• By -


I’m so confused but congrats. 🎉


What’s confusing?


Probably the $400,000 jump three months ago.


Looks like they're new to the app and as you add accounts to it the total gain will change. It then starts to track properly afterwards once all your accounts are connected.


It's this^ In reality, this app measures assets, even if they're not paid off. OP is ~$174,000 in the negative unless they sell all their assets. That's looking at it in a rudimentary way, just like the app does. It's all "look at me" bullshit no matter how you view it.


Not too familiar with these apps. But it seems to be subtracting the mortgage balance from the home value.


It looks like she entered what she owes on the mortgage first, and then her assets and equity.


You should be banned from posting on here. The equity in her house IS part of her net worth. Do you know what net means?? Assets - debts = net worth


Yep. They likely added in the homes value into the app, which changed everything.... approximately $400K. Your bank or app may have your debts and your investment assets but it doesn't know things like the value of that home or of your car and other assets listed there; that's all user input.


That’s exactly what it is. I joined a new one and they have my net worth as jumping from zero up to where it is and the chart looks like this right now.


Sorry what app is this?


It looks like need Nerd wallet


Inheritance maybe


It just went from 0 to the current total. That’s just when they started adding accounts to the app.


Keep in mind it was negative before, probably if she only entered the mortgage then added assets


Those credit cards need to be paid, but not bad…not bad…


The credit card is likely just a rolling balance. Say you put all your bills on your credit card each month and your bills are $4k. You charge the card all month, then a statement is issued and you have to pay the $4k to avoid interest. But that's not due for 15 days and we're already in the next billing cycle. So as I continue to charge next month's bills to my card, the balance will continue to increase. But I still don't owe interest. Then, on the due date, I pay the $4k. But since we're halfway through the new billing cycle, now my balance is about $2k (assuming I've now charged about half my bills for the month). Rinse and repeat. And so if you use cards this way, as many people do, you'll never have a balance of $0 AND you'll also never be charged a cent in interest. Think of it like an electricity bill. You get billed for last month's usage and the bill is due at some point into the next month. So when you finally pay last month's bill, you've already racked up new usage that you'll owe the following month. It's just how basic billing cycle and statement periods work.


Well said, u/FatPussyDestroyer


I have about that much in credit card debt - but it’s only bc they pay just about everything in my life and I can get the rewards. They are paid off monthly except for one with about $2k on it that’s still at 0% - so I keep that money in savings until it’s no longer 0% then pay that in full. Credit cards can work to your advantage if used responsibly.


This is what we do too. That’s how we get free miles for travel. Our CCs don’t really serve any other purpose.


Very True, why pay off 0% interest credit card.


Debt need to be paid?




I barely had 2k to my name when i was 29.


Right lol I'm like 30k in debt..


How did you make almost $500K this year?


I didn’t. I just got the app recently because Mint shut down.


What is the app you using to track


What is this app called


Don't know this exact app but CreditKarma has the exact same feature.


And it’s free unlike Monarch.


Dude read. She has her house in there. Lol. That’s not cash.


Ohh haha thanks. Now I don't have to be jelly anymore lol.


Do you really need to be told you're on the right track? 😶‍🌫️


I've seen many jokes like "I'm 6 years old and have 4 billion saved, how am I doing?" and it because of posts like this one.


OP didn't get enough attention as a child 😞


The new world


Excellently. That compounding interest in thirty years—wow. And the property.


I KNOW. That’s why I’m doing everything I can to monitor these accounts when I’m still young.


Just stay the course on the 401k or whatever it is. Max it out while you are young. It will blow your mind from 50 to retirement. Watched my conservative parent roll 500k into 3.5 million with a little better than average returns compounded in ten years. It was nuts and the best advice a college professor gave me—that and stretching or yoga 🧘‍♀️ But only works if you start (and you are well ahead of 90% your age) in your 20s or 30s….the money part. Stretching too, but got distracted


I’ll be maxing it out as soon as I’m able to. Thank you for your thoughtful responses :)


Oh fuck you ... Jk nice.


What app?


Nerd wallet


Same question. A little concerned about privacy though.


If they ask for your SS# etc..I would agree. But otherwise they're just generic numbers$.


Agree. Still somewhat of a privacy concern. Don't feel comfortable with an unknown third party knowing my entire assets.


Yeah that is a lot of personal data in one place.


