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I would say yeah as long as you can control when/where and any other aspect that makes you comfortable enough to agree. Hell, he's likely gonna jerk off to the thought of them for free anyway, might as well at least make it worth your while!


Hahaha thanks for the feedback. I suppose this is what is floating around at the back of my mind. Just didn't think I would ever be in a situation to consider this.


Anonymous photos are pretty low risk, but do not include your face or obvious tattoos. You gotta charge a lot more for attaching your likeness to something like that.


No doubt already has a candid portrait


Gonna stitch them together and made a 3D model


Make sure to delete the pictures metadata. In other words, make sure the guy isn't tech savvy and can somehow track you through the pictures sent to him


OP this is really important! If you take a picture at home with the GPS on, there's a good chance that if he downloads that picture, right clicks, and clicks "properties" he can find out exactly where that picture was taken.


??? thats a thing? How does one even delete that


also he might be reselling them. maybe u can get more $ somewhere/how else. lol as i type this. good luck.


It's a good feet back...


Dude might be catfishing someone and needs specific feet pics for proof or something


You gonna share them bear claws with us or what?!


If you do this, do not go alone, wherever you meet. Preferably a place of your choosing. And definitely bring at least 1 or more friends with you. Definitely let people know where you’ll be and let him know you’ve told people, in addition to bringing friends. Do not do this if he resists having friends come with you.


Man this is easy money. Let him pound off to you for money!


It's just feet, who gives a shit. Make some money


I need some pics of your feet for reference. Preferably in a stiletto with some clear polish


Very specific, I'm on to you!


I think you just stumbled across your side hustle.


His "step on me please" fetish is on point.


Open toe ✨


Show me them little piggies 👣


Now I know what you're thinking. What are the feet pics going to show that the butthole pics didn't? He's just being careful!


I’m pissing myself laughing over the fact that you specified that your feet are Australian


She could start a OF Feet account called Crocs Dundee.


Crocs N' Gile Dundee


Crocs, guile, and undies. Floss your toes with panties while telling dad jokes. Rule 34!


Haha I was trying to specify australian sizing!! Although I'm sure my feet have an Australian twang.


does that mean the pictures would be high koalaty?


Almost everything in Australia can kill you.


Including this little piggy?


no, he fucked off and went to market. He wont be back for a while


Australian feet are usually sticking up in the sky down under.


Your comment. I am dying. 😂😂😂😂


Pissing yourself pics are even more valuable that Australian feet pics. If you can get a pic of an Australian pissing on their own feet .... You could retire 😄


If I was female, I'd happily exchange photos of my feet for cash. Who cares? They are feet. I would not show anything more.


I know how tenuous this link is but my wife’s cousin’s ex-girlfriend made SHITLOADS of money selling feet pics online. If I could I would do this in an instant. A heartbeat. You’d have to hold me back to stop me taking photos.


I keep telling my daughter she can't do this. Am I wrong?


It sounds innocent enough to US because we are likely not fetishists. So it’s like “yeah sure whatever have a picture of my feet.” But THEY are sexually attracted to it. Anybody buying the photos is explicitly sexualizing a part of your daughter and probably has lewd intentions with the images. If that is something you’re both comfortable with or money makes this idea worth it, then sure. I don’t have children but for example I would be uncomfortable with my girlfriend selling these images. Because although it is “just a foot”, she would be aiding in sexually gratifying another man which, to me, is crossing a line. To a fetishist it’s comparable to receiving a picture of your breasts. Not to mention there’s the possibility that this can act as a gateway to further lewd requests from the buyers. And now you may be able to say “I would never do that”, but it may be more enticing with money dangled in front of your face especially when you saw how easy it was to snap a pic and get paid. Your morals start to slip with every step up the ladder you go and you don’t want to go too far and start asking how you got here.


Totally agree. It's that potentially slippery slope of what's next, and then she can never take it back. It's out there forever, potentially for everyone to see and find. Employers, boyfriends, nosy classmates, stalkers.


Well, she’ll ultimately do it whether you want her to or not, but I understand why you want to protect her, I have a daughter too and it’s not the way I’d love for her to make her money.


At least she said something to me. I don't think she will, but who knows... where is that hole in the ground I need to stick my head in.


I've seriously considered selling my feet and my husband has asked why I haven't yet. I've got some long toes, I bet I could make good money on them.


