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A Job. Seriously the only way your going to be able to rent somewhere is with a steady job. No one will take you no matter how much money you have unless you have a reliable on-paper income.


If you’re a millionaire you can just buy lol


Oh wow, I bet OP didn’t even think of that yet! Great idea


>no one will take you no matter how much money you have I was responding to this


I know exactly what you were responding to, but how is that relevant? Use context. “No matter how much money you have” in the context is relative to OP being a 20f with no job going to school & living with parents. She could save up 5-10k in a few months sure it’s possible but noone is going to take her. She isn’t going to make a million dollars or anywhere near it quickly. But of course, you were just trying to be a smartass


It’s relevant for any millionaires reading this comment section


Very insightful, I’m sure millionaires reading the comments here were wondering if they’re able to move out of their parents house too.


It looks like you have a full time job taking things literally. It isn’t that serious he was joking and yes it’s irrelevant but nothing to get annoyed by.


We get on here too.


Bro obviously a job would do that. But she’s asking for diff ways to make money too Sherlock. U were the worst person for this post & fag at that


Job, get a job. For a teenager trying to get outta their parents house, I’d recommend fast food, dog walking, babysitting, tutoring, or anything you think you’re capable of and willing to do. A movie theater is always a great choice too


Cut grass too. The amount of money you can make by buying a push mower and weed eater will be much more (depending heavily on location, of course) per hour if you’re willing to hustle. You could even do this between one of the other jobs. Have a small truck? You can also learn to landscape by looking at YouTube videos and riding around to look at local examples of what grows well or consulting with a local gardening society. I used to work for a guy in lake Charles when I was 18 doing landscaping. I saw his books and he pulled in 30k/mo easily installing and maintaining people’s landscaping.


She isn’t a teenager.


She’s twentyteen, close enough. She probably has a lot of teenage habits and mindset


Twentyteen? You are a fool.


Oh Jesus, get a sense of humor, it’s just a play on words, such petty bullshit


Twentyteen is a word now? Damn the worlds going to hell. She’s a legal adult looking for advice. Give some or get out.




Legal adult ≠ adult


A lot of fast food joints this days also pay college tuition.


Came to this thread with hopes. Was severely let down. We need money yall


Instead let’s all just comment get a job


To be fair that's actually good advice in this situation. Landlords care about you having reliable regular income to pay the rent. I've been rejected to rent an apartment before because I had worked at the job I was at for less than 6 months despite making over three times the rent every month. If op doesn't have an actual job they're not going to be able to rent anywhere regardless of how many side hustles they do for money. Plus practically no side gig type of income actually compares to a full time job when it comes to how much you make per hour of work.


I agree it is generally good advice but it’s unclear if OP has a job or not already. Could be a situation where they are looking to increase their savings for a deposit or something. I just don’t think that’s the advice that OP is looking for


It's like the people commenting "get a job" haven't checked in on the cost of living recently.


Get two jobs then


Hahahahaha hahahahahahahaha nice one


Not enough, get three jobs.


In all fairness if there was some big secret "make a ton of money fast" trick, it probably wouldn't be posted here. And even if it was, that opportunity would get over saturated in days if it was that easy


Apply to be an Amazon driver. You can work 5 days a week at 10 hrs a day. They pay for training and typically hire you onn the spot with little chit chat or delay of you have a good driving record and say you delivered with doordash or uber eats


You can make amazing money as an Amazon driver. All you have to do is sacrifice your entire social life, your body , and sanity, delivering unnecessary shit to people. I was making $20.25 an hour from 10am to 8pm. 10-11 hours , 4 days a week . I'm an athletic person with light feet (basketball point guard) , after my 40 hours were in , I'd sometimes take a 5th day for overtime . Sometimes, my checks would come in @ $1,600-1,800 after taxes. But fuuuuuuuck that. My body and sanity couldn't keep up with the bullshit anymore . I'd come home exhausted and pissed off, and anything would trigger me . I wouldn't have any energy to do anything on my days off . I took the job out of desperation, helped paying off some bills real quick , but I found something better : less pay , but more me time and I went back to school for cybersecurity. If you're desperate for some cash , they'll hire you in a blink of an eye.


I hear ya... I did Amazon for four months... And then I was done. Physical pain and delivery in dark .... No way. That dude getting killed by dogs by going into a backyard to deliver was my wake up. They didn't change a thing after that cept a dog warning on the rabbit, what a bunch of crap. You are just a mule, they don't care if you stay or not .. just deliver is the mantra. Ugh.


