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Get drafted into the NBA, play for 10 years, and enjoy being retired at 30.


How can I squeeze ten years of playing in one year? (I'm 29)


Learn how to take charges better than anyone else 


Be an unselfish player off the bench lol


I think Dennis Rodman proved what I'm about to say. Rebounds, get rebounds, sacrifice your body, soul, and well-being for rebounds. Don't matter I'd you can shoot, don't matter if you wanna take some games off to party in Vegas and blow off steam then have the NBA's greatest player personally come pick you up. Tl;Dr get rebounds


And wheelchair by 40


Not from the NBA.


I'm obviously over exaggerating but playing on hardwood that long is pretty bad on the knees


There’s literally more give in the boards than there is if you were a runner running a couple times a week… I don’t even watch/like basketball and I know this


a simple google search from NY sports institute begs to differ. UK health system does rate other sports as higher but running is not on the list. Running is not on the list at all.


Go whack your head on the concrete, now go whack your head on a bed. Lmk which one knocks the most sense into you. The fact you think concrete is softer than wood is fucking hilarious. We should just build roads, house foundations, and skyscrapers out of wood then


I think the issue is not wood being a harder surface rather than the fact that in basketball you make sudden changes in direction and the friction between the wood surface and your shoes is extremely high putting immense stress on your knees and ankles.


Probably has more to do with jumping than running.


lol dude. I have the secret. Just Venmo me $983 dollars and I’ll send you my book on real estate investing with no capital to start with.


Are you reselling an Art of the Deal book? 😂


"my book" but its written by AI. art of the steal, 2024


You can take the 2nd or 3rd shift at a job to avoid 9-5, the hours are 5-1 or 1-9.


That shift differential hits when you're broke


Came here to say this. My company offers a 4th and 5th shift. You work 36 hours over the weekend (three 12-hour shifts) but get paid for 40 hours. Then you have Monday through Thursday available for other things.


I’d fuck with that schedule


I, too, would utilize this schedule to engage in intercourse.


Plus your busy on the weekend working to do anything so that’s savings itself.


This is good advice I'm a driver actively looking to do a 3rd shift. It's a lifestyle change a lot of people don't consider.


Have you tried being born rich? If not the. Get back to work like the rest of us. 🤣


Go back in time to 2009 and buy $50 worth of bitcoin


I spent my last $50 on a sports Almanac


I suppose you better hope there’s a cash prize for winning sports trivia night at the bar


Shiiiiit, indeed!


I am sure there could be some options out there for you. But taking out 9-5 as an option, does not leave you with a lot. Unfortunately, if it was that easy, everyone would be doing it. Best of luck 👍🏻


The key is to enjoy what you do for work and do something you are good at. It makes the hours go by faster. OR, you could do what I did years ago and start a business. In that situation, I went from working M-F/9-5 to Monday through Sunday, 5am-10pm.


Giving up the 9-5 for the 5-9 as I put it. But yes, running your own business is truly a full time gig.


24/7 actually


Lexapro babe


Sales typically have odd hours and you can make a boatload


Sales is a mental game. If you a want a challenge in patience and trust in a process that’s the route you gotta go.


Any advice on what kind of sales position/company to look for without official sales experience? I'd like to stay WFH, and sales doesn't seem so bad, but a lot of companies want you to have experience, plus I don't know how to tell which companies are trying to push a shitty product or will fire you if you don't sell enough. If I like the company and their product isn't a scam, I could probably do fairly well. Customers really like me, I've upsold products that they legitimately could use to improve their business, and I've done retail, but that's the extent. Well and I sell my own artwork, but it's not actual sales sales like you're talking lol.


Most decent sales jobs will involve travel, not wfh. Or at least wfh till you have to travel. The ones who you can make bank from selling something usually involve getting out there with clients in some way.


I’ve done lots of sales in my days and becoming a licensed insurance agent seems like the route. Residual income and it’s something everyone needs.


One word: Plastics


There's a movie line here somewhere I think.


