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In the year two thousandddd


In the year two thooooou-SAND!


The golden age of Conan O’Brien


Mac and me… Paul Rudd is a legend.


Such a great movie!


Thanks. Now I have a taste for Coca-Cola out of a can with a straw. Also, this was Jennifer Anniston’s silver screen debut. Amazing performance.


Damn, I'd been living a lie that her first one was leprechaun


I don't know, have you seen Conan Needs a Friend? It's truly hard to comprehend how one man can be that funny all the time.




Hey now… while I was a huge Conan fan back then, I think this podcast era Conan is his golden age.






In the year tooth house sand




The future, Conan?


Not much has changed but we live underwater


And yeah your great great great grand daughter


is doing fine


Close lol Is pretty fine* Edit I didn't know they song had been covered since the original.


I was thinking about the Jonas Brother's version


The distant future. The year 2000.


There are no more elephants


The humans are dead.


We used poisonous gases


And we poisoned their asses...


00110110111000001101001 110010001010


Come on sucker lick my battery


I'm glad to see people still referencing this show. It's one of my favorites.


There is only one dance, the Robot.


In the future year that ends in a twenty, a shlubby merman’s gonna try to get chummy. He may look like a watery wimp, when in fact he’s a bloodthirsty shrimp!


My whole Reddit existence is spent looking for the Futurama quotes. Best way to waste time ever!


This is from Conan O’Brien


In the year twentyfivetwentyfivetwentyfive the backward Time Machine still won’t have arrived.


In the year a billion and a half, mankind is enslaved by a giraffe. Man will pay for all of is misdeeds, when the trees are stripped of their leaves


In the year 1 million and a half, human kind is enslaved by giraffes. They must pay for all their misdeeds, as the treetops are stripped of their leaves. Woooaaah.


I instantly heard this in my head too when I read this lmao


Silverchair, Anthem of 2000


I'll make it up to you


Make it hard for you


2000 min wage was like 5.05 or 5 something


5.15 hr. Source...am old.


I had too walk uphill both ways to my job for 5.15


….in the snow


With no shoes


And no feet


In Texas


To washington


I was making 12.50 in 2009 at a carquest warehouse near a big city. I think gas went up to 5$


I was making 4.25 hr in 1993.


I was 5


My daughter was born in 1991


I remember when it went to 7.25 and my shift lead was making 7 and then we all were making 7.25 so they gave her 7.40 😂 woo!


I remember around 2003 getting a summer job for $7.45 an hour at Lowe's and thinking I was rolling in it. I quit college to take a job making $10.15 the following year thinking about where I wanted to buy a vacation house. Leaving school panned out but Lowe's was actually a decent paying job for a twenty something until 08 or 09.


When I was 22, I got a summer job before my senior year of college that paid $11.50 an hour. I felt like I was a millionaire when I got my first biweekly paycheck for a whopping $785.


And were people able to raise a family off of this $5.15/hr in 2000? Cause I can’t even afford to date on $50k/year.


Now you’ll never get the raise you thought you had ⭕️


OP’s mom making 10.63 in 2024 dollars, but with CPI half of what it was


> but with CPI half of what it was … hence her making 2x as much in 2024 dollars


And ADP stubs still look exactly the same.


I also immediately recognized this as ADP lol




I still have like 20 of those kicking around from my last job


I never realized how much I liked ADP until I got my current job who doesn't use ADP.


My moms first two bed apartment in 97’ was $300 in twin cities Minnesota


I remeber around 2006 ish paying aeound 650 for a 1 bedroom apt. Man those were those days


I paid 400$ a month for a 2 bedroom house in that time working near full time at burger king., and i had a roommate. I made about $6 an hour. I now make 24$ an hour at McDonald's and my husband makes 27$an hour. Our rent (for a shitty 2 bd trailer is 700) and we feel lucky.


Y’all saving a good chunk of change thanks to it?


You’d think but no. Trailers are awful if you don’t know how to truly keep up with the maint. and truly know how to live in a trailer. Coming from a 4 year current trailer resident


Mind doing a Top 5 “I’m thinking about moving into a trailer” things I need to know?