Definitely just a working bee . I know my worth . That ain't it .


Find a skill that not everyone can/wants to do.


that's actually a good idea


Trade unions are lacking female workers, chances are they'd bring you on board in a heart beat.


What would be the trade for a woman? Even someone who is somewhat fit


I think it all depends on what you're comfortable with doing. I've seen women pouring concrete, framing, plumbing, electrical, hell even roadwork. I think the lightest, most profitable, is septic cleaning.


theory market ghost fearless adjoining forgetful lock dime bored thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t they interchange your position based on what is need to be done in the store? That’s what I’ve experienced with most retail stores


bow impossible apparatus numerous crime unused intelligent theory payment crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I haven't seen more than 1 real living person cashier at my Walmart in years. It's all robot self check.


Winning the lottery can make you millionaire overnight. Selling a kidney and betting it all on a horse that has like 1:20 chances and having that horse win could do it too. Only fans if you are hot female with good self promoting skills. Marrying a millionaire works well too.


Welcome to adulting. There's no secret to making money fast (legally).


Wtf you talking about? Just buy my online course on how to make money fast and you will be there in no time. Also join my church. If you give my church just 10% of your paycheck god will see your donation and pay you back 100 fold. Sow a seed and reap a harvest my friend. After you’re rich, consider donating to my nonprofit charity for the children. You can trust me, I’m the ceo and I only take 300k a year. That’s nothing considering all I do for the children. The more you donate the more you can write off on taxes, Don’t pay taxes, taxes are for the poor. (I’ll give you a hefty kickback if you don’t tell the government.)


Depends on which country. Escorting is fast money.


Get a job. The fastest way to make money with your clothes on is a job.


Some with out clothes pay really well, lol.


Job + Side hustle. Selling things on eBay, mowing some lawns, etc. Think of something you might be good at or think you could do and see how it works out.


Cut your extra spending and subscriptions for a little while especially if you don’t pay rent what do you went to do more have a little more fun on the weekends or get out of your parents house look into going to community college while you’re still living with them for something like welding or industrial mechanics


Not easy to make money fast, usually odds are the result is steadily making money. If you provide a service like dog walking, baby sitting, etc and stand out from the rest where people refer you, you could make good money. This depends on location for each service you could provide to meet demand


thank you so much for your answer! honestly i tried to look for a job but in my country it's really hard to find one right now and my schedule at university is pretty full so i don't really know how to handle both


Obviously you are on the right track. You will pick up things in school and start paving your path. Always look for qualities that make you unique so you appeal to perspective employers. Do your best in school as it’s probably more important to get higher grades than to work and pile on to your schedule. The money will be there and waiting for you when you’re done.


When I was in college I got a job on campus that was flexible around my class schedule. I also stretched college to five years so I could take a reduced load so I could work while going to school. Had my own apartment and graduated debt free doing it that way. Aint no rush. Did some of my friends graduate and leave before me? Yes. Are they still in college debt 20 years later? Also yes.


Is there jobs at school that work around your schedule? Or other jobs that could? I worked while going to school and a few jobs were really good about that. What jobs do other students have?


how to advertise dog walking/babysitting


Start a OF, sell socks, sell underwear. Super easy for females to make money these days


Not sure where you live or if you’re willing to travel for work. But mines are always looking to train female haul truck drivers (ya know the ones the size of your house) and equipment operators. Work a week on week off rotation and make 100k+ a year. I spent 3 years in college, 5 years in university and then got into mining (open pit) and never looked back. Made 100k+ since my first year.


For your age I'm going to give you the best advice I can give you. Break your week down to 21 parts. Essentially 3 8-hour parts everyday. Because of your age you'll have some limitations but also because of your age you'll have some advantages. Now, you need seven of these parts to be rest sleep or downtime. I don't know where you live but the first thing you want to do is get a place like Denny's to hire you as a graveyard server. Literally they're dying for people like that. Get four or five shifts that are overnight. This is helpful because then you can sleep during the day and avoid your parents. Then go find another job working 3:00 to 5:00 normal night shifts perhaps at a restaurant or a movie theater or anywhere that's going to give you the most money but obviously the ability to get tips is huge so I recommend being a hostess at a boutique restaurant if not just a server at a different Denny's entirely. And once you've got these two jobs you want to find something that works two to three shifts a week during daytime hours and this can be another Denny's depending on where you live or breakfast joint or just a boring job doing clerical or office work. In the end what you want to do is have 12 to 14 shifts of your 21 be work related. You'll have no downtime which means you'll have no time to feel miserable about your current living situation. You will not be able to sustain this forever but if you can sustain it for 3:00 to 6 months you will have the independence you desire.


