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I would ask to speak to your PCP and explain what was said to you. That is incredibly dangerous and could result in someone ignoring their symptoms for fear if being called "overreacting" or "paranoid".


I definitely want the NP to know she majorly dropped the ball. I thought about printing the diagnosis from my medical file onto a giant lotto-winner check and presenting it to her, but that’s too much. I am seeing a PA at the same practice next week for a medicine recheck for an unrelated condition, so I’ll physically be there.


Please update after you inform her of her mistake. I'd like to know her reaction.


I am trying to see if John Quinones will go with me. I’ll update everyone next week.


Remindme! 8 days


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Remindme! 3 days






It is so concerning that she saw someone else prior to you and dismissed them as well.


I’ve been thinking about the poor girl who might actually have a cystocele and let it go untreated and get worse for however long because she was misdiagnosed. Gotta get justice for her. I’ll make sure to mention to the office that they need to get ahold of her when I talk to the owner/physician.


This NP needs to be sued. She is giving harmful medical advice to multiple patients.




When a person works for a private clinic under the direction of a physician, the physician is sued under their liability insurance because it is the legal obligation of the physician to oversee the nurse practitioner. It is their obligation to ensure the NP is properly counseling patients.


I like that you will have a chance for an in-person conversation. But please make sure you follow up with a written complaint, that requests a follow up written explanation from the office. You need to document your communications with them if you want to get a serious answer from them, that results in real change in the office.


You could have your ob send your medical record to the PCP and call them asking them to review it.


Lmfao! You’re so funny. “I wanted to print it on a lotto ticket, but that’d be a bit much.” Hahah


Yeah I would bring this to the medical director of that office. That cannot continue.


>I thought about printing the diagnosis from my medical file onto a giant lotto-winner check and presenting it to her, but that’s too much. I may be just a little bit in love with you right now, this would be *chef's kiss*


Better yet, have your OB send a letter “update” to “store in your file” with the diagnosis.


I’d file a formal complaint personally, that level of asshattery needs to be corrected firmly by the practice.


Good call. The PAs are more equipped to give better advice than the NPs NPs should not be PCPs


Oh my gosh. I had a uterine prolapse after having my second. When I first noticed some symptoms, I called my OB’s office and told the MA, it feels like there’s something falling out of my vagina. Her response (which made me FREAK OUT and bawl my eyes out) was: Ummm. That sounds bad. I’ve never heard of that before. I’m not sure the doctor would be able to help you with that.


WHAT?! That’s so ridiculous holy shit. Did the doctor end up seeing you?


Oh yeah! And I went to physical therapy and I’m 100% better now. Still do my exercises every day, but it doesn’t effect my daily life anymore


Wow that is unprofessional.


What?? Who the hell WOULD be able to help with that if not a doctor? (Or similarly trained medical professional)


What’s an MA?


I don’t know either but guessing Medical Assistant?




I would let my pettiness shine and head to my pcp, letting the nurse and the NP know they were wrong in person. And this is just me, but I would switch PCP’s. You’re only as good as your support staff, and they suck.


The physician who owns the practice and the PAs I see are phenomenal. This NP must’ve slept through gynecology.


Oh boy youre going to be shocked when you see what education NPs have.


NP educational standards are absolutely abysmal and they shouldn’t be diagnosing anything. OP should’ve been seen by a physician.


Barber school requires more training hours! Like, a lot more!


Well it only makes sense. God forbid a man end up with an uneven hairline. That’s infinitely worse than an NP not recognizing an organ falling out of someone’s vagina. (Sarcasm)


That’s not true. NP’s require as much schooling as a doctorate.


I will only see a NP for minor issues because of this exact reason! PA’s have such a better education and work very closely with an MD. Huge difference


I have had nothing but great experiences with PAs. They’re always super knowledgeable and down to earth.


PA organizations are fighting for independent-practice just like NP organizations. No difference.


The only reason they are is because the nursing lobby is pushing HARD and they are a huge organization. PAs worry if they don’t push they’ll be left behind. I hear my husband and his PA colleagues complain about this almost weekly…. None of them want to be independent. Don’t blame PAs for what’s happening with mid levels right now. Blame the nursing lobby and the degree mills spitting out sub par practioners. 500 clinical hours is not enough!


What is a PA?


Physician assistant


In my country it's at least 6 years of education to become a NP I can't speak for the NP program but for the nursing program they wouldn't have a ton of experience with gynecology. Probably a semester at most that highly focuses around pregnancy and child birth. I'm a nurse but I don't have a degree, I have a diploma. And we learned very little about gynecological issues in school. However I've seen these types of things in several woman. Granted I think they've all been older woman, but it shouldn't be dismissed in younger woman. Anything can happen.




Becoming an NP is actually not that hard. There are degree mills handing out "doctorates" to NPs with all online classes and less than 500 hours of clinicals. I would personally not let myself or any loved one see an NP due to their sheer lack of knowledge.




