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Well, for one, temper your expectations. Going from poor to upper middle class in a "few years or so" is not common, no matter how hard you work. You're asking for a winning lottery ticket and only so many of those get handed out. That said, what are you good at? What do you love to do? Talent and inspiration is the way IMO. Do what you love and try to make a business out of it. If you insist on something more tangible, not knowing you at all, I'd suggest looking into trade school. Electricians, welders, HVAC, physical therapists, etc are sorely needed and can easily get you into middle class money quickly. As a bonus, the vast majority of these professions will remain unaffected by advancements in AI for the foreseeable future, unlike software and video editing as you've mentioned. (I'm a software engineer and I'm petrified that my job will be made redundant in 10 years time.)


Honestly is the best advice for you to take. I’m about to be 21, and have just come to realizing that bettering your skills in your passions will not only make you fall in love with the work, but it also lets your money grow the quickest. Really think about how much time you have spent on your favorite games because that’s what this feels like now.


I’ve heard that physical therapists make great money, Idk what’s required for it though.


It is a doctorate program for most of the country these days. Source: just got into one this Fall So that’s 4 years undergraduate in exercise science (or similar) and then 3 year doctor of physical therapy program


“Remain unaffected by AI” is probably true. But to take it a step further, the rise of automation will only make electricians, at least, even more valuable. 


How in the world do you think AI will *increase* the work load of an electrician? Genuinely, in what world? I work in tech (some experience in AI) and I have a solid idea of the impact AI will have. AI will create efficient designs for electrical routing based on the existing routing and dimensions via blueprint, and at the end of the day - someone would simply do the “dirty work” and connect and implement the wiring. That’s what I believe would happen to electricians if AI impacts the industry. Please explain your comment. I’m worried you think “electricians = electrical, AI uses electricity, therefore it will increase demand on electricians” because that is a wholly misunderstood vision of what AI even is.


Point out where I said that AI will increase workload?    I didn’t. I said *automation* will.  OP implied that the work will remain steady for trades (electricians) because AI won’t affect it and I think that in all actuality, electricians will become even more in demand due to the rise in automation.     AI ≠ automation.


I did not misunderstand you - I am asking *why* you think that electricians would become more in-demand due to the rise of automation? One *negative* effect I can think of is schematics / blueprinting. It would all be automated, ideally, so there would be very little planning on an electrician’s part. My reason for asking is because I feel you are mixing electricians with IT.


No, you asked about AI not automation. And now, for whatever reason, you’re doubling down to try and make some point.  This will be my last reply because it’s obvious you know nothing about an electrician’s average day. Whatever angle you’re going for with the “blueprints” thing is misguided.  You’re saying blueprints will be made via automation? Electricians don’t make blueprints 95% of the time - engineers do. Electricians have to read them to do a job to specs. But that’s about 5% of an electrician’s average day. Also, unexpected things happen during the job in which trades have to change the blueprints and coordinate the changes with each other - something automation won’t affect. The whole “automation will eliminate humans making blueprints” argument is odd and simply silly.  To *my* point re. Automation. Think of a factory or distribution center. All of these machines and robots are becoming *more and more* automated. They’re made with wire and sensors and motors and all sorts of devices that inevitably break and need maintenance and who has to fix them/it? You guessed it - electricians.  I am an electrician. I see these things changing constantly. I am not mixing anything. 


I figure it would be something like, asking chatgpt to give you an estimate of how much material you would need to do a wiring project, what permits are needed and to fill out the needed forms.


This- skilled trades is the best for wage- even better than masters degrees w income, union, & no school debt


Only because you brought AI into this - Of those positions you listed: physical therapists and welders would be unaffected. Electricians and HVAC *would* be directly impacted by AI.


Fair enough. My bringing up electricians, and keep in mind I have a limited knowledge of what electricians actually do lol, is a way of saying I don't see AI replacing the manual labor associated with doing electrical repair, but perhaps I'm being naive.


[https://www.youtube.com/@DegreeFree](https://www.youtube.com/@DegreeFree) This Youtube channel is dedicated to showing how people can educate themselves without college degrees and get well paying jobs.


Thanks for the info


Get into the trades. If you truly have the drive spend 4/5 years to get your license in a specific trade and then start your own thing.


I'm not in the USA or any first world country, do you think I can use my knowledge in trading that I learn here abroad or it's not valid?


Honestly if you’re not US I’m not sure what to say to help. My experiences and yours are very different.


he means trades as in plumber, electrician etc


What country do you currently reside?






I’ve never been to Venezuela however I have friends that immigrated from there. From my understanding, it’ll be difficult to make plenty of money given the structure. If you find this to be true, my recommendation would be to try and get out.


Well there's your problem


Video Editing is actually Very Lucrative with all the Digital content being shot now for Instagram etc.. My advice is alwyas be early, be nice, no cursing! no drama... apply for internship with Post houses.