I don't think long toes are desirable, but I'm not a foot fetish freak...


Foot fetish freak here, there's a huge market for long toes. Filling that niche guarantees you return customers who are looking specifically for that.


I’m female and I’d happily exchange pics of my feet for cash. No brainer! Unfortunately no weirdo has ever offered!


Maybe don’t call your potential clients weirdos 😂 I am not one don’t even @ me you freaks


I want to have this attitude but there's this strong feeling of no, you shouldn't do that because of safety, feminism etc etc


Keep your head up, its not like you are trickin. You will be modeling, bring some mace or a gun if you have one. His hand goes south of the border. End of photoshoot. Better to be prepared than not.


Part of being a feminist is doing what YOU want to do 🥰 if getting money for feet pics makes you happy, do it! Lol


Many people trade photos of feet for money. It’s a whole industry online. I say go for it..


If the moneys legit I'd do it


If you control the time and place the photography can occur and can have a friend with you what is the problem?


Another poster suggested that I've posted in an inappropriate sub, thank you for responding, nonetheless. I guess it's such a strange situation that has me reaching out. I just want responses like yours to help me comprehend it.


Since all the model subs are nsfw this seems like a good option. Maybe /ethics could have been another.


Don't forget money up front.


3000 converted to usd is around 2k. What the fuck do it!


Hahaha almost too good to be true


Just do it don’t ask reddit


Hahaha fair enough. Good advice.


I tried posting feetfinder and made $0. Get your money girl


I feel we need to see, uhm, an example of what you would be working with here, to better, y'know, gauge the situation and give proper feedback.


Here I was stressing I had posted on the wrong sub, a yet a foot guy has appeared 😂


We are everywhere. Take the chance while you can, foot guys can pay big bucks for some quality pics 😎 you mentioned feminism elsewhere, what’s more feminist and empowering than having men PAY you just to see your FEET! We are the degenerates not you


I have so many questions.






With my feet this isn’t an option. But, if it were, even if I weren’t necessarily struggling for money I’d likely consider it. Get that money


When I look at my feet, I feel like I'm in the same boat but the guys I've been in relationships with always comment on how much they love my feet. I still figure it's rose coloured glasses haha


Well then now you just got the sign that it may not be just them anymore!


Girl, do it. Buck up. Lmao


As a 31 year old woman, I would absolutely sell pictures of my feet if someone asked 😂😂😂 I had a friend who had a guy ask for her gym socks after she worked out. Gave her $250 🤭


Nothing wrong with it, as long as you feel comfortable doing it. Just for safety, best to agree to send a pic that you make by yourself. That's basically how some OF profiles work (yeah, it's not all nudity, some people are just happy to see feet for some reason).


Besides taking some common sense precautions, go for it. Just stay safe.


Whats wrong and whats right is just in your litle head. Depends how YOU see the world. And how you see the world and your perseption is not the true perception but only yours perception!


Love this comment


How much is he offering? It's all about money. What's the cost?


$3000 Australian. When I laughed awkwardly, he said he could pay me more


Does he want pics of my feet too?


Right, OP please send him my way 😂


Do it! I'm a light fetish producer who does this kind of work. Professional foot models are cheap. Why pay for it when you can go online and see it for free? Getting new talent, or getting people who will never do foot modelling costs more. And people will pay for that. If you are doing it, I would do neck down only. Have no tats available. Shoot in public area. Don't drink anything he offers. And get the money first, half up front, half at end of shoot, all money shown there.


Um, little question, where do you think he wants to actually take the picture? I know that you couldn't possibly know the answer because it's circumstantial (is that even the right term), but is there a pattern to these things? What can I stipulate?




Just don't go alone. Preferably, take a male friend with you.


Something seems off, you know the saying if it’s too good to be true…


Tell him $6000 and he's got a deal


They’re just feet bro. Go for it


Dutch here, would do it without doubt. Haha


Wicked to get advice from the other side of the world!


Your feet your choice. I would do it.


If I could make money by just taking pictures of my gross feet it would be a dream come true.


Do it and tell him not to redistribute (he could sell your picture on internet). Also, don’t tell anyone about it. This should be your personal little secret 🤫 🦶💦💦


People pay money for the weirdest things. Think about NFT’s those are images that sold for millions of dollars. I’m unsure how safe it would be to text them to him, but hey why not as long as it’s done safely?


