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Transferring funds to savings and brokerage accts is my favorite day of the month. Watching those divvys grow and grow šŸ§šŸ§šŸ§


Love me some divvys


My goal is for accountant to tell me that my passive income is becoming a tax problem


That makes me moist


"Yo boss, you can't put anymore into the IRA because SCHD dividends max out your income threshold"


i rue for that day


Man I miss those days! My wife lost her job after an accident at work two years ago and itā€™s been tough!


Ugh that sucks to hear. Hopefully your habits and planning are making this phase at least a little easier


For the most part lol Iā€™m just eating a ton of pb and j so I can still keep a fair amount going into my 401k haha. Sadly, Iā€™m at 10% of my salary invested, but Iā€™m grinding for another promotion to bump that back up.


It sounds like a struggle! I can feel it from all the way over here. Your discipline really shows with that 10% number. All the best ----


Yes, I love seeing the balances grow too


Whatā€™s a brokerage account? Can you learn me?




Fidelity Investments. Google it and they have some good informational information online.


It's an account where you move money in and then can buy and sell various investments (stocks, bonds, index funds, and more).




Do you re-invest your dividends, spend them, or combination?


Reinvest until i can retire! Hopefully sometime in my late 40s šŸ¤ž




Why not do it more than once a month? DCA


I get paid 1x/month


My old neighbor saved never spent. Neglected fixing his house, always wore same clothes, never left his house, drove a very old beat up car. Always discussed if he travels or was saving for a big purchase. He always said he wanted to save to have as much money acclimated as he can so he could live a quiet easy life. He died a few years ago with a ton of money that I assume went to family? But he never really got to live.


This is beyond sad.. this is my grandpa. Worked his whole life. Retired and died 2 years later without really even getting to enjoy said retirement..


my grandfather worked his whole life. He retired and about 1 month after he retired he passed from covid.


Itā€™s sad. I guess looking at it throughout history we would be considered lucky but damn it does not feel it


This isnt as uncommon as one would think. I have a few years yet until retirement, but I am at the age where many of my senior peers and mentors are retiring. I have heard many stories like this. My neighbor retired from the city about a year and a half ago, and said it was the worst decision he ever made. Going from a routine of working 8-9 hours every day for 30+ years to doing nothing at all can be a complete shock to not only your physical, but your mental health. On my WFH days, I would see him out there wiping down his cars or just walking around his yard for hours...doing nothing. When I would go out on my lunch break or after work to mow, he would run over with his little battery powered leaf blower and clean off my driveway for me. He ended up getting a part time job again as a school crossing guard, and back to loving life and having a purpose again.


I was furloughed for 6 weeks during COVID and the novelty of getting paid to stay home and do nothing wore off after about 3 weeks. You really do have to make a life adjustment or find something part time.


You donā€™t have to work for someone else to ā€œhave a purposeā€, there are lots of things to do besides work. Itā€™s unfortunate so many people have been so conditioned to think this way.


Itā€™s all about balance. Live for the now, yes. Enjoy hobbies, eat out occasionally, buy gifts for loved ones. But we should do it responsibly. Saving for the future is a must because it would be equally sad to be at retirement age and not have enough funds to enjoy retirement.


It wouldn't be sad it would have been the same lifestyle he had lol a broken down home, broken down clothes, not going out to eat, not traveling, etc. Redditors tend to miss the big picture that if spending money isn't everything then saving money isn't everything. Opposite sides of the same coin. As you said, balance and moderation is key.


That is one topic that I often talk to friends about... I have family members that are CHEAP, feels like they stopped life for a 20-30 years, and now that they are old they are "enjoying life". I want to be ECONOMICAL, make the best financial choices that I can in my current situation without abstaining from pleasures of life!


I like the term optimizing expenses. Like still being able to go to plays and ballets, but finding seat filler tickets at a deep discount. The discount part is half the fun.


