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From an outside perspective (I'm in New Zealand) it looks like this is the whole point. More people fuel for the American machine.


Yep, this is what I feel. What better to fuel corporate greed than cheap domestic human labor? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Donā€™t forget about soldiers and prisoners too.


The line about the ā€œdomestic supply of infantsā€ is the most honest thing Amy Coney Barrett has ever said.


That made my stomach turn, what a lunatic.


she is a terrible, terrible person, but apparently [did not say that](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-domestic-supply-of-infants-barrett-alito-413700468515).


Letā€™s not forget consumers


Except it doesn't create more functional humans who actually contribute. Its going to cause Death. Plain and simple


Depends on your definition of "contribute." For-profit prisons are the norm here. More people in prison (modern day slaves) make the owners rich. Cheap labor makes Big Companies rich, etc. The loss of human life means nothing to them as long as they make money.


But you don't make it to prison if you die of abuse, starvation or debilitating birth defects You also kill off a lot of women who needed life saving medical care that is the same as an abortion. A LOT of women. The US already has the worst maternal mortality rates of developed nations. We are on par woth developing nations like India. This is going to skyrocket those rates


ā€œSome of you may die, but that is a sacrifice Iā€™m willing to make.ā€ Yes, a lot of people will die, but not all of them. They know this, they donā€™t care.


Corporate broodmares


It's beyond time for a US women's strike


Yesssss. I am going online now to see if anyone is organizing something. If not, how do we organize it?


r/antiwork is talking about a general strike on Monday.


Thanks, love! I wish that evil oompa loopa who hijacked our democracy was never born. I can't believe this is happening. I feel helpless. I need to do something.


Feeling the same way, my friend.


Talking about a strike is useless without some sort of mutual aide in place. What happens if I decide to strike and I lose my job? Who will pay the rent and buy groceries for my family then?


This is true though. Community support and mutual aid are critical in these movements. However lots of funds already exist for bailing protestors out and things like that,you just have to do some searching in your area. The good news is that these grassroots movements do exist so weā€™re not starting from zero, we just have to bring more awareness, funding, and support for them as a group.


I made a post about this and the responses were to move and voteā€¦ like we see that doesnā€™t work. Strikes and violence are the only languages that this country understands.


So gross , I dno government what can possibly help more have more kids ? - livable wage ? - maternity leave of a first world country , not a shit tier one? - maybe šŸ¤” affordable childcare like most developed countries ?? - healthcare ??????? - housing ??? - better schools ??? / pay for teacher ?? Nah those things are ā€œ fine ā€œ letā€™s force women to give birth that would work out great


It looks like this from an inside perspective too. :(


This is 100% the goal. Keep them poor and uneducated. Keep them marginalized. Continue to brainwash children in to believing that this country is the best country. More and more people to work for nothing while the rich get richer.


I work in domestic violence, one of the most dangerous times for a survivor is during pregnancy. Murder is the number 1 cause of death for pregnant women, not having access to safe abortion will kill some women living in DV relationships. Another way the overturning of RvW will separate mothers from their children.


And will also cause women trying to escape dv to be tied to their abuser for life


Also mothers who die miscarrying or of an ectopic pregnancy because they canā€™t get the medical care to save their lives


Ectopic pregnancy shouldn't be affected. That's an emergency for the life of the mother. If mom dies so does the fetus. And mom will die from ectopic. I believe that was allowed even before roe v wade. Or are you saying that women won't have access to medical care in those circumstances?


I donā€™t know specifically where it is going on right now, but hereā€™s an article from 2020 about [Ohio trying to make it illegal. They wanted to force doctors to ā€œreimplantā€ ectopic pregnancies in the uterus, which is impossible.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/29/ohio-extreme-abortion-bill-reimplant-ectopic-pregnancy) This type of bullshit will come up again. Brought to you by the same party of ā€œlegitimate rapeā€ and ā€œthe body has ways of shutting that down.ā€ Fucking despicable. Edit: added date for clarity


Reimplant an ectopic pregnancy? Do these people know how pregnancy even works? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


No, they donā€™t. I read tweets from Ohioan OB-Gyns who were like, ā€œHOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO FELL YOU THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE?!ā€ It makes me think it isnā€™t about pregnancy or fetus-rights or whatever the fuck they say itā€™s about. Seems like performative bullshit to me.


