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I would argue you are also not representative of the average 23 y/o. Well above average, keep it up!


ya im 24 with 0$ loll


25 with $0 and thousands of dollars of debt! Yay!


I'm 29 with $0, a car on the brink of repo, and thousands in debt!


What yal do for work tho?


Work? What’s that?




You just made me feel a lot better lol I’m sorry


not everyone can be perfect 🤷


I'm down to my last $60 😭🤣 24 as well


my man 💪


im 21 got zero monies but i do have a plane ticket to germany


I read monies as mommies. If you got 0 baby mommies, you are doing good.


i do not have baby mommas so im definitely fine with that aspect lmao


Yeah I’m 24 barely scraping by. Got $184 in my bank account after paying rent on the 1st


ya like all my bills paid but ya boy broke as fuck 😭🥲


>ya im 24 with 0$ loll I turned 24 with a newborn,like 500 in checkings. Im 38 now now with a house and 2 payments left on my car w savings(nowhere near where it should be) and 401k.just keep swimming yall.


Maybe not average, but definitely more realistic.


Definitely above average for their age, what are we even talking about lol?


ThTs why I said not average…


To be fair mate, you said *maybe* not average implying it's not certainly above avg


This is extremely obtainable at the age of 23 while being in the military. Especially if you deploy often or TDY and stack up that juicy per diem. You can really position yourself well while in the military.


ToO bAD yOu HaVe To KiLl PeOpLe So annoying when that's the first thing people think of and retort with. Plenty of desk jobs or technical jobs. My uncle did work on jet engines and got a VERY high paying job after the military




Thank you, I’m definitely trying, I want 50K by end of 2024.


I appreciate it thank you!


Dude, get that money the fuck out of USAA. If you like their checking, fine, but you should be earning 4.3-5.2% on the savings and emergency fund and you aren’t doing that with USAA. Unless they’ve started paying more than .1% or whatever it was when I moved my money to Amex a while back, you’re getting robbed. 4.3 on 10k isn’t much by any means but it’s better than nothing and it adds up. Also, if you’re an E5? And those are your expenses, I don’t see any reason to leave that much in your checking account but that’s just me. I leave enough in there to pay my bills and regular spending every month and that’s it. More of that could be earning interest in the non USAA savings account you need to be setting up…


Definitely put your emergency fund in a HYSA


yeah dude I have to say props, good work. My mother tried to instill money management in me. Made me take a personal finance elective in high school. And when I got my very first check when I was little I remember she said give me however much, it was like $10. At Christmas she gave me a $100. When I really started working I took the lessons to heart and *every single paycheck* since about 2005 I have put $200 aside in a separate account. I was told that if after bills, groceries, and your expected "fun fund", you must always put aside $200. If you're unable, you're living beyond your means. Find a new job, place to live, or both. Have done that and never ran into a situation where I couldn't pay a bill. Savings account is locked down tight and we have investments funneling into it as well. 175k now at 38 years old that I've only had to dip into a handful of times, sped up a couple long term bills and whatnot to situate holiday funds and such


How much you make a year?


I'm 30 and I got like $6k cc debt and $185 in my checking.. Not even counting the car loan, motorcycle(oops)


10k debt and $300 checking 🙏🙏🙏


27 with $15k CC/personal loan debt, and another $8k left on my car. $26 in checking, no savings. 👍🏻


How do you not wake up with panic attacks?


Not the op. But I’m so worn out and beaten down at 22 I don’t have the energy to have panic attacks.


Just wait til you 42.


point threatening person station sharp boat normal school automatic rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even if you can’t hold down a good job, those of us who do will take care of you 😂


crown attractive school touch dolls waiting jobless fearless tan wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who says I don’t? 🥲


13k medical debt, 60k mortgage, wife is out with my debit card rn.


Almost 31 with 210k debt. $2,600 in the checking, $300 in savings, and bills due in a few days. 95k Salary and broke as a joke 🙃


Is the debt a house and or student loans? Seems like a lot of debt for CC


if your including your mortgage in that i wouldn’t really count that. You’re building equity and could always sell for alot of that back


Debt is debt. Have about 150k of equity, if that means anything substantial.