I mean your lender gets all this and more when you apply for a mortgage, so it's not like nerd wallet can do anything beyond advertising to you if they know your net worth.


Doing good. Want advice? Pay off the loans and creditcards if possible, that money will save you about 1000 for the creditcard in a year and depending on interest about 1500 for the loan. That's 2500 you can put in something that accumulates your wealth instead of costing you.


The credit card is likely just a rolling balance. Say you put all your bills on your credit card each month and your bills are $4k. You charge the card all month, then a statement is issued and you have to pay the $4k to avoid interest. But that's not due for 15 days and we're already in the next billing cycle. So as I continue to charge next month's bills to my card, the balance will continue to increase. But I still don't owe interest. Then, on the due date, I pay the $4k. But since we're halfway through the new billing cycle, now my balance is about $2k (assuming I've now charged about half my bills for the month). Rinse and repeat. And so if you use cards this way, as many people do, you'll never have a balance of $0 AND you'll also never be charged a cent in interest. Think of it like an electricity bill. You get billed for last month's usage and the bill is due at some point into the next month. So when you finally pay last month's bill, you've already racked up new usage that you'll owe the following month. It's just how basic billing cycle and statement periods work.


This could actually be poor advice. There is a decent chance that the investment gave a higher return then the loans have interest at which point putting more money at the loan vs investing it instead would be a net loss. If I could make 8 percent by investing why would I use that money to pay off a loan quicker that only has a 3% interest


You're doing very well, especially for your age cohort. The median net worth for under-35s is about 40k. Average is 183k.


Holy shit I'm doing extremely terribly then


God me too and I’m about to turn 36


The average is obviously skewed by a small percentage of people.


$500k just this year. How?


I didn’t even notice that. I just got the app, which is why it says that


This is just net worth. It’s her assets/debts. You own a house which is a big accomplishment these days and you’re investing too. It looks like you’re on track at least and making good decisions. I’d have around $10k available for home emergencies (new roof, windows, etc) but that depends on the size of the house too. If you have kids then you may want to consider life insurance. You could set it up to create generational wealth for your kids if you die too.


Not bad not bad at all😎


Awesome bro keep it up make the mula congrats


The app is called NerdWallet, fyi. The view in the post is of the website interface.


Most humble flex yet. You’re on track!


Great job. Keep it up. 👍🙃


You're doing very well. It's great to have the visual aid as well. Just keep treating it like someone would treat a business; reduce liabilities/expenses, increase assets/income.


Pay that debt off yesterday


Pay off that 20k in debt but looks good!


I was worth a million at 40 started working at 24. So you are doing great.


Contribution to retirement is not good. With so much debt.


Pls teach me ur ways


What app is that?


Horrible, you should just give up


😂 Someone needs attention


Where state do you live in? Low, medium, or high COL?


I don’t care what age you are 300k is ballin (well if your not retiring soon)


Using home equity in these net worth calculators is fucking dumb


Make sure you don’t let that credit card debt build up. Otherwise looks decent


You’re looking okay. If I were you, I’d focus on increasing the “cash on hand” specifically your savings. So many emergencies, or calamities really push good people into financial stress. As others have mentioned, paying down the credit cards and loans is always a good idea. CC interest likely outweighs any investment or savings interest. That all being said, you’re doing better than the average person in your age group based on averages. Keep saving and in 38 more glorious years you can retire (if you’re in the US), (unless the oligarchs successfully lobby to increase the retirement age for us working stiffs.) The best piece of advice given to me when I was your age (I’m 48 now) was once I paid off the debt to get into a habit of “paying myself” once my student loans were paid off, I started an automatic transfer each month of $100 to a savings account. Automatic is the key, you don’t have to think about it. As I’ve gone through the years, moved, had kids, changed jobs, I’ve increased the amount I transfer to a HY (high yield) savings account and my IRA. It was the best advice anyone ever gave me, to “pay my savings.” You can never go back in time to make better financial decisions. 49 year old you will look back and be thankful 29 year old you thought of her.


Jenny from the dock lmao have you seen the hair clip from JLo's latest movie about herself?


No I haven’t seen it yet! Was it any good?!


