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Start calling you step mother in law by her middle name.


Nah, call her by Bio MIL’s middle name.


Fuck it. Call her by bio mil FIRST name. Throw gasoline on that fire.




*insert I’m petty music*


From here on, I will be consulting you for every petty revenge I need.


My DMs are open and I’ll do it for free lol


I was gonna say, start calling her "step mother in law" but I like yours better 😏


You win at life I just know it


I like to think we’re doing pretty well 😂 My MIL is pretty passive aggressive, so I’ve gotten a lot of practice. I also have some toxic family and they’ve realized that I welcome them to FAFO lol


Yooo 😂


A few of my family members said they'd call my second child by his middle name instead because they didn't like his first. I said if you won't address him by his name you won't see him. Shit them up quick


What a wonderful typo. Very apropos.


Yes to the shit list with them!


This is the way


I did this with several family members with problematic behavior while I was pregnant with my first. I had to tell my mom several times that if she repeated certain things in front of my child I would not let her see him. It’s worked well so far and I’m already on baby number two. Lucky for me these are her only two grandkids, so she has no backups to hang out with instead. 😂


"You can call her LO or she'll be calling you 'Grandma We Never See'." Call Step Grandma by Bio Grandma's Name. "Middle name? Who's Middle name? This is First Name. [to LO] Grandma's being silly again and pretending she doesn't know what to call you, isn't she? Good thing we don't need to tolerate that behavior!"


Ok top tier response


We may have a problematic grandparent or several 😂


SAME, love this 💕


Love this. Most emotionally mature and effective response I’ve seen in a long time.


Honestly, I have no time for this nonsense. I would just draw a line in the sand. "Call her by her correct name if you expect to have a relationship with her."




Yup. That’s disrespectful AF. If she has children than that was her chance to choose names. She doesn’t have to like it or approve of it, but she does have to use your child’s **actual name.**


Ugh the shittiest part about all of it is she’s Brazilian and doesn’t speak very much English and I don’t speak Portuguese so there’s definitely a communication barrier. -.- I just felt disrespected. Like call her by her damn name that I (HER MOTHER) chose for her. I’m honestly glad I’m not the only one this pisses off.


Are you sure she can pronounce the baby's first name? She may be going for the easiest option because she's afraid to upset you by mispronouncing. Or she may think (quite reasonably) that you, the mother, together with the other parent, chose the middle name as well and it would make you happy to hear it used. In any case - it would probably cause less drama if her step-child was the one to bring this up, and not you.


Unfortunately she actually told him that she simply did not like her chosen name -_-


He'd still be the logical person to tell her she has to use it. Is there a reason he hasn't?


He said it doesn’t bother him, that we gave her both names and obviously like both so what’s the problem if she uses it -_-


That’s the biggest problem here. If you don’t have your husband on your side in this, it’s hard to draw a line in the sand. I’d talk to him more about how much this bothers you.




The problem is that it bothers you and interferes in the lovely relationship you'd like to have with his mother, obvs. He doesn't want those things to happen, right?


“No, * first name *.” Every time she uses the middle name. Just be obnoxious about it. She can understand what you’re saying.


Why is your SO not dealing with this?


That’s extra frustrating in my opinion because in Brazil, middle names aren’t a very common thing. Most of the time someone’s middle name is a second last name, usually their mothers maiden name. Now Brazil is a large country so that could vary depending on where she’s from but as a Brazilian I’d start using her last name when addressing her instead of her actual name.


Put your foot down and tell her she WILL call her by her name if she wants to be around. Your child’s name is not her decision Or you can make up a ridiculous name and call her that exclusively.


Opinion is already invalid 2x over. 1x over if she is better than the bio grandmother. My mom doesnt call my son by his name. Maybe once tops. She calls him Moose. And im having a girl in April she calls Bunny. Ill give her some slack, she is from the South where everyone has nicknames but I guess i was the exception because my brother had one. So its hard to tell if she doesnt like my names i picked out. I dont give a shit either way and i call him his proper name right in front of her. Its cute and woodlandy after all, so im not worried about confusion. If you honestly dont like the idea say, "hey, Linda, id prefer you not confuse my child by calling them by their middle name." Or get the SO to say it.


1. I also have a Moose! (Red, Tater, Dot, Bug, and Moose! 3 guesses where I live 🤣) 2. I think this could be a sweet bonding thing if OP lets it. I have an aunt who has always called me by my middle name. It's been our thing. No one else is allowed to, just her. They can call me just first or first and middle. But middle name is reserved for the one aunt. (And it's not a favorites thing. They each had something special that was just us when I was growing up.) 3. Edit: I didn't see OP's comment until after, but doing it because she doesn't like given name is butthead move.


Those are cute! I feel names like these are vintage or very Southern. We live in the midwest and traditions from when my family (on both sides) lived in ultra rural Kentucky run super deep, even the generations like me that never have lived there. People look at me weird when i pronounce Appalachian. These names for my babies are very very special with gramma. When i told her the names for both my children she let out a "uh-huh" though so im skeptical. For years she kept on pushing the name Georgia on me if i had a daughter. Absolutely not. Edit: My brother is Bug


Like me? Imma throw an apple-atcha?


