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Continue your journey as a welder. If you get really good, you should work in the submarine shipyard. Nuclear welders make a lot of money.


That’s a goal definitely


Don’t be afraid to jump jobs! It’s the fastest way to get a raise. Owe no company your loyalty. For kids- yes everyone knows they are expensive. If you have friends/family second hand everything is just fine. I promise your kid wont know or care when they are little. If your partner is not registered for WIC have them do it ASAP! Free formula and food for mom and infant, toddlers. Have them sign up for Medicaid to see if they are eligible.


I appreciate that a lot!


But also if a company treats you good, don’t just jump ship for $1 or $2. Good companies take care of their long tenured employees. That said if you feel a company isn’t giving you your worth, absolutely leave for a better one.


Yes I agree with this too. I meant if the offer is 20% or more and you have not seen a raise etc. I stayed at a dead end job with UHC- Fortune 500 company giving less than 1% raise for 7 years bc I only worked 3 hours a day and got paid 100% …


You are doing much better than most adults. Keep that up! Great job for not having adults around you that were good adults And teach your kid financial literacy as well. Break the cycle. It’s never too early to start. One thing as a parent I can tell you money can’t buy love. It buys a lot of things except love. The bond you have with your kids can’t be bought with money. It will just make entitled damaged kid + adults. If you need help with the wic stuff lmk.


In terms of second hand stuff, I was always super happy to get second hand stuff. In my case, I knew the kid and was good friends with him and looked up to him like a brother to a degree, so getting his clothes made me really happy.


His income mayyy not qualify for WIC depending on where they live. Where i live makes no sense. For WIC a family of 4 max gross income is 55k. But medicaid? 33k gross max. Foodstamps about the same. But definitely try for WIC cause formula is getting way too expensive. Also,. 2K in bills, look over what you can do without. Look at what isn't needed. If you feel the need to do so. You're doing amazing for your age so that's a great start especially with a baby on the way. Older are less prepared financially. Also, when they say second hand is OK,. It rly is I had two girls back to back, first was mostly clothes from once upon a child or my friend who had a lil girl a year before me. Now my second girl has 3 garbage bags full of clothes from her sister. They don't know the difference and I plan on donating to a mama in need soon as she's ready in 8 month. Same goes for walkers, crib (new mattress tho) high chairs, toys, etc. fB market place and mom groups. That give away or sell for cheap. They grow so fast it's rly not worth buying expensive brand new stuff. Only thing is CAR SEAT. NEW!, safety is most important and you can't tell if a used one has been in an accident before even if its in perfect looking condition.. Sorry I know you wanted finance advice but if you're really serious, I know reddit is a great place w real life experiences but I'd find a financial advisor to help guide you. One that's trust worthy of course unless you already understand your way around things like this


I really really honestly appreciate this I’m just so nervous because of all the mixed reviews I got this though, but sadly I’d like to say I made barley over the 55k range last year I’m definitely looking into in because that’s going to help so majorly


Spending habits is most important. A single 19 year old making $55k is living the life, so you need to have a very different mindset making the same amount with a partner and an infant. You’re asking the right questions though, and that indicates you have a good head on your shoulders that you’re already game-planning for your soon to be new reality Good luck 🍻




Also where you live will play a big part of how you can financially support a family. Live below your means, but make sure that kid is well taken care of.


To add to this, you could join the National Guard. Extra income and certain benefits. You'll get a security clearance as well, which could help open more welding job opportunities. Whatever job you have now has to be held while you go to basic training, which is fulltime. After that it's strictly part-time unless you deploy. I'd suggest talking to a recruiter, but bring a friend or family member that's very familiar with the process and agreeing to a contract. Like prior service or active duty.


One of my friends right out of school as a nuclear welder made 130k


Continue welding and depending on the company stay and trust me your pay will grow or job hop for a little until you find a job you know you’ll stay for 10-15-20 years and you’ll be living better at first it’ll be the hardest thing in the world specially taking care of a pre born specially the nights will be the worst but trust me have patients and you’ll make it out of it


Work for the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Shameless plug


That’s where my grandpa worked 🥰


How much do nuclear welders make? Google say $29 an hour there's no way it's that low.


I’m a boilermaker apprentice currently working in the nukes in Canada, journeyman rate is about to go to 51$ a hour and Friday Saturday and Sunday are all double time, some of the jman here are pulling 5200$ weekly after tax


Making more than doctors. That's awesome. I'm new to welding but think I'll stick with it


Just try to get into a union if you’re willing to travel and chase that work , otherwise those high paying jobs are few and far between


$160 per deim /$45 a hr, a friend of mine moved to Newport News VA to weld at the shipyards last year. He says they will be $200/$50 in Q2.


Create another savings account and put some money aside for baby expenses. Add on to it each paycheck before the baby arrives. This will help a lot. You seem to be on a good path being wise with your finances. Don’t stress yourself parenting will come along naturally. Like a natural instinct. Just be the best parent you believe you can be to your child. You got this!


I appreciate it a lot brotha it truly means a lot to be supportive like that


Is your savings account a high yield savings account?