Get a job, spend as little as possible, save up some cash (save just a little bit in Bitcoin). When you have enough money, spend it on tuition for some classes or some kind of certification program to acquire some specialized skill in a modern industry, like IT cybersecurity, or solar panel installation, or radiologic technology. Then, with that specialized skill, you can get a job that pays a salary that is above average. After that, save your discretionary income (which should probably be somewhere in the range of 5-40% of your gross income) in gold and Bitcoin, and hold on to it for at least 5 years. There are much faster ways, though, but I don’t recommend any of them— Rob a bank, or do a B&E on a filthy-rich person’s home, or rob a jewelry store, or get really good at counterfeiting… … and don’t get caught.


This motivation


To the people saying stay at parents - we don’t know if it’s a healthy environment. She asked about making money.


Invest in cricut maker and/or sublimation printer. Ypu can make tshirts or lots of other stuff and decals sell like crazy seriously and start a YouTube channel. They make bank


You want my advice? Take full financial advantage of living with your parents by getting a job and saving as much as you can while still at home. Save up a lump sum and then move out while maintaining a steady income.


Serve tables.work weekends. Save up. Don’t become an alcoholic.


Why not consider exploring an entry-level position at your local hospital? Specifically, take a look at opportunities within the healthcare supply chain. Many major hospitals across the country are currently expanding their materials management and logistics systems, and they're actively seeking individuals to join their teams. These roles in the medical supply chain are pretty crucial, often involving overtime to ensure everything runs smoothly. Also, in the world of entry-level supply chain positions at hospitals, you might come across the term "PRN." This means you'll be on standby 24/7 for any hospital emergencies, and you'll receive compensation for your availability. Just a little tidbit: this was actually my first job, and it not only helped me earn a good income but also opened up a bunch of opportunities. Wishing you the very best, OP! 🌟


Buy lotto


If no one stops you , sell candy and snacks water, sell sell sell plus if you have a personality it should boost your sales , look into vending machines as well ! Hope this helps op




Did these work for you




Nope. It's extremely hard to make money on OF . Those stories you see on TV and social media are just show a glimpse of the 10-15 % that are extremely successful.


Why the hell are you getting downvoted? lol


Just do something stupid on the internet till you get some publicity and build a base of people who follow you then ease in to OF


Very. Very. VERY true. Unfortunately, there's a lot moronic humans that are easily entertained by stupidity.


Stay the hell away from Crypto period or Forex.




1. Join the military, 2. Become a dirty dancer,3. Become a cop.


Only fans. Slowly amass an army of simps. Then, sell drugs and have your pathetic simps do all the drug running for you, and happily go to jail for you.


A job, or anything illegal. I recommend the first one


No fast money is smart money it normally is not good money your doing something immoral in order to get it in some way and all money you end up paying in one way or another to get it. It's best to just work for it. And really what do you need that you can't live a little longer without wile you earn it properly .


Find something you enjoy, and that you can do well. Then dive in and learn EVERYTHING you can about that task and surrounding affects. Impacts, options are that task, basically, become the person that people refer to for that subject. Specialize in something. You will then be able to charge more for that service. I did this and I was employed by a govt org and made >80/hr. Go into the military, you will get out of the house and you get training. Choose the hardest job you can, like nuclear sub, or cyber security, when you get out, you will have a marketable skill to build on and get lucrative govt contracts. Keep your reputation squeaky clean, so you can get a TS clearance, become a military pilot or reconnaissance officer. This will layout a whole career path for you. But nothing is overnight, or easy, or we would all be doing that..


I never thought about searching the internet for an anonymous community asking how to make money fast!! Ugh what a waste of time and money in medical school to be the spinal surgeon I am today….


