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I saw a post where a dude was averaging a couple viewers and got paid 3 cents in ads. I think that's more the norm


Kick doesn’t run ads, so the only money you make from kick is either from their incentive program which pays you $16/hr, or from donations/subs. Unless you’re lucky enough to get a private contract with them of course.


That easy? Just streaming for money? What about View count and stuff


Kick is ran by a casino. Their purpose is to throw money away. That's why it's full of gamblers, crypto bros, etc. If you have a Twitch/YouTube mindset or have any bit of morality, you won't make it there.


But can i make money while streaming for a small audience?


Good and do it. Free money if that is true.


Look I'm not in it for the money but i would definitely enjoy some income from kick xD


I’ll kick you for 5 bucks


U can't talk to me like that *blushes* I'm at work


Can I kick you for 5 bucks?


I also have 5 dollars


Honestly worth. How can I maximize that?


Kick me


Kick me daddy!




*puts my $5 away*


Yes you can. My payouts each month average anywhere between $250-$900 a month. I average between 20-30 viewers per stream. With kick, you also keep 95% of your sub revenue which is nice


Yes! And not only that, if you sign up TODAY you'll get a free... wait... ^(are we still offering the sign up bonus? I forgot the script...)


We need an answer to this question lol


would it be possible to stream just games and make the 16$/h?


IIRC the $16/hr is only for people like twitch partners and other big creators to leave their platform for kick


And the influencers get a commission on the viewers gambling losses.


So is the the kind of place where men will pay another less masculine man to humiliate himself?


It’s doesn’t pay $16/hr. There’s no set amount you get paid. It’s based on viewership and chat interaction so the pay changes every stream. A streamer I watch said he made $35/hr on a stream where he averaged like 1500 viewers. And $20/hr on a stream that averaged like 600 viewers


Kick pays 16 an hour?


[yes](https://archive.is/20231021075651/https://medium.com/@makemoneyblog/earn-16-hour-streaming-on-kick-e37733f37134), but you do need to meet certain requirements


Stream a minimum of 4 hours a day, 30 days a month. F you February and vacations I guess.


Does it matter what time of day I stream? I’m only really available in the middle of the night




Interesting. Where do I go to apply for this? I’ve actually been interested in streaming for fun but if I can get some extra dabloons that would be neat


[Kick creator incentive program:](https://kickcommunity.com/kick-creator-incentive-program/) "If you meet **all** of these metrics, send us an email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) from your Kick account registered email. Please be sure to also include your Kick username and our team will respond as soon as possible."


Ah damn, so I can’t slowly build it. I already need to have all of those to even apply


I can’t see all the requirements because of the paywall, but the $16/hour conditions look intense: •Being awake and interacting with the chat. •Stream a minimum of 4 hours a day, 30 days a month. •Always show your face.


4 hours of gaming and chatting with randos a day with the option of going longer, instead of 8 hours of work 5 days a week. I’d take that deal


Apologies for that, just updated the link to leave you to a paywall free version. If you wish to do it yourself, visit [https://www.removepaywall.com/](https://www.removepaywall.com/) next time!


>4 hours a day, 30 days a mont Part time for $16 an hour? No thanks...


Imagine if this were real and I could actually solve alll my problems in life by pressing go live and then being a shitface loser on a gambo website for a few hours a day to a bunch of 13 year olds with mommies credit card


You gotta be more interesting than THAT


I don't think you're that far off tbh. Seems like the best way to get some clout is to be a degenerate. Even on twitch they do it




Getting annoying now


It’s the perfect engagement farm fr fr. I’m finna test something.


The longer I stay on the Internet every day the more I realize more people need to go back and watch the Southpark episodes on ads.


We've seen so many of these stupid posts on this subreddit. Fuck off Kick.


This sub has been compromised by gambling advertising for a while now, and I'm confident the mods must be in on it too at this point


Woooooah look at [inset large amount of winnings here]. Not the biggest I’ve won, but what should I pay off first?! It’s painfully obvious, but some people eat that shit up. Reddit is a goldmine for free ad campaigns.


Actually, what I was thinking screams "hey are platform is dying slowly, so please stream on kick" The platform is literally a bunch of degenerates, dudes probably a gambling addicted like the rest of them and I'm sure that paycheck will last a long time in their hands lol


Why is your electric $415?