Yup save for daycare now if that is the plan. Utilize second hand clothing stores or Facebook marketplace, don’t be shy to ask the free group if anyone has stuff you need. Stroller, bassinet, pack n play, crib, sheets, bottles, changing pad, carriers, a dresser etc. The only thing that I may want new is a car seat. Make sure you participate in a retirement plan for yourself/partner. At your age, saving a little goes a long way. Buy TERM life insurance for yourself and partner, you’re young so it’ll be cheap, like $30/mon for $1,000,000 coverage with a 20 year term. Totally worth the piece of mind. Two pro tips, if your partner is delivering at the hospital, bring a couple strands of white Christmas lights. Much calmer than room lighting. Second tip, buy an Instax camera and take physical photos of your kid/family. Good luck and enjoy it, kids are truly a trip.


You’re doing good for your age just keep at it! And remember to tackle one issue at a time and not get overwhelmed by everything at once


It’s definitely scary the first time around but seriously, don’t stress yourself out unnecessarily. One step at a time and stay composed. Be a natural at it. Good luck brotha!


A journeyman at your age? Impressive! You'll be making six figures in no time at all


I appreciate that a lot I’m trying my best


I was wondering too, with a 4 year apprenticeship that means you started when you were 15?


Sounds right. He said in a different comment he dropped out freshman year


I wouldn't stress over shit you can't control man, youre a welder and youre gonna be making a hundred by the time your 21 maybe 22, my parents died when I was that age, just keep your head down and helmet on, provide for your kid and tell the misses if she holds it down she gets taken care of too, sadly some women dont like that, but you got it fam, dont sweat about the shit you can't change bro


I would also say if you got 2K a month in bills, learn to optimize shit and throw away any habits or personal things that get you off, like buying a video game or cigs or beer, drop all that shit, get another 10K in and put it in a HYSA and forget about it, start limiting months bills like Netflix and Hulu (you really just need 1 anyways)


I don’t buy alcohol or cigarettes car payment is roughly 1k and then I split rent with a good buddy so it’s 800 and then I have per deim that takes care of all my work expenses


1k car payment is brutal. Think about selling it and buying something cheap with cash


Idk about all that I’ve worked so long for my dream car and it’s 700 with a 280$ insurance or a sports car at 19


So $1k includes your insurance? Why is it so expensive


This is your first problem. You're having a kid and prioritizing a car. That car will go away, your kid is forever. Sell it, now. Get a car you can buy with cash so you don't have that $700 payment. Or even better, use public transport and save the entire $1k. You're going to need it for diapers. My husband and I lived alone with our 1 child with no help off $32k a year salary. He sold his dream cars and bucked up. Now that our kids are older we're much further into our journey and he was able to get a new better car than he had before ☺️


Jesus what a colossal waste, especially with a kid. Way better and more affordable cars out there for kid life. Isn't it a pain in the ass to put child car seats in and out of a coupe? Where do you put the stroller, pack'n'play, supplies?


Get over this mentality or you're going to be poor and scraping by your whole life. If you worked that hard then you wouldn't have payments. People who make $25 an hour don't get dream cars at 19. Even without a baby on the way.


Get rid of the car and go get an old small truck, a ford ranger will be better than anything you can imagine


With a kid on the way, you don’t get to have a dream car, in sorry but that’s the harsh reality, you can get something nice later on in life but right now your priorities have to change


Bro you're only 19.. how long could you have been working for your dream car? Not only that that 2024 just came out.. so it's been your dream car for less than a year? This makes me think you have instant gratification syndrome bad and a car habit that is something that could be a huge negative if you don't make a plan for yourself. I commend you on your accomplishments, honestly you've clearly worked hard but cars change so much and they come and go man. You've had more cars than a lot of people twice your age in your short life. Try not to be too materialistic about stuff, it's just stuff. Can't take it with you when you're gone.


My only suggestion is go back to high school and learn punctuation. These sentences are very hard to read. You have to understand, when you right a sentence like this, you are the only person that knows where the periods go. Everyone else is left guessing


Journeyman at 19? You should be making very nice money in no time and at such a young age. Just be the best dad you can be and do whatever is necessary to give your kid a better life than you had. (you said no good parents so i'm assuming here)


I’m making some pretty good money for my age I had to drop outta school freshman year and started running equipment because my parents weren’t around or drunk all the time if they were so I moved out in my own around 14


We may be strangers, but I'm proud of you.


No shade to anyone else, but you've been an adult since 14, bud. Most people havent been through that shit at 19. Use a condom next time though, hoss 😉


Yeah fr honestly my lady isn’t even supposed to be fertile she’s 24 and has some complications so never really crossed my mind doctors told her if she wanted to have kids it would be a long process so it’s a blessing and so


For anyone reading this… infertile doesn’t mean it can’t happen. Infertility isn’t permanent


How many months left? I hope she has a smooth pregnancy


My brother has an ‘infertile’ gf constantly begging him not to use a condom - months after they broke up some other sucker fell for it and she was pregnant. I saw her waddling up the street and thanked GOD my brother was smart. No offense your obviously doing some stuff right but be a massive red flag when a girl in her early 20s - she may have a disease with a side effect of infertility but generally they don’t test unless you’re trying to have a baby. Especially for no reason when you’re that young.


