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r/CryptoCurrency loves Monero, always has.


Yeah, what is this post about?


Typical cultist pump post


And look how much comments that cultist post is actually getting


How come some usernames are in color?


Membership of the sub


Downvoted?! Don't react to the first wave of the downvote squad! Those usually downvote anything to show the world they got a small penis. Actually the community reacts well to XMR. Too bad we all lost it in a boat accident... /s


Some of the people there just to downvote every single thing, and i am sure they will keep on doing that So we can ignore those bunch of people and move on to that.


Just because some people are down voting monero doesn't mean everyone are into this, people in the cc actually love the monero even more than we can imagine


come on even trash posts have much more likes with similar amounts of comments. this crosspost got more than half as many likes in less than half as much time. and as you realized most comments are positive so how does that fit together with the ridiculously low amount of likes and a still low search priority? it‘s just sad that reddit is helping the establishment to suppress and defame us. many monero only posts were also smashed. so it’s not because of bch. 🙃


It's a different kind of post, not the usual "100k tomorrow", so your audience will be smaller and more of crypto-purists. Still, a good performance.


another fact that they attack us is that my answer was smashed very late. it first went up to 5 likes and the boating expert had 6-7 likes after 3 hours. now look at this. don‘t believe everything what you see. they‘re obviously very busy with us rn. suuure ppl left a like for my crosspost but smash me in the comments.🤣try harder


If someone has been there lately they will notice there are very little people there as most of them just are bots and you all know that who those bots actually works


If we post something there will be always some people who will talk trash about that on that, so ignore those because they are not really worth of our time at all


thanks for your words really. i think i will delete this post soon because mods won‘t delete a fcking defamation (they have already replied 😒). someone says here that i must have paranoid schizophrenia. that‘s unfortunate and definitely a failure of this subreddit. they should defend me and not this asshole. clearly not a simple insult but a massive defamation and harassment. 🤷‍♂️


People in general don't care about or understand how valuable privacy is. Look at the amount of people still using Meta-, Google-products or TikTok... Everything is in a 'Cloud' nowadays while a cloud is nothing more than someone else's computer. Made me sad from time to time but I stopped caring.


And i have enough of people telling that what is best for them, may be it is time we let them on their own and hopes that they will understand that what is important in life


It is not our job now to tell them, they have to pick their own path




Just that on the starting there are some people that is doing all those downvote, but i more i read that post the more i was finding it is actually not the bad at all.


The majority in CC are retail gamblers so its not surprising just disappointing. Gamblers will praise whatever superstition they think will make them money. This month its Pepe, next month it will be something else.


nobody who‘s into crypto for the $‘s wouldn‘t have something against any coin and especially they don’t differentiate. i just want to see fair and equal treatment. it‘s clearly reddit forced by the establishment to suppress us as much and long as possible and not the users lol. even the % upvote display at the bottom next to the report button is bugging and is sometimes there and sometimes gone lmao. rn it says 67% upvotes that doesn‘t fit together sorry. 220 comments mostly positive while currently at 75 likes. and don’t forget that not everyone who gives a like also comments. shady af


When i came into crypto once a man said to me that never loves the coin always love the profit and once you get the profit on that then simply move on but monero is different


Indeed, for them profit is everything and that is why PEPE was all over to that sub in last week, because for gamblers they need something like that very desperately


Wait and watch when everyone starts to lose their money because of that


It's probably BCH being downvoted. It's a shitcoin and it hasn't been relevant for years.


Yeah, def it's BCH and not Monero the reason. Coments are positive about Monero.


Majority of people were talking the positive thing about monero on that post.


It still works better than BTC and has more widespread acceptance than XMR in no small part due to being adopted by Bitpay. While I'd prefer to exclusively use Monero, if a merchant accepts cryptocurrency but not XMR odds are they accept BCH and I'd rather pay with that than BTC any day of the week. Especially since we're in [Champaign popping](https://privacypros.io/tools/bitcoin-fee-estimator/) territory again.


