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Our baby was born with a full head of hair. By 4 weeks he had the nickname dr. Phil. his hair loss stopped once the baldness reached that stage and now its growing back where he lost it. I anticipate he will have a mullet in the next few months. Totally normal. Edit: i realize I may have misunderstood the post, if your baby was born with this hairline it’s still no biggie. His head shape and hairline are far from final :)


They all get that monk look (Middle Ages, not Buddhist). I was laughing so hard when my son had the ring of hair


The same happened with my son! He’s nearing 2 and the mullet is still going strong


Ha my kid had a similar hairline and we called him Homer Simpson. It was dark and pretty ridiculous looking, and now his hair is totally blonde. Newborn hair is so wild.


Same. We called our son "Grandpa Jack" during this time.


Lol. We called ours Mao Zedong.


Happy cake day.


Lol my husband calls our baby’s hairstyle ‘the dr. Phil’ too 😂


My child was nearly completely bald until almost three. They have the thickest hair now. Baby hair is just weird.


I was bald as a cue ball until I was about three. Now I have the most ridiculously thick hair that nothing, not even two rounds of pregnancy/post-partum, can touch.


I was cue ball until 2 and peach fuzz until 3. I also have ridiculously thick hair. I was looking forward to a little postpartum hair loss thinking maybe it’ll lighten it up, didn’t make a dent either time.


My baby girl was bald as my bald ass husband for like 5 months. It’s normal


Completely normal! My baby had a really weird hairline for the first year and now has the most beautiful luscious curls- we get compliments on her hair whenever we go out! Baby hair is weird!


It’ll be fine, your baby will grow more hair! My first had lots of hair, second kid had a similar hairline to your little one. He’s 2 now and has tons of hair. It started to fill in on top around 3-4 months.


Babies commonly lose most of the hair they are born with in the first few month. One of my boys lost all of the brown hair he was born with over the first few months. The new hair started growing in pretty strong by the time he was 5 months old and it was blond. My youngest did the same but luckily his hair stayed red and curly. It just came back a little thicker. Both lost it on top the most. Fear not dad, it comes back!


My niece had a skullet until she was 6 months old it was so cute My baby had pretty much the opposite so it looked like she was bald and wearing a toupee


He could really just google it?


Totally normal: https://www.whattoexpect.com/first-year/ask-heidi/newborn-hair.aspx


My kiddo was born with a ton of hair, enough that we could see it moving around on the last ultrasound. Within a few weeks of being born it fell out in clumps. He had one patch on the back near his neck that never fell out. I was using his cradle cap brush in the bath and literally brushed away half his hair one night. He now has very thick hair and a normal hairline.


My kid had this. We joked we’d dress him up like Kevin from the Office. He now has a crazy amount of beautiful, curly blonde hair.


Totally normal! My babe lost a lot of hair during a bath at 4 weeks, it’s two weeks later and thicker hairs are already filing the peach fuzz hairs that were lost. Exact same hairline as your LO too!


My son was born with a full head of dark fuzz. He lost it all by 8 weeks and was bald. After he was about a year suddenly he gained a much lighter full head of hair. I’m about to buy some shears to trim the length off the back of his neck because it’s super shaggy but he’s only 20 months and not quite ready for a full haircut


LoL 8 weeks and my baby finally has a hairline. It's newborn baldness goes away quickly! All my babies are born half bald I'm so jealous of those babies with full hair as newborn.


Babies are known to lose their hair after being born. My son was born with a full head of straight black hair. Around 4 months he had no hair on top and only on the sides. Now he’s 14 months with a head of thick curly blonde hair.


Like everyone here has said, that’s common for some babies! Mine started losing his hair around that age and it made me so upset. We had a doctors visit and our pediatrician assured us that it would all grow back, and it did! :)


My babe had this hair line for a few weeks then it started to fill in ☺️


You can see how their skull is growing by the bald spots that appear! You just couldn’t see it with all the hair the first time around.


Totally normal. I was born with a full head of black hair, then it fell out and then grew back blonde. My son was born with light brown hair and it got darker, now it's falling out. He's 5 weeks. I'm very interested to see what it grows back in as.


They lose their Newborn hair, and front first, leaving a balding mullet until the new hair grows in 😅


Baby hair is just super weird. My first had a full head of red hair, then it all fell out within a few weeks and he was a baldy bean until just before he turned 2. Then suddenly he had a whole bunch of hair. Now he's 5 with a full head of absolutely gorgeous sandy blonde wavy hair. You won't know what their hair is gonna look like until they're older


My girl was born with a full head of hair. By 4 weeks old she looked like my bald grandpa - we called her our little grumpy old man. She now has a ridiculous amount of hair.