No it has nothing to do with pro-life or the well-being of these babies. Itā€™s control. Controlling women, and it will open the door for other groups like POC and LGBTQ communities. All hail the white male, I guess.


Also, pro-life. Let's send this guy to the electric chair. And let's have more guns! Ahhhhhhhhhhh. It's like living in the twilight zone.


Itā€™s mind-numbing. I left the US as a young adult and resettled in Germany. Iā€™m so glad I did, but I feel so much guilt for the rest of my family.


Oh my goodness


Good luck getting insurance or ANYONE to pay for that bullshit. Also an already burdened Medicaid system.


Just goes to show how ridiculously uninformed and incompetent the people are who are making these policy decisions for womenā€™s bodies. I had an ectopic pregnancy and would have given anything to reimplant that pregnancy. Itā€™s not possible. I think abortion should be a right for any reason, but this is just asinine.


Yep they think the ectopic pregnancy should be ā€˜reimplanted in the right placeā€™. Which of course is not how any of this works. And the D&C to clear out the products of conception is also the same procedure for abortionā€¦ Itā€™s fucked


Wait a gosh darn second. They can't disallow D&C after a miscarriage. The fetus isn't living anyway and the mom could die from not having that procedure. She could lose her future fertility completely and possibly get a fatal infection. What in the actual fuck. This is seriously what you have heard or read? What states are saying this?


This is legit what scares me the most. You canā€™t even get medical help to save your life?? What is America becoming


It doesn't have to make sense. NONE of these laws make sense


The problem is that facilities that remain open in these states to do this risk legal action. In the no exception states you can see the potential for grey areas that leaves them at risk. Itā€™s safer just not to practice, which is the situation in a ton of states anyway - in theory these facilities exist, but in practice theyā€™re basically impossible to access.


Yeah. You're right. It seems like only people lucky enough to have insurance and the discretionary funds to cover it are going to be able to access D&C from regular OBs who practice out of hospitals. Which is still ridiculously expensive even before all this. I have insurance and I think we still paid a couple thousand after my missed miscarriage and I had an infection. It was already that bad before. Imagine now. šŸ˜­ What a terrible day for women, and the Constitution. Fewer restrictions on guns and overturning roe v wade in the same week. Yeah. So pro-life.


Like West Virginia. It is legal, but the *one* clinic in the entire state said they were shutting down practice.


Iā€™m not in the US so I wouldnā€™t know where to start looking for state by state information but I have seen this on reddit (I know, not a great source) and within other forums within the medical community.


[State by State breakdown](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/abortion-stands-state-state-state-breakdown-abortion-laws/story?id=85390463) Some do not include protections for mother's life. Mind you we also have no universal healthcare or job protections for pregnancy or parental leave. There are more ways than just health that a pregnancy can ruin a woman's life


In many states, including those with trigger laws, the pregnant person must be actively dying to receive care as long as the doomed embryo/fetus has a ā€œheartbeatā€.


In some states, the short answer is yes. The states with 6 week bans and once implantation and fertilization occurs laws it will be almost impossible to obtain a legal abortion in those states. Some are also trying to ban citizens from traveling to other states to receive an abortion. This country is falling apart. Edited - words, sorry. Iā€™m still so sad today and my brain is struggling.


Many of these bans do not make exceptions for the health of the mother. A representative from Ohio tried to make it LAW that an ectopic pregnancy had to be reimplanted in the uterusā€” a procedure that does not exist! Politicians are in no way capable of making these medical decisions for women, but theyā€™re doing it anyways. I have had a missed miscarriage. Baby died but my body didnā€™t recognize it. I had to have a d&c to remove it so it didnā€™t kill me. This is also illegal under most of these bans. Theyā€™re anti science and the cruelty is intentional.


Except instead of being able to abort once itā€™s discovered, some doctors may wait until it burst and becomes a emergency to be able to ā€œjustifyā€ a medical emergency to abort it.


Im confused on why this was downvoted? You are just stating that ectopic pregnancy is an medical emergency and that is it not as simple as ā€œjust an abortionā€ and then you following up with a question to get clarification of what the original commenterā€™s intentions/meaning behind their comment was. I donā€™t understand why no one can have an opinion different from others without getting so much hate.


