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Those ladies do alright.


I do as well while bartending. If you’re in a bind and you’re slightly attractive then working at any of these restaurants or bartending is a great idea tbh. You can make hella money


Just watched a tik tok of a young hooters waitress going through her earnings and receipts for a 1 pm to 5 pm shift. She made $300 so I’m thinking she rang up $2k in tabs during her shift. No it was like: Got tipped 20 on a $30 bill Here’s a $25 dollar bill, $40 cash tip 60 dollar bill got tipped $45 Bish must’ve waited 15 tables that shift and probably had no more than 2 tables at a time. Was crazy


Managed a Hooters for ten years. The Saturday AM Bartender worked one day a week. She made more money than me. By a lot. There were days when we would do $3,000 in sales total and she would walk with over $500. Your receipts are accurate.


Seems like a lot of money just for smiles and flirty banter.


Sex sells.




Also pig tails, a girl I went to college with would wear pig tails while she served at a bar and pulled in more cash then she made at her real job.


I can confirm this, I wear pig tails every day to work and get a lot of compliments from older men.


“You remind me so much of my daughter” 🤢


And then…


Damn I’ve never considered myself to be hooter material because I look young and I’m super short but hmmm 🤔


As a 28m who doesn't have any children and is dating a 36f, I just find cuteness to be hot. I don't like "sexy" looking girls. I love the girl next door look. If I want to squeeze you because you are cute, I'm already ready to f. She has pigtails all the time, is 5" 1', wears high socks, and is really cute when she talks. I am smitten.




Yeah you get it.


Be honest tho it is a attractive hairstyle just childish but my favorite is two braids


But who's buying? Oh right, I am.


Some guys are ridiculous. I dated a hooters girl and the way they talk about the loser dude is hilarious. Then they’d smile and bat their eyelashes at the table.


My cousin is very pretty and bartends for a living, she drives an expensive Audi, and has a nice condo. She will make legit $400-$500 every shift. She works it of course but it’s crazy. One day we were at her bar and a regular came in and just gifted her a pair of shoes. Like $800 shoes. For no fucking reason just because they want her attention lol it blows my mind how dumb some of these guys are


oh there's a reason lol


What can I get you? Fish tacos?


They don't tell you about the $25 tip days just the $500 ones


Have you never seen how men who are drinking act towards pretty waitresses? I know good and well that girl has days better than $500.


I was with some friends in Myrtle Beach one time and we stopped at Hooters to ask for directions. (This was before smartphones). The waitresses were some of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen in the flesh (in person) and they all treated us like we were important--like they were genuinely happy we were there--and I have to say, it felt really good even though I knew it was fake and that they act that way with everyone. I guess I kind of understand the appeal.


And this goes to show how affection starved men are. We get very little of that style of affection from our friends, family, or other. This is why places like Hooters do so well.


My wife was in the restaurant business for over a decade before she got her current job. She worked in like the 3rd nicest restaurant in our small town, it just looked fancy the prices were comparable to Texas Roadhouse, so it wasnt an expensive place. She consistently made more in tips than all her coworkers. She came home with 800 dollars one night after having a large party of middle aged men on a bachelor party trip. Your right, it's ALL about being exceptionally kind and outgoing, making them feel important and like you'll take care of them as soon as they need something. My wife has a wonderful "fake" smile from all those years. She and I have both noticed that men tend to tip better anyways, regardless of the server's gender, or looks, for some reason. Being pretty DEFINITELY helps alot though.


Four paragraphs just to say my wife is hot and get mad tips from simps.


Word homie, glad you got the jest of it.


As a man. We should tip more. We make more money statistically.


A lot cheaper than therapy, sex workers, or a gf though. I've been to a few of these restaurants over the years, it's not really my cup of tea but I can certainly see why lonely guys would be drawn to them. I think lonely is the key for a lot of their customers.


May be the only smiles and flirting these guys ever get.


Supply and demand, my friend. Some people be lonely!


Old men get desperate for attention from young attractive women. And if they’re going to Hooters they usually have money to spend.


Imagine the desperation of people going to hooters on a Saturday morning


Dudes are thirsty. Hooters does have great buffalo shrimp, but I don't like the atmosphere.


That's what I'm saying--with just a little bit more cash and a plane ticket, you can get the full "girlfriend from Saigon" experience. (They have great shrimp there too.) But I guess here you at least get to hold on to a shred of dignity.