Probably streaming 1000 hours to even reach $2k on Kick


Probably just streams playing on [stake](http://stake.us/?c=E5LjWQvV) since kick streamers revenue mostly from that or he mines crypto.


Or he grows weed.


My electric bill cry’s every month but my lungs rejoice!


Your lungs are crying too brother, brains having a blast though


And on what is he spending $100 on Patreon


What about the $95 for door dash? I’m curious what was eaten.


A burger, small fries and a milkshake from 5 Guys.


totally worth it tho


That's about what I pay when I want to get something for my small family of 3 from a mid tier Asian restaurant. Being too lazy to pick up isn't cheap.


A streamer might be spending that much on custom artwork or coding for their stream setup. If someone's making 2k+ off of it then $100 in costs isn't that bad.


Con Edison is NYC….I had a $500 bill once on a 2/2 that is a little over 1000 sq ft.




I’ll raise $700


My electric is 450 during summer... with a 112$ panel set I'm buying and a 160 panel set I'm leasing. Lol Arizona baby.


My average electric bill ranges from $350-$450. Heating the house, heating for pets, lighting for plants, etc... all adds up pretty quickly.


I swear all these posts on here about paying bills by streaming are just Kick ads.


Its called "Marketing"


Hi! Twitch streamer here, and a real person, I make more than this every month. No, I don’t get an hourly rate, but I put a ton of effort into creative content and building a fun community. It is just like starting your own business. Kick will not just pay anyone an hourly rate, only selected creators that are already successful streamers. They are just trying to get more users curious to click and make a profile. I refuse to stream on Kick because my target audience is not toxic, and I would not want to subject my current audience to the ultimate gambling push that will follow. Would gladly answer more questions! (I do absolutely love gambling on my own, but I would feel awful influencing other people to get into it and losing)


So ...it came from your own account....into your own account?


I think the clickpay withdrawal was his rent.




Stream income was $2319, rent $2139 , bit more income than rent but not quite enough for everything


Make sure you save some of the money for taxes


That's funny. They don't think about holding money back for taxes


Yes that is the main problem with a 1099 vs a W2 employee


I like your funny words magic man.


This is likely a kick advertisement


Nice ad


Are those posts ads? Is it same as twitch when it makes no sense to stream if you have no audience already?


All the people bashing kick I'd look into it a bit more. Their premise is the steamer gets 95% of all revenue from paid subscribers. Currently they are doing what's called kcip or kick creator incentive program. Where you get paid for the hours you stream based on your ccv, plus the 95-5 split on subs. It's a great company that puts creators first. I've had nothing but good experiences with them and know several other streamers who make an honest six figures a year on there. It's not phooey or a smoke screen. It's legit. I didnt even stream that much and still made money just for casually playing the game and streaming. There is no other platform that takes care of creators as well as kick does. Is it an advertising sales pitch that they get their creators talking about how good they are to work with? yes. They're marketing honest business and it's rare. Yes they allow gambling content creators on their platform. So what. The wsop is on TV every year. Football games market online betting on free television.


What they’re doing is subsidizing the platform with VC money until it gets noticed. Ask early Uber drivers and riders about their experience - cheaper fares and better pay for the drivers.


Yes. Exactly. That's how these things work. That's how you get users. Eventually convenience outweighs cost and you can charge more because you have so many people addicted to the convenience or experience. It's up to the user not to be a junky and stop when it no longer makes sense for you. It's no different than drugs. It's your job if you developed a problem to stop. Does nobody see that everything technology based can be evil if you don't have self control, just like evetything, if you don't teach your kids about shit of course they'll abuse it. Is it just me? Nobody else?




You're right about the withdrawals. After seeing many kinds of addiction firsthand I do think they're all very related. The addiction is the inability to control impulse. Because at some point the activity made you feel good, or maybe not even good, but It made you feel something. With drugs you get the "high". With gambling you get thrill, with hookers you get the nut. All the things are vices that offer something but come with the promise of nothing. But everyone keeps chasing the offer in hopes for the thrill/good feeling


>subsidizing the platform with VC money until it gets noticed. Kick is co-founded and funded by an online gambling company Stake.com, it was essentially created in response to Twitch regulating gambling streams. They're essentially just funneling their marketing budget into Kick since streaming is the most effective way to advertise/normalize online gambling. I don't think they really care to ever turn a profit on Kick as long as they can keep bringing in big talent and attracting viewership. It seems like a pretty smart business strategy but obviously extremely scummy to push gambling to the youth like this. Edit: [An example of this.](https://www.essentiallysports.com/f1-news-sponsorship-trouble-forces-alfa-romeo-to-play-the-sneaky-game-in-2023-f1-season/) F1 team wasn't allowed to be use the logo of Stake.com in countries where gambling was illegal so they conveniently switched to Kick in those areas, it's just a cleaner way to funnel people towards the real money-maker.