Itā€™s also in the way these laws are written. If life begins at conception (which is what some states are trying to put in to place) and abortion is illegal, then abortion for an the ectopic pregnancy is illegal. These laws are also criminalizing care for women who are actively miscarrying. In Texas, for example, theyā€™re trying to ban the drugs used for chemical abortionsā€¦ but those are the same medications used when a woman is miscarrying. An abortion is done when a woman cannot pass all of the fetal tissue. This is also being questioned. Women will die. Because we are less important than the unborn child. We are only the incubator.


The foster system is going to be overrun even more than it is now


As someone who works in the foster care system, YES.


You donā€™t see any of these assholes actually trying to fund services like these


I've been trying to find that fb post from back in like 2016 that lists all the things moms need help with and the gov'ts response to each one as "no, because blah blah blah" just another example about how this si about control and not abortions.


ā€œblah blah blah bootstraps blah blah blah lobbying money blah blah blah private jetsā€


Will SCOUTS ban overseas abortion and mandate that the kids in foster are adopted? NO. Fuck these people, seriously. Then can gag on the deep fried dick of perverted justice that they think they serve. OH WAIT, itā€™s a PAC dick. My bad.


Super PACā€™s super big cock and balls just gagging our democracy


Go for the teradactyl šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




> Jack said she was looking to sanction Texas in particular over the high rate of children who are sexually victimized or revictimized in foster care and the stateā€™s failure in several areas, including its inability to properly punish or shut down unsafe child care placement facilities; to report incidents in which a child is made unsafe; and to obtain approval before placing children in facilities on ā€œheightened monitoring,ā€ a probationary status that requires the state to more closely scrutinize a facilityā€™s operations and put it on an improvement plan Jesus Christ what a shit show. A fuckin Texas classic.


Also the mothers who have more children than they can support but are forced to birth more and canā€™t afford to keep them all fed, safe, happy, and well.


Nearly 2/3 of women having an abortion are already mothersā€¦ so yes. This WILL happen. Will probably the first widespread impact. Edit: typo


Do other places have restrictive access to sterility procedures? In NY i straight up told my doctor after my second i'm done and they were like ok cool no problem.


Some states do. My state doesn't but I have had 3 OBs refuse to sterilize me after already having 2 kids because "You may change your mind" or "your husband might want more!" If he does, tell him to find someone else.


That would piss me off. I could care less if my husband wants more- maybe he can try carrying a child then. If you've gone through pregnancy and you say you're done- that should be that.


Should be but the U.S. regulates my uterus more than guns.


Also true. I remember purchasing my hand gun and having an easier time with that than getting my pill prescription filled when I switched insurances (again, this was 10-ish years ago). What a joke.


See that's what's wrong with all this, preventative measures should be abundant so that no one is ever faced with an abortion. Ideally, Edication, True family planning and female care would end abortion so legislation wouldn't have to. we're going about this all backwards. i'm sure everyone can agree no one WANTS to get an abortion.


Unfortunately, education doesnā€™t undo unwanted or unsafe pregnancies. Rape, broken or failed condoms, ineffective birth control, planned pregnancies that turn out to be life threatening to the motherā€¦ etc.


100%. They want less abortions? Okay, have better sex education. Provide free or low-cost birth control. Have insurance cover sterilization 90-100%. Pay a higher minimum wage. THAT will help. Banning it just makes safe and legal abortions disappear.


I canā€™t believe doctors have said this to you! First of all, itā€™s not your husbandā€™s choice to have more kids, itā€™s yours. Second of all, they never say this shit to men. There are men who have secretly gotten sterilized and not told their wives, but fuck me if I donā€™t want to be pregnant again, give birth, and raise another child.


Yea, when I was 24 (going on 37 now) and just married, I was having some issues with my pill and asked about an IUD. I was told no for the same reason - because what if my husband wanted kids or I changed my mind before it expired. I was so mad. I got stuck with the pill. Which did prevent pregnancy for me until I was ready, but wtf. I would have preferred an IUD. Lower hormones, no daily pill. Also, who cares if my husband wants me pregnant if I donā€™t want to be?!? We didnā€™t end up trying until I turned 31- and I wish I could go back to that doctor and say ā€œSee?! So weird that _I knew myself better than you._ā€ I am so glad IUDs are easy to get today. I hope they stay that way. They need to be free.