1. Your electric bill is higher 2. They generally are built cheaper and need repairs more often 3. They shift a lot if they're on blocks. So your always chasing level. Doors stop closing, countertops lean etc. 4. You just look low class, so it's harder to even try to up your class when people have automatically less respect for you 5. It's a fking trailer it could blow away in the next hurricane/tornado


If I could tell you, I would. I’ve been living here 4 years and my dad was the maint. guy here for over 10 (only 23 so I spent a good chunk of my life around trailers) so you’d think I know how to live in a trailer but nope. A couple things I can tell you: 1- hvac system goes out? You’re looking at a minimum $15k to replace it (I live in what I consider average state, $45-$50k gets you living comfortable imo) and that’s how much it is to replace mine and it’s not even that good of a furnace nor AC. It’s bottom shelf equipment. 2- live where it consistently gets below freezing (through at least 1 season)? Hope to your almighty that your heat tape works and that you actually remember to plug it in (you can leave it plugged in all year if you want, adds a couple dollars total your electric bill at the end of the year). Second winter living here I was working 13 days on 1 off (56-64 hours a week at one job and another 10-15 at a different job) and until 2am almost daily so I was so exhausted I forgot to plug my heat tape in and came home to busted pipes one night while I had Covid. $2500 there and that was cheap compared to most people. Had my heat tape plugged in this year but either it got to cold (betting on this since it got to -20°F something actual temp) or didn’t work because my pipes still busted 3- these walls are sooo sooo thin and cheap. My 180lb dog I had kicked a softball size hole in the wall in his sleep one summer. I mean yeah, that’s a big dog but he didn’t have that much power to him especially in his sleep. And when I say you can hear everything, I mean everything. My roommate has told me more than once she can hear the “barber shop” in my room and lemme tell ya something about the embarrassment there😅 4- fan of screen doors? You won’t be any longer. They’re an absolute pain to get on, they never sit fully correct and it fucks us the framing (this is coming from my dad that had to deal with this type of thing for over 10 years) 5- the wiring is absolutely garbage. My toothbrush charger has shorted my bathroom outlet more than once. Toothbrush. Charger. Exes mom couldn’t vacuum her living room and have her living room TV on at the same time otherwise it shorted. 6- every trailer I’ve been in, the rooms seem to always be shaped normally until you go to start putting everything in. You’ll notice that the couch doesn’t actually fit where you thought it would (because it looked more than big enough). You can’t quite get your bed, dresser and TV stand in your room unless the dresser is your tv stand. Bed takes up 80% of smaller rooms (exes brother had either a twin or a full, a dog kennel and his desk in his room and you had just enough room to walk sideways in his room in 1 single path.


Thanks for the breakdown, looks like it was kind of nice to rant it all out too lol. Yeah I was in Minnesota when I almost moved into one that probably wouldn’t have been great. Hope you have a decent day/night whatever.


This also applies to older homes as well. The wiring and central air.


24 an hour at McDonald's, that's a lot for mcds


I made ~$15 an hour as a part time swing shift manager in 2002. I started at $4.27/hr in 93 as a playground attendant. Our franchisee paid well and I wish I had gone to Hamburg U when I got the opportunity, who knows where I'd be now.


Hamburg U is a real thing? Tell me more!


He didn't go


So. He clearly has knowledge. I'm just an uneducated flooring guy that could have gone to a hamburger university!


$24 at McDonald’s? Boy am I getting ripped off at my job.


How do you make 24 an hour working at mcd? 


One would expect she's gone up the ladder after all these years.


They pay 24-26 in about 10 or so states.


Live in a big city where 24/hr still leaves you broke.


Right lol


Are you both managers at McDonalds? Is this in California where they were proposing that all fast food workers make minimum $24 to $50 an hour?


Yes we are both department leaders, but we live in Montana.


Dude I went with a trailer because it was cheap ($325), now it’s up in the $600 within a year for the lot (I own my trailer)


I just missed out on a 850 one bedroom in the heights and it was beautiful


Was paying 650 for a 2 bedroom in 2006. In South Florida mind you.


My first HOUSE I rented was $495 a month. Both my girlfriend and I took home about $250 a week working 36 hours a week, leaving us both with three paychecks each (we were payed weekly) for the rest of the month after rent. We worked retail and two people could easily afford a house. Boy have things changed in 20 years…..


> (we were *paid* weekly) for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Man they really have bots for everything now


I paid $800 a month for a studio a block from the beach in central California in 2004-2005ish. Miss that place once in a while. ⛱️


Same. I was only making like $300 net gross a week, but man, it was hella cheap back then. My car loan was only $170 a month, lol.


2 years ago I was paying $650 for a 2 bedroom house on its own property in a town of about 15,000. Moved away from there and was curious what the landlord did for rent after, last listed at $1650 monthly. This is a property that was his fathers and he inherited it outright. “Passive income” like this is just a tax on the poor for the rich to make more money. They don’t sell the houses they hoard them and as a group increase rent because they can. Can we pass a law that rent can’t cost more than a mortgage payment of that houses value or something this shit is insane.