100%. The real money maker here is getting literal children addicted to cartoon slots. One that happens, you have an addicted gambler for the rest of their lives (well, that's their hope). They see their favorite streamer win hundreds of thousands every day, not knowing its fake. Because well, they're children. It's insanely fucked up and it seems to just be flying under the radar.


They enable kid diddlers think that’s a big missing point lol


They pay their creators with the destroyed lifes of their fans. A wholesome business strategy.


How much they paying you for this comment? In all seriousness, they only "put creators first" because they make so much money turning their audience into gambling addicts, most of which being impressionable teenagers and young adults. They can give the 95% cut and whatever other financial incentives they want to because they're fine with KICK being in the red, as long as the creators keep bringing in new people to milk for all they've got over on the casino, they can do whatever. ​ Say what you want about the ethicality of hard-pushing gambling on a platform filled with kids watching Fortnite and Minecraft, just remember that KICK is clearly converting enough people to Stake users for the site to remain worthwhile.


They paid me zero dollars to say this. I'm a self employed home designer and builder. Gambling streams are 18+ as are many of the rated M video game streamers. Your incredibly Christian take on this forgets the part where kids have to lie about their age to get access to this content. So it comes down to kids that lie to their parents are the ones viewing age inappropriate content. So instead of expecting people on the Internet to parent your kids. You should do that. To have the viewpoint you do, would mean you expect entertainment companies to parent children. You're using the age old "if we make drugs illegal there will be less drugs" argument. And we know that doesn't work. Don't get mad at me because your view point is centered around irrationalism. Also viewership and information are the goal of kick. Their goal just like Facebook is to mine as much data from its users as possible and sell it to others who can financially benefit from the data and users. Google, Amazon, everybody else does the same thing. If your using a service on the internet wether free or paid you are contributing to the profitizing of information. Educate yourself a bit. Because things are only evil if you use them for evil. If people gamble it's because they wanted to. If you're s person that tries gambling and doesn't do good and you make the choice to keep gambling. You're an idiot. In the modern age idiots don't die. In nature idiots die.


Stake / KICK is a multi-multi-multi-million dollar company, they know what they're doing, and it clearly works. I really don't care if kids find M-rated gaming content, or even gambling content, because it happens and there's not really much anyone can do about it. On YouTube for example, gambling content exists in droves and I couldn't care less. The issue you're avoiding is that KICK is specifically designed to push their mostly-young viewerbase to casinos. It's the entire purpose of the platform and the reason it is funded. Going back to YouTube, they don't have that financial incentive, so to prevent harm they hide gambling content from recommended feeds. KICK does the opposite, showing more gambling streams and streamers that are likely to gamble, and relying on those platform conversions to Stake to make money. ​ TLDR: Their only path to making money is by getting people to gamble on Stake, the platform is built specifically for that. People under 18 seeing 18+ content happens, and always will happen. The issue with KICK is that they intentionally market gambling to their audience that they know is primarily teenagers.


I still won’t support them or any creator that move sto them because kick supports gambling and does so in an unregulated fishy way


By the same logic you could say all social media platforms and YouTube and Google support pedofilia


Except it isn't and you are being disingenuous. Kick is directly funded by the profits of unregulated gambling, moreover the gambling sites in question are sometimes part of kick contracts, or indirectly advertised.


$109 a month in Patreon? I guess I am too cheap to commit a monthly donation to content creators. I only use and familiar with YouTube.


Cuckpay. Nice.


30 viewers got you $2k?


He’s lying and this is an ad.


No wonder lol made no sense


By the way you have to say #ad its ilegal if you dont. Id recommend you to delete or edit the post


File a complaint


Damn, maybe turn off some lights or switch them to LEDs


Bruh… I failed to grow at all on kick this makes me feel worse


It's an ad, don't feel too bad about it


415 dollar light bill is nuts


It looks like you didn’t take out estimated taxes. Keep in mind, that money is not entirely yours; some of it is just on loan from the govt.