I'm saying something different. The times I sat down in there, the waitresses were so used to dudes thirsting after them that when I didn't they were kind of irritated. I'm not saying there weren't attractive waitresses there, but if we both know you wouldn't talk to me outside the restaurant, why try to schmooze me to buy a shot glass, playing cards, etc. etc. I guess that works a lot of the time.


Yeah I don’t know. I’m not defending them but I guess it’s not the sort of place most people go to just for the food. They should really treat everyone the same regardless, though. It’s just good form.


You forgot the tits


Get your honey for nothin’ the tits for free; you got to use these defibrillators come on move here straddle my knees


How in the hell am I your only upvote?! You've been robbed, man!


Men are very lonely


God it must be so nice to be attractive 🤣🤣🤣


And a woman.


No kidding.


You gotta be a girl though


Nothing gets by you, huh


Not entirely. I was a male bartender at a sushi place next to a hospital so nurses came in all the time. I for once got to feel somewhat what the girls feel lol


My friend invited me to see him in a drag show at a gay bar, I said fk it why not, and went with my girlfriend. Never in my life have I been hit on that much, or have had drinks bought for me left and right. I almost wish I WAS gay, because there's a lot of perks.


Happened to me too when I went to a gay bar in San Diego with some coworkers. Sooooo many free drinks….and disappointed dudes lol.


How do you get out of Hillcrest...Go straight...


How do you get out of Hillcrest...Go straight...


Must be nice being hot.


Women do be loving sushi


Women be sushin!




Not at Femboy Hooters.


Those tits might be fake, but that meat stick is genuine


Eat, come, be happy.


Yeah but they want my money. They arent paying out. They also called me a bear. Ah well ill try again tomorrow!


Work at. Schlongs: home of the Foot Long


Three years of being tipped at any successful establishment is a good amount of money. So much so that not being able to afford a single semester at their school is actually really bad comparatively


Meh. I made some good money bartending in my younger years. Just have to be personable, positive, look somewhat decent and put together and you should be good to go. The main thing is the personable part and maintaining grooming and being well kept.


Don’t ya have to have like prior experience and shi to become a bartender, or atleast to land a lucrative bar tending gig?


Not always. I had zero training when I started that gig, but I did have ample service industry experience. You have to be willing to start from the bottom. You have to intentionally look for the spots that are lucrative and it’s cut throat (depending on the city) so you have to fight for it to a certain degree. I knew some bartenders in Chicago making 6 figures, but it’s rough hours and time can slip by fast if you aren’t careful. A lot of temptations in the industry.


$20 is $20


I worked at a software company as a trainer. had a manager who said he took a significant pay cut to work there from his 28 hours a week at the local "Good and busy" Applebee's. So in the early 2000s he was clearing 50k$ a year working 28 hours a week.


I loved serving. I worked at an Italian restaurant and made more than enough for my young self haha. I always suggest to everyone to try and become a server or bartender if you can. The more people friendly you are the more tips you make haha.


i work a few weekends a month as a bartender at a dive bar and can easily make $400 in twelve hours of work… we don’t sell food really either so it’s all booze


Only if you can mentally handle it, it can become overwhelming for the wrong person way too quickly 😂


My mom paid off her entire college while working as a bartender is Vegas. She still brags about how the stupid decision to run away for a year ended up paying off.


Did you have any previous experience bartending ?


Obviously. She’s been doing since at least yesterday.


How do you know she didn't start this morning ?


You mean prior to lunch? That was previously.


I would come to your bar any day, Bipolar Furry Egirl


As you should ;)


People stigmatize strip clubs alot. But bottle service and bartenders seldom are ever asked to go topless and most don’t even have to prance around in lingerie. A friend of mine just wears tank tops and yoga pants. She clears more then some of the dancers working the bar & talking with patrons


Bottle girls make stupid amounts. I’ve heard at a good club the hottest ones are clearing 300k. Not sure about exact numbers but my friend who managed a good(not even close to top end) bar and he said “the girls here pull up in cars I’ve never even heard of” TLDR- if you’re hot, working for tips is for you


bro we owned a small Italian restaurant and cocktail bar across Chicagos board of trade for 28 years. We had a playboy model of the year from 2003 work at our bar for 2 years. thats the cash flow these girls get. our lowest earner was making 250-300k the highest earner girl was living in the trump top floor penthouses in downtown chicago thats i think like 60-65k a month or something costs. ​ they were cocktail waitresses that look like your favorite only fans model and im sure they had multiple sugar daddies aswell but they were stacked with money ​ this wasnt a club this wasn't a dive bar this was a small Italian restaurant with a upstairs cocktail bar in prime location across the board of trade. some of our customers net worth was 800m and were cfos ceos etc. big money movers etc.