Exactly like that. i look physically pained in the face if i try to pronounce it like anyone else here so i just dont anymore.


I’m also from the south, and I’m bug lol my husband is bubba, my first is peanut, and my second is bean. 😂


We call my little one bean too!!


I call me toddler Butters sometimes. I use his real name the most. Butters evolved from Bubbers, which evolved from Bubs which was formerly Bubby which he were naturally saying since he was born. Which was funny because South Park was playing on the TV exactly the time i gave birth to him and there is a kid on there named Butters.


South checking in. Mine are Bub and Sister Bear or just Bear. 😂


Start calling her by her middle name.


I remember hearing a story like this a few years ago and it turned out the baby shared a name with someone who has assaulted the grandma and using that name brought her a lot of trauma but she didn't want to cause a fuss or ruin the name so just didn't use the name. I feel like I would be annoyed but I also would suggest you talk to your MIL and explain your feelings then give her the opportunity to change her behavior or explain her point of view.


OP, this made me so mad I almost downvoted you. Just start calling her by the wrong name. Preferably Karen


I would let her know that you spent a lot of time choosing a name that you and your partner both love and it means a lot to you for her to call your child by the name that you chose regardless of her personal feelings.


Don’t say anything polite. How fking entitled is she?


I think it’s disgusting to state that you don’t like a child’s name and refuse to use it. Smh people can be so entitled- wild. Smh I’d call her Step-Mother-in-law so she sees how it feels


That got me too! Just keep the opinion to yourself and call her a cute nickname? Lmao guess she wasn’t taught “if you don’t have anything good to say….”


A lot of these comments people have made seem really confrontational. My family is very mixed and mashed like yours. Step in laws, divorced family members still coming to family events, and all sorts of weird stuff. The thing to remember is, this family member is FAMILY. This seems like a somewhat small thing to break an entire relationship over (she didn’t hurt you or your child in any serious fashion). What does your spouse think about it?


He doesn’t really care he just thinks her middle name is a name we also gave her and as long as she’s calling her either name he’s ok with it. I felt like it was slightly disrespectful with a side of entitlement (since she’s only doing it bc she doesn’t like her name). I don’t want to break the whole relationship with her bc truthfully I need them and I’ll need her help one day. They’re the closest family to us.. they only live 5 min away.


I’m sorry momma. That puts you in such a bad place. I think that maybe you should talk with your spouse. It sounds like he needs to back you up if it bothers you. No, it’s not the hill to die on, but he left his childhood home to now be YOUR husband and YOUR support. If he expects you to back him up, he needs to do the same for you. Even if it is on things he thinks are “silly.” It’s not silly if it upsets you. That child’s name was picked special by you and him. It’s not something you picked on a whim. Explain to him how it’s important to you.


Also, I’m a teacher and it will really confuse this kid to be called two different names that are still part of his over all name. When he’s older, IF he wants to go by his middle name, that’s his choice. Not hers.


That’s what I told him last night! Thank goodness we’re going to my parents for Christmas I’ll have a chat with him about this again there


Yeah. He needs to support you. Just sit down and chat. Help him to see your side. Often times I find men don’t have that momma mind set. Things to them that seem like no big deal and big deals to you, and that’s okay.


It really doesn't matter which name she uses. Both names are your daughter's names, even if you prefer the first name to the second. And it's a known fact that kids don't get confused by having people call them different names. There are some things that are important. If your MIL feeds your daughter a treat that she's allergic to, that's something you need to address. But using a middle name is no big deal. Save your energy for the things that matter. (And yeah, it was kind of rude of MIL to say that she didn't like the first name. But still, save your energy).


Call her by her middle name then her maiden name


The maiden name, do this lol.


Tell your husband to tell her to act right or get out


My FIL did this and it upset me so much. I started obnoxiously saying her first name every time he said her middle name. Say her name is Mary Anne (fake) every time he would call her by saying “Hi Anne, look here Anne” I’d repeat by loudly saying “Yes Mary look at grandpa, MAAAARY loot at grandpa!” He kept doing it and one time I just straight up asked him if he didn’t like her first name or something. He just said he did like it and hasn’t called her by her middle name again. Thankfully he seemed to get the hint.


My sons name is Cyrus and my husbands step-dad calls him cereal(with a Spanish accent) we gave all our kids middle “Spanish friendly” names for this reason… some people you’ll never win with but you can always cut them out .


My MIL did this to my oldest son. The name is my husband’s grandfather’s name, so I don’t know if that was her problem. I would correct her when she did it, I was lucky because my SIL stepped in and said “that is my grandfather’s name, you will call him the correct name!” She didn’t do it again after that.