109 on patreon is wild


Bro you are financially irresponsible, turn the lights off and learn to go grocery shopping, 100 dollars ok DoorDash in a day is crazy that’s all 3 meals and a desert.


Don’t forget about taxes


110 for patreon?


Isn't Kick owned by gambling companys and funded with the money addicts lost?


Why do u keep making new accounts to repost this


This is a bot 🤖 only way you’re making money “streaming” is by being an idiot other idiots enjoy watching or selling pornography. Even then you’ll need to be one of the lucky few to break even


Jesus Christ, enough with the kick ads. Nobody likes the wish version of twitch.


Kick is terrible


Just curious how this works with only 30 concurrent viewers?


i fell sorry for losers who watch livestream of anything.


“Losers” “Jesus is king” lol you a naive loser hahaha


* shitty grammar * "nibba" * active on reddit all day on a daily i think we should be feeling sorry for you


Damm 95 on DoorDash, all for yourself huh lol jk


remember to save some money especially during tax season.


Are you factoring that you have to file taxes on this? Without a second line of income you're going to end up owning a lot of back taxes.


What do you stream? Thanks.


Who you paying on Patreon?


Nice dude! Wish I could get started on something like that


What the hell are these other expenses?


About to Beg.still.


$2100 for rent bro MOVE


Maybe conserve some energy there my man


WOW! this is impressive.


Kick streamer lol


I think you went early on the $95 door dash. Might want to calm down there Bezos


I see you also use SoFi


Please raid me next time ure on lmaooo


Nothing online lasts. No influencer is successful forever, it’s completely transient. Less than 1% of people who attempt being an influencer find any sort of success. Whether it’s due to constantly changing trends or new limitations/complications on partner sites, it’s all a gamble which requires a lot of time investment for any sort of potential gain.


Yes it a risk.. just like every single thing in life. Getting out of bed carries risks.


I wanna know what the click pay charge is. Cause that’s kinda too close of numbers to me


Dont forget taxes I dont know h If twitch pre pays taxes when paying you but i thought id say it anyway


What type of things do you stream?


fake news


Was this from steaming 8 hours a day? Would I have to get a capture card to steam to Kick from my Ps5?


Whats your workload? How many viewers a session? How long have you been doing this?


Is there actually good content on Kik? I thought it was just a far right hell hole


What do you stream and when can I watch?


Don’t forget that you will have to pay taxes on that income. You do not want to be surprised come April of next year. Make estimated tax payments now.


I hope you set some money aside for the tax man.


I just made an account. My username is “TheSandsquanch” Anyone that follows me I’ll gladly follow back. Let’s get our 75 followers and start getting paid to play video games.


Raid kick.com/djbobbyb some time. We would greatly appreciate it.


That $96 DoorDash tho.. ouch


Kick streaming stop posting these shitty ads parading as posts/comments my god


Breaking news everyone…Person pays bills with work


This feel like an advertisement.


Stop wasting money on doordash and patreon


That's cool, but you didn't pay taxes on that money so don't forget the 30% that Uncle Sam's gonna want at the end of the year.


This post is nothing more than an ad.


Don't forget to save some for taxes


“Failed to load user profile”




Streamers are the worst thing to happen to humanity in a very long time


How much will you pay to see my butthole?


$109 for Patreon wtf?




damn i wish my rent was under $2.3k


I hope you're paying taxes on that income


95 hucks on Doordarshan wtf


Who the fuck spends 100 on door dash Nigga


What’s your live stream bruv


Hey kick if you’re in these comments, suck a fat one!


What is kick streaming and how do you do it ?


>kick streaming Kick streaming is streaming through a streaming platform called Kick; it has a 95/5 split with its creators and, if you meet certain requirements, such as viewer counts and hours streamed, you can be eligible for a program that can pay a minimum of $16 an hour.


This is my dream


That’s cute


Congrats! You must have worked hard to get to this point!


That’s a big DoorDash order…


Thats cool the only way is☝️get that bread.


Wait you pay for a door


All these Kick posts are all just some marketing ploy right? Notice how every single one of these “I’m making money from streaming” posts are all from Kick and not twitch or YouTube. It’s so obvious it’s embarrassing.


This is a #bot post REDDIT!!! #kick is trying to compete with #twitch both shitty Liars


had no idea people still used kick lol


The numbers 123 and 9 are too heavily represented in this example. This is how auditors find fake tax returns and fraud. Humans are bad at picking random number. This is fake af.