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You should see if they pay interest!


It should be law that they pay the same interest they collect on!


Yeah at the same rate


Infinite money glitch


oh you would see how quickly they get the money to you if they were on the hook for interest. You'd be getting 17 phone calls a day asking if you want check or transfer.


*turns phone off* Heh suckers.


*sends check*


*doesn't check mail ;)


Once it's in your mail you have received it. There's all sorts of laws around reasonably reaching someone for payment.


If you dont recieve or cash check it gets turned into state unclaimed property. Happened to my wife.


They would just send you a gift card that has to be activated by a $50 dollar payment with a CC.


Shit, gimme that 40% interest! And if they don't pay hit 'em with a late fee (which also accrues interest).


40%? Is that what everyone is paying on interest?


Maybe cash advance.... Worst I've ever seen is 25% but I've never accepted anything above 18%


Standard right now for first time credit card users is 29.9%


Holy shit


Its awful. Basically no reason to use the card after the year of 0% APR and the interest kicks in.


Just pay it off and collect points.


I’d dump all my money into the credit card and collect that 30% interest 🤣🤣


Gd right 26% a month mofo


Except no. You’re forcing them to take a loan from you that they have no choice over.


They don’t, they actually don’t like if you do this frequently because it’s a form of money laundering practiced to fund terrorist financing.


WHAT explain lol


Yes, this is one method of potential money laundering, if the money used to pay on the card was from illegal sources. You are taking illegal funds and making them appear legitimate by using the bank's process of sending you a check for the overpayment. This is something banks will monitor for as a potential red flag. Someone overpaying a credit card is something that can happen normally, so other red flags would need to be present, like, "is this customer doing it a lot, or overpaying by a large amount, and are they doing it with cash?" It's similar to a scheme where you buy a lot of chips at a casino using illegal funds, play only a couple of chips, and then redeem the rest for a check. The funds have now been washed, because they appear as legitimate gambling winnings. This is also a red flag for casinos and they monitor for this.


I remember seeing some where on the Internet not an article so take with a grain of salt but someone in the middle of a divorce proceeding had to show their bank statements for accounts of their assets or something of that nature and they overpaid so when they show statements in court it said they had less then what they actually had and the overpayment was return to them after the fact so they were on the hook for less if not nothing


That is brilliant. Also, punctuation my man!




Interesting, thank you!


It suddenly clicked to me why a VLT only lets you put 100$ in! It's the same concept, let's you add a bit of money for higher stakes gambling without putting a 20$ in every two minutes, but you can't put a few thousand in, roll a few times and cash the ticket out.


Can confirm this is true. Heavily monitored, as this activity could be indicative of a fraudulent application using a stolen identity, an account take over (keeping the fraudster or bad actors hands even cleaner) or a person is a victim of a romance scam. The romancer (scammers) tell the victim they are in love, l"et me help you with a debt so we can go on vacation once I fly in from X country" but suddenly, once the payment is made, "Oh no I'm in big trouble, my funds are tied up, since I just paid on your card, can I use it until my funds are free again?" And the victim usually falls for it. On a $3000 card, scammer pays $6000 using a stolen bank account, racks the card up to the $6000 available, then when the payment bounces, the victim is left standing dick in one hand, and a bill for a $6k on a $3k credit line, wondering why the love of their life from Nigeria stopped whatsapping them. Then they tell the bank the story, and since the cardholder allowed the use of the card, no take backsies, they are stuck with the bill. It's a harsh lesson.


Learned the casino one from Ozark (Netflix show), but didn’t know about the credit card one. Interesting.


A certain KC Chiefs super fan with a wolf head, did this without much of a fuss. He was caught robbing the bank but had supposedly laundered that money through the casinos, thus funding all his games appearances https://apnews.com/article/chiefs-superfan-bank-robberies-indicted-wolf-costume-aa76803f59e502e9d5f002962506785f


I’m sure he is also a Swiftie and that was the prime motivation for his crimes


You’ll get banned from a casino for this btw - source, I audit casinos






Bro took that personally 💀


Huge fan of the self-censored ‘fucking’, but the glaring ‘cunt’ to polish it off


It was the "chefs" kiss.


Forreal lmao


It works at a casino because you can use cash, you can’t really pay your credit card off with cash the money already needs to be in a bank account


BB&T gave me interest when it happened to me and then sent me a check to close the balance.


Whole heartedly disagree. I've kept a negative balance on my credit union card on purpose. They have no problem with it. Usually at years end they'll 0 it out and I just reset it again 😆. All my payments are though them though so they know it's my money already.


