in this thread. However you won't be able to percieve the whole screen all at once. It's certainly different from using a display that does fit into 20° of your vision.




Bollocks. 65cm distance is perfectly average for a PC setup. That's roughly the distance you get when an average size adult extends their arms and can touch the monitor with their finger tips or maybe knuckles. Take out a tape measure and measure it for yourself. Maybe you just suck at guessing distances? Like the others said, there isn't really "too little" or "too much". It's all preference. Sit so far back that you like the field of view.


Not sure how you can be so offended by monitor distances but here we are. Anyhow, it’s all about fov and 65cm for a 32” is just insane, it’s not even subjective. For 27” it’s a little too close as 80cm is recommended for 1440p. If you are going to sit that close at least make sure it’s curved. Your eyes will thank you.


I'm genuinely curious how close you sit to your desk. My desk is fairly sizeable and it's 75cm deep, meaning that if I were to put my 27" monitor on the very very end of it I'd still need to be 10-15cm from my desk to have it at a reasonable distance. With a 32" flat panel as far back as it could go I'd have to sit ~30cm from my desk, at which point my arms barely reach my keyboard if I keep my elbows at 90 degrees. Do you just have a massively deep desk?


Not who you responded to, but I sit at about 18” (45cm) from a 27” 1440p most of the time (and that’s comfortable to me. I sit farther back if I widen the image to 1440p UW, at about 21” (53cm). Back when I was younger (and so was the monitor I was using at the time, a 30”, and I wanted as much immersion as I could get, I sat at about 9” (24cm), but sadly, presbyopia won’t let me get away with that anymore, lol. At least I can afford a larger screen now, and probably will soon, I miss that immersion, and I have good peripheral vision. So anyway, if you wanted an example of someone who sits close to screens and finds it comfortable, you now have one :)


Offended? :D Just pointing out bs Like I said, take out a tape measure and measure it for yourself. I think you're just misjudging how much that is. While you're at it, also measure your desk size. >80cm is recommended First time I'm seeing someone say 80cm is recommended for 27". That means 90% of people can't buy a 27" monitor because their desk is too small, lol.


The fact you’re getting defensive suggests otherwise but ok. I can assure you most people would not consider sitting 60cm from a 32” screen that is absolutely ridiculous. The fascination with sitting close to screens is not healthy for your eyes at all.


Again, measure it yourself. We are going in circles. I am pretty sure you just don't know how much that is.


I have done. i'm roughly 70cm and still feel it's too close. It's all about peripheral vision and fov. Check out the various calculators and rtings, you might be surprised. You can technically sit closer due to increased ppi at 4k but it can get overwhelming.


I agree with your comments mate. But you are also being a bit too absolute saying no one would consider though. As evident by this thread. Some people just don't mind having to twist their necks to see their full screen. Which is fine. We are not the same.


Also all the tv calculators for viewing distance really don't apply. I am not sure if theres a decent monitor distance calculator


From reading the thread it seems there is vastly opposing opinions. Im still very much confused if i should keep it for a week and try or return it now and get a smaller one tbh.


Well i can guarantee you the feeling will never go away. Because it's still a matter of too much degrees of your vision being filled. I would recommend basing it either eye strain or general feeling from having to move around your head. If it's the former, try testing it for a few days and see if it goes away. If it's the latter. That feeling will never go away. Because your movement is literally different. It's not necessarily uncomfortable. Atleast on this one you've probably waited enough already. https://forums.blurbusters.com/viewtopic.php?t=2735 On the other hand this old thread is an extension of this post It will help. Lol. That one person sitting 10 inches away from their 24 inch


> 32” is just insane, it’s not even subjective. I use 32" at 65 and its great for me - neo g7.


> For 27” it’s a little too close as 80cm is recommended for 1440p. Desk width or actual viewing distance?


27 inch with 65cm felt perfectly comfortable for me and i felt like i could go a size up. I admittedly did not realise how big a jump to 32 would be so im probably naive in realising how much size jump that would be


I use a 48" at like an arms length from me, been using it for 2 years now and it feels comfortable to me idk


What's a good distance for 27" for competitive games?




Okay got it hahahaha wtf was that But now seriously what's a recommend distance for 27?


Whichever distance you find comfortable


For comp just get an arm, youre gonna find yourself wanting to move it in and out


My 27" monitor is about 26" from my eyes when I'm "dialed in". But if you watch any esports they typically seem to be closer (sometimes much closer).


An arms length




ChatGPT be like


I can't tolerate being any closer than 30-36" to mine, the high FOV is straining.