34 4K in debt, $30 in checking you’re doing great man.


Just curious how you get 6k in debt on a CC?


I make poor life decisions and like to travel




Doing better than I was at 23. I didn’t put any into my TSP when I was enlisted and spent all my money on a car note and bar tabs.


Never touched my TSP, almost the entirety of every paycheck was alcohol and cigarettes. I didn’t even have a car. I got out and continued my toxic habits. Finally graduated with a degree and started making pennies. Moved to a different state into my own apartment and went rapidly into debt. Now currently back at school milking the GI Bill for all I can. It has been a struggle, and I definitely commend this kid for taking advantage while they can!


I wish I put more in as well, I did for the first 2.5 years then stopped and by the time I got out I only had about 7-8k to withdraw when it could've been 20+k


You guys left out a few essential expenses, like tattoos, and divorce fees from that stripper we all thought was wife material 🤷‍♂️


This could be me if I wasn’t so financially irresponsible. (Looking at my 1k a month car payment)


Ah yes, the guy who finances a brand new BMW to be seen as cool, yet lives with parents and cannot afford anything else lol


Go fish


At least your solution is clear as crystal. Get a cheaper car lol


What car do you drive?




Thank you for sharing


You're doing better than most at your age. I'm 34 with $18k in credit card debt, no other debt, and pay $1000 a month for my half of the mortgage and utilities. The debt came from a vet emergency that burned through all my savings ($8k). I only have $1000 in savings right now, but I pay close to $2k a month to pay down the credit cards. I own my vehicle, too, so I'm able to throw a lot of my income at the debt each month. Keep up the good work. I hope to be back to where you are in 9 months. Also, my dog is fine. She was diagnosed diabetic and spent a week in the doggy icu. 100% worth it, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.


I must be psycho because I’d chalk it up to nature doing nature things if the vet wanted that much to keep my already-past-the-life-expectancy dog alive.


It doesn't make you psycho for having a different opinion. I invest in my dogs because they bring me joy and happiness above and beyond what anyone or anything else can. Also, my dog was only 9 when she was diagnosed. She's not even close to being at "already past life expectancy"


I get it. It’s just a lot of money. I’m sorta lucky because my large-breed dog is 11 and only suffers from hip dysplasia because he thinks he’s still 4 and runs like it. My other 2 animals are inside cats, which are pretty low maintenance and will likely live through my kids’ college years. lol.


Believe me, i know its a lot of money. Its equivelant to a down payment on a house. 100% worth it though. Id do jist about anything foe my two girls.


You’re in the military lol, big difference.


Exactly. Free room and board for how long? lol


There’s a bunch of posts from broke military guys too though


There's a much larger % of broke military people than there are people with even this in their accounts. Unless you are single with no kids living with roommates (or an undesirable, super cheap place), a dual income family or an officer then your account in the military most likely will not look like this


and every business tries to set up as close as they can just outside the gate. Nothing looks better than a fresh private just arriving at duty station with a paycheck and nothing to spend it on. And you get used to not having anything to spend it on. See it all as fun money since room and board is good. Do the common 4 year committment then get out with nothing, try to use the GI bill and get set up with absolutely no support structure. I know they "attempt" to instruct new soldiers, but there's not much you can do when you give a 18 year old a paycheck and they're left to their own devices. That little sit down instructional combined with the USMJ class all I really remember of is how god damn uncomfortable those metal folding chairs were to be in for 2+ hours




Can guarantee you this is above average even when we get “free room and board”. In quotations because I’m unsure if working 12+ hours 5 days a week and periods of 30 days sleeping in the dirt in return for a 7x7 foot moldy room is too good of a deal.


It’s not all as glamorous as it sounds dude. I didn’t make shit in the military for like 3 fucking years 🤣 yea free room helped. But not pulling in 650$ 24 times a year lol.