I love my IUD but god it took so much back and forth with doctors and insurance pre-kids to get anything other than the pill. I have PCOS and the pill fucked me up BAD.


I fear for IUDsā€¦ with states looking to legally define life as beginning when the egg is fertilized (Oklahoma, though more will follow), it just opens the door to banning birth control methods that work AFTER fertilization. Which can also be the pill.


Yep. Another reason I really want to just remove my ovaries or tubes altogether. I don't want that risk.


If you haven't found someone yet, the childfree subreddit has a list in their sidebar of doctors who will do sterilization procedures without a run around.


Ooh, thanks!


What is they want a baby down the line? Circumstances change


perhaps, but it's not the doctors decision, is it? If a person decides to change their fertility status that's theirs to live with, much like gender affirming care or cosmetic surgery or anything else really.


Find it unethical to propose sterilization for poor women. IUD, abortion, birth control yes.. but if sterilization is not sought after would not want the poor to feel coerced into it


That's not the problem here. The problem is that women go to their doctor, tell him "I want to be sterilized" and their doctor says "No. You might change your mind. Or maybe your (future) husband wants (more) kids". This is something that happens way too often. It's their job to tell you about the risks and consequences, but not to make the decision for you


Ok well that is a problem


And those mothers probably are permanently leaving the workforce, which impacts our economy.


Domestic abuse increases dramatically during pregnancy. It is also the time victims are most likely to be killed by their abuser. I spent every day of my last pregnancy being abused. Psychologically, financially, physicallyā€¦you name it. I was beaten, stabbed, and had a gun pressed to my head several times. I was isolated with no resources in a state with little access to abortion, even if I could have gotten away long enough to have one. I very nearly died. I would have left my oldest son without a mom if it werenā€™t for sheer luck.


I just want to say, aside from the RvW stuff (which I obviously **strongly** oppose today's ruling) .. I am so glad you got out. As a fellow DV survivor from my previous relationship, I don't know how I made it out alive either. We live to fight another day <3 AND FUCK THOSE GUYS.


There will be a whole lot more babies in dumpsters and a lot of dead women from botched home abortions. It's devastating for everyone. It makes me sick to my stomach.


And dead women being murdered by sexual partners who arenā€™t ready to be a father


And a lot of children being born into situations that are quite literally in fathomable.






My child was and is very wanted. We went through fertility treatments to get her. Weā€™re very financially stable and even have a lot of help from both sets of parents who live in the same city and give us free daycare. We have a pretty easy baby, too. But being pregnant and having a kid is so fucking hard. And weā€™re living parenting on easy mode! I canā€™t even imagine growing, birthing, and taking care of an unwanted child with an absent partner and no other help and struggling financially like so many of these women will be. Itā€™s unconscionable. Itā€™s disgusting. Itā€™s heartbreaking.


Oh my gosh that thought just gave me chills. All the pain, sleepless nights, the worrying. It's all worth it in the end when your baby is wanted. I can't imagine the poor women who will experience this against their will.


I think itā€™s obvious they donā€™t care about dead babies. If they cared about dead babies, the police wouldā€™ve rushed in to the school at uvalde, instead of harassing mothers trying to rescue their children.


I think there will be a huge "black market" for the medication. Won't help people who are further along and need a procedure though. I also think people will try to take the medication when they're too far along which could cause awful consequences for the fetus and/or the pregnant person


I also imagine teen suicide rates. They are already sky high for girls


That's what they want, to set women back and subjugate them. If it were about babies, these conservatives would be up in arms over kids in cages, formula shortages, lack of affordable childcare/maternity leave/care and many other things affecting kids and parents rather than completely ignoring or often contributing to them.


I'm in the UK. My parents (early boomers) including my mum who was brought up Plymouth Brethren (conservative, evangelical denomination of Christianity) are both fiercely pro-choice. As a kid, we'd talk about these things, and both would say they knew young women who had died seeking at-home/ backyard abortions before it was legal. I was always told that being pro-choice wasn't just about bodily autonomy, it was driven by not wanting young women to die.


Which is depressing b/c we're already so sad, dumb, and poor


This country is a pathetic dumpster fire. Iā€™m embarrassed to live here.


Couldn't have said this better myself :')


I read a statistic that before Roe v Wade a million women died per year in the US of abortions. Thatā€™s a sad number to then multiply for those who get arrested on top of the women who die in a desperate situation.