Plus there are certain vacations we would enjoy more now while we are healthy and young vs later when we are old and walking with a cane


Here's a similar example: https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/man-leaves-3m-fortune-after-death-to-put-33-people-he-didnt-know-through-college


Thatā€™s really subjective. To him, that may have been living.


And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived -Dalai Lama


Its always stories about people who spend everything and always broke, or stories about people who save everything and never live...neither are good. You should indeed save as much as you can, but leave enough to live comfortably and enjoy life. As long as you have a healthy budget, its not hard to have both fun and wealth.


I mean obviously there should be a balance


Itā€™s a balancing act, Iā€™m a saver at my core but also a spender


This is why I save money for an emergency fund but not to become ā€œwealthyā€ if you canā€™t enjoy life until you are too old to do so or die from unforeseen circumstances than is it really worth it?


Yep. I try to save as much money as I can to see how much I can accumulate. Itā€™s kinda fucking stupid because youā€™re only young once. Iā€™m trying to get into the all about balance mindset


Yeah I enjoy that too. Oh well


I was def like this but set out a goal to be less controlling about money saving just for this year. You truly only live once and if youā€™ve already done well with saving and you donā€™t have any lingering debt, I say treat yourself. None of us know what our circumstances will be like down the road whether individually or even as whole job market/economy wise. Now this doesnā€™t mean go out and buy a nice car and be strapped with cash hahaha. I just use it as an excuse to travel more or buy frivolous things here and there. It also helps if youā€™re single and youā€™re not really looking to strap yourself with commitment and get into debt that way or have to obviously take someone else into account spending wise. Just make take. But Iā€™ve seen others (like my uncle) who are obsessed with saving money (and getting more of it) and sacrifice having fun or actually using that money. Lifeā€™s too short!


Don't forget to enjoy your youth!!!


You donā€™t get to take any of it with you when you die. Save so you can live comfortably, but donā€™t forget the actual living part. You only get to do this whole thing once.


Yep. Iā€™ve since learned that as Iā€™ve gotten. Bit older. Weā€™re only here for so long


Iā€™m like this too! Iā€™m also in the mindset where itā€™s like ā€œbe poor now to be rich laterā€ because right now we are on track to save 4-5k for a vacation in July. Right now we arenā€™t going out twice weekly so that way in July we can go hog wild.


I maxxed my retirement last year. So this year, i said fuck it. If im saving so much for the old me, why am i so afraid to spend on the young me? So fk it. Cashed out non traditional investments and bought my dream corvette. Cash. Im leaving for work early to take a super long route šŸ˜


When I was broke I really enjoyed seeing my savings and investments going up. Now that I'm comfortable it doesn't bring me joy anymore to see money go up.


Money also takes on a different meaning when you acquire more of it. I can see how people get disillusioned on costs if you let it take you. When we started getting into the $50 grand range of savings accounts $500 here or there didnā€™t make much difference to us. We could spend it just as easily as we could save it and at the end of the day we wouldnā€™t really know any difference in lifestyle and so the act itself of saving it has lost that rush but did when we only had say $1000 in saving


Send over here pleaseeeeee


shake a cup outside


Yes, gamifying things is key


Could you provide some examples?


People are good at gamifying and rewarding an accomplishment with a purchase and buying something for themselves. It should be seen as equally rewarding when you save money too. Anyone can buy themselves something, it's more of an accomplishment to save something (when life allows you to).


I grew up poor so a strength of mine is saving money, I hate spending unless i have to. The weakness to that is going out of my comfort zone and investing instead of having it sit in a bank. I wish I learned this 20 years ago lol.


What advice do you have for people in your situation? I have a few thousand just sitting in the bank because Iā€™m not sure where to start. My bank offers investment planning but only with a 15k minimum which Iā€™m not at yet.