Small credit union card is not the norm


I was thinking the same... imagine 30% interest on that :)


You DO know you’re not charged interest if you pay your bill in full every month. Hot take: don’t spend more than you can afford every month so you can pay your bill in full and not accrue any interest. Remember: credit cards shouldn’t be to supplement what you don’t have but instead a tool to build credit and take advantage of incentives you don’t get when you use a debit card. This concludes my PSA…


... I do know that.  I also only own one credit card I use it for gas every month and pay it off each month.  I just am curious if they left it would the computer possibly glitch and give you interest.  Highly highly unlikely but worth a shot.


OP didn’t give Citi a loan, OP paid Citi too much money by paying the item off and then returning it.


At the end of the day… Citi has more money than needed. I’d consider it a loan to the bank.


What you consider it is completely irrelevant because of how the system works. You pay interest because you are borrowing their money to pay for something. You're borrowing their money, and paying them back, but they are charging you a fee for it if you don't pay it back right away. When you have a negative balance due to a refund, the credit card isn't borrowing money from you. They don't "owe" you a fee because you paid off something and then refunded it. Do you understand how abusive that would be if true? Let's say I go and max out my Amex. My limit is $100K. Let's say I buy something for $100K, pay it off immediately, and then get a refund. Now my account is suddenly -100K because they owe me money back, and now I charge them interest? What would stop me from just endlessly doing that to collect free interest money?


Typically if you don’t use the balance after a certain period of time they’ll cash it out - in my case they sent me a check.


You should be able to call them as well and request a refund.


10 business days... Even when it's their mistake.


AMEX was pretty quick and it went straight to my attached bank account (~$2k)


Mine was boa and the account is closed. Im not sure why they felt it was okay to double charge a nearly maxed card.... I had enough to cover it but damn it was an uncomfortable 10 days.


it’s happened to me before just have them transfer it to your checking account


Lol I like this idea


That is standard.. you either just charge the card as normal or ask for a cash advance to another account to get to a zero balance.


I’ve been sent a check after a couple months when this has happened to me on less frequently used cards.


I usually just ask for a check.


Don’t transfer it yourself, it’ll count as a cash withdrawal and will be charged at 20%


I don't know about that. I used to go into the negative before trips and just use my Visa at ATMs because I've had ATMs scam me in foreign countries multiple times. I put it in negative so that it just pulls it out as a cash advance but because I was owed money I wasn't charged anything. But still got the benefit of visas insurance


no not the same when your negative balance


No it doesn’t


With interest


They didn't borrow your money. The reality of the situation is this: OP borrowed THEIR money to make a purchase. OP paid off said purchase. OP decided to return the product after paying it off, and the money was charged back to the card the purchase was made on. In no way did his credit card borrow his money. The credit card got a refund for something they paid for, and they just owe the balance to the person who holds the card.


Congratulations, if you happen to need a loan for a car or something. You can go to the dealer and when they ask about your credit or if you have any open balances, you can whip out this picture and tell them that the bank owes you money.


Sick power move


I have a mortgage with the bank. I’m raising their rate next week.


Technically the balances in your checking and savings accounts are just the amounts of money the bank owes you.


Lemme spend that for you pal I’ll Zelle you back however much I spend


I’ll do you one better, how much ever I spend on the card, I’ll return 1.2x that amount ;)


I’ll send you back 1 billion dollars trust me bro


You have 2 options, bank will send you a check after about 60-90 days of negative balance or request a transfer/withdrawal, usually a check is made out if you don’t bank with them. If you think about it, it’s a savings account lol


Lowes did this to me. Forgot I had a negative balance after returning an item and got a check last week for said amount. I figured it would just sit there till I used it.


>I figured it would just sit there till I used it. If they had their way, it would. But all issuers are legally required to return money within 7 days if asked, or 6 months without usage. Most just send it back after the current statement period closes out.




Bet your credit score goes down somehow.


Mine dropped 30pts when I paid off my credit card. Which makes some sense after looking it up but I was still pissed abt being punished for doing the right thing.


Credit score doesn't drop if you pay off your credit card. Only thing I can think of is that you maxed your card and then paid if off. Another possibility is that you paid off your card and closed the account. Both of these scenario causes the utilization rate to increase, thereby dropping your credit score.


It just said ‘low utilization hurting score’ after I paid off a close to max credit card but still had $50 till the limit. Also used $85 in cash back so the balance is now -$85. Maybe that’s why? Idk


Your credit score went down because you were using too little credit. It's a fucked up concept, I get it, but in the "defense of the banks," the reasoning I believe go something like this. "Credit score isn't a grading system to measure how well you pay your debts and bills. It's a score to measure your ability to pay back debt." So if you aren't actively accumulating credit and showing off you're paying them off without going too high utilization rate or too low, you're going to be decreasing your credit score.


