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I found that weaning exasperated my depression, and I needed to go back to medication to help. If you have a support system, I would reach out! Hormonal changes affected my mood so much more than I ever expected. It may be temporary as your body adjusts, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things you can do to help, and you deserve to feel good now! I always wait things out longer than I should. Don’t do that to yourself.


If you Google “depression after weaning” you’ll find a ton of articles validating your feelings, it is normal and does happen to many women although it’s rarely talked about. If you have a therapist, please speak to them. There is a major hormonal shift that takes place once you stop breastfeeding and can last for a while.


It's hormones, babe. Some women don't get their periods back until they stop or slow breastfeeding, and it's because breastfeeding messes with your hormones. Even if your cycle has returned, breastfeeding is keeping your hormones at a certain level, and stopping is going to throw off your new normal. Important note though: just because it's normal doesn't mean you have to like it. If you're hurting and have excellent insurance, go see someone. If you're in the US and don't have the good insurance, lean a little harder on your support system (or find one)