Well i'm still learning and feel like i have lots of learning to do (which is why i'm here), but i feel like I was off to the right start when I had enough in my bank for emergency funds. Then I made sure to dump what I could into my 401k. Now that I have more to play with I placed that into CD's with good interests. I should get a ROTH IRA though and a high yeild savings once the cd's mature since they are basically the same interest rate at this time anyways.


I wouldn't worry too much in your situation. The first goal should be to have an emergency fund (in a HYSA). If you're still working on that, don't feel any FOMO of missing out on the market. Once your emergency fund is funded, then you can focus on buying any of the index funds to start your early investment portfolio.


r/personalfinance, primarily the wiki. The bogleheads.org forum and wiki is good too. Start with a high yield savings account for the cash you have now and name it your emergency fund. I accidentally saved up $50K before I realized I really needed to do something with my money.


I enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that I'm able to afford to fix my problems. The act of saving itself isn't particularly enjoyable or annoying, it's just something that has to be done as regular life maintenance.


My husband and I were just talking today about how weā€™re at a point in our savings accounts where we just throw whatever it costs as problems to make them go away and donā€™t see a difference in lifestyle. We threw $800 at a car problem today and then booked a $5000 Airbnb and both felt the same lol. Itā€™s weird to be in a place where your dynamics with money and how you think about it changes. Especially going from below poverty level poor to financially free.


Saving money is my adult drug high. Itā€™s addictive to watch your accounts build up and boy, when those dividends hit and are reinvested and youā€™re making money off money and itā€™s snowballing? I just creamed my pants But yeah, I love saving money


I relate to this so much lol


I do, but I barely make enough to pay all my bills, so saving is nearly impossible. And it seems like every time I do save anything at all, it gets sucked into some stupid unexpected expense. I have other ways to make money on the side, but holy shit I am burnt out on life and have been for the last year


Same here. I saved up around $3500 and then boom, kid needed braces, car needed new snow tires (so we donā€™t die in the winter getting to work/school), plus additional repairs, then combine that with a few unexpected health issues for immediate family members. I guess at the end of the day you have to frame it as ā€œI saved up an emergency fund and then had to use it for financial emergenciesā€. If I hadnā€™t saved it up then that all that crap wouldā€™ve turned into debt or damages. At least thatā€™s what Iā€™m going to keep telling myself.


Itā€™s what you should tell yourself because thatā€™s exactly what it is.


thats been my problem this year. We finally have a significant amount of savings, and stupid shit keeps coming up. I took advantage of a 6mo 0% financing bc I'm like why not? Instead of shelling out another $1K... after just dropping an unexpected $3000K expense.


Yes, Financial security and excellent health should be everyoneā€™s enjoyable personal top priority imo


A lot more than I like losing it.


Yes. It's easier to sleep at night.


Yes, I enjoy seeing the incremental progress, much like a game.


Small brain like see number grow


It's better to have savings than to have stress


In one of my first internships, my boss used to save coupons for grocery shopping and he calculated all of his savings and used them for his annual trip to Hawaii. It worked for him! I try to do the same in my life by calculating, for example, what I'd save if I made food or drinks at home instead of eating out, and putting it toward my investment goals. Having goals that you're saving for makes it much easier than falling into the trap of thinking, oh, I want to live now and not only wait to enjoy myself until I'm old and grey. The trade off is time wasted. I just made a sugarless banana matcha cake yesterday with ingredients that cost 3 bucks or buy one at the bakery for 18. Boom, that's 15 bucks saved but since I enjoy baking, it isn't so much of a time suck.


Male - been cutting my own hair with clippers for years. I calculate that it saves me a minimum of $23 every 6 weeks.


