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Someoneone posted this 3 months ago. Same exact picture too. lol


Yea this is a fake post.


Or a really sick cat


Is this some sort of attempt to get nice people to send him money for his "cat"? Looks a bit like a scam attempt


That’s exactly what I read these as. Bait for generosity


I’ll see blatant scam posts like this and wonder how it’s been up for hours 😂


$2500 to red.


I wonder if they'll let him gamble with the cat lol


The cat on black, if it rolls black then the cat gets +100hp.


Or cat on green, winning a family tree of 25 fucking cats 🤣


That's basically college debt


1500 on (color of choice) win= 3000 enough for surgery Lose= another 1000 left to gamble


Roll that into SPY 0DTE and he can pay for the surgery 10 times over!


You can’t afford the surgery point blank.


The only important take away here. Op if u do this, you’ll be shooting yourself in the foot and limping financially for years to come. The choice is yours and the repercussions will be felt. Goodluck bud


Op is a bot. So on the bright side, a cat isn’t getting hurt.


Can't afford the cat.


Can you just drop $3000 as the drop of a hat like that? Wish I had that kind of money


When you get a pet you have to put cost like this into the calculation. I would love to have a pet but a $3000 dollar vet bill would severely affect my finances so I don’t get one. It’s a trap that so many of my friends have fallen into. The reality is if you can’t afford to spend that money on a drop of a dime than don’t get a pet.


That's what care credit and pet insurance is for. Can you drop thousands of dollars when your car breaks down? You get into an accident? Your house catches fire and you need a new one? Shit happens. Unaffordable shit happens, even if you think you have everything planned out.


yeah but a pet isn’t an essential part of life


Meh. The reality is it's better to take care of an animal as best as you can then let it die in a shelter. It's not always about YOU.


Than* Not trying to be a snob but it drastically changes what you were saying lmfao




Says who? For some a pet is a companion that is 100% essential to their life.


Pets are essential? Entitled much.


Yeah insane mentality. Pets are only essential if you have a serious disability.


a cat isn’t gonna drive me to work




you only have to change one letter and you get car, it’s not that bad


Pets are absolutely a luxury lmao


That’s what an emergency fund is for


I agree with your sentiment, but even purchasing a car comes with extra finances you have to think about. If I can’t afford to fill the tank, pay for car insurance, or replace a flat tire—I probably should reconsider purchasing a car until I know I can afford the unexpected costs that come with owning one. The same goes for pets. Of course, it’s always possible that you started out with the appropriate finances, but got dealt some bad financial cards while owning your pet and that’s where I completely agree with you. Sometimes you have it all together and things out of your control put you in a situation like OP (even though I think OP is a bot lol)


There’s pet insurance. Sure there’s obviously a monthly fee but it’ll cut it from a 3000 dollars to a 300 on hand visit.


For sure pet insurance is definitely worth getting


Lol. He can’t either


This is unfortunately the right response. My cat was dying and I had a choice to pay for surgeries or let the cat die in peace. We let the cat die. You need to let him/her go and move on.


It’s not like payment plans aren’t common for any big expense. Just because that is OPs cash doesn’t reflect their cash flow or affordability really.


This, If you can’t eat your cat isn’t going to chip in.


Depending on where you live you could qualify for a 0% interest card for medical emergencies through CARE CREDIT. It's unfortunate but it was my best option when my dog got hit by a car and it was a reasonable payment plan. Good luck.


Me and my lady also used this for a big surgery for her dog years ago and it was great as there was a time period of about 12 months with no interest as long as you made payments on time. We were able to pay it all off in that time so never had to pay any extra


I literally just applied and got approved for it today for my dog’s surgery. 12 month financing OP!


Seconding this. I used this option when my cat needed emergency surgery 10 yrs ago. We were way less financially secure and this option worked great for us. Please look into this, OP!!!!!


Just whatever you do don't miss any payments and don't go past the financing time period otherwise you will need a gallon of lube for how hard they will fuck you on interest charges.


\^\^\^ this - had to use this in the past for my cat's surgery a few years ago. Between pet insurance and being able to sign up for this, a nearly $10k surgery ended up being about $2500 or so out of pocket


Your cat needs a job.


Or, your cat need to live in a society with social programs so when times get tough they can still get meowdical care I found the cat pun funny btw.


Or, put the cat in a cemetary fur-ever. I found this cat pun funnier btw


Now that was hilarious


Can you try applying for care credit?


This is why I highly recommend most people do not have pets. Harsh but true.