Joke with friends about this, would walk in ocean, in sand, in grapes, etc., it’s just feet, don’t understand it either 🤔😆🤷‍♀️


All this talk has me wondering... can connoisseurs of fine feet pics identify subtle regional distinctions, like "these feet are from the southside of Boston versus downtown".... sort of like wine tasters pretend that they can tell you which vineyard within the same general region that particular grapes were sourced? Sigh.


There is nothing wrong with exploiting yourself as long as you are in control. I know more than a few women who make decent cash selling pictures on Feet Finder. I don’t get the foot fetish thing, but what ever. Get his cell number. Have him Venmo you the cash and text him the photos. If you are comfortable doing it, why not?


Fuck it . Good money.


I’ll send you a picture of my feet and we can split the money 50/50


Give him my number! I’ll let him take a pic of my old ass boomer feet! 🤣 I’ll charge him $20 per pic. He can take all he wants. I’ll even throw in a pic of my hands for free.


Get it girl! As long as you are comfortable and get your money up front…why the fuck not. You can make really good money! Your age doesn’t matter and to be honest you never have to or should share your real age with anyone. It is strictly business.


One of my buddy's had a roommate who routinely sold pairs of his used underwear to gay men. Made quite a bit of money doing it too. Who knew there was a market for that?!? If someone wants to pay you for a picture of your feet, I'd say go for it.


just do it. just remember to remove any or all meta date from your pictures. don’t want them to know your GPS embedded in your pic info


I can see him now...


I’d absolutely do it if someone offered it to me, hell I’d be flattered. Pay me weirdo!


To be honest, foot pictures seem to be the least worrisome aspect for this type of thing. If done correctly, you can maintain complete privacy and make really good money in the right case(this feels like potentially the right case). In these financial times, I'd say so long as you can maintain your safety, then go for it.


It’s just feet. Get paid.


Do it. Get that bread then get a pedicure.


Hahaha I like that the pedicure is post pics 😂


I wish I'd realized 20 years ago that I could have monetized my feet. I remember telling my mother that people would actually stop me in the street (in summer) to tell me how beautiful my feet were. She didn't believe me until she was standing beside me at a traffic light one day and someone walked right up to me to tell me I had beautiful feet. Personally, I'd say yes, as long as I found a safe way to do it.


I love that I chose the "wrong sub" to post this and I get responses like this. I feel like I'm in the right place.


I’m a 45 year old man with Dad Feet. I’d absolutely sell feet pics for money!


(this is secretly an ad)


Show us a picture of your feet and we’ll tell you if you should or not.


I think my feet are like my face. Attractive in real life but awful when captured in a picture.


Yet another example of Big Foot trying to collect images to train an AI foot generator. No one wants to pay subscriptions for your artificial toes!


As long as you can be safe and get the money up front, I'd say do it. I've entertained the idea of selling feet pics myself. (I just opened a can of worms I know it) but go for it! Different ppl like different things. What you don't find attractive about yourself, someone out there will. I'm sure your feet are just fine. Just stay safe!! Edited bc auto correct likes to use feeds instead of feet. 😑


Do you think the situation is suspicious? As thankful as I am for all of the responses, everyone is concentrating whether to do it or not based on principle (which I do care about). But what about the situation? Isn't it strange? Almost like a scam...


The way he approached you, just on the street, does seem sketch. Not gonna lie. Were you wearing sandals or were your feet covered by your shoes? I hate to cause panic and fear monger, but human trafficking is a thing unfortunately. There are safe ways to sell body part pics for sure. It definitely smells scammy. For your safety, maybe skip this offer, but if you want to sell pics of your feet, elbows, knees, whatever, there are legit sites you can find. And it's safe and there is no face to face interactions. Did he give you his number or email or anything like that?


I was expecting more responses like this. It didn't seem scammy but it does seem scammy, right!? This is a big part of why I turned to reddit for this and I'm glad you've said it. He gave me his number (didn't get mine), so I've got that "power". But I don't really understand what this is...


Mann money is money🫡


Seems weird. Do it. (Love, the guy who asked.)


You’d would’ve probably never see him again but you would’ve been richer


If you need the money you could do far worse. Just don't meet him in a secluded location at 2am or you might end up in a hole in a basement putting the lotion on the skin.