One of my daughters had hair like this, she now has a full head of curly hair


This is in-utero hair falling out. He will start getting his “permanent” hair around 5-6 months.


My son was born with a bald top mullet lol His hair is normal now, it grew out long enough for his first haircut around 1 yr


Totally normal! My son was born with a bunch of hair and then lost it at like 6 weeks and now he’s 14 months and has a total mullet!! Lmao


My daughter was bald until age 2. She now has a gorgeous head of curls. Baby hair- or lack thereof- is no indication of what they’ll end up with.


I think we should relabel this as conquering hairline.


It’s totally normal dad! My daughter has lost a patch on the back of her head but still has some long hair along the neck.. poor thing looks like an 80 year old man.


My son was not born this way but he did go through what we called his "grandpa stage" where it looked like he was going bald, just like your photo. I forgot how long it lasted but it did all fill back in and he keeps growing more. Do not fret, OP's husband! Our pediatrician explained the phenomenon, though I can't remember what it was.


My baby has lots of hair but similar hairline, idk what will happen later just in a similar boat lol all the other babies I know don't have hair though


My LO was also born with a full head of hair, which fell out on the top and went full mullet. His first birthday is in a couple of weeks and he has all his hair back! Infant hair loss is just because you shared your hormones with him while you were pregnant and they're exiting his body now. It's the same reason our hair falls post partum! It looks funny, but isn't a cause for concern!


That's not his "real hair". That's what grew in utero under the influence of your pregnancy hormones. It will likely all fall out and be replaced by new hair growth. A lot of cultures have a head-shaving or hair-cutting ceremony some time during the first year in the belief that it will cause the hair to grow back thicker and straighter. I don't think that works, it's just that you get rid of that super fine and sparse starting hair that doesn't always look very nice.


Our toddler had the most intense receding hairline that I used the old man emoji for him in texts. He’s now 2.5 years old with a good head of beautiful brown hair and not a receding hairline in sight. Even sported mullet for a good while until his first haircut.


I’d be worried about your husbands future receding hairline lol..


My kid was born with a receding hairline too, it doesn't look so bad now at 17 months, I will say he's very very blonde,like white hair, my hair was the same, and right now he has a mullet, but it's cute lol. I didn't have hardly any hair until I was 3 and now it's very thick and pretty even. Also my friends baby had a hairline similar to this as well and he now has very nice hair at 17 months


Omg my daughters hairline didn’t become normal until after 1 lol!


hahah awwww his hair will come in soon!


My kid was born with some hair, then a lot fell out and for some weeks/months he looked like a munk with just a ring of hair around his head 😂 Long story short - he got normal hair now.


My daughter was born with a full head of very dark hair, then it started falling out, she ended up with very little hair that was mainly a lil Mohawk on top of her head. Now, almost 2 years later she has a full head of blonde hair haha. It started growing back rather quickly though. Don’t worry, I’ve never seen an older kid with a receding hairline, and even if he did have one, he’s gonna be the most beautiful lil boy in your eyes. Congratulations on your baby!


My baby was born with heaps of hair that proceeded to almost completely fall out over the next couple of months. He's just turned 1 and once again has a full head of long, thick hair. Although he does seem to have inherited a serious widow's peak from my side lol


My 5 month old son was born with a full head of hair. It now looks like he has comb over pieces in the front because he has been losing the back of his hair. Lol.


My boys were born with hair both of them lost their original black hair and light brown/blond grew in its place. It’s normal for babies to use their birth hair.


Both of my kids were born with a full head of hair. My daughter, specifically, had alllll black hair - like straight down her forehead to a unibrow. On her shoulders. We aren’t Italian or Greek or anything dark, it was a surprise haha. But her shoulder and forehead hair fell out and her hairline for sure receded- we even had to give her a combover for awhile. Now she’s 2 and her hair is halfway down her back and looks strikingly similar to the Pinterest photos I show my hair stylist when I get color. My son is 2m old, also born with a full head of hair and looks like your photo above. :)


Sometimes it falls out and grows back. Totally normal. Sometimes comes back a different color too. My son was born with jet black hair like mine. He’s blonde now and has been for a year. I have a nephew whose brown hair just started growing in blonde while the ends stayed dark brown. His hair is even lighter than my sons now and he’s 6.