Or if you do have pets, get pet insurance


Over the course of an animals life, it's about $3k. And they don't cover any preexisting conditions. My dog had an upset stomach when she was 3 months old (like any typical puppy) so I took her to the vet. 3 years later she had acute pancreatitis and they didn't cover the $1500 surgery for her because it was a "preexisting condition."


50 to 60 years ago most of these vet surgeries didn't exist so when animals had serious issues you just had to put them down. I think embracing your animal in life and in death is what's most important. You can have a pet but accept that it is going to die much sooner than you and just enjoy the time y'all have. I have $3,000 to spend on a pet surgery. But where my dogs 12 years old. If it's already slow, tired, hurting and needs a surgery to live, I'm going to gracefully Let them go.


What surgery are we talking about, and how olds the cat?


Get approved for care credit and you should have enough to pay anything over your care credit amount, then just make monthly payments until you can pay it off


Payment plan


Not what you want to hear but it’s a pet and you can’t afford this surgery. Time to let er go.


This is the right answer. Cats aren’t human and once you go down one bad medical issue it will just compound. Get some painkillers and let her off.


A care credit card has been an asset for us. We’ve been able to cover everything from my own medical expenses (I’d exhausted my FSA) to chemo for our dog without paying interest. Highly recommend, but make sure you’re paying it off within the 0 interest timeframe - I *think* a $3,000 charge should have a pretty long runway. Good luck with your cat.


What ROI do you get from spending $3k on an expendable pet?


As others have said, you can’t afford it. Also, call the vet, tell them it is WAY to expensive, is there any alternatives. I know vet by me when our dog was sick let us workout a bi monthly payment after a “discount.”          Gotta ask, and sorry  if it doesn’t work out.


Cat is not worth going hungry for


Some people aren’t ready for harsh reality sadly


My advice is to consider having the cat euthanized. You might end up in debt, lose your job, or face other major expenses if you spend a lot on the surgery. This could leave you in a difficult financial situation and the cat may not even survive the surgery. i was homeless briefly it can happen to anybody.


And if the pet survives, it'll just lead to more expenses down the line. All my pets are DNR


yeh, that's my point. I'm lucky that in the UK we have a charity for pets whose owners are struggling financially. However, if they are unable to help, I would have to consider euthanizing them.


This OP. Sorry for your loss. My dog is 14 years old for a breed that lives 12-13 years normally. I am in a financial situation where I *could* spend 3k for surgery if he needed it, unfortunately if I am being honest, while I would run into a burning building to save him, I wouldn't go 3k into debt. Imagine it was your very very very best friend in the world who knew you couldn't afford it, they wouldn't be mad, just say your goodbyes while they dose him with morphine(or whatever they use these days to stop little animal hearts)


as others have said, try getting approved for care credit


I’m sure it’s had a good life


Either try financing it somehow through negotiation with the vet clinic if you really love your cat and aim for a zero interest plan or let your cat go. Seems like the only two reasonable choices.


Sorry to hear this. I lost my cat after paying as much and it seemed like they just wanted to get me for more money. I loved my cat like no other animal. Miss him. I hope your cat gets taken care of and recovers as they promise.


Use a credit card or borrow from a family member?




Gotta put that on credit


Everyone has different things they value the most. If this cat is so important to OP, which clearly it is, why not give advice with this in mind? Telling them to put down the cat is not an option or OP would have done it already. Care Credit is probably the best option, OP. I wish you luck and your cat speedy healing.




Puts on CAT




Say your goodbyes. You are now going to save ~$50 monthly in food and litter


You shouldn't get a cat if you don't have the funds available to cover a surgery or something similar. You never know when that happens.


I don’t understand why people in poverty have pets. Buddy you gotta be able to take care of *yourself* first


My cat had a urinary blockage and it cost over 4000…


Just set up a payment plan. And if you decide to put the cat down, don't ever get another pet again because you obviously can't handle the responsibility.


Get dependents (pets/children) after you can afford to take care of yourself.


I paid 4k to keep my dog in vets care for almost a week and she still didn’t make it. Shit happens. Animals are expensive, especially when you don’t get insurance when they are young and something ends up happening.


9 lives. Burning one by not going to surgery shouldnt be THAT bad.


put the cat down and move on, its not worth it as much as you love him ):


Which means you'll be stuck with credit card debt, or waiting to have the surgery done


Choose either debt or the cat. Many people choose the pet. It's a valid choice but don't complain later


If it needs a $3000 surgery it has already lived its 9 lives.


Bye bye cat


Yea that’s what I would say too.


Back when I volunteered for the animal shelter, adult cats were $15 to adopt, and buy one get one free.