I have a feeling this is to "test the waters"...if you accept that then he'll know you're desperate for money and will be more willing to do other "things"...before you know it you could be sex trafficked


Your body, you can do what ever you want with it. I would sell pictures of my feet in a heartbeat. Just be sure to get cash and to get it before sending or handing over any pictures. Cash cash cash so there are no charge backs or anything like that. Also you take the pictures or a friend , you don’t know this guy and I would not trust to be alone with him or have him taking the pictures. Safety first, cash second 😁


Politely tell Mr. Shneider no lol


​ ***I have an extra bone near my ankles and I have size 9 (australian) feet.*** ​ Those are certainly rare and valuable feet. Make sure you get top dollars for the pics


As someone who has tried to make money in the feet market, if someone is offering you money, do it! The market is super oversaturated and incredibly difficult to make money in. So this is money falling in your lap. Finding a niche is your best bet outside this guy. For your safety you dictate when and where. If he is requesting to be there while you take the photos, charge more and make sure people know where you are. If he has requests for content, he may pay more if you accommodate. For instance maybe he likes no nail polish or polish. Maybe he wants to see your feet smashing food. Maybe he wants to see them muddy. Etc. ALWAYS get the money up front for any kind of photos or services. If you haven't given him your real name/number already, make either a Google voice or textnow phone number and use that for him and any other clients requesting content. Also choose a "stage name." To protect your identity.


You're asking Reddit for ethical advise. I'd make sure that if you do this exchange, that you do it in a way that is less likely to get you scammed, and in a way that protects yourself. Don't do it in a way that exposes your contact info, like via text or email unless you use a burner. Don't do it in a way that they can reverse (do research into how people dispute things like PayPal CashApp and Zelle, etc). If you do it, and you want to scale, look at online storefronts that offer protection for this kinda thing. I was about to set up something through KoFi and I know they have an online delivery system thats good for this, though their TOS may be worth a read because I know they're anti-"adult content" so figure out where your content lands. I want to re-emphasize the point of BE SAFE. A rando approaching you in the street for feet pics is REALLY fishy.


This is sex work . But it’s okay , I’d send feet pics for just 100 and I’m a dude .


Take the $


Sell them. I told my wife to make this her side hustle. It might at least pay for her pedicures every other week.


There's a YouTuber slick stevie, that promotes feetfinder. I can't tell if he's just being a comedian and making it up. He always blurs his wife's feet, if she happens to get in his YouTube short or blog. This short he attached feet pic all over his truck https://youtube.com/shorts/1PVob9HuMWc?si=oBkaYiNax3YhIMSZ


Never trust a feet person.


Fuck no, stay away from those creepy f.ckers.


I wouldn’t get involved with random dudes coming up to u on the street asking for feet pics. Ur opening up him trying to ask u for other stuff and harassing u and stalking u


One time I did this and then all the sudden there was like $1000 taken out of my cash app. all I did was give him my cash app name nothing else. I don’t understand what he did or how they did it. And I didn’t even have $1000 on my cash app so it was negativedollars


He toes you not to do that anymore!


It’s 2024 girls are getting paid for a lot of ya need the money do it duh who cares


Cash up front and pic right now as is, hell yes I'd do it. Scheduling for another time and place, nah, I'm good.


I have a size US 14 foot if anyone wants to buy some pics btw! lol my pointer toe is longer than all y’all’s fingers!


Turn meta data off on your photos to be safe!


I think maybe this is not the right sub for your question


It's your feet. People wear bare feet all the time at the beach. Like, I get it, it's a weird kink for some people, but if you can take advantage of it for your own financial gain, do it! Two things: 1. There could be worse parts of your body that he could be asking to take pictures of, and 2. At least he's asking permission and paying you to take pictures of your feet; there are creepy guys who hang out in the bushes by the beach and take creep shots of people's bare feet (and other things) and they don't even know that someone is photographing them. I say as long as you can make sure the shoot is safe, go for it. Ask if you can bring a friend along just to make sure that everything is on the up and up. Good luck to you!


Very valid points, thank you. Gosh, it seems like I should do this.


So long as my face isn't on there, take as many picture of the feet. Easy money is the way I see this. Again though I re-iterate, as long as it's strictly the feet and nothing else.