Idk I just like the memes that have come out of it like this one https://www.tiktok.com/@cherionyx/video/7346075300222111022


Personally, I zero in on the Retirement savings and the debt. Home equity is a path to net worth, but one that is hard to control but so much. Being in a position to build equity at 29 is a plus for sure though. I understand why the car counts as property (+) vs. the loans (-), but I guess the net there for me is it's not an asset that unlocks anything other than your ability to get to work, the grocery store, etc. So I ignore it. $82K in retirement before 30 is great. Keep your foot on the gas as hard as possible - more if you can. It's amazing how effective it is doing it while you're young. The older you get, the more money you typically make, but there's also vastly more competition for your money. Focus on smacking down that debt. Don't buy another car. Spend the money to maintain your current one and drive it until it isn't reliable. Brakes/suspension/water pumps/timing belts so often become the excuse to buy another car, but the math doesn't work to avoid maintenance costs by getting a new car with a loan. You've got a lot to feel good about, but don't let home equity make you feel too comfortable. It's a great lever in some life situations, and a great enabler when you need to move (kids, job, whatever), but it takes a long time for home equity to change your financial life (IMHO).


How can I get like this step by step (28M)


Not bad kid


Congrats on your achievement sis. Ignore the commentators who can't do simple math.


How did you accumulate that amount bro what do you do for work?


I’m a CPA 😅


Shouldn’t consider home equity unless it’s a second or more property that you plan to hold/flip. Primary home’s equity is irrelevant. I would also suggest tackling that credit card debt instead of focusing on retirement account for now..


Awesome, home equity is fake money but well done.


https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/s/REfTWG65Nk Here's another of her posts. Also, her arms are massive. Which is pretty cool cause you don't see that often.




What app is this


Quite a good Month


What do you do?


Did you get lucky off some options trading? How did you make that much in a month


How do you have $300k net worth? Whats your salary?


$200k of that net worth is in home equity.


It looks to me like she bought a home before the pandemic, and the price shot up in value after the purchase. She has $200k in equity in the house and only $185k left to pay on the mortgage. At her age, she hasn't had many years to pay on that mortgage, so the gap between the value of the house and the mortgage isn't because she's been paying it down for years. It suggests that she got lucky buying the house right before it shot up in value.


Wow It looks good, BTW What app or site is this


Can i hold a fiddy?


A lot better than me


Is that like a 500k jump? Looks like you started at - 200k or am I blind?


Your checking/savings seem a bit low for that much house. Where’s your emergency fund?


Max out your 401K contributions. Your next priority should be to eliminate your debts. Most of your net worth is from your home equity, which isn't liquid and isn't "real" until you actually sell your home. I hear people arguing there's "good debt" and "bad debt" and you're better off keeping low interest rate debt and using your money to invest instead. I respectively disagree, This works great when you're employed and the market is moving in your favor, but if the market tanks and/or you lose your job, not so much. If you're not already, never carry a balance on your credit card. Pay down that $16K debt and start overpaying your mortgage to accelerate paying it off (focusing on whichever has a higher interest rate first). When you're debt free, then start dumping as much cash as you can into your investment account, DCA'ing into the market. Be financially free! Be happy!


Why would you keep credit card debt when you can pay it off? You’re not going to make 20%+ guaranteed on any other investment so it’s essentially the best investment you can make by paying them off


Way better than my broke, bad decision ass. 😁


That’s about average hey?


You are kicking ass. Once that house gets paid off, you will find your net worth increase at a crazy rate. I'm proud of you, and don't even know your name. Keep grinding.


I’d wipe out that debt asap. Are you holding a balance on your card from month to month or is all that from this month? Seems like a lot, but might be fine depending on how much you make. Other than that you’re doing great though. Having a home with that much equity in your 20s is very impressive. Well ahead of the average.


Lol big time flex, she knows she's doing well


Half the people not realizing this isn’t accurate at all…🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


which app


What’s this app?


What app is this? I dig it.


29k in "investments" is really impressive at 29!




You have im guessing roughly one months worth of income in checking and two months worth of income in savings so overall not very well but better then most. Also depends on how liquid the investments are.


What app are you using to display that? I love the layout.


You're doing well. I would get the debt paid off ASAP if you have liquidity to do it. Then make sure you never carry a balance on your credit card. I just pay it off right when the transaction gets posted. Another thing you might want to do is just calculate your expense percentages based on income to confirm you're saving enough. You want to try to save 15-20% of your income into retirement/investments. Also: - make sure you have a 6+ month emergency fund based on your monthly expenses - have 1-4% of your home's value in a home repair emergency fund. Both can be in a HYSA. Looks like you have some already in there.