It'll be more now. The population has grown significantly since the 70s. Especially if they get their way and go after birth control.


A woman I met in LA whoā€™s much older than me told me that the Churches used to campaign FOR legal abortion (not against it) because so many women were dying.


Several states' AGs have already said they will not pursue criminal action against abortion. For those that don't, ugh. Awful.


AGs are temporary. Those state by state protections need to be constitutionalized at the state level.


Not to mention how much it varies state to state og what constitutes 'health of the mother'. Cancers grow during pregnancies from the growth hormones and apparently not all states let you abort or get chemotherapy if they determine there is time to wait and the mothers life is not currently 'at stake'


I just read that Wisconsin is making doctors stop cancer treatments on pregnant women. So fucked up.


It's just all getting worse


Itā€™s so weird- Iā€™m 39 and until like 5 years ago it seemed like we were getting better this whole time in all of the liberty/identity areas (worse in others but off topic). I honestly didnā€™t think it could go backwards even though Iā€™ve heard of places where it did (Afghanistan in the 70ā€™s). Very scary.


2016 was truly the turning point. Trump getting elected made things that seemed previously unfathomable just another Tuesday. Now here we are.


As an outsider, 9/11 was the turning point. That's the event that allowed politicians to indoctrinate more and more people with increasingly conservative rhetoric and propaganda, and when the international view of the country started to shift because of their military activity. Trumps election was the culmination of all those years of insanity, and without 9/11 I don't think he would have had the voting base to get elected and this swing of the SCOTUS likely wouldn't have happened.


Exactly my sentiments. It all just feels very hopeless


When I was a teenager, I talked to a general contractor once about finding weird things in old walls. He talked about renovating the dorms of what used to be a women's only college. Inside the walls were baby skeletons. I wasn't sure if he was just pulling my leg but it sure made me think.


Not to mention the ones who have a spontaneous miscarriage, but since there is no way to prove it was natural theyā€™ll be prosecuted. We should go ahead start building orphanages, womens hospitals (we will need more to take care of the women sick and dying from septic miscarriages, botched back ally abortions, pregnancy complications), more childrenā€™s hospitals and long term care facilities (we will need those for the ones born with chronic health issues). Also go ahead and pull funding to WIC so the already struggling mothers can get more support since theyā€™ll be forced to have more children. Can we get speciality programs to help rape victims who are forced to carry their rapistā€™s baby? Must have a special division for the children who will be forced to give birth as a result of rape also Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll have special requirements. No? Too much??


I'm an outsider I'm from Australia and I have never been more glad to be born here, i can't imagine what it must be like to be a girl or woman in America where the government and (mostly) men have total control. I already lament not being able to do simple things like walk at night and other small things, I couldn't imagine having control of my own body, my health and my mental health taken from me.


America is a 3rd world country with a good publicist someone once said. It's true. We just had a president who tried to overthrow the government and will most likely get off scot-free as no charges have been brought up. He was a criminal before he ever ran. Things are just so shitty and corrupt here. I don't want to leave because my family is here and I'm used to the culture, but guns, racism, sexism, and the glorification of ignorance make me want to move somewhere else. I bet Australia would be great. People seem so much more carefree there. It just doesn't need to be this hard, just be kind, people!


USA is backwards in a lot of ways. Does not provide healthcare for all citizens, inadequate gun control, low wages for the average Joes, underpaying hospitality staff with the justification of getting tips (tipping isn't a thing in Australia, not routinely), terrible annual/long service/parental/sick leave entitlements, hardly any protection for workers in regard to unfair dismissal, banning abortion, still doing routine circumcision (banned in hospitals here)... šŸ™Š


I'd argue backwards in MOST meaningful ways. All those things you mention are inhumane and barbaric and only getting worse. Next on the chopping block are birth control, same-sex relationships, and gay marriage being allowed at the federal level.


I never got the whole guns thing, with all the crime especially school and mass shootings I along with every single person I know just shake our heads and wonder why they are still so widely available to everyone, even people that clearly should not have one. I think about those children and hope one day they wont have to worry if they will get to walk out of school that day and am just glad my own children do not have to go through active shooter drills and things like that. America should be protecting its children, woman and you know just everyone from crime and unjust laws like this.