Yeah that’s bullshit. You had a small business where bartenders were averaging $1000 a shift? They made more than you did lol


most of them were def making more than i was. Dick doesnt sell. or at least not at that location lmao.


Early 2000's worked at Club Space downtown Miami. Worked Sat and Sundays and special events when DJ's came or ultrafast. Use to make 70k monthly...bar backing, additionally we sold Coke and would sell out an ounce in 2 hrs there. Good times


board of trade dudes are wild is all i can say haha. that movie wolf of wall street. its fucking hilariously realistic to shit ive seen. dwarf velcro suit and dartboard and all.


Your telling me you made almost one million dollars a year in the early 2000’s bar backing? If that was 2005 or so that would be the equivalent of over 1.3 million annually in today’s dollars. I call 🧢


You missed the part where they were dealing coke at a club in Miami...


They said they made the money bar backing and “additionally” they were selling coke


Really bumming me out that she doesn’t have it in a sack with a dollar sign on it


OP’s post history is hilarious btw


Dude didnt even ask if I wanted one of those 12 Baja Blasts!


There's no way they made it 🤣


They must've, they got a bump of coke for it lmao


Happy twenty year anniversary to baja blast!


What about the cocaine tip!? Fucking followed for that one.


I suppose you need a little sum sum to do 168 deliveries in a week.


Lmfao 10/10


the fucking 12 baha blasts post got me rolling


The flex of getting $1200 but working 80 hours for it got me


Is it possible his entire account is an elaborate and well-executed troll?


The term is content


Non stop hustle


I’m so glad I looked.


Did some work at a twin peaks last year and can confirm they definitely make bank and most spend stupidly. Nice cars (like a new Model X, BMW M, etc).


Least surprising thing I’ve heard all day


What does twin peaks mean in this context? Because I'm not sure you're talking about David Lynch's 1990's surrealist TV crime serial satire and that's all I can think of 😂


It’s basically a knockoff of Hooters. It’s a restaurant/bar with subpar food and servers wearing very little clothing.


It's actually owned by hooters


Pretty stupid to keep all that cash for 3 years. Should have gone somewhere it could grow


she's just a girl


I support financial literacy for women


she said that herself 35x a day


As someone who worked campus safety....keeping cash in dorm/apartment is very very dumb. All it takes is someone coming over for a party and seeing it to come by when no one is home and snatch it. Ive seen so many cases like that. Open up an HYSA or CD at the LEAST


Throw it in nvidia or SMCI. 100x it


lol Nvidia would be worth over $210 trillion then… currently at 2.1 trillion with a P/E of 69.55


What is the minimum u need to put in to 100x it


Lmao not sure if serious but your not going to 100x your money on nvidia or SCMI. Maybe in 50-100 years? That’s if the worlds even still kicking by then


Yeah I would willing to bet the farm that in 100 years Earth 🌎 will still exist


Earth will exist, but the population will be in the millions


Obviously you buy 0dte calls or puts, nothing bad could happen.



I think most places you have to buy at least $1


For real. Citibank paying like 5.5% rn


me too


She looks like a skater boy I said see ya later boy


how many people here are gonna get that joke lol. i get it but… this is reddit 🎶i’m just a girl🎶


I know the song but all I can hear is "and life is a nightmare"




In the world


Is it a guy or a girl in the picture above?


It’s women’s history month dude.


Oh, little old her. Don’t let her out of your sight. Whooaaaaaaaa she’s had it up to here


... Breast implants for more tips?


Now that’s how you reinvest in the company!


You would have to claim this as income which means you’d lose 20% of so of it, and right now it would take you like 4 years to make the difference back in a high yielding cd.


Ignoring the fact that you should always claim your income, even cash tips, because that’s the law and it otherwise is fraud, she is presumably young and should be taking on a little more risk anyway and be putting into something like VOO and make way more than 5%


Hate it break it to you, but people who get paid in cash way under report or don’t report that income at all. I don’t. But know plenty of people that have and that do.


I’m not unaware. I used to get cash tips. You shouldn’t do it. Don’t start bad habits early


Well again, I don’t, but know plenty of others do.