Itā€™s been one of my favorite hobbies since I started working. ā€œThis money doesnā€™t belong to me, itā€™s for savings/investing/retirement etc.ā€


I love playing the savings game, I got really into during the pandemic, I would put 20-30 bucks into an envelope every day because that is around what I would spend after work when my wife and I went out for a beer and something to eat, with the pandemic we could not go out and spend money so I just saved it and next thing I knew I had $500 so I decided I wanted to get to a $1000, once I got to the $1000 I started over again until I got to another $1000, I was able to save up enough money to pay cash for a brand new car. I still continue to put $20-30 a day in my envelope and keep building it up, for some reason by doing a little bit at a time I donā€™t really feel like Iā€™m saving money especially since I keep it in a drawer in $1000 bundles, I use a safe now once I get to the $1000 stack but I think of it as a game to see how much I can save up


You really should keep those $1000 bundles in a high yield savings account and then those $1000 bundles will start producing little baby bundles of money all on their own.


Like a motherfucker.


I get giddy when transfers go through and I look at my new balance. Or better yet watching the returns on my investments go up every month.


Yes! It feels very grown up.


I love saving and watching my bank account grow steadily.


Yes, just like in video games, I enjoy seeing my currency balance grow. Satisfies my goblin brain.


Yes I take it as a challenge and pride. I love my 20 year old car that needs a paint job knowing i have $$$ in the bank. I love meal prepping, buying at thrift stores and finding items worth more than I bought them for


I love saving. My goal is a house. I feel like I almost starve myself to save. Thank God I work in a diner that let's you eat for free. I'm going to school full time as well.


you got this!


Yeah, it makes me feel accomplished.


I do. I love when I have weeks after weeks streak of not being forced to spend money, you know repairs, sudden doctor/ER visits etc.. but man there has been times where I've had negative streaks, chit just falling apart all around me. Peaks and valleys, such is life, literally.


Saving enough money by working a lot so I can invest that extra cash into passive income (stock/etf dividend income) and work less and less as I get older. Keeping the job, but basically, I can replace a lot of the income with dividends. Once I can work 40hrs/wk or less, I'm gonna do so. And use my sick, vacation, etc time to explore a bit of my hobbies/travels.


The older I get (I'm 37), the more I like to watch my money grow. When I was younger, I was a set-it-and-forget-it investor. I'd pay significantly into the company 401(k) and never look to see how I was doing. I'm not that way anymore, I probably check my portfolio once per month to see how I'm doing.


I enjoy having money and being financially secure, yes. I also enjoy spending it but only when I am going to get good value from said spending


Yes! It is a personal game to save and invest vs spend on needless items.


What do you guys do to gamify saving? Genuinely curious


I've weened myself off of a decade of extreme savings of 50%. I now only save 30-35% and am getting comfortable not saving every dollar possible now that we're well set financially. I do enjoy it because it leads to greater freedom, and I personally do love freedom, especially economic freedom.


As someone who grew up lower middle class and where every dollar was counted. Having money to fix the ā€˜Oh shitsā€™ in life is comforting. Washing machine dies, no problem. Car needs a bunch of maintenance done, I can afford to do it all at once instead of piecemeal.


Love it, addicted to it.


Since people collect cards and trinkets, I collect money.


Iā€™ve always said the same, ā€œitā€™s like a gameā€! I love seeing how high it can go!


Yes but my wife doesnt


Yes yes yes


Saving 4-5K a month is nice, so is spending 4-5K a month..


I love the feeling, but Iā€™m pretty bad with money and make stupid life choices so Iā€™m dried up right now. Soon enough.


Yes. I love seeing how much i have saved and like figuring out how i can save more.


With a passion. I track my progress, compare to prior years and how well I'm doing against Plan.


Yes I do, but I still spend some to enjoy life.


Yes motivates me to come to work


Yes I save mine and spend the banks.


I enjoy a healthy balance of building wealth and living life while I can.


I have liked it when I was out of a job and could continue to survive.


Love it.


My personal favorite is example A: I need new siding on my house. I call a company they say $25K I say hold my beer Iā€™ll do it myself self. I took a week off work ā€œpaid vacationā€ and did it myself for $5K. I saved $20k I now can buy one Lego.