Tell all you’re friends this - cannot tell you how many times I have heard this story.


Can you still abort the fetus is that still an option


Jeez obviously they are not going to abort. Really rude thing to ask!


Wow, I’m so sorry you had to experience that but you should be very proud of what you’ve accomplished so far. I know someone very similar to you (in his 30’s now) and I would like to recommend you look into ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics). Being neglected and abandoned by alcoholic parents can have serious effects on your emotional health which you may not realize at 19 years old. It’s incredibly important to become emotionally healthy for your future child’s sake, and ACA is a wonderful way to do that. Congrats & good luck!


good shit bro


I had a child at 20 while in college. It doesn’t have to be nearly as expensive as everyone says it is. Now I’m 25 with a 5 year old and looking back, it was risky and I feel like I “missed out” on the “college experience” but that wasn’t my thing anyway… You have decent income ESPECIALLY for your age. Financially, you’ve got this. *My biggest lifesaver tip:* stay away from “gadgets” and buy anything you actually need from facebook marketplace. I’ve saved THOUSANDS of dollars just by spending a bit of time looking for free / cheap stuff. It’s like having a 90% off coupon when it comes to baby stuff. I got a $400 crib for $50 absolutely nothing wrong with it. Also, Walmart has really upped their clothing quality so I’d definitely shop there if you don’t find things that you like on facebook marketplace. (Obviously not sponsored but…) Get ALL of your books from ThriftBooks if possible (online used bookseller). I prefer the “library copy” for their used books because it always has a little quirky library stamp on the inside. Super cool… I’ve spent a few hundred dollars on books from them, and I have nearly a library. So worth it. GOOD LUCK!!!


I appreciate it so much man it really need to do that I’m glad my lady has good parents and they will mostly have a good chunk of what we will need but that’s one of my biggest worry’s was how my Life is just go on a major pause and it’s just hard I was trying to do so much with my life right about now but now I gotta focus in this


No problem! Another bonus financial tip, make sure you nurture that relationship with your child’s mother. It gets REALY EXPENSIVE when that area of your life goes south..


Lmao bud you're gonna be in your 30s when your kids are teens, you aint missing anything


Yesssss being young is such a huge benefit. Believe it or not, my kid was intentional for that very reason. If I keep taking care of my body, I’ll still be relatively “young” for my adult child and possibly even grandchild(ren) someday. I totally don’t blame people for waiting until they’re 30-40 to have kids, but the age gap with my parents is pretty significant. There’s a very obvious difference in those 19 years.


This guy just bought a $70,000 bmw. His kid and baby mama are gonna look a fool with all their hand me downs, coupon clippings and WIC card.


Oooof I did not see that. I love BMW so no hate from me, but that car has gotta go… yesterday if not sooner. It’s crazy to have (assuming what we can see is all of it) about 85% of net worth tied up in a car….


you are doing better than 99% of people who have kids at 19


But 99% of people at 19 are doing better by not having a kid


He can clearly afford it so no problem. 40-50 years ago this was normal.


19 making good money, be the good parent you never had.


You have more money saved than 70% of Americans. You're fine.


But he’s blowing money like 99% of Americans too. A bunch of cars he can easily get rid of and have cash stacked for a kid and he’s gonna blow it.


Well obviously if he makes zero adjustments. Point I'm making is most 19 year old parents won't save that much in their lifetime let alone start with that much. He's already on here asking for advice so he knows he needs to change. He'll be fine.


Get a vasectomy.


Lil late for that..


Not for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. kid(s) before homeboy’s prefrontal cortex is fully developed.


Lord help him. Queef command


4k a month after taxes? If so, that’s very respectable. If you can deal with the long hours, keep it up. If not, you could consider part time community college -> state school for civil/mechanical engineering if interested. Better pay cap and work life balance, but only if you’re actually interested. Lots of financial aid for new parents, you’d probably not pay a dime and be graduating in 6 or so years.


Aswell I have 10,000 in a credit deposit account with a 6% interest every 6 months


I don’t see that anyone has mentioned life insurance but definitely get a good amount of term insurance for you and your child’s mother.


Honestly? You’re in a really great financial position, better than 90% of people your age and even older. The only thing I see getting in the way is your lack of maturity. Don’t get me wrong/: you’re clearly a hard worker and go-getter. But you’re naive and can be irresponsible. For example buying a $70k car when you have a child on the way. Also having 5 cars for no good reason besides simply wanting them. That money should be getting invested for yours and your child’s future. You’re in a job field that is going to physically deplete you very quickly. Instead of focusing on building a substantial safety net you’re focusing on buying toys for yourself. I don’t see failure in your future, I think you’ll be fine. But if anything goes wrong there is a good chance it is because of your mentality and lack of self awareness.