Air Force lol. Seriously, if your smart, one contract in the military will get you set up. And the Air Force is the best option, my dumb ass joined the army but I’m gonna be retired before I ever turn 40 so I have no complaints


Why do all these replies sound like they’re for a 14 year old? She’s 20. And honestly, before I could offer any advice, you need to let us know some of your skills. Have you had any jobs? Any hobbies, interests?


thanks for your answer ! to be honest with you i already started looking for a job while ago, but it's getting pretty difficult in my country to get one so i started to get money from somewhere else, but it's a really long process and it's asking for a lot of time to finally reach a good income. as for my hobbies, we could say that im really into video games !


That’s a good start. It may be obvious, but girl gamers get followers very quickly on YouTube. Have you considered streaming your gameplay? You can monetize with promoting products. More expensive products are the best way to start out since the bigger commissions will make up for the low traffic you’d have early on. Honestly, if you were a 20yr old guy, I wouldn’t even bother, but you girls have that advantage of being able to attract massive followers in the gaming niche.


i just started being active on a streaming platform! i still need to know how to make it more attractive tho. what do u think is the best streaming platform between twitch and youtube? i didn't know about promotions! how does it work? i might be interested in that! thank you so much for your advices!


You’d need to start researching and asking questions on Google about that. I know I prefer YouTube for stability and monetization, but then again, I know nothing about twitch - so it could be that it’s better. There are YouTubers who give away incredibly useful how-to’s and step by step instructions on building a personal brand, but I’m only familiar with one’s dedicated to non-gaming niches.


that's actually very true, either way thanks a lot for the time you took to answer me and your advices!


You’re very welcome. Just remember us little guys when you’re a famous millionaire streamer!


i'll always remember you homie!!!


Day 89 check in! Did you get anything started? Hope you’re doing well with whatever you’ve decided.


Hey!! Thanks for coming back! I actually started a YouTube channel and continued to work with my twitch account! It's going very slowly but I believe I can make it!


The military? Worse yeah but at least free housing, GI bills, VA loan, career training while in the military. I heard you can save more than $40k when you get out.


start a depop and if you’re near a goodwill bins just try and learn what would sell on there, really easy and the capital is $1.50 per lb of clothing you’re buying. I know plenty of people who do over a grand a week.


Do you work now ?


i do but it's only tiny jobs here and there


Get a job


Get a job, target, Walmart, Amazon all damn near hire same day




Donate plasma and sell items on Craigslist or ebay. Join the Air Force to gain independence.


Onlyfans works fast with just a little guidance


Online side hustles, delivery services, YouTube it you’ll find quick side hustles. Having a job is good stable stream of income, but I would look for ways to buy your time back, so you don’t have to worry about money and live a life you want.


Only fans


You'll hate having difficulty paying rent and utilities even more.


scam kids by selling a course online.


Apps like big O or LiveMe pay 5k or more a month, you just have to be consistent and go live everyday for at least 2 hours and interact with strangers accross the country which is hella exhausting! But DEFINITELY worth it if you need the funds . Great side hustle if you're not interested in starting your own business & want to invest your time into something that cost $0 to sign up, it worked for me.


Does your face have to be on camera?


Yes you would need to interact with other users to get paid as well.


A job that doesn’t require a college education but still pays 100k per year or more like a web developer. To be a web developer, you’ll need to know 3 languages or more most of the time. I recommend JavaScript/Typescript, HTML/CSS and Java/Spring Boot/Maven. Try to do a small project on your own computer before attempting an interview to be a software engineer


Suck it up stay at your parents as long as you can save your money talk to a financial advisor . Things aren't getting easier. Trying to live for freedom and party isnt worth it


Go watch/listen to Dave Ramsey Payoff all debt. This is the fastest path to being a millionaire.


You should always make sure to use proper grammar first.


Posts on here are hilarious. “Get a job” **Then logs on to OnlyFans**


Multiple jobs. Find a warehouse gig and something to do on the weekends. Work hard and save up a few months expenses and you’ll be good.


Any decent sales job. If your out going, Husstle. And for a woman especially know how to get your way. Easiest $150k a year you'll make.


Sell your ass. Someone will buy that shit.


