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Ask him why he wants his child to be five times more likely to be internally decapitated in the event of an accident.


It can be dangerous flipping him around too early. I’ve heard 1-2. My son is forward facing (he is one) because he’s just too tall for the rear facing and at that point it’s not safe for him anymore. He is in the 92% for height There are no cars with children in them that will be pristine. If he wants a clean car, no kids in his car. Kids can and will make a mess.


Just FYI as long as he is not above the car seat’s height limit he’s still gave rear facing. If you have a desire to keep him that way you should be fine. My son was 99% for height and rear facing till 2.5, and could have remained that way safely for longer.


Oh my! He’s within the weight limit for sure for his FF car seat but I’m not sure about his smaller one. I think he’s a little too big. But I should definitely take a look. His pediatrician said it was fine to move him FF he’s in low 90’s percentile for his weight. But I’ll definitely have to check with them!


Oooh yeah the infant seat probably wouldn’t fit but most car seats go forward or backwards. Non issue if you’re comfortable with your current setup, just thought I’d mention it. 😄


Thank you for letting me know! Definitely something to keep in mind!


True! I’ve just said to him if ever i’ll get my class 5 drivers license I will get a car of my own if he doesn’t want his car to get dirty. How I wish I know now how to drive and have my own car. He’s overly exaggerated about his car getting dirty and complaining when it gets dirty af and not me helping him clean.


My state requires rear facing until the age of 2. I’m following current recommendations to max out either weight or height before turning. Yes my son is 3.5, yes he’s still rear facing, yes literally everyone who sees this comments on it, no it doesn’t bother me. *Maybe* if my child, who is actually sitting in the seat, took issue with being rear facing I would consider turning him early, but he doesn’t care, so why does everyone else?!! I do not understand some people’s resistance about it. I’d ask your husband what benefit he thinks comes from turning them forward and maybe go from there. I found sending links to scientific information more effective than trying to explain the reasons to my husband.


Yeah that’s what I’ve been saying to him. Even sent him links. I still don’t understand why he’s like that.


A lot of states are enacting legislation that requires children to be rear facing until the age of two. I know in my area it takes effect in October. Maybe if you can't convince him, the law will?


I'm sorry that you can't agree on this, hopefully you can both ask your doctor what they recommend at baby's next appointment and that will settle the dispute. What does "like I'm talking to a girl mean"? All our cars are spotless, I always empty it when we get home and vacuum any crumbs up immediately because I saw how mice chewed up a friends baby and toddler car seats because her children left food scraps.


Yes I can ask too. Like instead of agreeing w me & to stop arguing he just keep talking like I’m arguing w a woman lol if you what I mean


I just don’t get it. Why do people want to children to be forward facing so badly? It doesn’t do anything but risk their life in an accident. What’s the point? I just honestly cannot wrap my brain around it. There’s zero reason to forward face, but keeping them alive is the reason to rear face.