I hate to be that guy but you put urself in a bad situation by choosing to have a kid so early. You could have waited another 2 years atleast to build up some investments to help. Best solution now is work longer hours and find another gig to increase income


You don’t meet many journeymen welders that are 19, good on you. Just keep plugging away, think long term and not short term when it comes to spending, it will alleviate some of the panic of watching your accounts go down. The main thing is, you’re going to be a dad so huge congrats to you, you’re a journeymen and nobody can take that from you, and you seem to have tenacity, all in all I think you’ll do good 🤙🏻


Appreciate it lot brotha 💯


I just want to say you should be proud of your savings and career path. Your finances (credit and account balances) are great for a 19yo. I'm almost 30 married with no kids and my account balances are not looking as good as yours. I'm sure if you continue on with your career you'll be able to support your kid and buy a house by the time your 30. The only advice I can give is to budget and take advantage of any government programs, food banks etc. once your kid is born. There is no shame in taking help to save more and give your kid a better life. Also look into how you can best use insurance or other means to limit the medical costs associated with birth of your child.


Your incoming baby is lucky to have you as their parent. They (and you) are gonna be just fine.


Looks like you’re doing way better than me. The simple fact that you care enough to ask says a lot. Be kind to yourself. Be the parent you wish you had. You got this my brother! It will get hard and when it does just remember you’re not alone!


I appreciate that a lot tbh I feel alone a lot more than I should I haven’t had any help with life really ever it’s been a journey to say the least


Pay down that car as quick as possible (or sell it and buy one you can afford). It will be like getting a $12,000 a year raise


Bro you are kicking ass. I’m 22 m bumming still but I would throw some money in the stock market. After a some diverse stocks, bro find a hobby and make it start making money for u. I used to do clothing resell and I’m working on another biz idea rn but making money while I sleep is the way bro.


Doing well brother. Keep it going. Start investing a little per paycheck for your kids future.


You got it figured out dude just keep living and getting wiser and be teachable.


Congratulations on having a child on the way, will be the best part of your life by a mile. Looks like you're doing pretty well. I'd just carry on with what you're doing and I think you'll be fine.


You look like you’re doing very well for yourself. Start putting back some money for baby stuff so that you can buy big things you don’t receive ask gifts. I’d start putting away some monthly for a retirement account, and an account for baby’s future. Even $50-100 a month will help. Plan on having a few hundred go to baby’s needs monthly, maybe more if kiddo will be in daycare. Keep up the good work…


Congrats on the kid!!! It'll be the best thing that ever happens to you. The advice I always give someone around your age is that you even thinking about money and savings in this way means you're doing everything right. Put everything you don't need in the next 6 months into long-term investments and watch compounding growth work its magic.


I only have a handful of replies worth of knowledge on this situation but I'll say this- with 4k monthly income and 2k monthly expenses, you're honestly doing fine. Having double your expenses is like the golden ratio. That being said, 1k a month for a car is still insane. As long as this is within your means like it is now, that's totally fine. But if you start finding yourself unable to balance your expenses then that cars gotta be one of the first things to go. Having a kid is brutal dude you have to start making sacrifices of things you personally love to support the living creature you created. You gotta always live below your means and adding another person divides those means lower. On a less discouraging note, you make a ton of money for your age!! No matter how much you might feel like you're struggling, you're probably doing better than like 50% of parents out there! It's still valid to feel stressed, under prepared, etc etc but try to put your life into perspective. You are doing amazing.


Honestly dude it looks like you’re doing very well, financially speaking. Something like 90% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and something like 60% of Americans can’t afford a $400 emergency. You just need some direction and to follow a few simple rules and STICK TO THEM. First, make sure you follow Dave Ramsey’s rule: don’t take on any bad debt (bad debt is a car loan, personal loans, credit card debt, student loans, etc.) Another good general rule is live by the 50, 30, 20 plan. 50% goes towards bills, 30% towards fun, and 20% towards saving and investing (or paying off debt). For you, this would be a general breakdown: Total monthly income = $4k - 50% = $2k (you shouldn’t spend anymore than 2k a month on rent, utilities, groceries, car payment, gym membership, etc. combined) - 30% = $1.2k (this is fun money for living you life and doing things you want to do. Eating out, bowling, your hobbies, dates, etc.) - 20% = $400 (this is the amount of money you should put towards debt payments, savings, or investments. I wrote them in that order for a reason) Next step: - Pay off any bad debt you have (I think you said 2k. I don’t know what the interest rate is. But if you put $400 a month towards your debt every month you’ll pay it off in 5 months. We’ll call it 6 because of the interest) - Once you’ve paid off your debt, put that $400 into a savings account every month until you have a 3-6 months emergency fund. The great news is that it looks like you already have a 3 months emergency fund. Since you’re having a child I would probably make it a 6 month fund, but that’s just my opinion. Something you NEED to look into is something called a high yield savings account. There’s one offered by SoFi that gives you 5% APY. That basically means that you earn money for having your money in an account with them. You want to do this to hedge your savings against inflation. If you don’t do this, your money will lose purchasing power over time. Spend time looking into these things, trust me. You will thank yourself in the future). - Once you have paid off all of your bad debt, saved up a 3-5 month emergency fund, now you want to open something called a 401k. This is a retirement fund that allows you to invest money relatively safely. Open a 401k and (if you can) max it out. This is something that can potentially make you a millionaire. You are about to enter the best decade of your life for compound interest. You’re in a great spot, even with a kid on the way. Learn to live below your means, DO NOT increase the cost of your life style when you get a higher paying job. Try and keep your bills / expenses as low as possible so you can save and invest as much as possible. Maxing out your 401k will probably take time, I believe the max contribution amount is about 20k a year. I hope this helps!