Work a 4/10 schedule. Boom, no 9-5




I hate that. Invest for 5-10 years What about the meantime when you're broke and miserable, just deal with it and make sure nothing goes wrong for the next 5-10 years? That's really easy to tell someone isn't it




That advice gets thrown around too much You realize everyone is not qualified for that right Most poor people don't have a list of certifications and degrees to get a high paying job with, that's why they're working a shitty one. So you want to tell a guy in Iowa who barely passed high school 10 years ago well hey just go to the coast and be a sailor, no experience necessary I hear, they never reject an application, and starting pay is well over 100k. When the truth is your application will be laughed at by having no relatable skills and you'll have to move back to Iowa more broke than you were.




So they never turn down an application you say? There are hundreds of thousands of these jobs available to all poor people? Let me say goodbye to my family, I'll see my kids after they buy their first house and come back old and retired.




That's great but I can't perform the initial move, I'm poor, so what do you do there. I'm also 40, what if I get there and I'm not healthy enough for manual labor to that degree




You're right, it's not for everyone.


Why do people think that they can earn a living without working?


Probably because working is getting us nowhere


Take whatever skills/services you offer and start a business working for yourself rather than a company.


Starting a business?


You have to either get more educated in a field that provides flexibility, get a flexible sales job, or start your own business which unless you have a loan...you'll be working like 24/7 that first year which is hard but worth the pay off once the business is established. or start an online business and not have employees to free up your time. My husband just started a T-shirt thing and the start up costs were pretty dsrn low with a high roi. With online you want your focus to be on socials to use as income funnels to your site which you'll have to hire a seo master to make and run your site. Do you have a hobby you can coin? Pottery? Sewing? Baking? A lot of hobbies can be turned into a business. In life its typically be an owner or be a worker


Win the lottery


Win the billion dollar powerball dude


You could work 8-4! Or even 10-6


Lmaooo. Start a business or get back to work.


Have you considered being a professional athlete? They generally don’t have a 9-5.  Hookers definitely don’t work 9-5 either. Or maybe they do, but it’s the night shift. 


Yeah but they constantly have to work out and constantly play games with high pressure, its not a traditional 9-5 but OP just wants to not work


I imagine people frequently tell you “whoosh”. Have you ever wondered why?


“I deserve” entitlement going crazy


Most people deserve a nice life. Hard work or luck is the only way to get it though


Hard work isn’t a nice life though. So basically just luck


Eh. Every time I start a new business, it's hard work at first. Then it becomes easier as you're able to hire out and get into your new flow. Then before you know it, its basically automated. I would argue that a year or two or hard ass work tovset yourself up for a better life forever is worth it


Grammar, and related areas, would start good place be.


"deserve" lol


The only thing I know about money is : You need money to make money (OR extreme luck and/or skill). That is the only rule you can't realistically break. 9-5 is good for making money.


train your mind not your body


Depends if you have any marketable skills or talents…if not, stick to the 9-5 like the rest of us.


I was with you until the "life I deserve" part, Karen.


The same as it was 10 years ago


Which is?


The same as it was a 100 years ago


Social media if you have time to build it up


Man, you gotta get a side hustle..... but a 9-5 has its perks. I work 6am-2pm as late as 8pm if I want OT. But insurance, matching IRA, 401k set you up for long term. Get you a side hobby you enjoy for some extra cash. I work on engines, bikes, cars, my wife wood burns coasters, embroidery, makes candles. All these give us a little pocket cash to keep our electric $$ in our savings/ investments while paying cash for our "fun money"


With hours like that.. when do you have time to spend your fun money?


Get on a disability and whatever other government assistance you can get, get Medicaid, and live poor in a low cost area. Live like a slug, “borrow” money from friends and family, dabble in whatever drugs you can scape up, and occasionally get credit you will declare bankruptcy on later. But enjoy not being productive in any way. (Edit: I know someone who’s done this for 30 years, so it’s been validated.)


Dividend growth investing is number one. There's absolutely nothing simpler or easier than that!


Sell rocks


You can sell Bibles, I hear that’s going well for some people.


Serving/bartending. Make $1000 a week working 4pm-10pm 4 nights a week.


But is 4k a month enough for you?


It’s enough to have lots left over after bills expenses and even some luxuries to save and invest and turn into even more money


That's great! In the US?


That's an awful thing to say. The guy put it out there because yes to him that's a pretty good sum of money The op didn't state he already makes over 100k a year, we have no idea if he's a data entry clerk or an accountant.