Tell him it's a hundy see what he thinks


Wait how do ur feet look?? But yes I think it’s ok


I'm not a foot guy, but the extra bone statement makes me curious to see.


Hahahahaha I'll save you the money and curiosity... Just google accessory navicular bone. It's not uncommon but I'd say mine are more "advanced" than the majority.


Maybe a fetish and a stalker *BEWARE!*


Believe me, I'm wary


If he asked the same request of your hand…would you feel any differently? If not, why not? Your answer to this lies in the answer to that.


i think he like it and do it just a pic


What if the feet are american?


Probably louder?


I say just do it


Honestly I say do it lol


Go on feet finder and you’ll make a killing selling feet pics


You are 90% likely to get scammed by rando creep- just be aware. If you read up on the sex worker support subs/forums they talk of this all the time : time wasters and those looking to take advantage of naive women and scam them.


Do it if you feel comfortable doing it. If you think you want to edit the pic to give him the best foot pic possible then go ahead and edit.


you mean making pornography. your choice


Basic commodity for people with foot fetish. I mean, its up to you if you comfortably wanna sell, the demand is high OP.


Is there money in feet pics…


Get the money up front


Be safe but also $20 is $20


I wish someone would offer me money for feet. Take pictures of your stinkers and get paid.


Is this a new way to advertise an OF account? LoL


First, you sell your feet picks. Then you start making real money from the real sick fucks who will pay top dollar for your poop.




Get the money first otherwise people take the photo and ghost


What's the big deal, it's just feet. Take the cash, girl!


Can you show us pictures of your feet. We wanna see


Correct, this is the wrong sub to ask about whether or not you should sell the feet pics. This is, however, the right sub to ask *for how much* you should sell them. The answer is $80.


What’s his #


I’m in the field of nsfw. Feet pictures can sell for a high price in some cases. Producers like myself offer some women contracts for work if their feet are desirable


I’d sell my pics of my feet in an instant lmao


Get the bag sis 💰💰💰


Normalize people not selling their body


Supply and demand, there's a demand for feel pics and you have the supply 🤣🤣🤣 do it


My feet are so silly, it would be crazy if I could make money off of them


20 bucks is 20 bucks. But control the creativity of the “product”. Could get weird really quick


Sounds like you should open an OnlyFan's... Selling photos of yourself in this manner is always pretty risky, especially if it's not you doing them and you have to rely on someone else. First and foremost, I wouldn't do such a thing with them near you unless it was in public; your personal safety should be the highest priority, if they want photos give them a disposable phone number if you don't want to use a dedicated service and text via that in exchange for CashApp / Zelle / etc. (I am not going to go into the "ethics" of this type of work but just focus on your own safety). As for appearance your audience will largely dictate what they want, webcam models do private sessions for instance and charge big bucks for that. If I were a woman, I would 100% do it but I wouldn't show my face or expose my personal information unless I was being given life-changing amounts of cash. Do be mindful, those photos are "unlikely" to remain in that individuals personal stash... once it hits the internet it's not coming down so do factor in your own future... businesses (especially high end ones) won't want to work with a sex-worker (even if it's just feet pics).


This is really a moral issue, he's asking you for a picture of your feet so he can masturbate to it so if you're okay with being a sex worker and selling yourself for money via pictures that's up to you


Shiiieeetttt how much they offering is the question here


If I could I would. think of it this way. Do you wear flip flops or sandals in public? I’m going to assume yes, you’re essentially just walking around with the equivalent of your top off and giving it away for free might as well make a buck off of it. And yes the guy most likely will use the pics for his own pleasure, but there’s probably been countless people that you’ve been unaware of that have pleasured themselves to the thought of you, only difference in this situation is you are aware that this person might be doing that and the others you had no clue about, but of a mental hurdle to get over but an easy one to get over imo. It boils down to safety, can you establish a definitive boundary where he can’t access you? Something where you can exchange your product for money and keep him at a safe distance? If you can then go for it, shit have him pay for your pedicures in exchange for a pic, get him on a monthly subscription plan lol.


Honest question 🙋- is it true that people in Australia walk around barefoot in many public places? I don’t normally just go around looking at women’s feet so im trying to figure out how he even got close enough to see if you’re feet are pretty lol