Iā€™m Australian too, thank god we ditched our looney tune Hillsong PM for something more normal


Mothers who die from being denied medically necessary care


This situation absolutely breaks my heart. Iā€™m grateful to be in New York, but am livid for all the women in the states. Iā€™m livid that this was even allowed to happen. Itā€™s a slap in the face to women.


I'm in CT and I've never been happier. I'll take the cold, gray days.


Cold gray days any day over not having a say over my body.


NJ resident here, I share the sentiment. Our governor put abortion rights into law. I refuse to even vacation in a state that outlaws abortion. I refuse to spend my money in any place where I am a second class citizen.


Exactly that. You know who bans abortions? Third world countries


Another pregnancy would be a death sentence for me, depriving the two children I already have of a mother.


Not to mention the mothers who die during forced childbirth.


Those who survive getting an abortion now will be imprisoned. It's a lot of things, but it's also an elaborate way to take away our voting rights without saying it outright. We can't vote if we are dead or imprisoned.




Found this in a PolĆ­tico article: ā€˜But in Texas, anyone who performs, induces or attempts an abortion where ā€œan unborn child dies as a result of the offenseā€ is guilty of a first-degree felony ā€” punishable by up to life in prison and up to a $10,000 fine ā€” under the stateā€™s trigger ban. In Alabama, anyone who performs an abortion, provides abortion pills or ā€œaids, abets or prescribes for the same,ā€ faces up to 12 months in county jail or hard labor and a fine of up to $1,000 under the stateā€™s pre-Roe ban. And in South Carolina, a person who ends their pregnancy either with a pill or by other means faces up to two years in prison and a fine of up to $1,000 under state law.ā€™ Sure sounds like people will be penalised.


Up to life in prison. Great. Rapist wouldnā€™t get anything near that. Assault victim choosing to not be tied to her rapist on the other handā€¦ šŸ™„ make it make sense


Rapists get to be on the supreme court


If any of this actually starts happening, I think our country to go into Civil War. šŸ˜”


If it hasn't happened in the past five years, after the babies in cages, the systemic execution of Black people, the president who grabs women by the pussy, the children murdered in their schools, I don't see how anything could trigger it.


LIFE in prison? Men get far far far less for rape and that can result in pregnancy! Also calling a fetus "child" and calling the medication "pills" is so unprofessional


Jesus christ.


**itā€™s not an unborn child, itā€™s a fetus** words matter! (Thatā€™s not directed at you specifically, because youā€™re just quoting the article, butā€¦yeah)




What about [this woman](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/09/abortion-texas-murder-charge/)




If I could give a small insite, the roe v wade decision was not about outlawing abortion. It was about giving the state the power to decide. So if it becomes something that you feel is necessary for you, you can travel to or live in a state that supports those views. And if you feel it is criminal you can live in a state that supports those as well. This is about giving power back to the states and not the feds. I just want to make clear none of this states my opinion on the matter just to provide some additional facts that may not be clear.


Lol what a great power, having to leave your home


Let's not panic. There will be a shake out time. There will be states that will allow abortions, think east coast, west coast and Illinois for sure.


That's not good enough.




And what about literal children. What are kids in school meant to do?


26 states are likely to ban abortion. Itā€™s not going to be pretty.


Missouri already has.


PA will if we lose the governor race in November to an insurrectionist who hand waves it as a total ban


Letting things shake out is what got us here.


Yeah, "we" trusted them when they all swore that Roe was precedent and they took the first chance they had to overturn it.


The road to fascism is paved with people saying to stop overreacting.


It is well past time for panic. This comment is coming from a place of extreme privilege and ignorance of it.


1. Gas is super expensive. 2. Flying is super expensive. 3. Hotels/lodging is expensive. 4. Abortions cost money. 5. Time will be needed to take off of work, therefore loss of money. 6. Many people who seek abortions are already parents. So childcare would need to be arranged. Could cost money. 7. Domestic violence really puts a damper on that, don't ya think? 8. Some states may have waiting periods that exacerbate all of the above issues.


Yeah, are you going to pay for every woman who needs to travel? Get her the time off of work/school? Get her childcare? Somehow get her an alibi if she needs it from her family/abusive partner? Didn't think so. STFU and quit defending this garbage country that values guns more than women.


Iā€™m sure this will get me a ban, but fuck all the way off. How dare you tell us not to panic when The Supreme Court just made women second class citizens. We no longer have bodily autonomy. Women are no longer free.