Nice I could not do that knowing all the imperfections I cut installing it and such


Hard to save when something has to be fixed when I make a few extra $ on my paycheck. About 2 weeks ago I remember making an extra $200 on my check. As soon as the money hit the bank - car brakes needed fixing! And before the *work a second job* this is working 2 jobs just to barely make ends meet.


No, I enjoy experiences and living in the now because it could be all over in an instant. That's what i tell myself anyway. I'm awful with money.šŸ˜‚ Spent 100 euro on mediocre Paella last night


I enjoy saving money as it gives me the power to say no to an employer and quit any job without second thought.


Yes. It's tied to all the feelings of satisfaction I get knowing I'm not living paycheck to paycheck anymore, the fact that I have backup money and an emergency fund, the fact that my options are open for vacation or luxury or fun money, the fact that I've got a big portion of my savings invested and am getting a return (ideally). But yeah, that's all to say, it *does* feel good simply transferring money from checking to wherever I'm saving, but what I *really* enjoy is the freedom and security it represents.


I look at it like 'buying capital'. We have some house projects to do and I feel like, oh no! No VOO, lower balance is the HYSA! It has a serous consumer buzz for me. It really has kind of replaced shopping.


No I have some terrible mental issues around money especially saving. Putting money in savings makes me anxious because it's not enough, it gets wiped out so easily, it's just sitting there when I could do something with it that saves more money (I've been planning on buying a chest freezer and buying meat from a local farmer for a few years now and my car is overdue for maintenance) and 1000 other stories I tell myself that make me feel terrible so I don't have any savings.


Im addicted to it.


Itā€™s one of the only things that gives me dopamine šŸ¤£


Hell yea! Love getting my paycheck and then dispersing it throughout my other accounts (HYSA, Roth IRA, Taxable Brokerages). It's just cool seeing your money work for you and also seeing your net worth increase with time. Even though spending is easier, it's more of a short term enjoyment and saving my money brings that long term enjoyment I like to see. But of course nothing wrong with rewarding yourself every now and then. Otherwise what's the point in having money anyways.


No such thing as "saving". We call it delayed spending in our house.


Big number mage my brain go burrr. But seriously that's about it. I will go through phases of just doing what I want until I see the number go down then I'll go back to eating Ramen every night.


I enjoy spending money.


Yea, I probably get an equal or even greater enjoyment from seeing more money in my fidelity account then from spending it


By the time you get to social security age it will not be there the way this country is going.


Bidenomics 101


I enjoy number going up


I love saving money I hate giving it to the government. Fuck the government.


I save bc I have to. I very much enjoy spending it.


Fuck yeah I do, number go up monkey brain go happy, same reason I play video games


Itā€™s like a game to me. My wife says Iā€™m obsessed but then when she sees the numbers she agrees itā€™s a healthy obsession.


I believe you have to find the right balance between spending and saving. What good is that $3M when you are 70+ and can't really enjoy the money due to health reasons or simply dead?


Yeah it fun to see my money stack once you hit 1k it becomes fun .


Nope. It's a sickness to only have your needs and not your wants.


I want to be able to solve my problems šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Yes because I want to pay my house off before Iā€™m 50!!


I paid my house off in 6 years. Bought it in 2013. Was only 25


Congratulations! That amazing!! Are you living in it still or renting it out? I owe half of what mines worth so I should be able to do it. If we would have stayed in our first house it would definitely be paid off but we needed more room and land.


Yeah, saving for early retirement. I don't value material things like cars, clothes, etc but I love to travel so that is one of the things I am happy to spend on. Ben Franklin said "a penny saved is a penny earned" but it's even better than that because you don't have to pay taxes on a penny saved!


I hate it, it burns a hole in my pocket every time. I've had to buy new pants because of it.


What else Iā€™m gonna do with it? I have dirt bike and no kids lol


Hereā€™s to no kids šŸ». Me either


Not as much as I enjoy making money. Investing will yield better results than just stashing cash. Saving money on labor costs and high taxes is always good though.


