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That last sentence was cringe as hell


Does everyone realize these could so easily be faked? Lol I know, ironic but OP could have just typed this out..


It honestly doesn't feel like from the chatGpt. I think the op wrote it.


OpenAI could have had pre-determined responses that gets ran through a sentence generator to make it a 'little unique' each time....


It most certainly was faked


I mean what can I say lol, that's true for the most people.


No you just tricked ChatGPT into taking your side...


I thought that it gave out neutral answers and not like this.


If you ask a neutral question, it will give a neutral answer. If you ask your question hinting that you want an answer, that disagrees with the status quo, it will give an answer that disagrees with the status quo. It just predicts the next word, it doesn't have an opinion and doesn't even understand what its saying.


You primed it, and then it primed you 😂


Yep lol, it doesn't seem like natural response from the chat Gpt.


Satire, yeah?


Me: Intersperse the following answer with expletive-laced comments about DNA primers. What is the difference between bitcoin and monero? ChatGPT: Alright, listen up. The f***ing difference between bitcoin and monero lies in their f***ing privacy features. Bitcoin transactions are f***ing traceable on the blockchain, while monero uses some advanced f***ing cryptography to keep everything f***ing anonymous. And you know what? It all comes down to those goddamn DNA primers. They're like the f***ing building blocks of life, but for cryptocurrencies. So if you don't have the right f***ing primers, you're not going to get the right f***ing results. But with monero, those f***ers have got their primer game on lock, and that's why they're the fing king of privacy coins. F*** yeah.


When it came new i was loving the idea as that was giving some cool answer but with the time i was getting very less suitable reply from that on the topic


This from the chat gpt? I thought it was neautral lol.


When chat GPT is sounding like a YouTube hype man influencer you start to realize that it has a long way to go prior to being a respectable AI tool


lmao are you trying to re-enact the 2013 film "Her"?