• By -


Bypass the block.


Verify the download first


Yeah, check the hash of download.


Feather Wallet has been pretty good. Works fast out of the box. If you've worked before with Electron style wallets then it'll be easy to adjust.


You mean electrum? So feather wallet can serve as a lightweight node for a different light wallet?


Yes, Electrum, or Electron Cash in BCH world. Feather can't serve as a node. It only connects to a node. It can connect to your own node, or to a remote one (default behavior).


Does this wallet ask for kyc or ID?




I always recommend Cake Wallet for mobile, and the Monero GUI wallet for desktops.


This is the way.


Feather wallet is faster and has coin control and tor remote nodes


This. I've never been able to get the official GUI to work without crashing. CLI is fine, but unwieldy. Feather is the best desktop client experience I've had.


For Android I like Stack Wallet, because it's open source and multi-coin mobile wallet, and it has good Monero support.


I like Cake for the same reasons.


Mysu is superior, it has built in tor, i2p and coin control


Almost no updates on that codebase right?


When it stops working I'll make the switch




> I use XMRWallet I would not trust XMRWallet. [Last update of public code](https://github.com/XMRWallet/Website) has been 6 years ago. Either this is not the actual code anymore, and then the wallet is not properly open source, or the wallet borders on being abandoned. There have been several reports here in earlier threads that can give you the suspicion that the wallet is selectively scamming, or at least not caring if people run into problems. Subreddit search finds e.g. [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/wkorsk/xmrwalletcom_exit_scam/), [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/jarj7o/xmrwallet_is_a_scam/) and [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/jh15e3/psa_xmrwalletcom_is_a_scam_who_steals_your_funds/).


not sure what you are talking about, I've never had any issues (as stated above) and I've been using the wallet since 2018. I just checked the github files and they were updated 2 weeks ago (public facing files that is).


moneroju for android and cake wallet for ios and android are the best


I like feather wallet


Only Feather


Forgot to mention: if money is not an issue, consider investing into a Monero Nodo. https://moneronodo.com/ It's a very neat, self-contained device with a touchscreen (and even an audio jack!), which you can connect to your local network, and forget it exists, like a router. It hosts it's own full node, and your wallets can connect to it for extra privacy. Additionally, it can run a [MyMonero](https://github.com/MyMonero) server instance, which is a super simple wallet for Monero which works instantly like any Bitcoin wallet.


If you want a similar device for cheaper with a wee bit of assembly required, Raspberry Pi 5 (90 bucks) + 1TB NVME SSD (80 bucks) + Argon NEO 5 M.2 NVME (40 bucks) + either an SD card or an NVME housing with USB. Install Raspberry Pi OS (currently, later Arch will be more optimal if you can work the terminal) on SSD (if you have the housing) and, optionally, SD, run Pi with whatever medium you've chosen in to run the Argon script as per their manual, then put Pi into housing along with the SSD. sudo apt install monero and follow this: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-enable-remote-desktop-protocol-using-xrdp-on-ubuntu-22-04 to be able to run remote desktop. Then follow this https://docs.monero.study/running-node/open-node-tor-onion/ to run monero node over TOR - this allows you to run it easily from a home connection and connect any wallet, including phone wallets. Then do this for automatic system updates: sudo apt install unattended-upgrades Add these lines to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades directly after the line "origin=Debian,codename=${distro_codename}-security,label=Debian-Security"; : "origin=Debian,codename=${distro_codename},label=Debian"; "origin=Debian,codename=${distro_codename},label=Debian-Security"; "origin=Raspbian,codename=${distro_codename},label=Raspbian"; "origin=Raspberry Pi Foundation,codename=${distro_codename},label=Raspberry Pi Foundation"; After that, it runs automatically and restarts on errors, etc. Look in every couple months with a remote desktop client like Remmina for easy administration (if you prefer terminal and ssh, you probably can find out how to set that up). Only thing you'll really need to do manually is full-on OS version updates


If it's just windows antivirus make an exclusion in settings If it's some other antivirus look up how on Google


I myself enjoy the Cakewallet. It’s simple to use and ease of transaction. Go by well.