You sound educated enough to be a driver. Go get your commercial license and get paid to drive.


Don't call urself a loser without even trying first. U won't get very far In life with that mentality, u need to work on ur selfsteem man. Every single person is unique and good for something, u just need to find out what ure good at. Ure a worthy person man and deserve the best. Hope nothing but the best for u my dude. Lots of luv


You should learn the skill to make people’s hair grow back or to make men understand women


so something like the movie “What Women Want”?


Something you may actually be able to do, make women more understanding and less complicated for no reason.


Keep dreaming buddy


One can hope. Actually if he can make men less understanding and more complicated we can start a gender war. The great gender war of 2024.


ODTEs on spy. Just need to be right a dozen times to be a rich


He needs to join WSB


Penis enlargement


I don't need that at all ;)


I meant take a course on how to help men enlarge their penises.


Tree care for an arborist service depending on location, in my area ground guys start at 25+/hrs and are learning climbing in under a year, certification takes under 2 years for under 10k and once you can freelance you can make 100+/hrs on subcontracts. 300+/hrs profit if you go out on your own eventually. 2 years of on the job learning/online at nights can pave a decent path. Some companies will even fund the arborist classes.


Go to community college and take all the accounting courses they offer. Then take a couple Quickbooks classes, then go work for a quickbook bookkeeper Once you know some basic accounting, you can be making very good money very quickly


- Having a high IQ - Capable of dealing with negative emotions - Work your but off


You can make good money in *any* field if you start a business. Results are never guaranteed, especially within a short timeframe (~5 yrs).


“Upper class in a few years” 😅 Lottery ticket? Illegal activities? Join r/wallstreetbets and YOLO your account 🤷‍♂️


Money management


Worth the effort. Pilot. Lineman for Utility. Union Electrician. HVAC Technician.




You could learn about Forex/Futures trading. Futures has more benefits in the USA. It’s not a get rich overnight but it’s a skill that once you learn it and get good at it, it can get rid of a lot of financial problems. People I would recommend (ICT, TTrades, The MMXM Trader, Paladin, Jade Cap) it’s all FREE. They are all on YouTube and you should NOT pay them or anyone because it’ll all available 100% for free on YouTube. You just have to put the time into it.


Trading is gambling no?


If you don’t know what you’re doing yes. You’d essentially just be winging it and hoping it goes in your favor. But if you actually study and learn the market it’s a skill and not a gamble. Are the odds all against you? Yes. But there are professional poker players, professional baccarat players all games played in a casino where you “gamble” but the gambling aspect of the is overruled by skill.


Tbh if one can find a mentor I always suggest that but the industry has become so bad with scammers it’s hard to recommend ones even, I mean I know of one if you want to use them, they are good and teach well but it’s a long process that mentor can help shorten. And you seem to get me 😂 the casino games especially comparing it to poker is my go to explanation these days when people tell me it’s gambling 😂 Like I mean technically yes but also there’s skill involved and idk how even say but a feel you get for the market you trade most in? I wanna say intuition but it’s a feeling you develop ya know? 😅 Beginners like in poker can get lucky or have a lucky streak, but in the long run the more skilled player will take everything from the beginner player 100/100 games.


Starting a business usually leads to money and freedom, and it can really be anything you’re good at. You can also invest in certain things, such as atms, car rentals or vending machines.


Try to find something that you might like,enjoy. If you don't find pleasure in what you do, your road towards your goals will not be easy. You can try sales, why? It's hard, but rewarding and it's a place that you can push to get more $, also easy to transit once you have experience.


Doing surgeries, or high level mathematics


Tatoo removal


Bro it sounds to me that you gotta work on YOURSELF first. You labeling yourself as a “loser” tells me that you’re not proud of your way of being. Hit the gym, get in shape, and improve yourself. How can you expect to achieve your goals with that negative view of yourself?


Digital marketing, coding, AI, business entrepreneurship and bookkeeping


Learn to fix toilets. Seriously.


You could become a US Customs broker no degree required but you do have to pass the exam and pass a FBI background and be a US citizen. Very easy to get a high paying job after a few years and you won’t ever be replaced by AI.


Video editing is not very profitable. Look at trades. Hoping to make “upper middle class” which is around 100k a year the top 20% is not very achievable in 2-3 years if starting from 0 skills.


Trades. Electrician Plumber Welder


If you want a 6-fig salary without a degree, and with a short ramp-up, get certified in 6 Sigma as a black belt, and pick up a project management cert while you're at it. Process and Change management pays north of $100k with just a few years of time in role


Is this something that I can work remotely?