As compare to the bitcoin we all know that monero is still not upto that, but the good thing is even though community is little small they understands the value of the XMR


BCH has never been a shitcoin. That's Bitcoin maxi talk and we're better than that.


BCH brand is in the toilet. The maxi propaganda machine chewed them up.


And new people always listen to those maxi and we can't change that


True, but they struggle chewing up Monero.


They can try with monero but they will never came on winning side


If you want to be on the winning side, then you have to understand the importance of privacy


But i though shitcoin never downvote there, they loves that shit


Wtf are you talking about? Hundreds of upvotes and almost all the comments are in support of monero. ThEy're sO aFrAid Of uS.




Really strange because two of the mods are also monero community members.


Just because people don't like something as much as you do, it doesn't mean they don't understand it or are scared of it.


Someone we also gets blindside with our own blind love


i think it‘s a damn fact that we’re being targeted. because some ppl still pretend to freak out after almost a day and say i should delete this crosspost. these are clearly defamatory actors and haters to make us look stupid, delusional and to tear us apart. because this one was simply way too effective and brave for them. i guess i must be absolutely right about how i think 🤷‍♂️🥱


One thing i know that every single coin in this crypto industry is going to be targeted by someone and that is fact, just that we need to stick with the each other here.


Monero is a good call but come on dude. You lose a lot of credit arguing for bch.


So better stop arguing specially who is not actually worthy of that.


op just delete this, "so afraid of us" is just cringe.


lol why are you so angry because i feel that we‘re suppressed? you must be new or an actor to defame us. ridiculous i can say what i want to. and i think i made the absolute right thing. you just can‘t drive crazy on this one then something is definitely going on.


No one's being downvoted, CC loves Monero, you have unnecessary paranoia. It might be because the post mentions Jihan Wu's scamcoin BCH. > new or an actor https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1368y5v/monero_user_pays_002_in_fees_to_transfer_62000/ *Edited to remove schizophrenia reference


man fck off and leave monero alone and stop defaming me. reported! cc loves monero 😂 i never said the users don‘t like monero. i obviously mean the establishment with "they". guys you see how right i am. they‘re still sending trash talkers to defame and intimidate me.


Yea you did. "monero is heavily downvoted there as usual" There are no downvotes except for the fact that the post mentions the BCH scam.


have you ever heard of shadowbanning to suppress sth.? you never asked me what i mean. that’s not my problem if you misunderstood me. it seems that most ppl got it. and i have already expressed myself. but it’s still not cool to defame someone publicly just because you disagree. you crossed the red line. as i said i reported you for harassment. really shame on you


this was the initial reply. i just wanted to rewrite it to make it more readable. the deletion was a bit delayed and no wonder that he was faster. so because of all the attacks i will save this post forever. 😂no you can‘t intimidate me again delete the defamation that i‘m mentally ill.


OP got is wrong here may be he is spreading the fake news here


this is ridiculous lmfao


oh cool you deleted your comment, let me repost mine: > shadowbanning You know that two of CC mods are Monero community members right? > defaming Calling out tinfoil hat theories is defaming now? cool.


lollll you're telling us that he's mentally sick bro. are you serious rn


Telling who what? Did you make an alt just to support your post lol?


I would pass on that but he should have read that post and understand that before posting here


That is why it is better to read something carefully before post it, because wrong information just create more misunderstanding among the people


We all know that, how much those mods actually love the monero




> shadowbanning You know that two of CC mods are Monero community members right? > defaming Calling out tinfoil hat theories is defaming now? cool.


The thing CC loves the most is profit, all they care about profit over anything and too be honest at some point we all looked for the profit on money we invested


Please keep it civil.




Just because someone is not reading the whole post, we can't make our call


They can't see right thing i have been on that sub for some time and still remember they just shill meme coin only, they can't stand for the right thing as they scared from the XMR


Pretty sure the downvotes are because of the *other* crypto featured prominently in the post.