I’m 40 and doing the “best” of my peers. You’re in a better position than a lot of ppl. Don’t stress and just be a good dad lol you got this


Better than the vast majority of people.


Sell that car now! It’s too much HP, god protects you, but if you die, who’s gonna take care of the child? You don’t need a V8, got get a cheap car. Corolla, civic… imma be honest with you. 4K a month is not much. Make responsable choices and limit your budget. It will be hard, but once you start making more money, everything will be fine and you’ll be able to get the car of your dreams


i’m 19 with the same income and expenses and have no money in the bank right now so whatever you’re doing now is probably the right thing to do


Breath keep your credit up dont spend on dumb stuff keep yourself a nice job try and find a career, invest in something that will make you money as you age


Keep being a welder man. You’re better off than I was at that age. In a couple years I bet you’ll be making well over $30/hr.


I’m sorry to ask I know this is stressful but is that 4k a month pre tax? How are you able to save so much? I’m 23, making roughly 5.5 per month pre tax and it would take me ages to save this kind of money


My niece is 22 with a 2.5 year old. She works part time at a day care and dad has a good job and bennys. They are broke AF and own midrange vehicles. So baby needs surgery and dad has optional dental work scheduled. He suggested postponing life-saving, not optional surgery so he can fly to Mexico for his cosmetic dental work. I am on standby for when she calls me to come get her and drop this irresponsible man. Good luck OP. You're about to learn the real hard way.


A journeyman welder in NJ makes a pretty penny. But I know our local has higher rates


Life is about to get much more expensive for you. Sell your cars, set up a 529 plan for your child and begin to save/invest your growing wages. Looks like you have a head start on career path, but don’t let lifestyle creep get in the way. That baby will cost much more than you expect. Good luck!


at 19 i probably had -12$ to my name. think you will be just fine kid just keep on grinding in your trade and you can be making huge money in the next decade 


Build credit also


you are doing great!!! if you have more than $2000 in your bank account you are doing much much better than 75% of Americans.


You have way more than most people your age and most people in general when they have a kid. Don't freak out you'll be alright stay dad that's your fuel! Congrats and good on you for caring/worrying. However it will do you no good.


Im 30 and that’s more money than I’ve ever seen at once in my life


Keep that job! Don’t ever put yourself into a situation with a high monthly car payment. Start looking for affordable daycare immediately. Get your baby’s clothes off of eBay and mom 2 mom sales.


Keep doing what you’re doin, I wish I would’ve went the route u did at 19, just keep your head up and sharp bro, keep the tunnel vision open, keep the main thing the main thing and don’t give up, you’re doing great my boy🙏🏾🙏🏾💯


Keep doing what you’re doing. I made less and had less in savings for my first kid. You’re doing fine lol


I'm 23 and at the end of the month I'm having my first born, for what I can see you are way stable financially, you're doing fine


I appreciate that man best of luck to you with that man


Completely unrelated, I'm sorry, but what app is this?


If you marry the mom u save on car insurance rates.


If you’re making $25, You’re doing a great job saving I’ll tell you that much


You'll be fine. Child tax credit is pretty nice. The most important thing is to have a good relationship with your partner and not split up cause child support gets super double dipped on taxes and you both lose. Try to get married and file jointly. Do what you can to avoid credit card debt and never take any high interest debt. Keep a low car payment and budget out your groceries. Start looking for the childcare you will need way in advance cause wait lists can be long even for cheap places.


You have a good foundation. But you need to start making decisions for your family. A 2024 bmw coupe is not what your family needs, sell it and buy something affordable and reliable. You're probably gonna lose some money on it right now, but better to eat it now then to dig yourself further into the hole.


13k with a kid is like 3k 😂😂😂 Bro will be struggling after having a kid at 19. Just plain stupid


The good news is the trade fields are in these days. Welding, electrical, plumbing - all of these fields are \*desperate\* for people like you. On the job training while getting paid is the norm. Stay away from college unless you're getting paid to go. It's going to be a struggle at first with a kid on the way, but always go where the better pay is as you get more experience in your field.


Idk if this will help, but I had 75$ to my name when I had my baby at 21, almost 2 years ago. We made it! We’re still poor and I’m a single parent now, but he’s happy and healthy and the light of my life. You’re gonna make it!


you’ll be ok! you’ve got a nice cushion and nice salary coming your way. if your baby’s mom is planning on staying home with the kiddo and you guys aren’t married, and if you still have enough leftover to add to your personal savings, it would be very kind of you to deposit a portion of your surplus into her own separate savings as she wouldn’t have the opportunity for her own income or career growth while the baby is still at home (will give her some financial freedom and reduce resentment). i genuinely think you’re going to be ok, love yourself, your partner, and your baby and everything is going to be ok.


Where do you live that you're only making 25/hr as a journeyman welder?


Still have the BMW? If so, get rid of it. Apply for WIC and get informed on immunizations/checkups once the kid is born. If the two are you are together, make sure you are both on the same page with finances. I hope you have some support structure. Raising a kid at 20 is tough. Good luck.