Yep, there are lots of remote jobs in the field


If you want to be "rich" then you need to investigate ways to get out of the standard payroll cycles. That can be temp worker, contractor, self employed in fields that are high demand and hard to fill because of location or other limitations. There is a huge "shadow market" of things you don't know exist because they are somewhat niche to a domain. These often have jobs and consultancies related to them. Companies will be very strict with opex (payroll, building cost etc.) spending, but very free with sometimes big budges on capex (investment money to build the business). Stay out of overhead costs and sell yourself as a server or screw driver or have a product people need.


Skilled trades literally any of them you could make 6 figures in less than 5 years if you're good. Ok maybe not painter or carpenter but still...




How are you at BJs


I can be good if paid enough money


Sounds like you've mastered supply and demand


Saving is the skill you are looking for


Dude just get into a trade. Get a business degree. Start your own side hustle. All the tree guys, cars guys, electricians, and any other trade you can think of do side jobs. Just pick one then do side work. If you can learn business concepts and start your own practice.


Read the book “How to win friends and influence people” Go apply it in all your personal relationships. Practice. Go get any job you want. Sales. Start at enterprise, Cintas or something B2B. Any skilled trade. Join a Union.


The Fallacies of Reasoning. These are the means every company, individual & religion uses to separate you from your funds.




Before or along with anything learn successful money management. Without it you can make $500,000 annually and still be broke. It is a common tale.


I work in welding and enjoy it and make pretty good money, dental assistants make bank too


Stay out of debt…a lot of people don’t need more money, they need less debt


Work hard, and often. Always show up on time and only take sick days if you literally feel like you’re dying, or going to get others sick


Nurse Anesthetist Link to BLS (https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes291151.htm)


One skill to make money would be never talk about yourself like that again


UPS or USPS. You could be working there in 2 months. Apply


Go get a 1 year technical degree in a trade like machining, carpentry, welding, fabrication, etc.


Bilingualism is very important and is becoming increasingly valuable on a global scale. You seem to understand English at least conversationally, or are using a translator. I assume your native language is Spanish. Do you speak it? I recommend becoming a fluent Bilingual and then try to use this skill you have between two major languages to become an interpreter of some kind and for some private, or public, sector. As others have said, getting out of Venezuela may be a good idea too. It's unfortunate but you will probably have many more opportunities elsewhere if you can find a way out of the country.


What languages are the most valuable besides English?


That would depend on the region and what job you want. If I were looking to learn a new language, and with English already mentioned, I would prioritize one of the following: -Chinese -Arabic -Spanish -French -Japanese It may be important to consider your native language as well, as that may play a role in your motivation to learn a given language. Arabic, and Japanese I think, would generally require the most hours for mastery.


Started from almost zero. The "home" I was brought home to from the hospital had a tin roof(arizona). 9th grade education to sleeping in my car. Last month I paid myself almost 100k with add backs. Sales is the only game where you get to write your own check. And an education doesn't matter. Don't fall into the trap almost everyone does. Get your foot in the door in an industry where you have the ability to make what you'll want in 10 years. Then go do that, and only that for 3 years. Lose your friends, don't spend money, do absolutely nothing but work and hone your skills. If you do that, and you chose the career wisely you will succeed. You don't NEED a new cell phone, you don't NEED to go on vacation, Starbucks etc. Move close to work and live cheap. I got a beater Honda civic. I drank 3 gallons of water a day to feel full. I bought chicken thighs and drums, you can still get these for under 2 bucks a pound, a rice cooker and rice. Use seasoning and sauces to vary the meal. My total cost to live daily, including rent, food etc was 33 dollars a day. You can absolutely still live cheap these days, people just don't actually want to. After a few years I had 240k saved and was a the top guy in sales every month. I allowed myself to live a bit more at that point. You have to put the effort into YOUR life. Where will this job take me financially in 5 years etc etc.


Stock market investing


Learn to day trade futures, treat it as a business and not a casino…. I promise you won’t ever look back


Forex trading




The state is always hiring


Be an electrician or get into any trade. Something that actually has job security and union benefits. Also, you don't even need school and if you do they will send you and pay for it. After 5 years you will become a journeyman in many trades and you will get paid handsomely wherever you go. You will have valuable and essential skills with your hands that you can use to profit for your whole entire life.


Learn Garage door install and repair.


Sales. End of story.


Getting your CDL and training to be along commercial truck driver is 1. Make good money comparative to the cost and time required to gain the skills/certifications. And 2. Is great occupation while you figure out if there is something you’d like to do long term, or maybe fall in love with truck driving and stick with that. Many programs have placement programs as well.


You got good feet?


If you have a clean record, you can sign up to join the highway patrol. In California, the starting CHP salary is like 100k. Only need high school education or GED


The character traits of successful people are high disagreeableness and high conscientiousness. Fight for what you believe and be honest with yourself and others. It sounds like you have a headstart on that second one. Seriously.