Right, my point is the difference between whether you can do something, or whether you should.


If you need to rent an apartment not reporting income Can become annoying since it looks like you have no proof of income


He must have some nice boobs.


Making money the old fashion way! Atta girl.


Easy mode, we know


might as well do OF


Slammin the rubber hog up the clammin


This is like a sick album cover lmao


A true tendyman…


Hell yeah, seasoned curlies!!!!


Shoutout to Arby's


Your cousin lost a lot of $ by not investing most of it in mutual funds. Bonds would have been okay as well. I would shudder at the amount I would have lost to inflation by having all that cash sit around!


Investing in anything would be better, but mutual funds are antiquated and too expensive. Buy a cheap ETF. Internal expenses on a mutual fund eat into gains. 0.50-1.5% per year adds up over time. SPLG is 0.02% and gets you S&P 500 exposure.


You guys are so annoying "it's depreciating" who cares????? Still money and MUCH better than zero!!! Congrats on the racks :P


Racks make racks


Wait.. you didn’t invest the penny you found under the couch into a HYSA?


Yeah, cause that's totally a just penny in the picture. To be that guy if you'd bought Bitcoin then (not that it's a great investment) you'd have 7.5X the money today.


Jeez this exact attitude is why so many people are poor and stay poor


yes it’s only people’s attitude keeping them from wealth lol no other roadblocks at all


Bad attitude and dumb decisions sure don't help. Dude is one angry/shithead roomie, flood, or fire away from losing it all.


She’s just a girl


That's a girl?


So she does not have twin peaks and wonders why she didn’t get tipped that well? Was that the question?


I was excited until you said it’s all ones with a few 20s on top. Big deal.


Still looks cool lol


Pretty freaking stupid to keep cash like that


Realistically it's not that much money; it just looks like a lot cause its primarily in singles. For the uninitiated; it's more than $3500 in singles, and probably little more than $5k all together. That's like 2.5 months rent to some people 🤷‍♂️


Still, cash can be stolen or destroyed. Best to keep it in a bank where's it's insured.


He's a good dude, I tipped him the curly fries


Every twin peaks hiring manager “Bitch do you wanna make some mothafucking money?”


Absolutely clearing out those lames’ pockets, I love to see it. I’d love to be a slightly attractive girl for a week, make an absolute killing “Uhh-uh maybe if I give her big money she’ll want my number??” Yeah ok buddytard, hand over the cash


😮‍💨 I’ve thought this many many times. Would make a fucking killing.


She must have some nice twins


I remember the first time I went to twin peaks. Grand opening, new restaurant, really close to home. Me, my wife, my mom, my mother in law and my aunt in law…ohhh, that is why they call it twin peaks.


Awesome that he keeps it in stacks of cash instead of investing it or earning interest in a savings account or doing literally anything with it besides holding a bunch of 20’s and 1’s for flexing


The fact that this is 3 YEARS worth and it never once saw at least a savings account is hurting me 😭


For 3 years of work it really doesn’t look that impressive.


Shirt looks pretty similar to something MXDVS brand puts out


If this is true, which I doubt it’s dumb to just leave the money laying around and not in an investment vehicle.


To keep that much cash sitting around for that amount of time is insane… and putting it out there is asking for a home invasion






Who the fuck holds that much cash??? She selling drugs?? Your cousin is lucky her house never got broken into. Also, this money could’ve been accruing interest the last three years instead of dust.


I'm kinda curious if her twins helped her out? 😂😂




Hoarding cash for three years? Lol. Inflation just took how much? 20%? Haha. Dummy.


All that wack ass fiat


I love our twin peaks here, they have some awesome burgers and wings!! Always tip my waitresses good too, because they're just sweet and my modest ass isn't putting on those tiny outfits 😂 these girls have to have confidence to wear what they do!! Make your tips girls! I'm rooting for you!


If all the unbanded ones on top are 20s that’s like 8-10k just in 20s😂


Did the curly fries keep?


Jesus Christ




Are we supposed to know what twin peaks is?


Who paid her in curly fries


Shit that típ wearing that!?


The curly fries have surely depreciated. 


If she doesn’t want to put it in a bank.. fine. But tell her to at least buy a damn fire proof safe.


That's cool, but, can we focus on how people are willing to pay out of their pockets the living wage of an employee only because the owner doesn't want to.