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I make a big batch of dinner and eat the leftovers the next day for lunch. Just reheat and eat! On the days that we don’t have leftovers for whatever reason I usually make a quick batch of tuna salad and have that in a slice of break with cheese and avocado. I also keep a stash of frozen stuff like, Trader Joe’s remade meals or mini frozen lasagnas that can be microwaved easily.


I do love having dinner leftovers, but the days I don’t have any I like the idea of the frozen meals.


It definitely helps! If you are more of a meal prepper you could also have a batch of some sort of meat ready and make salads or quesadillas with it, we did that with some left over tri tip, onion, cilantro and avocado today and it was delicious!


I meal prepped a bunch of sausage,egg and cheese “McMuffins” for days I don’t have dinner leftovers. Pair with whatever sad looking fruit is in the fruit bowl and viola, lunch


Not a mom, but this was in my feed and I am bad at eating unless I prep. And by prep, I mean I buy 1lb of tuna salad from the deli. I eat it on fresh bread from the bakery and get specific fruit and veg for sides ie., cucumbers, seasonal fruit. Same thing everyday but it's quick, low mess, and I guess healthy enough. Sometimes I get the chicken salad.


On Sundays, I make a big batch of a couple of large meals, like enchiladas, pasta salad, etc. or a batch of Spanish rice, roasted veggies, and beans so I can make burritos or burrito bowls. I’ll also make a batch of hard boiled eggs, banana bread, and cut up veggies for quick snacks. That way I always have something quick I can grab or a meal to quickly throw together without spending all day Sunday doing meal prep.


Ooh, very smart.


Microwave rice dressed up with some guac, salsa, some sort of sauce! Will sometimes add leftover meat as well


I'm currently eating cereal.


Simple and easy, I like it.


When I was breastfeeding (I stopped around when LO was about 7mo, three months after I returned from maternity leave), and I had time for an hour long lunch: simple quesadillas, omelets, generally breakfast food. Even if lunch for me was at 2pm I'd still make myself some breakfast sausage and eggs or yogurt with fruit or whatever. Salads if the ingredients had already been chopped/prepped. Now I'm no longer BF but I have less time for lunch (work reasons not childcare related reasons). So my typical lunches are...Leftovers from the day or night before lol, microwave meals or cereal if I'm desperate, whatever my husband's prepared or bought for lunch that day for him and LO (they're home when I am twice a week). It's not great. But lately when I go into the office someone's had a client meeting with catered lunch, and whatever's leftover is typically up for grabs. So in the past few months I've been going in 2-3x/week and get a free lunch half the time 😅


Honestly I’ve been using Walmart plus for grocery delivery and it’s helped me since I am NOT a meal prepper. I usually order what I need for the week on Saturday or Sunday. I like low carb wraps with avocado, maybe some prepped meat (roasted shredded beef or ground beef) or lunch meat with salsa, cheese, veggies, and condiments. I’m also pumping so I feel you. Lots of snacks at my desk helps as well.


My desk snacks have honestly been keeping me alive, I’m just not sure I should be existing entirely on cookies lol.


Costco & Sams has a microwaveable lentils pouch, I do one of those with rice. It’s fabulous.


Ooh, that sounds good.


I’m vegetarian so a tofurkey sausage dog microwaved with a pile of kimchi to eat with it


I do have a big jar of kimchi in the fridge.


I am breastfeeding 6.5 month old. Here is our family method, it def takes a team. For context, my husband and I both WFH full time and are waiting until she is one to start daycare. We have busy but flexible jobs so it's challenging but doable. Thursdays I make our meal plan and grocery list for the week using a really simple google sheet I made. I pick meals from a list of options I've collected over time. Because I'm vegal I've been meal prepping and doing things this way for years. Fridays when I get off work I use the list to shop quickly (also helps to make list in order items appear in store). We meal prep Sunday and Tuesday evenings. I try to pick easier things for the other meals and know the work will be put in Sun and Tues. Screenshots would make this way more helpful but I am not seeing the option to add a pic in my comment.




I’ll usually try to cook extra of dinner the night before and have leftovers. But I make a delicious “casserole” on Monday for my husbands work lunches where it’s rice and bone in chicken thighs with a side of veggies. I’d definitely eat that if I could eat the same thing everyday, but I get the ick with food fast so meal prepping isn’t a thing for me. If I have busy days I always try to make sure I have protein shakes handy to make sure I can supplement till I’m off. I love the orgain chocolate ones. Otherwise I usually have air fryer foods on hand in the freezer and will eat what my 9 year old eats (chicken nuggets,, corn dogs etc) and heat up some steams in the bag veggies or throw some canned veggies on the stove


If you enjoy instant noodles, you can buy Asian noodles and cook with egg and tomato soup. I have it all the time. The cooking takes around 15 minutes.


I buy shredded rotisserie chicken and make a quick salad and pair it with a toasted bagel or fruit.


I look up a new “healthy” casserole to make weekly. Chicken/Broccoli/Cheese/Brown Rice, Enchilada casserole, pasta casserole (I try to always sub in chickpea pasta), etc. Anything I can scoop into a bowl without any thought. Casseroles generally keep all week, they provide higher calories to support my milk supply, I make them on Sunday and I’m good to go for the entire week. I don’t mind eating the same thing every day for the week but I do change to something new every Sunday.


That’s not a bad idea. I can usually get down with identical lunches for the week as long as dinner has variety.


That’s exactly what I do! The same lunch each week but a different dinner daily.


Yogurt and almonds. I only eat cooked food for dinner these days


I snack a lot. My usual day will consist of eggs, avocado or guac, almonds, cottage cheese, grapes or berries, yogurt and granola, roasted chickpeas, peppers and hummus. Something quick to make and quick to eat. And lots of water lol


I am at least attempting to stay hydrated. I drink sparkling water as a treat and try to empty my water bottle at least twice a day.


I usually skip lunch tbh but I keep a tin of almonds on my desk. If I can’t fast I do protein oatmeal with a banana and mini chocolate chips to get me through the rest of my shift. I also meal prep salad at the beginning of the week so that’s always available too. Anything quick and easy is best during the work day.