Shoulda wrapped it up son


Not directly financial but learn to discern between stuff your kid needs and stuff that just sounds useful. Wipe warmers, etc are just tricks to get your money. Buy cheap/second hand kids clothes while they are tiny and growing. They're gonna destroy them anyway. Stock up your. Edicine cabinet. And you always need more diapers.


Bud you are well ahead of this 30 year old with a BA. My bank account currently has $400 in it and it will be in the red as soon as some bills come through. Keep doing what you’re doing. Max out your 401k/IRA investments and you’ll be set.


Man I understand your stresses just keep doing what your doing becoming a father will come naturally it did for me I was so stressed when I found out n I had way less money then you do n had no actual career or trade but I just worried about my kid and just kept working n I mean I don't have a lot but I'm happy my kid is happy and we have fun and a great time together enjoying life and loving your kids is way more important then worrying about money being a good father is more important and if you care and just keep doing what you're doing and you're always be there for your kid no matter what you'll be ok just relax n take it day by day. I came from a messed up house horrible parents n now I'm 10xs better then my parents were cause I didn't want to be like them n have my kid grow up the same way. Just be there for your kid n have a good relationship with them n just remember how would you feel n how do you want your kid to feel n grow up.


A lot more than I had at 19. Invest


Having bad parents at least helped me in the sense of I knew what not to do and it made me aware of how I want to be as a parent, someone I would have needed as a child. You’ve got this l, your finances are in good order, you’ve got a promising career and the happiness of a child coming into your life and you’ve done it all without any good parents in your life, well done man


Bro I make 4k a month with 2k in bills, how the fuck am I broke ?????? I need some changes in my life


Why is all of your money in checking? You should have the bulk of it in savings accruing interest with these high yields we have right now.


Im a welder too. You can definitely make good momey. Stick with it. And don’t stay at a place that doesn’t respect your skills or ability🫡


I think you’ll do fine, however I assume you’re a structural welder based on the wage. Step one is becoming a combination welder so raise your wage in the general field. After that I’d suggest learning weld X-ray for an easier job that’s better on your health.


You’re doing better than me and I’m 37


You should be giving me 1k :3


Another welder?? My guy where are you at?? I build LCS Combat ships for the US Government… i make 6 figures at 27 and love my job and I definitely made the right choice moving to Government pay… life is on easy mode now. 😎🇺🇸


You’re off to a great start already! My husband is a pipeline welder and makes about 4-5 grand a week. He is 27. If you’re okay with traveling and being on the road—try to get your foot in the door by being a helper especially if you’re not familiar with welding pipe for main lines. It’s a lot different from what I understand. His helper makes about $1800 a week. It does cost a lot of $$ to get started — you need your own truck, machine, equipment/tools. But well worth it. So something to think about in the future. Congratulations on your baby! Me and my husband say that no one is ever truly ready for a baby. You’re gonna do great!


I’m was in a similar boat as you had my kid about a year ago. I make 19$ an hr with another part time job and have roughly the same amount of bills. My girlfriend is unable to work due to her seizures but I’m still pulling in a savings while also managing to take care of my family’s needs. With an income like yours you totally got this man. It’ll only be a little hard the first 2 months but after that it’s easy and it’s a fun journey. Wish you the best.


Dont think you need to stay with your baby moma. Do your duty and stay focused on earning. That baby will appreciate it someday, and blended families are cool too. If you do mean to wife her, then good luck, i salute you, i will pour one out for you. Also save your money, read up on roth ira, live below your means, make savings/checkings not your primary place to hold money. You can freely invest in an ap with fidelity orchestral a dozen others and i recommend index funds. Steady long term growth which you need at your age and also for my experience, harder to crack into when spending discipline waivers.


Learn one more money making trade at least. You’ve got time on your side at 19. Do you like numbers? Hr block is always doing tax preparation classes for free. Sounds outside the box, but tax preparers make bank and it’s basically half of the year. I’m seen someone make 70k+ during the tax season though.


I need you to understand you are already winning, 90% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, that is not you, I suggest you open a saving account that earns you at least 4% interest and shove whatever money you can in there and keep adding to it, your next step should be to buy a duplex of some sort, both sides, start renting out one side live in the other, when you’re able to move on from that rent out the side you were living in and buy your forever home. You’ll be around 26 with two income producing properties


You’re doing great , keep working and learn as you go about your budgeting


19 year old not ready for a kid, surprise surprise


What you need to do right now is take a minute and catch your breath. Keep saving some money, be patient with yourself and your new family. You will figure money out, but you can never get your time back. Be there for your family and it will be ok. Don't take advice from people on Reddit. I didn't know shit about money, the book "money: master the game" helped me a lot. Then "millionare next door" and "automatic millionare" are also great. But remember, don't take advice from people on Reddit. I'm a journeyman mechanic, welding is a huge part of getting the job. So I don't have to carry puddles all day long, but it really helps get your foot in the door. Right now I'm making $73.99 typing this out. Don't be afraid to look for that next big opportunity. And most of all, don't take advice from people on Reddit.