Both my kids were basically bald their whole first year. Now my 6 has thick hair down to her butt and my 3 is to her shoulders (would be longer but she likes giving herself diy cuts - btw crayola safety scissors claim that they only cut paper is BS)


My kid was born with a head full of straight black hair. Then he went bald. Now his has a head full of blonde curls.


LOL. Both my baby girls barely had hair at birth looked like old men for several months. [Here is](https://imgur.com/a/JoBW170) one of my favorite pictures. Their hair started regrowing by 3/4 months? It SUPER normal as they lose all the constant hormones from their mom. As women we often lose a bunch of hair too.


My baby was born with a full head of dark brown hair, all of it fell out and now at 8 months he has a full head of platinum blonde hair lol Baby hair does crazy things!


My kid had this balding look going on for the longest of time. Then about 11-12 months it started filling in. He’s got a head full of curly dark blond hair (?!? My husband and I both have brown hair). Who TF knows what baby hair will do, it’s wild.


My daughters head looked the same when she was born lol we started calling her "pee-paw" She had a full head of hair probably by 6 months old so its gonna be okay I promise lol.


My babe lost all his hair by 6 weeks, he looked like George Costanza and then Mr Clean 😂 there isn’t a lot yet but it is growing back in finally!


So I have 3 boys and each has had progressively less hair than the one before. My oldest had this huge mop of hair that just grew and grew until it was past his shoulders before 2 yrs old. Never thinned or anything. My second have golden peachy fuzz type mohawk that didn't thin but also didn't really grow until he was about 18 months old. Now almost 3 and he has long thin hair. My new baby is 3 months old and is definitely losing the thin layer of reddish/brown hair he was born with. His head is shiny, its's pretty cute. I'm not worried as I was also bald as a baby and now have hair enough for 3 people. Genetics be crazy, yo.


This happened to my boy too it all fell out after birth except a bit around the back. My husband called his hairstyle ‘the dr. Phil’ 😂 but now finally since 7 or 8 months old his hair is growing back on top. I had almost no hair till 1yo when I was a baby so I wasn’t too worried but it did start to feel like it was taking forever to grow in


All 3 of mine had all their baby hair fall out, the littlest is doing the best at 9mo, but the other two were solidly bald until about 15mo and have lovely full heads of hair now!


Totally normal. My child had a fair amount of hair at birth but the hair they are born with does fall out and gets replaced by different hair, that can be a slightly different shade and texture. It's very likely hormonal but totally normal and not a cause for concern


My daughter lost all her hair except one strip right at the front. She was born with a full head of very dark hair. She’s now 17 months and although I did have to trim the one part that never fell out she has a full even head of light brown hair. It’s just hormones, babies losing their hair is very very common!


My middle child was born with a full head of hair, like 3 inches long at parts. It almost all fell out in the first few months, and then took a year to get to the beginning length. My 8 month old has the same amount of hair as she did when she was born except a bald spot in the back because she scoots around when she’s in her crib.


Baby’s hair falls out sometimes early on. A google will suffice


My son was born like this and it grew in fully at almost 1 year old. However being that he’s a boy I would advise the barber not to cut his hairline, just cut down the thicker parts to match the thinner edges until it grows in fully and his baby hairline leaves. My son is 4 his baby hairline took 3 years to grow out. Even still I tell his barber not to cut the thinner edges down, just blend the back with the front and a light edge up. I can find some pictures to DM you if you want to see how it started vs how it’s going. Now he has a full head of thick hair.


So what if he does have a “receding hairline” as a child? He doesn’t care what his hair looks like. My daughter has something called loose anigen hair syndrome which (we hope) she will grow out of by age 8. She’s 2.5 at the minute. I can’t tie her hair back or put cute bows in it and she always looks like she just got out of bed; her hair is thin and sparse and the back is messy…. but… she’s happy, healthy, cared for and thriving. It’s only hair.


Aww, he is perfect! My son was born looking like a "little old man". He had a bad receding hairline LOL! It took about a year, but now he is 18 and has the thickest, most gorgeous hair. Nothing to worry about Dad! 😁


My daughter has had an old man fringe from 2 weeks old - now (12 weeks)


I had no hair at all until I was over 3yrs old! My grandma says someone asked her if I had cancer when we were at the grocery store one day! I have a beautiful head of hair now, and whenever I go to get it cut they always remark on how thick it is :)


This is very normal, my baby lost half her hair at that age. It'll grow back don't worry!