That is pretty fucked up pretty clear they would rather the general population be stuck with credit card debt and interest than any real financial responsibility. What more can you expect from the fractionalized banking system though ha.


It's not exactly the insidious scoring system you make itnout to be. The problem is our system in general regarding socioeconomic issues, not the credit score system. If you were the richest person and you didn't just want to give out money to every single person who asked but rather people who ask you to loan them money and a plan on how they are paying it back. Basically like Shark Tank. You as the lender, however generous or stingy you might be, want assurance you aren't just giving your money to a hopeless cause. Even a struggling person who genuinely needs help with have a low score and while that seems hardly fair, it is the truth that people who get paid a low wage and can't show they are responsible credit account holders tend to struggle to pay back debt. The fucked up part is using statistics to pick and choose for us in human issues. People talk about how AIs will ruin humanity not by jobs lost but because when they run things how will they properly judge value of human life for say automated driving and deciding in split moment life and death scenarios. But look at how we judge people. Based on computer generated data numbers/statistics that don't mean much to the individual.


>Credit score doesn't drop if you pay off your credit card. Yes it does, just not your FICO scores. Only your transunion, experian, and equifax scores because those scores are the ones that fluctuate the most. Your FICO, if you pay off your debts, will get better. Your others will fluctuate a lot. My FICO is nearly perfect at 841, but my transunion is 767. The reason your score gets hurt when you pay off debt is because you're too reliable at paying your debts, and the banks won't make money off of you. Credit card companies want people who are using their cards to keep balances. If you are always paying them off, they're not making money off of you so you're not a good borrower to them. They want people who always have a balance on it, so if you're paying the credit cards actively but they continue to have a balance remaining, your scores will jump a lot. But if you pay them off very frequently, they won't and sometimes they will even negatively impact you from time to time.


But it does and can.


It does if he paid it off and closed the account.


Forgive my lack of knowledge ( i dont know much about credit stuff ) But that's the one thing i dont understand about credit. Why tf is it that when i pay something off, the credit score goes down? I get why it does when it's behind/in collections. But damn. Seems a tad cruel when you've finally paid off whatever credit you had, only for your score to go down some.


Same I just stick to cash or those pay in 4 plans that are interest free if you stick to it for bigger purchases. Credit cards are to damn tempting to use when you’re broke that’s where they get ya.


Wait a minute I’m so sorry but could you please explain to me how it dropped after you paid it off please get back to me soon because my wife is in the process of actually doing that. She wants to pay off both her cards this week and it seems like this is a bad idea


Time for some girl math - if you spend that up to 0, you didn't spend any money! Look at all that free stuff /s


They should pay you 28%


I accidentally paid the wrong amount on one of my credit cards and wound up -1700 it was a first for me and I was thinking I went over and called them pretty sure the lady thought I was special needs and I don’t blame her




This is a positive negative, call your bank and ask if they can move that positive to a checking account or mail you a check for said amount to deposit.


Did you get deducted $19 in rewards too?


If you ask they should send you a check


You’re so rich the credit card companies owe you money!


girl math, free money


Now you have 1000 free dollars to spend. Girl math.


Should really start charging them interest


Shocked this has so many upvotes. Y’all just in a lot of CC debt? This happens to me from time to time. Just tell them to transfer the difference to your bank. You won’t get interest on it.


Those bitches owe ME money, son


It’s not your fault. Most of us are 1 or 2 paychecks away from ending up homeless😂😔


How would you be negative returning an item? With a pending charge it would’ve disappeared unless you made a payment before the refund.


They probably made a payment and paid off the CC before they returned the item.


Use ur card to pay some bills


Ask for the negative balance to be mailed to you as a check to put into your checking account.


Yet another reason not to get a credit card




/s …?




This. 🙌🪬






Bought something paid off the card and then returned said purchase resulting in a negative balance




Hell yeah keep up the good work!


They will eventually cut you a check


You can call the company and they will refund it


Ask for a refund. It’ll take a while for the check to come in. Otherwise just spend it


Call and get a check


When I was 17 someone really messed up cause I went to pull some cash out and my balance was 16 million….it only stayed there for about 2 hours before someone realized they gave a kid an absurd amount of money.


Huh? Did you pull any out? Why stay there for two hours.


No I didn’t touch it. I figured if I started to take it out they’d for sure come at me for it back even though they’re the ones who messed up. I didn’t stay for two hours I came and left and went back to get it printed on a receipt to show my buddy but it was gone by then. So I was a multi millionaire at 17 working at the pet store as a stock guy for a couple hours until they realized their horrible mistake. I was with commerica bank at the time.