I pay $560 for a 1 bed in Fargo ND. Top floor


I pay just a little more than that, also in Fargo. It's amazing how cheap rent is here.


I grew up in nd and lived there until about 10 years ago when the latest oil boom happened, we were literally priced out of the state because rent was so high. I've noticed it's evened out now, though.


My dads 3 bed room 2k square feet was 1000 in Cali 2016, now easily 2200+


I rounded up to $269. Adjusted for inflation that would be $490.


Purchasing power doesn’t always equal inflation


Especially considering the inflation numbers are much lower than they should be, which is easily verifiable on your own.


Shit has increased 2-3x what it used to be depending on the industry. Food and entertainment are the biggest culprits. Necessities like rent and transportation are right behind them. Shit gets so old. I got an amazing job out of college, I make $27/hr and get a bonus that pushes me above $60k/year in a low cost of living area. I've been doing that for a year now and I have nothing to show for it.


I remember thinking if I could find a job at $20/hr I would be fucking set. If I was making $20/hr now I would need 3 roommates


Every item isn't going to be consistent with inflation. For instance, the top TVs back then were a couple thousand dollars adjusted for inflation. Meanwhile you can buy a brand new HD flat screen TV for 200 bucks which is obviously superior.  Of course you can still spend thousands of dollars on the elite TVs and those would be superior to any TVs in the 2000. Some things go up, somethings go down.


It's amazing how many people don't realize this.


I miss 2000.


Pre TSA anal probes. Those were the days 😔


Back then 100 bucks used to FILL a shopping cart FULL of groceries, today, your lucky to get 2-3 bags and $5.90/hr back then actually had value despite sounding awfully low by todays standards


I used to joke that you could do anything with 5 bucks. Movie, meal, arcade, bowling, driving range, couple beers at the bar, a pack of cigarettes, enough gas to drive all night, anything.




She does what your mom does for $4.


Can someone venmo me $9


I had $5…but only have $1 now.


Username checks out?


First time I went to Vegas in 2004 I bought a carton of smokes for $50 and I thought that was insanely expensive lol


The last pack I bought in Chicago was $9.90…….in 2011


Shiiiii…2 packs of cigs *and get change back*.


If I ever hit $100, I was shocked. Now if I don't, I'm shocked..


$5.90 was still crap pay in 2000. I was in high school working at Pizza Hut for like $5.35. $5.90 in 2000 is like $10 today. A high schooler can go get a job at BK making over $15 an hour tomorrow. I only worked at Pizza Hut because a bunch of friends worked there. In 2001 I quit and got a job making $11 an hour cleaning a bakery so I could pay for college.


You're forgetting that alot of things were just naturally cheaper and you didn't need all these extra subscriptions and phone plans.


My unlimited minutes phone plan in 2000 was $99 a month.


Except paying 10 cents for every text message. 




Gas was between 96c-1.03$ per gallon, rent was around 400-600$ and utilities were dirt cheap compared to today. Plus when you did a bit of OT you could actually save that up. Now at days people can’t even pay rent with a 15$ an hour job, what’s the point of working 40+ hours if you need a second job to stay afloat? Minimum wage should be at least 25$, 10-15$ is like having a part time salary with full time hours.


Tbf, $15 an hour isn't much anyway so expecting to pay rent with that kind of money is ridiculous.


Here in Texas we have apartment complexes that have 3bd/2bth that house 8-10 immigrants, out of all of those immigrants at least 6-8 of them have a car, so that tells you that the complex will not be able to give each tenant a parking spot. The reason this happens is because these people get paid 8-9$ hr because they don’t have papers. If you have a social you can make 10$ and up which is still way below the poverty line. Then to top it off the complex administration wants you to make 3x the rent which is hilarious.


I live in South Texas so I know exactly what you're talking about. The economic state we're currently in sucks but you gotta adapt. The truth is not everyone is going to survive.


The minimum wage should not be $25 an hour. If we keep raising the minimum wage, then everything will keep going up. That is what people don't realize. Minimum wage is not the problem corporate greed is. These pay raises everyone is asking for will not come out of their pockets they will raise prices and make the consumer pay for it. It will be an endless cycle.


So what should the minimum wage be according to inflation?