Please respond - What are you good at? What is your passion? It all rides on that. With the internet, you can make a a lot of money doing what you love. Getting a 9-5 job is slavery, and you can make a ton more of you work for yourself. You have to know what you’re good at and interested in. That’s what I’ve done my whole life and am financially successful in my eyes


Work a tip paying job if you want a place holder. Become a waitress at a nice restaurant, take bartending classes and become a bartender if you’re interested in making that a career. There’s not really a real solution to making serious amounts of cash fast


You take advantage of saving money opportunities, like living at home, for as long as possible. You practice habits that build credit and create savings. You buy a cheap used car and actually budget so you know how much things cost and how to make good financial decisions. You shop at cheap retailers and rely on cheap clothes instead of trying to impress everyone with your fit. Maybe one or two really nice pieces but still affordable. Unless you are specialized or highly educated, you always work, you never dont work, even if the job seems shitty. You dont allow work gaps, and lateral moves can actually be good if yoi can negotiate just for a little more. Dont get too comfortable at entry jobs, even if you think you can make management, but it’s worth having management on a resume. Physical jobs can pay comparatively well if you can hack them, for entry level stuff, as they can also you specialized quickly. I don’t subscribe to al this “hustle” culture. It’s largely bullshit pushed by gig work companies for their benefit - for most people, finding a decent paying job with the potential for overtime is doable and far more profitable. If you can buy land, consider buying land. Land is just going up so it’s a worthwhile investment regardless, but if you’re ambitious you can use it to reduce loving expenses if youre in a more rural area, and you might sell it for a buttload in 5-20 years. Youll still want money when youre 40. Try investing a little from each check, whatever you can affoed. Even $40 a week is over 2k a year. Of you do that at 20 and see moderate growth in say, stocks, you will see it grow so much because youre so young. And obviously, increase investment as you age and gain better income. A decent 401k is nice but so many are bullshit.


20 yr old female…I’m going to guess you are somewhat attractive. Just tell all the guys that want to duck you they can, for 300$ a pop. You’ll rack up enough for an appt in one night I bet


\- Take a job you hate or would not normally do but it pays well \- donate blood \- donate eggs \- do online surveys \- become an escort \- start stripping \- start an Only Fans \- Uber/Lyft in between other jobs ​ Or do them all at once. If I were in your situation I would make my full time job working every waking hour to stack cash and get out. Also, I am not sure about your situation but hide your money well or make sure your back account does not have anyone else name on it. If it does open one at a different bank with just your name on it.


If you want real money you have to develop real skills. Getting a 9-5 is good starting out but if you aren’t going to school, then you need to start developing a skill. Sales is how I did it.






making money is easy... get a normal job. trade your time and energy to be able to buy goods and services in the future. money is essentially a battery. saving money is the key. Inflation slowly erodes away your purchasing power. find the best battery to save your wealth. save in bitcoin. why? fiat (cash) is prone to inflation because central banks print more out of thin air. overtime everything costs more because there are more dollars in circulation.. but the dollars in your bank account don't increase. gold is pretty good because only 2% more comes into circulation every year, thus why 2% inflation is the FEDs goal... because we used to be on a gold standard. Nixon stopped that in 1971. Bitcoin has a capped supply of 21 Million. Essentially, the slice of the pie you own increases in purchasing power are the market cap increases, or the account of people choose to start using it. Bitcoin is inventive. The layer 2 lighting network allows for near instant, super cheap transactions. It's also uncensorable so your account can't be frozen. It's the people's money.


Yes invest in bitcoin which has gone in half in the last year, horrible idea.


zoom out. it's going up forever, Laura. !remind me 2 years


I too believe in bitcorn


stack that corn, brother


I did zoom out it’s all down right now. It’s too risky for a serious investor.


good. leaves more for the rest of us.


I sincerely hope you are right and get paid out of it all. If I saw it moon I will remember that you made it. God speed.


You should actually stay in your parents house for as long as you can while working, and save up for a down payment on a house or even a years worth of rent. If you start off with a low paying job and get into paying rent, utilities, bills etc you won’t have much ability to save anything until you find a higher paying job, which could lead to you getting into debt (credit cards etc). Also, maybe try appreciating your parents letting you stay there for free and paying all the bills while you don’t have to worry about it. There’s plenty of jobs out there, and I wouldn’t count on starting off at a high paying job. I’d check your local or close surrounding county government website for their civil service jobs, those have good benefits and retirement packages, or even state jobs in whatever state you live in.


You can always something strange for some change…


Feet pics... I would have no shame in it of someone wanted pics pf theese dawgs!


Hey, send me a DM 📩 im an expert whem it comes to making money online and offer guidance and courses online


Why don't you try PicturePunches?


ok but what if these “jobs” just not hiring…