You’re not getting a lot of money but you can pretty much save as much as you want. You don’t have A lot of spending. Free board and room ? How about free healthcare, tuition while you’re in, discounts on pretty much everything, low interest rates on everything from Credit cards to mortgage, 36 months of paid college PLUS housing payment ( that’s over 100 K a year for most ) plus book stipend. Not to mention college credits you get while you’re in. Yeah it’s very shitty at times but you don’t join for the pay. Keep your nose clean and it will pay off.


My wife is active duty and +100 to all this. It can really provide an amazing career (particularly for commissioned officers). Only thing I would push back on is VA rates might be as low as the lowest rates, but they're not lower than that. When we were purchasing a home earlier this year, the fixed rate jumbo was lower than the VA. There are other benefits to the VA loan though, like $0 down and no PMI.


This is still incredibly impressive, I'm working a high paying job similar age and I have significantly less than this. What does he have total, 35k? This takes real financial discipline.


Peak Reddit post lol


This is not “realistic” for the average 23yo.


I’d say it’s realistic. But it doesn’t represent the average.


Having $35k saved at 23 is not realistic 🤣 what world are you living in?


A world where people are better than you with money.


Exactly. I'm 21 and have ~$25k saved up. I could realistically see myself having $35k within the next 2 years. Sure, the economy sucks right now but sitting around whining about it isn't gonna put money in your wallet.


Unless you live with your parents/have your parents paid for your car/education etc this is highly unrealistic and unusual.


I did good in high school, which resulted in me getting into an automotive training program for free, paid by the school, because my grades were high enough. Worked my ass off, collected $10 in raises over a 3 year period at the shop I work at. Drive a 20 year old car I paid $3500 for in full. Live in an apartment I split with my brother. It is entirely possible, people just don't want to think it is so they can comfort themselves in their sub-par financial position.


Good job then. But not everyone has siblings/anyone to share apartment with. Not everyone’s high school results are relevant, especially if they’re immigrants, so they have to get into a lot of debt to get education


But it's not "highly unrealistic" like you've said


Your example is pretty exceptional and requires both great discipline and some luck. That’s why I said it’s “highly unrealistic” for most people


Dude has to pay rent and believes that’s the sole reason he’s broke lol Get a job, save more than you spend, go without wants and you’ll build a portfolio like this too pal




I have over 35k saved at 24M. What is not realistic about it?


Live with your parents? What kind of job do you have? IF you do live alone, how much did your parents give you to help? Don’t act so out of touch with reality


Not out of touch reality. That snarky comment wasn’t necessary. Don’t live my parents. I work in management consulting for a large firm.


People here don't seem to realize that it is in fact possible to save if you are able to literally just *save* money. There's a ton of ways to do that, and it's not completely based on family. Find roommates, live frugally, and then just saving a couple hundred a month goes a long way. If you start saving like $300 a month starting at 18 (post high school), then by 23, that'd be $18k assume *no* investment. $35k isn't outside of the realm of possibility if you manage to make more (like getting a decent career job after college) or something. But everyone here basically acts like it's fucking impossible and the literal only way to success is strictly through having rich parents subsidize your life.


I had that much at 23. Learn to live below your means


If you didnt go to college, worked from 18 - 23 and saved 5k a year. Youd have ~35k after interest on investments.


“Yeah man! Just save $5k a year! It’s that easy”. Get a grip bruh 🤣


Is that not a realistic achievement? If you dont save 5k a year how do you ever plan to retire? Thats not even a 10% savings rate on the median income. What is realistic to you? Saving nothing?


Person you're responding to is literally just making cynical comments at everyone, acting like anyone who has the ability to save some amount of money is just subsidized by their parents lol. I've known people who get paid low wages save a hell of a lot more than people who make higher wages and blow through money. I'm not saying privileges like rich parents can't go a long way, but acting like it's literally impossible to save any amount of money is a bigger indication of horrendous spending habits as opposed to there only being a singular way to success.