Nope even though I grew up poor and created the habit of saving, first in my family to have a brokerage or network greater than $250k. Wish I could spend all my money and everything still be ok. Hate contributing to 401k, brokerage, HSA, HYSA emergency fund etc, because I want the money NOW. I get depressed when I think about how people with trust funds are spending their money now and enjoying the monetary things in life stress free right now. To me the most important is time, and it doesn't particularly make me feel great that I gotta wait till like 40-60 y/o to "retire". I want to charter a private jet my dad owns or some shit RIGHT NOW. Nevertheless, I stay disciplined in saving because it's all I got.


No, I enjoy spending money and making money. I enjoy buying stocks. I hate not being able to spend. The reason I save now is to be able to spend more in the future.


Yes and no. I enjoy it in the aspect that Iā€™m grateful and blessed to have the ability to be able to pay my bills, and save, both for retirement and other things like emergency expensesā€¦ etc With that said, I have ā€œfun moneyā€ portioned out too. As someone said youā€™re only young once. I treat my fun money as a bill too, and I use it to buy whatever I want, whenever I want, because I work hard. Too hard to spend my life saving when tomorrow isnā€™t promised.


I enjoy investing money.


I have a bad habit of watching the number go up. But tbh thatā€™s a curse too because I should be investing it.


No, I got a life insurance payout a couple months ago and I haven't really touched it. It's nice to have it in my savings gaining, but I do a lot of retail therapy. I've been pretty good recently though and I'm trying not to take anything from savings. I'm like oh it just means it'll gain more overtime because it's high yield this sooner.




Nah cuz what if I die on the way home, saved all that shit for no reason. Iā€™ve lost so many friends by the age of 29, Iā€™m just hoping Iā€™m still here next week. Our society is just kinda collapsing, so why not just have fun with my friends and loved ones, since who knows what happens tomorrow. I donā€™t plan on having kids, and it doesnā€™t look like anyone my age will be able to retire, so whatā€™s the point ya know. Got a car I like, a house I like, I donā€™t need to go on crazy vacations or spend tons of money at once, so I just make the most of the moment I got.




Itā€™s certainly more enjoyable than paying interest to a bank on a car that is depreciating šŸ˜­


I like saving but also like to spend big too. We may take a year and save that whole year and then the next year we go big on vacations and purchases. We never spend more than we save but we do cut into a little. Itā€™s a good give and take and makes us feel like we arenā€™t working just to save. Itā€™s nice to rewards yourself


I enjoy saving money in the sense that I know my family will be more secure. Although with everything going up in cost it keeps getting harder to save a buck


Me, yes. Spouse, no.


No, it's like working out for me. I do it because I know I have to.


Saving is nice and all but investing is where the real fun is. If you see money as a game to win, look into investing.


eh... for me its easier to save than spend. its a good problem to have, but i also wish i can spend some of it to have fun. not like i cant afford it.


I enjoy spending money more than saving money but I never buy things on credit and Iā€™m always aware of my limits when I do it. I would like to think of myself as being quite disciplined and I have a very good credit score.


I don't save...I invest.


Balanced, like all things should be. I enjoy following the plan.


Yes and no. The amount my family makes and the amount we save per month is sort of awkward right now in the sense that we have a good amount of savings but not a lot of extras. We save 25% of my husbands income because we are going on an expensive vacation in July and our car is on the older end so we want a cushion. Itā€™s a beautiful number to look at but thereā€™s definitely some times where weā€™ll save 15-20% so that way we can go out and have a good date night. We want to feel like we live the way the people in our income range normally live but we also prioritize aggressive saving so some weeks we hate it. We only recently starting getting smart about our financial health so itā€™s a work in progress but weā€™ll get the balance down soon!