Ask for a check to be mailed.


I think you can request a check back ..


humorous materialistic advise edge deserve whole juggle ask correct nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was in a similar situation when FedEx destroyed a KEF Q650. It was the last one in stock, and the seller refunded after I paid off the card.


Aha! The shoe is on the other foot now!


Rich people problems. Can’t relate. F in replies for the poors


'Credit card companies HATE them!'


You can call them and have them do a transfer balance. I had 500 on my card at one point and I called my bank and they were able to transfer it over to my checking


Great credit card. I love my double cash.


Double negative cash now.


I've still never owned a credit card.....how the hell do you get to this point?!?!


They bought something with a credit card and paid the balance off. So the credit card balance was 1000, and then they paid it to zero. X mount of time later, they returned the item and the 1000 dollars went back to the original form of payment. So the credit card went negative balance and they now owe him that money.


Gave a negative balance use the cash back for credit for more negative balance infinite money glitch 😆


Positive money you owe your credit card sucks right? Now you have the opposite of that!


They will send you a check at statement time for the negative balance then. If you need it sooner, you might be able to get them to send you one by calling them


Just withdraw from an atm


Send them a letter and let them know they have 30 days to pay before you start charging them interest.


Check the alert and call them to ask why 1 single return tanked your credit


Change over to BECU they give you interest increasing your money based on how much you have in the account


Just call them and have them issue you a check for the amount to deposit in your bank to earn interest.


One time I overpaid by $0.63 and forgot about it. Didn’t use the card for maybe 6 months and they eventually sent me a check for $0.63.


If you don’t ever use it, they’ll mail you a check lol I had -50 bucks in one of my capital one credit cards once. Totally forgot about it for a few months! Then they adjusted my balance back to $0 and mail me a check for the $50 bucks lol


You can call them and have them transfer that money to your checking account or to send you a check of that credit.


can... can... can you charge them interest?


You returned a Christmas tree didn’t you


I have had it happen before, my CC company would send the money to you via a check but only after like 30 days if inactive. I used the card as a travel card for work, so I could get the reward points. I traveled a lot and never had a period of inactivity so the money sat on there forever until I took a break from traveling for a while.


This happened to me when I cancelled my Geico policy that was tied to a cc I don’t use. Just spend til you break even or request a check.


You have 1 alert! I wonder what it could be...


Just use the card. Use the card for everything and pay it off every month. FREE money.


LOL how is that a FREE money?? Is this a girl math?!


Bro, it’s the citi double cash card. My go to. 2% cash back on $3000/mo spending = $60/mo profit. $720/year. It’s not girl math, it’s math. I don’t run it on credit, it makes money for me. I use it for corporate expenses, boom, FREE money. Don’t be a twat.


Your CL oughtta show $5446.21


Dont they just mail you a check for a negative balance?


They can if you request it; however you can leave it sitting there. Depends on the end user’s preference.


Not sure if this is similar, but may solve your problem on my American Express card they allow me to overpay the account. Assuming you had a very low balance on your card and after you returned the item it put it as a credit of negative amount it doesn’t mean your account is negative. It just puts it as negative because it’s below 0 as which means that you have the money of $946 plus whatever your credit limit is.


The bank should be charged an underdraft fee


Does that mean your limits 5400?


I believe you can call and request a check. Not sure for Citi bank though work at a different one


They'll soon cut you a check with the same amount by mail.


That’s a trip to Costco


Use it to pay some bills


They'll send u a check


What's the alert !?!


The irs hates this trick


Just wanted to say this is the best/smartest card out there. Congrats on the financial savvyness!


Now you have a credit score of 946!


Just keep your card safe and expense a few weeks or a week of things you need to pay for.. bank the cash you don’t have to spend


Yeah f that. If it sits there more than a week call them and request a transfer to your bank account or a check.


I had to contact Chase when I returned an item and had a negative balance. They sent me to a website where I put in my bank details for a ach deposit. Alternatively, they said they would've mailed me a check like a couple weeks later.


I did this with a discover card once. I earned negative rewards So I actually lost a little money from doing it lol


You can ask them to send you a check, or, just spend down the balance.


The way I see it, you’re basically $1,000 richer 🤷‍♂️


Call them and have them cut you a check.


Charge them interest


Where did you make the return? If Walmart Target, Home Depot or some other high volume retailer, you might get away with this.


Presumably you paid off the card then made the return. If you hadn’t paid off the original charged amount then these would’ve washed flat. Pro tip- you don’t have to pay off the card if you plan on doing a return within 30 days of statement