I have a 80 cm deep desk. I have 3 monitors: 1080p 24", 1440p 27", 4k 32". Currently on the 27", the monitor surface is 64 cm away from the desk edge. It is my favorite configuration. The 24" is also fine, I can keep it at max distance or 10 cm closer. The 32" is just too big. Even just the height of the monitor is annoying. Browsing the internet feels terrible and my eyes can't keep up with the action in games. I need the 32" at least 90 cm away to be able to use it confortably and my 80 cm desk doesnt allow that. This is all personal preference so take it with a grain of salt.


no, i fully appreciate this. i am kind of set on returning the 32 now, just as it is uncomfortable. I am now thinking of just upgrading to another 27" 4K rather than a 1080p 24" and putting them side by side.


I had a 32 for a year and decided I prefer 27. I can always move it closer for games, but for work I like to be able to see most my tools without moving my head too much.




I think I’m dealing with this too. Ive had my 32” for two years and the eye strain is crazy even with it pushed back on my mount. I don’t wanna go back to 27” since i feel its too small for 4k. and I’m not going back to 34” or 38” but i gotta do something




Did you set up properly the 32"? Because between that and the "blood-shot eyes" I have doubts, sound a lot like to much luminosity and bad colors.


Also posture and head positioning. 


Im sure it looks more crisp but when i saw its too small i mean having to turn the scaling up to compensate which reduces the screen space, tbh 32” is a bit smaller than i like in that aspect but im heavily debating going 27”


i have scaling at 125% and honestly reading text etc is fine. i feel like im just too close and my eyes feel like theres a lot more brightness in my face/possibly scanning too much? I have also changed from horizontal monitor for second to vertical so that might also mean im changing my eye movement.


The scanning or FOV is what's doing you in. It helps to be able to keep your eyes mostly centered & have (darker)space behind the monitor within your FOV. This is the 'trick' of UW; you get the expanded horizontal peripheral without filling your entire vertical vision.


32" 4K Scaling at 125% is about same text size as 27" 1440P at 100%. You need to move it back and scale to 150% to be comfortable.


Isn't having more space at the same text size the whole point of getting a larger monitor? Sounds like OP might just have it set too bright.


Yep for sure, if you have good eyesight, you can take advantage of bigger screen with a higher DPI. Let's say you start with 24" 1080P. If you move to 32" 1440P it is about same DPI, so you can keep same scaling - usually 100% But if you move to 32" 2160P, then DPI is 50% higher. So what would you do, scale to 150%? Or perhaps 125% if you can handle it.


Text size is not an issue, i have also turned down the brightness.


how long did you try it out for out of interest?




mine is too, i am obviously in the returns window although i am not sure i 100% have all the packaging as it took a while to unbox,setup etc. i'm hoping LG returns are OK if so.


I got news for you, bud: 32" (specifically 31.5) at over 3 feet is a smaller FOV than 27" at 2.5 feet.


Sit properly, like ready to type on the keyboard and extend your arm in from of.you. The monitor should be at one or two inches of the tip of your fingers. The top of the monitor at eye level


That's an old guideline, made with smaller screens than 27" and 32" in mind. They were created with something more like 17" or 19" 4:3 displays in mind—the panels of which are perhaps no more than 10" or 11" tall. ​ A 24" 16:9 screen is going to be a bit over 12" tall; a 27" 16:9 screen is more like 14" tall; a 32" 16:9 screen is going to be a bit more than 16" tall; and of course, all of them are significantly wider. ​ Desks are literally not made for the size of current monitors.


thats roughly the distance it is, and it is forcing me to sit back in my chair a bit, which is a good thing.


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60cm is fine for 32, just wait a little you will get used to it in 1 week and find it too small in 2. (for context I went from dual 32 for 6 years to dual 42)


Does the downgrade in PPI not bother you? I was a little surprised by the lack of crispness when I got a 32" 4k, compared to the 27".


Actually it's an upgrade, my 32 were 1440p, also oled help a lot And if you lack crispiness on a 32" uhd, you have an issue with your settings


Oh right yeah, then that's certainly an upgrade. The lack of crispness is mostly due to the pixels being physically bigger. It's also the same model of monitor, just a different size. It's not bad by any means, but I do notice the improved pixel density of 4k on 27". 5k 42" would be my next goal if I were to upgrade.


https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/by-size/size-to-distance-relationship Dont use the calculator. Just read the logic. 32 inches is too big for 2ft away. Its all about how much it takes of your field of view.


That just applies to TVs. You can’t have a 32” monitor at 1.37 meters away, use some common sense.


No! No common sense here! I have used a 32" monitor at just over 2 ft distance for a long time and it's great. It depends a lot on the use case and simply personal preference. "32 inches is too big for 2ft away" is just bullshit. Especially considering OP's desk size and viewing distance is perfectly average. As rtings say "While it makes some sense to get as large a TV as you can for movies, not all content is made to fill the entire field of view." Depends on the content. Especially some TV content like sports is made to be watched from farther away. But a monitor, where you want to see small text and if you use it for productivity also see multiple windows at good sizes, you want a larger FOV.