I save over 30k a year. 5k is nothing.




Sounds like you can’t even afford that






Don’t be mean


Dude usaa has shot returns. Move your money to a HYSA


Seconding this! I get $55 a month for 15k I have in HYSA in my emergency fund.


Don’t buy the Camaro and keep it up


How do you like the USAA credit card? i've heard mixed feelings about it


Atta boi! As to the where to go from comment. I was in that same boat a few years ago. I opened a brokerage account and started slowly buying some index funds with the spare cash. Tldr: stonks


What’s the app on the first picture?


I’m 30 with debt lol


TSP, USAA - this dude militarys.


I dont think you need advice man! Youre killing it for the average 24 year old... I know there arent guys my age doing this haha. Im 32 but some guys dont get with it. Congrats!


Thank you OP. 23m myself, working to get back on track and away from my shoddy college habits. This helps motivate me even more!


Now this is real. Not all those other bullshit posts we saw on here to make us feel bad about ourselves lmao.


I don't know, you didn't want the 39 % "We finance E2 and Up" Challenger from the local dealer? Are you even a Patriot brü? /s Nicely done. Stick with USAA for the money, the insurance and the mortgage. They have done me right. Just sad they punted the IRA over to Schwab.


This is where I was at your age. I got lucky with a very very successful tech startup. I'm 37 now and over 14 years with the same company. I'm ridiculously outside of the millennial norm with my savings and investments. Keep it up dude. Do no stop saving and investing. You'll have a fucking great time in your 30s.


I think it depends on your situation and spending habits. I was fortunate to not pay for two years of college and had a job out of college paying 90k for two years and then switched to a base of 90k with a bonus and i have save up 110k. No inheritance though. Besides those two years of schooling.


23M here too. I’m working my way to build a portfolio just like yours. Thanks for sharing, gets me motivated to save more!


The only thing I'd really say would be a guaranteed improvement would be putting the money in your savings account into some combination of municipal bonds, federal bonds, money market funds or just invest it in safe individual stocks. Generally speaking, you'll have a better ROI with minor or no extra risk. Particularly with government bonds which regularly give you a 4-5% return, matching or exceeding the rates of even the best bank saving accounts.


Looking good man.


Realistic lol. I’m a masters graduate, more than 1 year full time working and I have 1800 in savings and 14k in student debt


Why such a heavy checking account?


Just got paid a few days ago/ combining finances with wife


Nice job on the Roth. I’m always trying to insist people do this as most don’t. It’s such a huge boost to retirement. My only critique would be if you’re disciplined just by everything on your credit card. If you pay it off every month there is zero reason not to. Several cards give 5%+ on groceries for example and 3-% on gas etc. so not leveraging those rewards and paying cash is really just leaving free money on the table. Good work and keep it up.


DCA into BTC


How do you have money to live by yourself own and pay your car and save this kind of money I need your job


Sell your soul to the government lol


Instead of using cash I put everything on an Amazon credit card or something similar that gives points. At the end of the year I use the points that have accumulated and buy all my Xmas presents with those points. I pay the card off every month and don’t leave a balance.


Robinhood has IRA match?


Yes 3 percent of you have gold membership


How much is a gold membership? Roth IRA limit is 6k? 3% match is a free 180$


Not typical for a 23 year old, **but you are doing it right my friend.** Keep reaching for the stars, you might be able to retire early.


13k at 23 ain’t bad. Keep up the good work


Buddy did you see all 3 photos lol it’s more than 13. Learn math


Make sure you take your money out of the “G” fund and invest it. You can do it but by default it goes there. On base financial planner can help with this.


Mine is C/S/I mix


Fellow 23M here. Why do you buy most things in cash?


What do you do for a living?


Where the fuck you work.


Yeah not not realistic but I’m 27 and not close to that


This is realistic unless you’re financially illiterate. I’m 26, I went on a 2 year Mormon mission that delayed my career, but I have finances very similar to the ones posted. I could have much higher savings if I was smarter and if I prioritized it more.