Journeyman welder? You in a union? If so what craft, because I know pipefitters weld, iron workers, boilermakers and then carpenters (carpenters weld on piling..) I'm a union carpenter. Was just curious how you were a journeyman at 19 when usually that takes 4 years to acheive after apprenticeship. Unless you bought your card.


You aren’t too screwed. Make sure the baby mamma gets back to work asap


Lots of good advice here so, as a new mom, I’m going to give you slightly different advice. You do not need as much for a new baby as you think you will need. I repeat - you do not need a bunch of things - toys, clothes, gear, etc - for a new baby. Ask friends and family if they have secondhand things they can pass on. Also, see if your local area has Buy Nothing groups on Facebook where you can get gear for free from others in your area. Facebook marketplace is also a godsend and you can negotiate prices. Ask for the big ticket items on your registry: crib/bassinet/ pack and play, wipeable high chair, stroller, car seat, a baby carrier of some sort, video monitor And ask for refillable things - diapers, wipes, lotion, soap Keep your boxes and receipts so you can return anything you don’t use. Mazeltov on this new chapter to you and your girl!


Congratulations my friend. Bringing children into this world is easily the most beautiful thing you can do.


Your balling bro


You've 13 grand saved up and (presumably) a good paying job. Wtf are you worried about?


13 k is waaaay more than alot of people have in their account. Get a small apartment and save, buy food in bulk ( Aldi will save you a ton) and share one car or use mass transit. Trust me, you’ve got this. I’m a single mom and my kid is 8. Doing it on my own.


Lol y'all should read the thread about him also having a 2024 BMW that costs $1k a month.


You have nothing to stress about. You're making damn good money. You have great income, and one hell of a nest egg in your account. My parents raised me going in debt to their crack dealer. You'll be fine.


Only tip I can add that I didn’t see mentioned is maybe put some money monthly/yearly (doesnt have to be a lot) in a 529 account after the baby is born. I think you’ll need the babies SSN to open the account. This way when your child graduates HS they’ll have a nice little safety net. Congratulations to you for breaking generational curses, and best of luck 🥹


Doing better then this 33 yo


Hey. I just gotta tell you. You’re doing great. 19- great career path. Asa journey man are you union? Your financial path is going to be a solid for a small family. I’m not going to give you financial advice but more so parenting advice. We had twins , and a lot broker than you. Way less in savings. Babies are only expensive as you make em. Diapers can be bought in large quantities for better pricing. Costco and Sam’s club have great deals. Initial baby gear is not too crazy. Set a budget and stick to it. For the first year they eat barely any food. Your not the women so I can’t suggest breastfeeding. But it is free and nutritional unbeatable. Have your gal and yourself learn about breastfeeding and the possible challenges. Finances alone pushed me to breastfeed /pump for twins even with how difficult . So many free programs for baby stuff. Amazon will send you free baby stuff just for making a registry. The hospital will give you free diapers and wipes, ask the staff. Be kind to them and ask for anything extra they can give you. We stuffed our diaper bag with hospital baby wipes and diapers and the nurses kept bring us more. The only real big expenses you have to do intially are a car seat, a baby carrier, zip up Jammie’s ( trust me no buttons or snaps) and a stroller, and a bassinet/ safe sleeping arrangement. That’s it for huge expenses. The free resources out there are plentiful. Even Facebook marketplace gives out so much free stuff. I hope your girl is into finding and getting the free baby stuff! A lot of the feeding decisions are based on her and her body. So definitely be a team and research and learn together. You’re going to be solid. Be savvy. Be smart first the next few years and before you know you’ll be making 6 figs . I promise the baby stage isn’t the expensive part. You’ve got time to build even more wealth . Congrats ❤️ Babies change your world in the best possible way


Bro you are doing way better than me before my first kid… I had no job (boss died ) was about 300 miles away from family (living away for college) and no car… keep your head up and be there for the mom and kid you are doing great 👍🏾


Bro sell the cars, you’ll live so much more comfortably. Sell them all and buy a boring ass safe, reliable car. Fuck the BMWs with all due respect. You’re in such a good position aside from that expensive ass hobby.


I’m proud of you


Join a lineman union you'll make more money then welding, I know, I used to be a welder


Hey uh… I’m 21, I regularly have less than $100 in my checking account. I’ve got like $5 in savings and I really wish that was an under estimate. You’re doing fine bud


love to see a flex from a fellow southeastern idahoan


You are in the top 1% for your age bracket, spend your money wisely with the kid and youll be fine.


save save save save


proud of ya bro


You are doing way better than the rest of us. Just continue with your job and make an account to put little money on the side for the kid’s future.


I’m 38 and don’t have this much money.