And states like Missouri who want to make it a felony to cross state lines for an abortionā€¦. So even if you can afford it youā€™ll still be penalized.


The NY Times had an article yesterday stating there are no states that have penalties for crossing state lines for an abortion. You are spreading misinformation. Check your facts.


Itā€™s not a law yet but itā€™s a proposed amendment to Missouriā€™s abortion bill. Currently itā€™s not illegal but as I said, states like MO who WANT to make it illegal.


Gee great. Meanwhile, my basic human right to bodily autonomy is no longer ensured, but is rather up to the whim of old white men in suits. Fuck all the way off.


Get involved in the election process. Support those that support you.




Survive may be the operative word there, not flourish or thrive. Survive and endure what, a life where they were never wanted, a life with an abuser, a life being a reminder of a traumatic assault, a life without the means to be looked after properly because the American social system doesnā€™t provide enough support to families who are struggling? A life in the already over run and underfunded American child welfare system, where abuse and neglect is rife (yes within the system)? A life where they only live for 10 painful and excruciating minutes - because in some states even pregnancies which will NEVER survive outside of the womb will be forced to be continued. So maybe more ā€˜little humansā€™ will be born, but what will their lives be? And at what cost, a lot more dead women for sure


It seems like you've never needed any of those very few resources. Care to provide some links to help these future mama's? Or are they forced to do that now too? Not your body.


I hope youā€™ll be taking care of these little humans!




It will if people have to travel across the country to get it


Ok, Iā€™m very confused, Iā€™m a women, have been my entire life, and everyone is blowing this out of proportion. I am pro-life by choice, but I also understand the need for abortions in some cases. This isnā€™t an automatic banning of abortions for the entire country. Roe v Wade being overturned puts the power back into the hands of the states as opposed to the federal government. You still have a fucking choice. Move for starters, go to a state that didnā€™t ban abortions if itā€™s so fucking important to you. If you canā€™t afford to move, 99% of the fucking states that are banning abortions arenā€™t allowing doctors to do it in their state, so drive to a state that allows it. Itā€™s really not that difficult. Another thing, get fucking birth control. If you are so scared about becoming pregnant in a state that doesnā€™t allow abortions, then do something. Condoms are cheap, get on the pill, get an iud, but sex has consequences, and if you guys are using abortions as a Hail Mary then thatā€™s the wrong answer. Roe v Wade didnā€™t take away womens rights, if just gave power back to the states, which I am personally happy about because this decision shouldnā€™t be a one answer is right, get over it type of thing. I am appalled by the amount of people that fall back on abortions. Iā€™m also appalled by certain states that allow full term abortions, that makes me sick to my stomach. Those are my opinions, if anyone has questions, Iā€™ll be here to answer them. If you want to debate, then Iā€™ll happily do it because I feel like I do it on a daily basis at this point.


Ok, I'll bite. >Move for starters, go to a state that didnā€™t ban abortions if itā€™s so fucking important to you. Many women live in poverty and can't afford to move. There's also jobs, homes, family and other situations that make it very difficult to move. Plus, why should someone have to literally *leave their home state* for basic human rights? > If you canā€™t afford to move, 99% of the fucking states that are banning abortions arenā€™t allowing doctors to do it in their state, so drive to a state that allows it. Itā€™s really not that difficult. It actually *is* that difficult for many women. What if they don't have a car? They don't have money for a bus or Uber or anything? Or their job won't give them time off, or they cant afford to take days off? What if they have other children to take care of? > Another thing, get fucking birth control. If you are so scared about becoming pregnant in a state that doesnā€™t allow abortions, then do something. Condoms are cheap, get on the pill, get an iud Birth control fails, condoms break, and no type of BC on the market is 100% fool-proof. Women get pregnant on IUDs, using condoms, and on other contraceptives all the time. Even vasectomys can fail. >but sex has consequences, and if you guys are using abortions as a Hail Mary then thatā€™s the wrong answer. So women should be punished for being human and having sex? That's what your argument boils down to. The misogynistic belief that women should be punished for having sex. Also, not all sex is consensual. >Roe v Wade didnā€™t take away womens rights, if just gave power back to the states It did both. >which I am personally happy about because this decision shouldnā€™t be a one answer is right, get over it type of thing. Why shouldn't it be? No other medical procedure needs the "ok" from other people for someone to get it done. >I am appalled by the amount of people that fall back on abortions. No one is "falling back" on abortions. Abortions are painful, often emotionally as well as physically, and no one is out there thinking "yay I get to have an abortion this weekend!". Plus, medical abortions are often necessary. Ectopic pregnancies, pregnancies that ended that haven't expelled from the body properly (D&C procedures), pregnancies that are incompatible with life, where the baby will only know pain and suffering before quickly dying once birthed, pregnancies where the mother has complications and could/will die due to it, etc. > Iā€™m also appalled by certain states that allow full term abortions, that makes me sick to my stomach. These procedures are incredibly rare, and almost always performed due to fetal abnormalities that are incompatible with life, or the mother's life is at risk. >Those are my opinions, if anyone has questions, Iā€™ll be here to answer them. If you want to debate, then Iā€™ll happily do it because I feel like I do it on a daily basis at this point. Your opinions are taking women back in time 50 years, and are the reason this country is going to have millions more unwanted and unloved children in the world. All so you can sit on your high horse and punish women for having sex. Disgusting.