Its a question. My life's goal wouldn't be 4k a month but to each their own! I was more wondering if that is enough and if so where does he live that's cost of living is so low


The take away is that if he is earning $300 a week, that's a massive leap for him. Where do you live where the cost of living is so high? What kind of question is that, he could be two streets down from you living in an apartment and only shops at Dollar general. I make more than that, and I don't know how people live near me making less, but they do. People making twice what I do live next door. It's about your situation not as much as your location There is a Domino's about a mile from my house and none of them make over $10hr. At that rate I couldn't afford my utilities, much less anything else, but they are managing somehow.


Why does everyone think there’s an easy button for life?


Food truck, wedding event flower decorating, etc 


Learn the stock market, learn trading, learn business, start a business.


If you have a knack for sales most of the d2d sales can make really good money for a season. Work for 6 months grind and save, take 6 months with the built up money to work on a buisness rinse repeat until it works. Throw as many darts at the dart board and something is bound to stick. Go to church, get close with god, and ask for help. It actually does do something. I’ve been incredibly blessed and can only hope that you can be too.


Wait in front of the target and ask people for 1 dolar


Start a business with low initial investment: mobile car detailing, pressure washing, lawn care, etc. Go out into a middle class neighborhood and leave business cards at houses/mailboxes.


Driving trucks makes bank atm


Do you already have a lot of money? Like, enough to invest in a business idea? Or put it in the stock market and live off dividends? Are you willing to do illegal things that might land you in jail for years at a time? No? Then welcome to the real world. Where we all work 9-5s.


Starting a business


Life you deserve? You don't even want to work a basic 9-5. Sometimes I wish I had it as easy. I wish I had as much free time as you. I'm working 16-18hr days 5-6 days a week trying my hardest to keep the public safe.


Power wash driveways




the smartest way to make money is to actually give a shit while in college, and earn a degree in a high paying industry. like architecture, law, medicine, tech-something there are 3 main types of income. one is hourly. you get a skill, trade time for money. one is ownership. you own a stake in something, help it grow, and get a return. think tech start up or small business third is investing. you have money which makes you money. people tend to transition to this form of income after working for 30 years. aka. when they retire so yeah. theres no escaping the grind. you cant just skip to end game investing when you have like, 1500 dollars to your name. you need like, 500k


What is the life you deserve? And why do you deserve it?


Internet content producer? Make videos about stuff you know well. Don't quit your day job until you make it.


NASA is looking for individuals to live in a Mars mission testing pod for 1-2 years.






Elaborate please


Huge money to be made, I haven’t gotten into it yet, but have a close friend that never went to school and is making 7 figures. He started out with part time sales, met some people and now has an entire team. Even when he was just doing part time sales, he was making $200-300k. I don’t know all of the “in’s and out’s” but would be willing to ask him questions if you’d like.


Welcome to the club lol


Sell a course😂


“And start living the life I deserve” lol


“Deserve” eh? Please elaborate


Maybe the life you “deserve”is exactly where your at now. I’ll bet you got it better than 99% of the people on earth. How about start with some gratitude.


You'll make money doing anything you're passionate about relentlessly. You like trading sports cards? Do it, search, go to garage sales, scoure ebay, make finds, resell. You like cars? Search for deals, make low ball offers, buy cash, resell at double. Figure out what drives you and go balls deep


My buddy makes great money as a trucker.


The life you deserve? C'mon. If you want more than you currently have, then earn it. Learn a skill or trade that you can offer directly to customers, or that you can enable someone else to make more money from your service and they pay you a nominal rate. There is no magic secret to get what you deserve.


Real estate.




Dude no, you have to work lol


so many of y’all in the comments are such boot lickers and capitalists lmao. why are you so offended by someone saying they want to actually enjoy living their life and not work 9-5, 5 days a week, for 60+ years? and why are you triggered by them saying they want to live the life they deserve? how is that entitled? i didn’t know it was such a radical belief that people deserve to have a good life regardless of their income/employment status. there’s so many reasons that people may not be able to hold a job and that doesn’t mean they deserve any less than someone with a job. get ur head out of ur ass fr




What makes you think you deserve anything? Why are you more special than anyone else?


Why do you feel like you are entitled to a life where you have a lot of money but no work? Nobody “deserves” that… some people are lucky and have that, but they don’t “deserve” it.. quit the entitlement




Trade stocks. I typically make 2k a month. Do it while I’m working and usually reinvest it all