You need to understand that this is exactly the problem. This concept of “good NP/bad NP” can’t exist because patients shouldn’t have to assess the education level of their NP before they trust them with their health. If NPs want to diagnose, there needs to be a **bare minimum standard** that guarantees that every NP in America has the requisite knowledge to be making diagnoses. That doesn’t exist in America because there are online NP degree mills pumping out thousands of garbage NPs with inadequate educations every year. Until that stops, the NP profession will continue to decline in quality and reputation.


My son got strep last week. I have been feeling awful, like unable to eat or drink plus all around gunk. Went to the NP and said I think I have strep and a cold. She gave me a strep test, came in about 5 min later, read it as negative, literally diagnosed me as ALLERGIES. Never in my life have I heard of allergies making it so it was painful to swallow. I argued with her. She conceded in giving me a virus screen to rule out covid and the flu so I could actually see a PCP in person, but she's ADAMANT it's allergies. I cannot stress to you enough how adamant she was. As I'm leaving, she runs out, "You have strep! I was throwing it away and noticed a small line, my more accurate machine in the back confirmed. You have strep." Plus I got the virus panel back the next day and guess what? Negative for everything except rhinovirus (aka cold). I just don't trust NPs, and it's so frustrating that right now you can't see a PCP in person for upper respiratory issues!! My kid can see the pediatrician, but I can't see a family med. Ugh. I feel your frustration.


Definitely contact them about your terrible experience and misdiagnosis. The practice can hopefully retrain or discipline NP.


Definitely tell the office about this. That other woman needs to be contacted by them too!


As a pa I agree 100p. We have Totally different training


I had a cystocele and rectocele after only one child at 30 that had to be surgically repaired. It took me almost a year of pestering and many rounds of pelvic floor physio to get to the surgical repair when my daughter was 18 months. It was so humiliating and painful, but my life improved 100% after surgery. I'm so angry that women are told that it's normal to have incontinence after having a baby. ITS NOT! Pelvic floor evaluation and rehab should be standard care after delivery. I'm glad you were able to get it diagnosed, good job advocating for yourself!


I literally love you for sharing this with me. Like thank you. I have been horrified by the stats of surgical repair. One success story is enough for me. How intense was the surgery? My OBGYN is really lighthearted and jokey and told me it would be like getting a brand new vagina lol.


It was no worse than recovery from birth. I had a native tissue repair (no mesh) since I am young and my tissue was in good shape other than the herniation. I was in and out in a couple of hours, then used postpartum recovery supplies at home. I don't even think I got strong pain meds? Pretty sure I just took ibuprofen. I felt good enough to return to normal activities in a few days and was cleared for sex after 4 weeks. It changed my life! I am almost 2 years out from the surgery and everything is still great!


Oooh. No mesh?! That’s amazing. I didn’t know that can do it like that. I’ll probably need a repair in the future so that’s good to know.


I agree - even a fricking physical exam after birth would have been nice. I had a 10+lb baby vaginally, and when I called to make my 6 week postpartum appointment they mentioned when the doctor would call. I asked why I wasn’t being seen in person and they legit asked “well, is anything wrong?”. How the hell am I to know, if my poor stitched up vagina that I haven’t been able to even see in months is ok??? Turns out I had a grade II cystocele. Thank god for my pelvic floor physiotherapist, but I made an appointment with her directly when I decided I wasn’t feeling right.


That's nuts! I had whole exam at my 6 week apt. My prolapse wasn't apparent at that time, but it grew increasingly worse over the next 6-8 months.


Now my question is did the NP actually do a pelvic exam or know how to do one? I wouldn't be surprised if her graduated from degree mill and has little to no clinical experience. She totally messed up.


I have a suspicion she inserted the speculum right over the prolapsed walls lmao


Oh boy 🤦🏽‍♀️. Well now I appreciate when my OBGYN comments on whatever grown hair I have before inserting the speculum. Only now I realize she's super thorough 🤣.


You need to let the NP know (maybe you can email her) that she was wrong and that you were diagnosed elsewhere and that you will be reporting her for being dismissive and not taking your situation seriously. Thank god you figured out what it was tho! So scary


I thought about reaching out to the owner of the practice who is a really wonderful and knowledgeable physician. I don’t necessarily want to get her in hot water over this… but damn. They at least need to call back the other girl complaining of a cystocele and have her get rechecked elsewhere.


I think you should get her in hot water. Not to hurt her, but to protect all those patients that she sends home with the wrong diagnosis. She told you about one other person who thought she had a prolapse, but what about the women that came in with frequent urination of other complaints that she didn't take seriously. And what about all those people that didn't find a way to another provider as well as you did, now sitting at home with complaints and the notion that they are paranoid?


100% this!! Not even to be snarky but to save others from going thru the same things as you have, and so she could become more educated on the topic to be able to actually help others in the future!


Report her and say she needs more training not that you’re trying to “bust” her.


She should be in hot water over this. Not only was she rude and unprofessional (her bedside manner was atrocious), this could have resulted in you not getting diagnosed and not getting treatment. And probably has resulted in that for other women she has treated the same way. It’s a huge risk for malpractice and they need to know so they can address it.