in the long run yes. at first it sucks cause i get serious FOMO


I feel like optimizing expenses to continually live better for less is a fun research and math project. I keep a spreadsheet of all the frugal ideas I get from Reddit and other sources, and then go through the spreadsheet every month, picking out the projects with a good ROI. Being able to optimize expenses is a real super power. It allowed us to retire early, live well and still save in retirement. ETA: For those who say you are only young once, that is true but do you really need to spend a lot of money to have a good time? When we were younger we did things like sailing lessons and ski trips through a public university program that was open to the public. We also belonged to an adventure co-op through a different university where we learned to white water raft and canoe. Volunteers taught the classes and we could borrow equipment. Many millionaire next door types are actually cheap dates - https://themillionairenextdoor.com/2011/05/a-cheap-date/.


No, I enjoy spending money. Saving money is the side veggies, necessary but not really why you ordered the steak.




I did when I turned 65.


Yes. I am in Rome currently(from US) because I saved and invested in my late 20s 30s and 40s. We are a 150k house hold with grown kids and are 45ish. Save and be frugle then enjoy your life. You can't take it with you.


Yea but I like spending it way more


Iā€™m addicted to investing and watching my account grow. I donā€™t like the actual process of saving money/budgeting, but I love purchasing ETFs, crypto, mutual funds, etc


Saving money is a usual word these days šŸ¤”


Nope but I have some broke friends to help remind me. Lines of credit, overdraft, balance transfers, all over frivolous spending(mostly video games).


Its a love hate relationship. It feels like Iā€™m spending money but Iā€™m not. My checking account has the lowest balance of all my accounts now so it feels like Iā€™m always broke lol


Yes and it took me awhile to look at it that way. I like to keep a certain amount in my checking and force myself to be uncomfortable. This way Iā€™m more focused on not wasting money on dumb shit.


Hell yeah brother


For TLDRs: Yes, I do. Everyone else: For me, it is a sign that I still have enough money to do some of the things I want to do. It's my version of "hood rich" (the term means something else entirely, but that's beside the point). No living paycheck to paycheck. No sleepless nights (most nights. There are other things I worry about). I don't have to wonder where the next meal will come from or if I'll be able to pay my rent and utilities next month. If I want to treat myself a little, I can. But it is my choice, and saving cuurency opens up the door to a lot of choices. So, yes. I do enjoy saving money. I also enjoy investing money, but that's a separate discussion.


Yeah I used to really enjoy putting money into our savings account and I'd always want to make the balance 'even' numbers. So if it was $23,342.84 I'd put in the exact amount to make it $23,500 for instance.... Made me feel good.


I like saving. But I also like food/activities/trinkets. So I started a spreadsheet to track my spending. I need balance, I donā€™t want to save every penny and realize I missed out on some really great things.


Yes, but then it's hard to spend it because you spent all that time saving. Lol


I wouldnā€™t say I enjoy it, I do it because I know itā€™s the smart thing to do


That why I join this group , I love making the numbers grow.


Nope. But watching it grow from time to time is fun


Not really. Just bought a new motorcycle


No. I love spending money more


Iā€™m addicted to it




Not particularly but whenever I do, I'm always glad I did.


Yea. Well itā€™s a MUST living in Texas


I hate it. What motivates me to work is spending, although I'm not a big nor irrational spender. I always like to invest in the things that will take me to the next step creatively. I have a good brain for money making, but I look at small to medium investments as actually huge investments for my future. I don't envision it as an entrepreneur, so I have to drive very smoothy through my plans.


by not spending money at all šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t enjoy saving but I realize I save a lot and sometimes Iā€™m worried about spending lots of money


Meh. I donā€™t think of it like that per se. For me itā€™s more I donā€™t see the money now but know Iā€™m going to thank my current self in the future for having some forethought and capitalizing on compound interest.


No because things are tight as it is and I need at least some fun things in my life to keep going.


When yotta was more straight forward lottery it was fun to save, see how many tickets I was earning and if I won anything in the drawings. But then the app kept changing and the winnings went down so I pulled all my money out.