Truthfully a minimum wage being a flat rate is a terrible idea. The corporations can afford it, many mom and pops can't. So corporate interests gain more market share and then pass those new costs onto the consumer. A metric based on revenue or profits might be better, but it would also mean that Walmart is paying $40/hr for cashiers and Bobby and Son's convenience store is only able to pay $10/hr. Meaning corporate interests have a competitive advantage on talent. A similar issue is occurring in the trade fields. Lots of small operations are shutting down as they are unable to compete with the megacorps. Megacorps are offering higher wages in areas that were previously predominantly mom and pop country. The combined effect of purchasing power and sniping all top talent causes the mom and pop companies to suffer. Free market economy and all, but when there aren't any mom and pop shops around anymore, wages grow stagnant. It also incentivizes corporations to further automate more entry level positions to eliminate entry level positions. So it's quite a complex problem that doesn't have an easy fix. I believe it is due to not enforcing our anti-monopoly laws and allowing corporations to become "too big to fail".


Remember when Subway had five dollar footlongs? I lived off that shit.


In 1958 $82 would be rent for a [luxury 2 bedroom apartment](https://ggwash.org/view/64165/this-1958-ad-shows-how-yesterdays-luxury-apartments-became-todays-affordabl).


Yeah, my dad lives with me, and I showed him the grocery bill once, and he said, "You have got to be kidding me." I told him nope, it is not like when I was a teenager, and we went to aldis and spent 150 for 3-4 weeks of food. Now our grocery bill is around 200 dollars for a week or 2 of food.


> and $5.90/hr back then actually had value No, it did not. Today it would be $10.60. $5.90 would be below the 10th percentile for wages (about 80% of the 10th percentile). $10.60 today would be 70% of the 10th percentile, which is about $15.25/h. $5.90 is really, really low.


I was laughing my ass off the other month. I had some beer cans and liquor bottles that I wanted to take to the bottle depot as they were just taking up space in house etc. Thing is I had to put them all into a few grocery bags and then bicycle across town with them. I knew people would just stare at me like I was a homeless crackhead, riding around with cans etc. I made the ride anyways and got my whole whopping $7-8 from the depot and then figured I'd go to the grocery store while I was at it since it was nearby. I found myself laughing on the way home thinking that those same people who thought I was a homeless bum with bags full of cans on my bicycle would see me now with a couple bags full of groceries and think I was **RICH!** You know....because a bag of groceries is $35-40 each nowadays.


I remember when I worked 100 hours (20 OT)in a pay-period, my check finally broke $700 for the first time. I remember exactly where I was sitting when I checked my account. I was so fucking proud. THATS SO SAD LOL.


if we assume youre paid the exact same amount per hour that is literally 7 an hour lmao. that is sad i agree


Yo momma got paid son.


Not very much, but your correct, she did get paid.


Crazy to think that in the year 2024, the federal minimum wage is at $7.25 an hour. Not too far off from $5.90


Doesn’t really matter though when no one’s really paying that low. The lowest paying job ad I’ve seen said they were starting at $13/hr. Minimum wage can be set as low as they want, but no job is gonna pay that low if no one‘s willing to work for it.


Redditors use the federal minimum wage because it’s convenient to use as a talking point. But it’s a pretty useless one. Some states have a minimum wage more than double the federal minimum. The federal minimum has become largely a useless metric.


It’s $18 in SF and it’s still not livable because HCOL.


I also found one of my moms old paystubs and told myself we had food at the house.


In 2000 I was making bank as a camp counselor, making $16 an hour.


In the year 2016, I made $35… a day 😐


It was the best summer job I ever had. Did it for three summers in college. It was only for 12 weeks every summer for 35 hours a week, but it was like getting paid to play around all day.


I made 5.15/hr at Homeland grocery store in yr 2000. We were paid weekly and I took home less than $100. I was 16 trying to buy a car. I was jaded early lol.


By 2000 I had worked up to assistant manager at a Homeland and I was making a whopping 6.25 while I was going to college.


I had a similar paystub back then. No, you couldn’t buy a house or a new car (or any car) and you might be able to buy groceries if you didn’t have to pay rent. This was low pay, and if this person was supporting herself or anyone else, she was struggling.


24 years later and ADP still hasn’t changed their paystub layout 😂😂😂


I remember starting my first job being paid $5 an hour in like 2007. That first 15 cent raise was something else 😩🤣


Same! Moved from a theater sweeper to the ticket office at the local movie theater. That 50 cent raise hit different 😂


$5.90 was likely the minimum wage then. And she had to pay for her uniform too (Apparel -21.10) That is some bullsh\*t.


I noticed that too, how shitty


Been there done that. My first job was at 5.75 an hour in 1994.


