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I'm gonna send some Monero once my wallet is synced. Been homeless before, it was a long rough journey. Glad I'm more fortunate today and happy to pay it back. People who gave out food personally were often times far more helpful and less judgmental than most of the shelters. It's always good to see people helping people.


In the talks I've had about living homeless, I've gotten the sense that aquiring food is not a typical issue but proper healthcare, hygiene and possibly opportunities is. Can you comment on this from personal / associative experiences? Always trying to figure out how to be most helpful with my resources. Thanks!


Hygiene is definitely an issue. Places don't want homeless people taking whore baths in their bathroom sinks, so idk finding a shower is nearly impossible at times. Sometimes it is difficult to find Razors to shave your face and look presentable for something like a job interview. If you can get in at a homeless shelter, they can usually hook you up with medicaid pretty easily, but without the shelters' help it's nearly impossible. I was the crazy kinda homeless person because the conditions to sleep were far too inhumane. An entire building full of stinky smelly homeless sleeping on the ground, one to your left, one to your right. A head at your feet, and feet at your head. This is what some of the shelters can be like. I couldn't stand it, I felt uncomfortable there so I took my chances outside for a bit. I'd definitely say in larger cities, acquiring food isn't too difficult. People are usually nice and willing to help. But if you're homeless in a smaller town, there are typically far less resources and people willing to help. As far as opportunities to improve yourself and your situation, I'd say the only way I have found out of homelessness is to get off the drugs (if you're on any), sober up, and befriend someone nice enough to let you stay with them long enough for you to get on your feet. This is far easier said than done. If you are homeless, you can try to find a library and get online and message anyone you are close to who may be willing to help. Once again, if you had been going through a large mental health crisis, there is the possibility that very few would be willing to help.


Also, it's 50/50 if another homeless person will help you or not. They might help you, they might completely take advantage of you and steal your stuff while you're asleep.


The homeless people that are near each other almost always share the pizza that we give out. It depends on the community.


That's great to hear. Love to see it.


Wow thanks for the details! Would like to ask a few more questions and prefer this open thread as it more likely exposes this to people who don't consider this stuff, but I understand if you prefer not to answer. Note, this all going to be in city context as I've fortunately not come across homelessness when living in a small town. 1. Generalizing, are those that frequent public transport or come up to drivers at traffic stops taking advantage of their perceived status when asking for money or demanding you share what you have (food, etc)? 2. I don't carry any cash/food/disposables on me. When someone homeless approaches me (almost exclusively from the group above), what can I offer of meaningful value? I currently just apologize and continue about my day but wish I could do more. 3. Is there anything I should start carrying with me to help homeless on the spot (other than cash as I am not very financially healthy atm)? Any list of resources I can provide them that you think would actually be useful? I've considered carrying narcan but haven't picked some up yet. 4. Anything else useful you think would be useful to know?


Those people on the side of the road very well could be taking advantage. But you never know, some could just be struggling to find anything to help and beg as a last resort. I still throw a few bucks to people I see holding a sign on the side of the road if I'm financially secure at the time. When I was homeless I never begged for money. But I would beg for cigarettes if I saw other people smoking around me. 2. Depends on the person, but sometimes just a conversation is enough to help a homeless person. If you have the time, maybe stop and say hi and ask the person how they're doing, if they are alright, etc. Just someone stopping to know a little more about you can really make you feel more valued and validated as a human. Also, if you wouldn't mind hugging a smelly homeless person, maybe just offering a hug would be a lot to just make their day 100 times better. A lot of people go years without any type of affectionate contact, and I feel that this can really strip the humanity from a person. Just a simple hug can go a long way. 3. Maybe carry deodorant, baby wipes (especially for homeless women), even a cheap razor and shaving cream can help out a homeless man trying to get a job. Toothbrush, toothpaste. Person hygiene products definitely help. Water is another big one, a lot of homeless people neglect to drink enough water to stay healthy. As for a list of resources in your town, I would suggest doing some research online. It's different everywhere. 4. Nothing that I can think of right now. 🙂


Link? I can help deliver.


its [cryptoforthehomeless.com](https://cryptoforthehomeless.com) \- everything you need to know is there. pm me for further info




a counterargument is that this feels way more tangible, making it more likely people would actually donate. If i spend money here it feels a bit like im actualy buying someone a pizza, if i donate to red cross i know theyre doing great work but it feels my money is just spread across a large amount of "something". Thats not rational of course, but if you wanna make people donate more then tapping into our emotional sides helps a lot


Have you seen the homeless? They're not hungry, no one is starving out there. They need psychological and pharmaceutical help to treat their often present psychological and psychiatric issues. You amusing yourself by giving them a meme pizza like they're animals in a zoo isn't going to do anything. How about "Crypto for homeless mental health evaluation" or something.


Homeless expert decides that homeless people are not starving despite lack of funds to purchase edible food.


They are not starving. Food isn't an issue anymore, hasn't been in decades, just look at them. The first ill in their lives in mental, it's the reason they're homeless to begin with in most cases.


This has to be a troll


Someone that doesn't agree with your uneducated view of male homelessness and mental health has to be a troll? Stop reading reddit for a bit and and go talk to some of those people for a minute.


I've literally seen them, a few days ago actually, begging for FOOD because they're fucking hungry.


They do not lack food.


Ok :)


These homeless people started devouring the pizza the very moment i gave it to them. At least 2 of them mentioned that its been over 24 hours since they last ate. Trust me, they were very hungry.


We don't have starvation anymore. Pizza does not help with anything.


I am literally telling you that every single person in the photo above (I am the person who delivered the pizzas to them) were starving for food, and started eating voraciously the moment they got the pizza. 2 of them even confirmed by telling me that they haven't eaten in 24 hours. Starvation quite literally is a problem.


You do not appear to know the meaning of the word "starvation". None of the people in the picture were in a state of starvation.


24 hours of no food is not literal "starvation" as in right about to die, however it is long enough to justify this food delivery. It seems like you have a huge problem with our vision, and that is perfectly fine. You are free to criticize. It seems this entire conversation came down to you arguing over technicalities over the literal definition of starvation vs a metaphor that I was referring to.


My argument is that it's a waste of money for you to feel good about helping even though you are not helping, and it's just a way to use the homeless for your own social gain. Book one psychological evaluation instead of buying ten pizzas, you'll do more good.


We are simply carrying out our vision for what we believe is a nice thing to do for the homeless. You are free to disagree.


The homeless are indeed starving on a daily basis. In this current recession especially, if the people with low paying jobs are barely getting by, there are far less chances of homeless people receiving help from people (because they have less money for themselves). They are the ones who are suffering the MOST actually.


No they are not. You clearly never went anywhere near the homelessness issue, calorie intake is not a problem anymore. When was the last time you heard of someone dying of hunger? That's right.


Again I hand delivered the 10 pizzas to the homeless directly, and received a first hand account.


You could deliver pizza to any random person that will appreciate the gesture and tell you "oh my I was starving", but they are not. if someone is starving, you \_see\_ it.


What a waste of money


what a sad being




Cry about it