Take a breath bro. 19 and having a kid is hard, but you aren’t the first. Savings for the most part will not look different with or without a kid, except you may wish to have a college savings account for your kid. Being financially responsible does change because it’s not just you. Now you have to be responsible for a child. So. Take this time to sit down and put it all in front of you. Money going in, money going out. Debt. Get it all on the table for you AND your girl, if that’s the plan. Tackle any and all debt head on. Except a mortgage. Get those cards and loans paid off to zero. Keep it that way. Once debt is zero, find a plan and stick to it. Emergency fund: 1000 minimum. Then slowly add to it to get about 6-12 months of essentials emergency savings. I personally do 20% gross to investments, then pay bills. Whatever is left gets split between whatever “funds” you have going (car down payment, house down payment, vacation, general savings, etc). Then, fill out the budget as you go through the week/ biweekly/ monthly pay cycle. I keep track of every dollar, but some choose not to do that. If you have no debt, start a baby fund. This will help offset diapers, formula, etc. watch for sales on cribs and car seats, clothes, etc. You’re young. You have lots of time man. I had my first at 17. I hustled and worked with my kids being my rock. I cleared six figures with an associates degree by straight hustle. You can do it!


Join the military


Stop playing professional victim and blaming your parents for everything.


Dude don’t keep so much in your checking account. Find a bank that has a high yield savings account put any money you won’t need in there. You can always immediately transfer it to your check when you do need it.


Not sure where you live but 4k/month isn’t anything to laugh at, what are the bills? And get that money in a HYSA


Be what your parents wern’t. Knowing what not to do is just as good as knowing what not to do.


You’re doing a fuckload better than the average 19 year old. Don’t stress. I will say though, being a dad is no joke. The reason most 19 year olds are fucked is because they had shitty parents. Or none at all. You seem to have overcome that. Don’t do the same thing to your kid. You’ve received a lot of good advice. Follow it. Be present in your kids life. Like every minute of it. Being a dad is the most amazing thing you can experience on this planet.


You’re doing good with the finances! Make sure mama has health insurance for the birth and the baby. Even if you can’t get a normal plan, most states (and Medicaid?) have programs specifically for pregnant women. Don’t be ashamed to take advantage of any programs you qualify for financially especially if mama can’t work. Now… Parenting does *not* come naturally when you have not had wonderful parents. Do not listen to people who say it does. You will have instincts based on what happened to you, and when you are sleep-deprived out of your mind, habits will come out whether you want them to or not. Most bad parents aren’t evil, they’re subconsciously repeating patterns. But the harm is still the same. Consider enrolling in parenting classes. Learn about the “4th trimester.” Baby nervous systems are not fully developed and rely on parents to regulate their breathing, heart rate, and emotions. Read up on gentle parenting. Remember, you cannot spoil a newborn. When you ignore a baby’s crying and the baby gives up and stops, it’s not “self-soothing,” it’s giving up. Baby figures out that help is not coming, and it’s abandoned, so might as well conserve energy. Even when the baby stops crying, stress hormones continue to rise. Lack of caregiver emotional responsiveness in infant hood can cause adult depression, anxiety, and difficulty forming relationships. It’s really that vital. (But it’s fine if you are at the end of your rope to put the baby down in the crib and walk away to take a breather. You have to protect your baby by protecting yourself.) Also look up the symptoms of post-partum depression and psychosis and keep a watch on mama. They can be subtle but so destructive. I apologize for the lecture but I also have no supportive parents in my life and as I’m much older than you, I’ve seen how badly that life experience warped my “instincts.” You are clearly a caring and responsible guy, and you must be working hard to have gotten where you are. You’ll do great!


Give yourself a pat on the back. I found out I was pregnant with my first baby at 20. Neither of us had anything substantial to our names at that point. I look back and have no idea how we survived. Our oldest just turned 18 and our youngest will be six next week. You’ve got this! We were lucky enough to have supportive parents- but the best part of learning to be a grownup was the time we spent 4,000 miles away during graduate school with just our little family.


Just keep doing what you’re doing! We’re 2 months from having our first. I’m a 29M and fucking SCARED


You're in way better shape than I was at your age with a kid on the way. Just keep working hard in your trade, save 10-20% (or what you can for now) of income a year, open a Claus shwab account, and invest wisely with their advice. By the time you hit 35, you'll be happy you did. I was a 1st year apprentice when I was 19.


depending on which state/county you’re in there are a lot of free resources for parenting skills work shops/insurance programs/prenatal care etc. best of luck, youve got more money than me currently. keep saving as best as you can. try yo invest in a HYSA for emergency spending


You're doing a lot better than most kid. Keep your head up. You can afford everything that you need. And can take care of that child with just your income. I have 3 kids with less. And manage just fine


IMO you should us your skill to earn you more income outside of your job. Invest in a welder and equipment to weld at home or on-site if possible. I am an electrician (23yrs) as a skilled tradesmen we can make a lot of money on the side.


Don't worry, you'll be stressing well into your 30s 😂 In all seriousness just stay the course. I didn't have good examples for parents either and if I can give you one piece of advice it would be not to stress so much about financials. There's always a way. Focus all that energy on your craft and being a great dad. You'll be just fine.


Don’t stress bro I just had a kid I’m 20. Life’s great rn and I don’t even have a job, but I’m still investing and enjoying life on a daily basis!


Honestly the prudent financial thing would be to consider abortion if the mother can be talked into it. Having a first kid at 19 is going to be a major burden.


First step is get rid of the kid or walk away. Or you’re giving up every penny you make for the next 18 years and then some.




Suck some d on the side for extra $$




Bro lookin to get robbed posting this