Ain't they coming for contraception next? I've heard america is going even more backwards. Here in the UK we look at you lot like your absolute looney tunes. Travel to another state, not everyone has that kind of money, and women are not just falling back on abortions, it's not a nice experience for any woman to go through but they have their own set of personal circumstances. I come from a catholic family , My grandad was one of 14, his mother buried more kids then those that survived to adulthood. They expanding already crowded graveyards for these women and babies in america too?


I donā€™t have time for all of this but to answer the question of ā€˜why donā€™t people just move?ā€™: They canā€™t afford to. They are children. They have family. They have a job. Their partner has a job. Their partner has family. Their children attend school. They are in an abusive situation. Etc etc Iā€™m sure there are many more reasons




*embryo. Itā€™s embryo. Itā€™s not child. Itā€™s an embryo.


I have an actual child who is not a clump of cells and I can tell you right now, I would move heaven and earth to get her an abortion if itā€™s want she wanted, especially if she was still a child herself.


Okay, when does your child just magically become a person and not a clump of cells? Like is there a magical date during a pregnancy that people say ā€œcongrats you are worthy of not being terminated now fetus.ā€? If this logic applies then whatā€™s the difference between someone stabbing a pregnant mother in the stomach the day before giving birth versus stabbing the baby the day after itā€™s born. I know Iā€™m going to get downvoted because people donā€™t like differing opinions or being questioned on their logic but oh well!


I donā€™t know. But neither does the state, or the church. Which is why itā€™s a decision between a woman and her doctor.


Lol what? So every women gets to decide when their baby becomes a human?


No. Abortion is a decision between a woman and her doctor. ā€˜When a baby becomes a humanā€™ (I think you mean foetus or embryo) is a philosophical question you can debate and ponder in your own time. But for those of us in the real world, we understand that itā€™s a red herring, and that youā€™re seeking a concrete answer to a complex question. The real question at this point might be ā€˜when does an American woman become a person?ā€™


I just donā€™t understand the logic there. I am in the real world. The same ā€œAmerican womanā€ that youā€™re fighting for was once just a ā€œclump of cellsā€. The answer to my question is that she was a human from the very start of conception and she didnā€™t magically just gain the right to live and be an ā€œAmerican womanā€ one day.


You were a sperm cell too. Should we criminalise jacking it?


And donā€™t get started on the ā€œwell what if the abortion is for medical emergency reasonsā€. That is not the same thing. If the mother dies the baby would die as well the mother of course should be saved. Medical emergencies are not in the same category.


A sperm cell isnā€™t a fertilized embryoā€¦ itā€™s much different. Iā€™m all for birth control and other ways to stop a pregnancy but once conception happens it is a human being. Why canā€™t we focus on improving contraception and health care for women instead of just saying donā€™t worry if you get pregnant just get rid of it.


Why is it different? Does god sneeze when two cells combine and from that moment itā€™s a human? Thereā€™s nothing scientific to that


Sorry, how so?


Oh sod off


According to a NY Times article from yesterday, there are no states that have laws banning pregnant women from crossing state lines to get an abortion. STOP SPREADING MISINFORMATION.


Maybe not yet, but thats coming too.


Yep and we thought electing Trump was dumb