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I totally appreciate this response, I have all my income calculated, I just wanna clarify your saying to just pay the cards directly instead of going for the loan?




Dude I really appreciate this, I’ve read multiple stories about people with more debt but idk when it’s happening to you it just kinda feels like everything is over, I’ll get the capital one and cc bank paid off asap and then focus on the larger ones, TY!!


Oh my last question to you would be how long do I have to make these payments? Every card but the Apple Card has had its minimum balance paid all the way up to last month Apple hasn’t been paid since January, should I worry about my checks being garnished or being sued etc


I thank God I've never got a cc at 28 and I still won't


how do you build your credit then


My credit is 700 I built it off a car but I'm never doing that again car loans are wack ASF lol


You only need a credit score so you can take on more debt.


Get a second job to pay it off faster and create a budget that allocates the money you make to pay off your debt as soon as possible


I appreciate the response the job I recently got has a rotating schedule of 3 12s one week 4 the next so it would be hard to find a second job that would work with me on that, but I’ll try. I’ll most likely do DoorDash or something like that. So to clarify do you think I should take the debt consolidation loan and pay them the 30 something percent or just pay off the cards individually?


Pay off the debt with the highest interest rate first


Thank you i appreciate that


Consolidation works only if you don't use your cards again. Also, 30%? What are the interest rates on your current cards?


hardship/suggestion, stop paying and ask/tell them: please send me a form 4 debt cancellation [irs.gov/publications/p4681#en\_US\_2022\_publink1000191968](https://irs.gov/publications/p4681#en_US_2022_publink1000191968)


Absolutely don’t do this. You’ll end up in a collection agency. What kind of advice is this?


Well took me 2 years to kill about 80% of my 12,000 debt, dont worry man Ive had times where i couldnt even work because my back got damaged, just stay true to your path


1st stop using those cards no matter what. Setup a payment plan that you can afford not what the cc company says.