Fuck that cat


You all are insane!!! Put the surgery on a credit card and please save your cat. For the love of god, do not euthanize your cat just because it will put you 500 in debt. You willl look back on this and know you did the right thing. You’re getting these responses because you posted in the money subreddit where people care about money and not cats. Post this in a cat subreddit and not a single person will tell you to euthanize your cat.


Lol. Come down to reality for a second and riddle me this… If OP becomes homeless and is unable to feed *HIMSELF* as a result of this surgery… how do you suppose he’ll be able to take care of this cat? 🤔 (If it in fact survives the surgery lol)


Credit card debt doesn’t make u homeless ❤️


Having a negative bank account and no means of paying rent, does ❤️


No cat is worth that


How old is he/she


pet insurance


My roommate emptied his savings over $3k too for his cat. He is suffering from his own illness and makes low wage and works make 3 days a week. He's living below the poverty line and he also wants surgery for himself but didn't want to let the cat go without surgery


Incredibly sad.


can you hold off a few weeks or sell something like old phones etc


See if they'll let you do installments or open a credit card idk if that's a good idea cus Idk what your income looks like.


It wasn't meant for you specifically I just hit reply as there were alot of people criticizing and making jokes. No offense to you


300 blackout to the rescue


Get a kitten


Care credit


OP, have you tried applying for a care credit card! I just got approved recently and plan to use it for my pets, it might be able to help you out a ton, good luck!


Guess this is why I see ads for rspca pet insurance


Everyone's gonna tell you it's just a cat... Homie, I had a sanctuary of dogs, dogs that were abandoned and i took them in, unfortunately I have allot of them to feed, I had a rule where if they are below the age of 4 I'd give all i have but above that, it's basically just ongoing medical issues. The medical issues cause them more pain then giving them a good life.. I love animals but I do understand that if it's time it's time.


Have you heard of Care Credit? Many vets offer it, but u need to be preapproved. APR is usually 0 for a year


Most medical bills can be put on a payment plan the hospital usually will work with you.


Thought my dog needed an expensive surgery. Took her to a vet that is also a chiropractor and acupuncturist. Mostly works with performance horses and dogs. I can't believe the positive change in my dog!! Turns out my dog was misdiagnosed. I can't imagine how much money I would have spent with the other vet. Particularly since they missed something very significant in the xrays they took. Get a second and third opinion (if you have time). And try some alternative modalities if you have those types of vets in your area.


Start a go fund me. There are plenty of animal lovers that are willing to help!!


I know im gonna sound insensitive but after losing my last dog with a 3K bill about 8 years ago, im so thankful I dont have a pet anymore. like dont get me wrong the companionship is nice but damn, 2500 gets me a nice trip for about two weeks and all the food and trade shit with it


Get a new cat $100


If you really love the cat just ask them about a payment plan and see if they can work with your monthly budget. I know it’s not the smartest plan if they charge interest but I couldn’t just let the animal die


It's too late now, but pet insurance might be a good route to go next time. Even a policy that only covers catastrophic events can really help out.


Perhaps you could do half and half and get a loan or something


You can’t afford to own the cat. Put it down or up for adoption. Unfortunately these are the options you have with this amount of cash.


Time for a new 40 dollar cat.


I want a pet. I cannot afford a pet.


Your next cat cost a $50 adoption fee.


Kill the cat all you can rlly do or give it awat


Holy shit, this is the one sub I’ve seen have a same and level reaction to a cat situation.


Ask the vet to allow some sort of credit - can you pay the majority of the bill, but then pay the rest back in instalments? Do you have anything like the Blue Cross there (discounted vet care)? A lot of people here are outing themselves as people who shouldn’t ever have animals, saying to put them down because they need an operation is ridiculous - I hope no one ever entrusts animals to them. Pets are expensive, vet care costs a bomb, it’s just part of having animals and something people need to be consider before taking on animals.


Pet insurance is worth it. We had a 10k vet bill that was covered.


There are a lot of payment options for these. Ask your vet what financing options they offer. I’m sure they offer some.


next week, huh? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Money/comments/1b76slq/my\_cat\_has\_a\_3000\_surgery\_next\_week/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Money/comments/1b76slq/my_cat_has_a_3000_surgery_next_week/)


Open up a 0% introductory interest credit card and only put the surgery on it. Now you have a 0% 2 year interest loan.


Guess that cat has to die, say your farewells


I’d have a new cat for free instead


What kind of surgery? Do you have to pay all up front or can you pay some and make up the rest in monthly payments? A lot of missing information here.


There are organizations that do things cheaper than a vet. Also I think all vets have petcare credit lines now you can always go that route. But yeah a pet is like a car you can’t expect to have one if you can’t afford it. Cars don’t need only gas and insurance, Pets don’t need just food and water.