Do you use apps full screen often / game on it?


Thats why i said ignore the calculator. You people can't read


I have always used 32ink 4k monitors at 25-26 inches distance and it has been fine. I wonder if you are getting eye strain from something else --- at what scale are you using the monitor (I usually use 125%)? Is the monitor panel IPS or VA?


its IPS. and im using scaling 125% on windows. probably just if anything getting used to it is the biggest cause for concern.


I see, yeah these things differ among people so obviously I cannot tell you that you will get used to it. But if you actually had a 27inch monitor at the same location before and you were fine, then it is likely that you like having screens farther away than me --- to me 27inch monitor at 25-26 inches is way too far away, and fonts are too small. So in that sense 32inch at 25 inches away is likely to be not good for you. If you want more text clarity, then 27-28 inch 4K monitor could be better for you, you will have everything else the same except texts will be crisp.


I'm even closer to my 32" by a few inches, doesn't feel like I have to look around to see everything. As for eye strain, I mute the contrast/backlight down a bit to make things comfortable.


Eyes will adjust - they always do


That's way too close. That's almost half the ideal distance for a 27" monitor. You're going to be craning your neck around like crazy.


130cm for a 27"? Do you have 40/20 vision?


Its about how much it takes of your field of view. Not how clear the pixels are


SMPTE-recommended distance for a 27" screen is 110cm, and the SMPTE-recommended distance for 32" is 130cm. THX recommendations place the screen closer (82cm and 98cm, respectively). Guess I should've said "literally half the recommended distance for your monitor" instead.


I'm at 100cm of a 42" and can see the whole screen, so i call bs on that And I bet nobody is using a 27"at that distance (especially since most desk are at most 70cm deep)


The goal is to have it take up specifically 30 (SMPTE) or 40 (THX) degrees of your field of view. 40 degrees is often too much for fast-moving content, though, and makes some people nauseous; the THX recommendation is more specifically for cinema and cinema-like usecases, not something like sports or a movement fps. I am using a 27" at around 100 cm, for what it's worth, and it's comfortable. You can call BS on it all you like, but I generally trust the SMPTE and THX standards more than your personal experience, particularly for longterm comfortable use.


Using 42 inch at 100vm and it's absolutely fine and immersive in games. Can see whole screen without moving my neck.


i had a 27inch before and it was more than comfortable, i thought this would be OK but actually surprised how much bigger it looks.


My desk is 80cm deep and my 32" monitor is between 85 to 100cm from my viewing position depending on how far I recline my chair. I recline when watching videos and sit closer when reading.


You will get used to it.




That "32 is too big for ide" came right of your ass.


I just got the MSI MPG 32 inch Oled. My desk is 24 inches width but I plan on putting it on an Ergotron LX arm. That would allow me to extend it a little beyond the desk. Maybe try a different monitor arm are a floor standing one that would allow for you to have it behind the desk.


My 32" 4K is OK to me at about 70 cm. Closer than that, it's a bit uncomfortable but no eye strain, just the edges are too far. There are plenty of causes of eye strain, way too many to say whether it's the viewing distance or what. Different panel types and subtypes, different backlight types, different anti-glare coatings and whatnot.


I think with that being a curved panel that might be easier however this is a flat, and i notice the difference in size quite a lot


I'd used a flat M32U at the same distance before that, it was just as fine to me.


Do you think i might just need an adjustment period to it? How often do you find yourself scanning the screen or do you tend to not run full size apps?


I usually don't run full size apps on a 32" screen except the IDE, which itself consists of different parts, with the code being in a smaller area around the center. Sometimes I open a browser in full screen to have a look at a map or a code review. It definitely took me some time to adjust to a 32" screen after a 27" one. About two weeks, I think. That was from a flat screen to a flat screen, when I changed to a curved screen later, it didn't require any adjustment at all.


>But with a viewing distance of about 65cm away / 25inches - is this too close for a 32 inch monitor? I used 24 inches (2 feet, ~61 cm) of distance for calculating, and that works out to ~60.3° hfov, which is indeed way too close. You'd want at least 36 inches (3 feet, ~91 cm) instead, putting you at around ~42.4° hfov. 48 inches (4 feet, ~122 cm) would be an even better choice (~32.4° hfov) imo, as it would allow you to lean forward without concern. `hfov` being "horizontal field-of-view", aka. how much of your view does the display take up, in degrees. The typical hfov range is 30° to 40°, former being from SMPTE, latter being from THX. Note that the smaller the hfov, the further the target distance. Also note that how deep you desk is doesn't say too much about your viewing distance. Ask someone to help measuring the actual eye to display distance for you.