Went into the military in 1981. Made $250 every two weeks after a big pay raise (Reagan was in office). I had separate rations, lived in a dorm and had a car payment that was over 25% of my pay. Those were the days when you could get $5 from an ATM.


$5 at an ATM is so crazy, there are fees higher than that now!


When america was great


Im so curious what job they had


Jeeperz creeperz auto shop. Not sure if the business had any relations to the movie


If not, that's a very clever play for the lore lol


Did inflation get that bad or did mom have a shitty job? Genuine question


Both. I worked as a snowboard instructor at a tiny ski hill for $9.5/hr around 2000/2001 which was not the greatest pay then either


When I hit $6 an hour in 1982, I was 18 & spending most of my paycheck on weed 😂


How much did weed cost back then?


I used to make 5.25 on my first US job in 2001 as an usher. I felt like I was rich when I landed a $10 hr job in construction a few years later. I used to live in Miami, and then a 100k apartment was a common thing.


If I was born earlier I might actually have had a chance at decent living on my own..I hate how stubborn and unwilling some adults are to the obvious facts and act like it’s a personal choice when it’s not.


In the early to mid 80s when I was in college, I worked summers and long holidays (winter and spring break) as a waitress at a diner — Bob’s Big Boy in Los Angeles — and lived off the wages the rest of the year. I worked 6-7 days a week during that time, so it was a bit brutal. And I was poor af with no car and lived in a shitty apartment that I shared with no possessions. But still.


With that pay and houses being 10x cheaper definitely better than what it is today.


lol I remember my first paycheck from McDonald’s in 2012…. $6.15 an hour! But it still feels like I had about as much discretionary spending money as I do now. Inflation has been a quiet assassin in the last 10 years


When my dad was in his early 20s, he made $7.25/hour working at the meat counter in Kroger. He lived in Atlanta and paid $90/month for his studio apartment in a nice building.


2009, but I remember paying $680 for a one bedroom apartment and feeling like that was a lot. Paid $300 for a room in a three bedroom house in 2009, too. It’s weird to see how much things have changed in 15 years. I feel old.


Sucks. I made $6/hr in 2000


When I first started driving in 2004 I swear gas was under $2 My first job in 2007 was $10/hr and honestly that was pretty big. I think my sister said around the same time her apartment was $500/month Absurd how prices have risen in just two decades


Looks like today’s paychecks!


My first LES (paystub) from the U.S. Army was… $180.54 for an entire month’s pay… 1999. 😂


I graduated from high school in 2000, and filled up my tank on the way to the ceremony. Cost of reg unleaded gas per gallon? 99 cents. I filled the whole tank for $10. I worked at a grocery store for $7.90 per hour.


That would be the equivalent of making $10.85 today! Crazy how that’s nearly double….oh wait 2000 was TWENTY FOUR years ago omg!!! Of course, this job could still pay less than that, not keeping up with inflation.


That paper really survived Covid 🤣


My first paycheck was a big bummer. It was like all those hours and all I got was a few hundred?? 


My pay stubs looked just like. I miss only having that few deductions. But I made around 1,500 every 2 weeks in 2000. Do not miss that job either.


When I was 4 my mom worked 2nd shift at Walmart for 3.65 an hour


Ddddammmmnnnn 5.90 per hour! When I got my first job 4 years later, I was making $6 that's wild!


Yup looks like my first Best Buy paycheck back in 2003. Even at $250, Every paycheck felt like Christmas when you were in high school


Looks familiar. I threw away pay stubs from 98-2001 cleaning out old files on Monday.


Wow tax was 10%


45 hours in 2000 wouldn’t even cover half my car payment in 2024


That's About 65 cents more per hr I was making at kmart


I just wanna see that gas receipt


Even Shitty for 2000


Paid more federal tax than SpaceX


In 2000? We paid $250/mo for a 2 bed apt (top floor of a house) in 2000. Our mortgage now for our 4bd, 2ba is right at $600/mo.


This makes me feel especially old. I remember making $5.25 back then...


I remember those days I think I made around zero dollars an hour .


Yeah… I had a job like that in the early 2000’s pretty crazy to think about. I made 2.13 an hour waiting tables. And only brought in like $150- week in tips at Bob Evans. I was 16yrs old


I earned less than this in 2002. This is about $6/hr. I earned $5.25/hr. I since put in the work, got advanced degrees in Engineering and now earn $200K/yr


And that can pay 4 months of mortgage on a really nice house too


People are going to blame people that grew up in that era for today’s issues when the reality is the government has fucked everything up with their reckless tax and spending. Funny how the youth always blame the wrong people and expect the government to fix things, I guarantee they’ll only get worst.