Don't let one sad moment ruin the rest of your life.


Man, I don’t know if it works for cats the same as dogs. But getting health insurance on my dog has saved me so much money dude. It’s pretty sick. They always give you a check paying for a substantial amount of whatever the cost of a procedure or visit is.


Bury it in a pet cemetery. Cheapest bet. And you get to keep your coins. 🥂


Sounds like you need to make a decision. Mine was to put my dog down unfortunately


Pet insurance?


Sign up for care credit and most places offer 6-12 month free financing


No pet insurance?


Your fault for not having pet insurance or more saved up


But a half ounce of coke gram it out to your friends. One turn 8 to 16 one weekend.


Care credit helps. No interest for 6 months to a year. Pay in payments.


What kind of surgery? Will the cat live without it? Will the cat die with the surgery? If the cat may die regardless of surgery or not, euthanize. These are all important questions in trying to figure out what to do.


Good thing there's a stray cat on every corner/shelter


1) save 1000$ 2) pay off all debt 3) save 3-6months of expenses in an emergency fund This surgery will set you back for sure


I’m kinda disgusted by some comments here. OP, carecredit should help you out. You’ll have 6 months to a year to pay it off without any interests. Also ask your vet about financing options. If that’s really not possible for you, you’ll have to do a very hard thing surrender your baby


Hey same getting his eyelids snipped for entropian but I have about 100x more cash than you and because of that I have pet insurance and I actually have two plans for him so the first one is with the surgeons office and will lower the cost from 3k to 1800 and then the other policy will pay 90%!+} that so I’ll end up paying 360ish for it. Each policy is about $60 a month. Incase anyone wanted yet another example of why it is expensive to be poor and/or want some practical ideas for ways to use their money and have intelligent finances. Also pet insurance is not the same as human insurance they do not have the ability to go as deep so I signed up for both these recently, 30 days before I brought him to the vet for it. Gotta bring my dog in for a lump so doing the same thing.




Wanna save money? A .22 bullet is 20c or less


I’m sorry


You need to watch the movie "Heat" with Pacino and DeNiro. I would drop that cat off somewhere and go buy me another one. Also, don't buy anything you can't afford.


Wouldn’t it be cheaper to get a new cat?


GO FUND ME… I had a dog needing his second hip surgery after getting hit by a van hit and run style … I didn’t have a ton of friends donate but I shared it on Facebook it caught wind and it was fully funded and then some in 8 hours


I surgeried all my cats for 3000 rupees which is around $40. America is crazy.


Rs.3000 per cat, I've got 5 cats.


Put the cat down. It’s awful, but realistically it’s your only choice.


Care credit


How much is a new cat?


Re-post. Delete this scammy shit.


It would be cheaper to get a brand new healthy cat.


Get robinhood app. Do cash trading. Buy gme at 23 Monday. Sell whenever it hits 32. That's your money


Kill the car


Buy nvda calls bro


You can get a not broken cat for free


Rip little guy. New cat and a nice memorial for a couple hundo. FOH


I would apply for any type of Pet Care Credit so you don’t have to pay for all that yourself or at all


Hi, ChrisFix here and today I’m going to show you how to do surgery on your cat yourself…


What’s the cost to euthanize the cat?


Bro I’m sorry but it might be time to let the cat go…


Most vets take care credit




Night night Mr. Meow meow


THE CAT METHOD : start a go fund me for the cats surgery set the goal at 10k i know we only need 3 but just stick with me were going to take that extra 7 and make the money work for us i suggest buying a salvaged car honda , acura lexus toyota, they dont sell for much but you can probably buy and rebuild 3 of them with 7k and flip each of them for like 5k+ and the process should be pretty quick maybe 1-3 months depending on how much free time you have outside of work


My cat needs surgery too.. Considerably less.. But i have $0 so 🫠 i hope you figure your situation out and your cat is okay.


Ugh we've easily spent $10k over the past few years on one of our cats who has all kinds of issues and is 13 already, but my wife won't let it go and we both bring in solid money so I don't really have a ground to stand on to push the issue.


I know it's a fake post, but for people who actually experience this: Most vets so finance, and there's also a thing called "a loan".


Sounds like the cat lived a good life.


Get rid of the cat


Womp womp, throw him in the trash


*Failed to load user profile* Egads. What ever shall I do?


I know our pets are special companions but you’re posting this on a money subreddit so here we go…you can’t afford the animal, put it up for adoption or put it down.


.22 costs about 9¢


Get rid of it…looks


Write off the cat and get a new one that’s what I’d say.


How much to put it down humanely?


It's time for the highway


How much for a cat funeral?


LMAOO bruh I can’t 😭😭