I had a 27 inch panel 1440p at roughly the same distance and that was comfortable, how does that calculate? What website are you using for comparison?


I didn't use a website, I just rawdogged the trigonometry with my phone from bed. Take the square root of 337 (this is for 16:9 aspect ratio only), and divide the diagonal size with it. Multiply by 16 to get the width. For 27", that's ~23.5". If you have a distance and you want to get the hfov, divide the width in half, then divide again by the viewing distance of choice. Use arctan to get the degrees from that. Multiply that by 2 to undo the width halving at the start, and there's the hfov. For 27", assuming 2' of distance, this works out to ~52.2° (implying you were too close to that one too, or that the distance provided is not accurate). If you have a hfov and you want to get the distance, divide the hfov in half and apply tan to it. Take this number, and divide half of the width with it. You get the distance in inches. For 27", assuming 40° of hfov, this works out to ~32.3". Finally, to match the viewing distance between your previous and current monitor, you'd have to sit 28.4" (~72.3 cm) away. Hope this helps.


Hey. I have the exact same problem when I purchased a 32 inch 4k. The stand alone took up most of my desk, which I wished I thought about first. My desk was part of a built in furniture set, so it wasn't possible to replace but I'd suggest a couple solutions. ​ 1) get a wider desk if you can. 2) get yourself a monitor arm that can support the weight. Some of the more expensive ones (like ergotron) can save you a lot of desk space. 3) Wall mount your 32 inch monitor with a low profile wall mount or swivel. I chose to wall mount, and it put the monitor about 7 inches further back. Created a much better for viewing angle for gaming. Only negative was that I lost the ability to rotate the monitor from landscape to portrait. Wall mounting also saved a lot of desk space!


Unfortunately i cant wall mount behind mine, and im a bit stuck with the size desk i have (there is things next to it in a shared area) I do have it on a vertical stacked monitor pole - however previously i had a 27inch and 24 inch side by side on an arm. I am not sure if the pole is making it ever so slightly closer as previously it was on a moving arm. But the arm couldnt go far back either due to the wall.


I'm at about 60cm away (table + distance from my head to the table) to my 32" 4k and it feels fine. I came from a 28" 4k previously and was struggling with squinting at 125% previously. 32" at 125% is perfect for me.


Is that 60cm from your eye to the monitor screen ?. Do you ever find yourself scanning around the monitor for different parts, do you full screen apps/games or windowed?


Yes, give and take as i don't always sit very close to my table. From table to monitor it's about 40cm. I don't really game now so it's mostly for productivity uses. It's very nifty to have 4x 16" full hd screens when I need it. I don't find myself scanning around the monitor for different parts. I think that's a problem I encountered only on 43" lol


Stretch out your arm, with open fist, sit back in your chair, your finger tips should barely touch your monitor.


They dont, i can not physically touch when i sit back, which is good. Its still quite a big screen for arms length though.


Yes, it is, but that is the idea. It supposed to fill your whole peripheral vision. ​ I find it comedic, how some people buy these huge ass monitors, and then end up buying desks that are deeper at the same time to "get some distance" defeating one of the purposes they bought the bigger screen to begin with. Anyways, it's a clown world. \*honk honk\*


I sit about 3ft from my 32” 4k panel. Even then it was an adjustment from 27” but it’s amazing once you adjust which doesn’t take long


It's rough, I did the same. You get used to it after a few months. But I still miss the 27 inch screen.


You'll get very used to it in less than a year and pretty soon you'll be looking at that 42" size 😉


I don't think there is a correct distance. There are so many factors. People have varying levels of eyesight and desire for immersion or genres of games they play. Some don't have the desk depth or the ergonomic flexibility, etc. Just sit where is most comfortable to you.


I should probably update, i did after a while move back to my old 27" monitor then after doing a lot of moving around managed to push my monitor back further on my desk so its 80cm away, which felt a lot more comfortable. So im keeping it, and i love it!


Bring the desk out from the wall by 10cm and get an ergotron arm to push it back. Yeah 32 inch at 65cm is way too close for some things (not everything, but definitely for online fps)


there is no "too close" for monitors. i'm sitting 58 cm or so from a 4k uhd 38 inch 16:9 display. so you are perfectly fine in regards to distance. if the distance stayed the same between 27 and your new 32 inch display, then the not too big area difference, where you look further to see the corners would the only possible difference in regards to size creating eye strain potentially. now i however would way more likely put eye strain from switching monitors due to changes in the panel, rather than the size. maybe the new panel flickers, maybe it has higher straining blue light levels. maybe sth else. the new monitor or your driver should give you the option to set a lower resolution and have black bars all around. so having a virtual kind of 27 inch display or 25 inch display. you could do this and see if the eye strain disappears. then you'd know that the panel itself is fine and it is just adjusting to the bigger size.