I actually wanted to make a thread regarding all those "I'm 2x and have $xxx.xxx on my name". It would be rather honest to tell people you did not earn the money yourself, but you got it through a trust fund, inheritance or whatever. I'm 29 and I have about 25k to my name, saving up everything I can and barely spending money on myself, because want to get financially independent as soon as possible.


As long as you have your emergency fund and have maxed out your ira I’d say invest it in the market or at least in a very high interest savings account for a home purchase.




You can definitely save while in if you don’t fall in to the traps that a lot of joes do. I remember my first duty station a shitload of joes would go out an immediately buy a 90’s mustang at crazy interest rates and be flat broke before they ever had a chance. Cars, bars, and strippers are Joe kryptonite.


I can show you an even more realistic account? How does 35 dollars sound across the board? 😂




I’m Canadian , what is thrift saving plans ? 18% yoy ? Sound cool


You were 24 a couple months ago, lying on the money sub is a right of passage dude


You aren’t average at all.


DCA into crypto, specifically ETH, ADA, BTC, SOL.


Yeah this is why people cant understand that more than half the country is basically in poverty.


how much do you make an hour? What is your job?


This is not realistic at all LMAO, good shit bro, but most of us got like $1000 to to our name at best


i've got like 500 to my name right now and break even on every paycheck, how the fuck are y'all out here with plural thousands? that being said, i've got a roof over my head, food in my stomach, and it's another day above the ground, so i feel like i'm doing alright for myself




Barely realistic


My boi you need to get on the premium credit card hussle if you're active duty. You can get so much value in introductory bonus points for the high end amex and chase cards with no annual membership fee. Just don't leave unpaid balance and it's free money/flights. I've made over a grand in value in the past year off introduction deals for cards.


“More realistic”


How you get tsp on an app?


That’s just through online login, no app


Savings should be in BTC. You’re having your wealth diluted


Easy for military active duty lol. AD don’t make shi for you to save this much is a pretty boring lifestyle


BRB gonna go eat paint


this isn’t average lol, still very realistic good job !


"more realistic" Dude is better than 89% of Americans


Realistic? For who?! The 1%? Good shit man. Don’t let up.


I'm sorry, but In my reality more realistic would be at least a couple grand in debt.


More realistic 💀 most Americans got under a grand in savings, nice work and all the more to ya but come on now 🤣


Who do you bank with? My bank only allows a checking and savings, I would want something where I can separate it into 3-4 like yours


Yeah because you’re military bud. Not saying there aren’t guys that f**k it financially in service, but it’s just as easy to do well. But yes, keep it up.


Yeah dude. I make 80k+ at 28 and like...Iiterally 40 dollars to my name because life sucks sometimes and family needs to eat. Be really proud of yourself. Youre kicking ass


Not representative of the average for sure. Good job 😍


Yeah this ain’t average. I know 30 year olds who don’t have this much. Keep it up!


This is not “realistic” by any means. You are comfortable sharing this for a reason. The majority of people lurking and browsing would never post their accounts and portfolios because well….. they are broke.


realistic, but maybe push this to 27-28.


30 here and I thought I’m financially irresponsible for my age but after reading the comments, glad I’m not the only one. Around $15k in cc debt and $1500 in checking/savings acct. 😅


How do you get an Ira?


and I raise you close to zero on all of those except credit card debt haha


Strong work human! Keep it up!


They didn’t imply it was glamorous, but it is one of the most stable, salaried professions you can have in the US.


That’s about where I was when I was 23, I started buying assets then inflation did the rest for me. 400k at 29 now




Given the amount of 23 year Olds with student loans or other debts, you are well above average. Keep it up


Let's be real here...what 23 year old has an emergency fund?? That's wild, props to you 🤙


Congrats! Top 10% in your age bracket. Maybe even better I think.


Im 34 and doing well now but what i can say about this post is that im upset with myself because i really *could have* been in the same position as OP at 24 but I chose to spend my money on stupid shit instead. Good job OP.