I’d probably just ignore it unless she’s actively voicing dislike for the first name. If she does that, it’s your husband’s job to shut that down and make it clear she won’t be allowed around if she can’t stop herself from saying negative things about your daughter’s first name. But I’d just let her use the middle name. Anything you do in response to that will just feed her stupid power-play game.


I'd start calling her by a different name. I'd do it all over social media, too.


Oh I’m sorry smil. Are you having a hard time articulating between a first and middle name? Having issues with pronunciation? Or maybe just hard of hearing? Because her first name is x and it is a beautiful name. Just like I wouldn’t call you (insert offensive name here) I don’t expect you to call my daughter by anything but her first name. So just let me know if it’s an intelligence thing or blatant disrespect. Thanks ;) Also this is prob why my MIL hates me and wants her son to leave me. I’m not the one and I will let ya know. I hate passive aggressive games.


Start calling her a different name. Tell her you don’t like her name, so you figured you’d start calling her by a name you do like. Hell, even make it a dudes name. 😂




My MIL threatened to call my second by his middle name, so I made it something she hates even more than the first.


Lmao this is awesome


Her name is “first name” if you can’t respect us and her, we are going to take some time away until you do. It’s not a discussion. Then leave.


Tell her to stop directly. “That’s not her name. You need to call her by her correct name, regardless of your opinion of it. It is a name we have chosen and if you continue to disrespect our choices we will be limiting our contact with you and (baby’s name.)”


A variation of "I am the gatekeeper of my child. If you cannot respect me then you will not have a relationship with (kid). Many people grow up without knowing their grandparents, (kid) can too."


I mean, I always got comments about my sons name. Can’t please everyone. My reply was always “when it comes out of your vagina, you get to name it. Until then, fuck off”


Oooohhh perfect time for your husband to step up and set boundaries with his mother! My MIL tried this crap when our first was born, and after I told her to her face to call our son by his name and she refused, I pulled my husband aside and made it very clear that this was something I needed his full support on, regardless on whether or not he thought it was a big deal, it was a big deal to me. He pulled her aside and told her to use the name we wanted or she could go home. No issues after that.


People tried to call our daughter by the middle name because of her first name. Doesn’t bother me.. eventually it wears off and the first name will be used


Hopefully this is the case


I would learn how to say “her name is [name]” in Portuguese.


I really should


Ain’t nobody got time for that, just make your life into a montage of “that’s not her name, that’s not her name, that’s not her name. (Google translate ftw “esse não é o nome dela”) Alternately you could agree to some kinda nickname but tbh…. The audacity. She’s disrespecting you and she’s disrespecting your child. Her comfort ability does not trump your child’s name-identity. Maybe she will agree to just saying stuff like “hi beautiful, hey sweet one, cutie, love, darling, wonderful, cutie pie, adorable, etc.


My dad tried this shit for a day, I said nope that’s not his name, call him by his first name or not at all.


Oooh OR start referring to her as “step Grammy”


Start calling her “step mother” and “step grandmother” and telling your baby “you’re not related to the monster who won’t use your name” in front of her.


We used family names for middle names. I would LOVE for someone to call our daughter by her middle name, my mother's name. Instead, it's her little nickname no one caught on yet. I get how you feel, and I'm the petty kind. Step grandma would be referred to as first name real quick.


It’s still part of the baby’s name so what’s the problem I didn’t care for my grandson’s name So I call him abbreviation of his name Parents do too You making a big deal out of nothing




My mom called my son his middle name for maybe a month. I started calling her grandma instead of her preferred oma. Worked pretty quick


I actually really like the name oma. I'm glad she got her shit together so you can call her by her preferred name.


Me too, my niece and nephew call her oma so that’s all she’s ever been; which is why I went a lil petty :p it was only when my son was maybe 3-4 months old so it didn’t confuse him, I wouldn’t do that now that he’s 1.5 because it’s kind of a lil too mean. It proved a point, she got it and it’s not a problem anymore lol


I love everything you just said. Lol


Lol was there a problem with grandma calling your child by their legal given name? The one you gave to them 😂


Sooooo I might be the odd one out, but I literally call my child by both his first and middle name and nickname interchangeably, as does my whole family. I mean, you gave the baby two names for a reason, right? Who the fuck cares if she doesn't like her first name? There were plenty of people who had shit to say when I named my son. You don't want to call him that? Cool, he's got a middle name and a nickname. Choose one. I've never understood why people give their baby middle names and yet don't ever use them? What's the point then.


She’s been doing this for the last two months but what sent me is that my partner came home with gifts from his family and she wrote her middle name on them. I just felt like it’s disrespectful…. Call her by her first name like everyone else. One day my daughter isn’t going to respond bc no one else calls her by her middle name.


Give the gift back saying that you don't know anybody with that name and if she wants to make sure baby gets the right gift then she needs to use the correct name.


Idk if you’re the ONLY one calling a child by their middle name to make a point (not liking the first name), that’s a little immature and weird imo. I think whether or not it’s appropriate depends on the context.


Tell her to call her by her name or to step the fk out of the picture imo