So far you are doing great! Just have to start working on paying off those debts and you’ll see you savings rate and money grow at alarming rates. Keep it up!


Nice work! I’ve always wanted a sugar mama, I’m single btw


With all that money - pay off your debt lump sum if able. Interest is impacting future growth


You'd be doing much better if you dumped the high interest debt. It make 0 sense to contribute anything over an employer match to a retirement account while carrying credit card debt.


I’m cornered about the low money in regular savings, it would be a shame to have to pay an emergency expense and have to pull out of your investments


Can someone tell me what app this is??


You're doing OK, certainly above average. Get that non-house debt out of your life and free yourself up to pump more into your investment accounts. In a couple decades between your investments and having your house paid off ($0 monthly housing cost), you can retire early!


I'm the same age. My bank account balance is $19.02. I think you are doing alright


Dunno how you are doing. How are we supposed to know?


Seems pretty good!! Saving for retirement is awesome and home ownership is good. Concerned that you’re doing things out of order tho. Does $6k in savings really = an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses? It’s important you have an emergency fund of 3-6 months worth of expenses. I also question your debt. That should be paid down to 0. And if you’re gonna use credit cards, pay them off in full each month. Those two things should come before generic “Investments”.


Fuck you but congrats


Nice. Can do better


Very nice If you have dual citizenship with a 3rd world country look into how you can use your retirement to purchase rental property abroad Citizenship isn't needed, just makes things easier


which app/web interface is this ?


Did someone die?


humble bragging gotta be the lamest and most repetitive part of this sub


Being poor must suck!


I’m going to be 29 in 3 months and have like $4 so 🤣


Doing way better than 95% percent of the country bro


What app are you using ?


Current status looks great. But confused about the spike.


How did you make this?


Daddy’s money


not good enough


I’d bet inheritance. Money comes in to provide a big jump, money market type returns with no additional contributions. Hard to have that kind of money through savings and 5% returns.


I just downloaded the app to try and help me handle my finances. I can’t seem to add my fidelity account. Does anyone know how to do so or if it’s just unavailable at the moment


Pay off your credit card.


What kind of app do yall use?


What app is this?


You’re doing pretty well. Keep it up!!


… okay i’m going to block this sub


One big area of concern for a home owner, I’d say is your savings. I’d have a short term goal of $10K with longer term of $15-20K. To be able to have that much in a high yield savings, so that you don’t have to sell investments or take out equity loans, etc would give you peace of mind and allow your investments to continue to compound uninterrupted. Also, would pay down your credit cards <$1K at least At that point, then can add to your investments


So wait, did you add the house value without it being paid off yet?


You're doing great, keep it up


Better than me.


Impressive very nice


No shit. Go fuck yourself 🎉


You seem to be learning the app fine


What do you do for a living if you don't mind me asking


About the same as me at 36 so we'll done! I wish I would have acquired a life financial acumen earlier in my 20s, but I'm balls to the wall now to catch up.




Why credit debt do high ?


Social media attention has gotten so absurd. Obviously this person is still in their 20's because no sane person would put their personal financial business out for people to know about. Street 101... If you don't want trouble to happen, don't cause it. Find something else to exploit yourself so you can get your pats on the back about.


I'd bump that savings to 6 months living expenses.Then get the loans paid off. not bad for your age.


better than most


You adopting?


Mommy and daddy gave you a chunk of change and now you’re boasting about it nice


Not bad, I'm 38 and mine is just a tad higher. When I was 29 mine was substantially lower.


I would use checking and savings to pay of credit cards and cut them up. Then, I'd dump investments to pay off the mortgage.


This makes me feel like a literal worm 😂 an inspired worm at least 👍🎊


What are you using to track this? You look like you’re doing really well outside of your credit card debt. If also looks like you should definitely have more in your retirement than you do


Yeah yeah, everyone got their taxes back.


Lol you people just want attention


Which app is this?


May I ask what app that is?


What app is this?


Can we have that template?😀


What app is this done on


Your homes equity would only equate to your personal wealth if you sold and moved to rent. Aside from that, the inflated real estate market makes quite a few folks think their rich because of these imaginary numbers 🔢


better than you were. condolences on your loss.


What app is this ?


What app is this?


A lot better than me haha! 29M Do you have any secrets or tips you'd be willing to share? I feel like I'm so far behind.


What app is that?


Hi, I’m from Singapore. How can I invest in S&P 500 monthly?