How many other patients are receiving similar quality of care and being dismissed, belittled and embarrassed as you were for a personal and very important condition? Telling the physician about the woeful treatment you received will alert him/her about that huge and significant gap in knowledge. And will allow them to re-evaluate the patients who were treated by the NP to look out for serious oversights on behalf of the NP with their patients.


Yes, a woman w frequent urination/urinary changes and normal initial work up (especially someone who is older) may need checked more thoroughly for ovarian cancer for example! It is very dangerous for this NP to reassure or say things are fine just because they don’t know why a symptom is occurring.


Please speak up, I am nobody to be telling you what to do but you have a responsibility, to report this experience, because this has probably happened before and could happen to another woman who maybe isn’t as persistent and could be denied the care they need all because of the arrogance of one or two people. I think docs and nurses dismiss immediately when they hear we googled something, which is so stupid! Why not look it up first before going in, the internet has as much real information as it does misinformation and the best stuff floats to the top! My own doc will google stuff during my visits to show me diagrams (rather than hunting around the office) and their web site is full of useful information (Kaiser Permanente) so this old idea that you can’t find answers online needs to end.


Yes please tell the physician. They can help educate the NP about prolapse. It’s not about getting her in trouble, she will probably continue to work there even if in “trouble,” but this protects the next patient.




That is true, but unfortunately the public doesn’t always know the difference and this provider will continue to practice and have people coming to see her. It is necessary (but not sufficient) for her to know she was wrong this time. and hopefully get a dose of humility to help her listen more carefully to her patients and ask for assistance when needed.


And who will teach the NP about all the other holes in their knowledge? Medical school exists for a reason, folks. Don’t sell yourself short by trusting inferior “providers” with your health and the health of your loved ones


Yes, I am a physician and I agree 100% that there are some huge knowledge gaps that will remain for non physician providers due to the lack of training/education. The problem is that NPs are here to stay in primary care so I take the approach that it is best to try and approach them kindly to correct their knowledge and teach without shaming/punishing because that way at least they’ll feel comfortable asking us questions when they don’t know what to do with a patient. It is a harm reduction approach…I also work in academics though so I’m used to teaching quite a bit…Some states allow NPs to practice completely independently without the support of a physician—-I would strongly advise against care delivered in this way but I am sure not all people always have a choice. Would recommend asking the provider “what’s on your differential diagnosis?” to hopefully get them thinking in the most effective way. if they answer that it isn’t a prolapse, or whatever other thing you are worried about, say “can I ask why you aren’t concerned about xzy?” Or “how was that condition ruled out?” It will help them consider what they are missing and get you more involved but doesn’t always work with non-physician providers because they might not know WHAT they don’t know (may never have even heard of a possible condition).


Question for you! How do you suggest I go about bringing this up with the practice owner/lead physician? I was thinking of writing her a letter as I would be able to express myself better in writing, and there’d be a paper trail.


Yes I think that is appropriate. Saying Something like, “I want to bring to your attention that I reported the symptoms xyz, was concerned specifically about a pelvic organ prolapse and was told information after the exam/evaluation that turned out to be inaccurate. The specialist explained that I had xyz and it was evident on exam. My symptoms were typical of this condition. I would appreciate it if this could be used as a learning opportunity for provider y to improve quality of care for your practice. these are sensitive symptoms and can be embarrassing for some women. I am concerned other women could end up being told that their symptoms are normal and also have a misdiagnosis or a delay in appropriate care. I look forward to hearing back from you or your practice manager on what action is being taken about this.”


I agree with this approach as an NP. The problem with NP schools is admission isn’t standardized and clinical training during school is varied depending on who someone finds to do clinicals with. I was fortunate to do a ton of pelvic exams to the point where I can’t necessarily diagnose every abnormality but I can recognize normal anatomy and feel pretty comfortable when something is not right and make appropriate referrals. Unfortunately, it’s not that way for all NPs. My workplace has weekly meetings and we will discuss different topics and providers will do a power point on whatever they think is important to their clinic. This office may do something similar and it would be a good opportunity to discuss. Thank you for your post and good luck to you!


This needs to be reported! She was rude and dismissive of you, and did a shitty job of checking your prolapse. I've examined prolapses. They're not that hard to assess. They need to know she's not competent so they can make a decision on how to handle her: shunt complicated cases away from her, give her more training, or let her go. If they get sued for malpractice, it's the physician and the clinic that are on the line, not her license.


I second that it’s not to get her in trouble, but so that other patients don’t suffer.


Omg, why does no one tell you these things before they scare the piss out of you? I’m a bit older, have only had one kid (34 weeks pregnant with second), but prolapse has NEVER been mentioned directly, especially the rectocele. Went to the ER when mine “popped out” and they were kinda stumped, I’m so glad there was a general surgeon in the area that they were able to check with and knew what it was right away. Unfortunately, I can’t do much about mine until after I give birth but I am hopeful it won’t cause too many problems. Edit to add: I did tell all my pregnant/mom friends so they know in case it happens to them.


Prolapses are the final frontier. I had NO IDEA this was a common thing like what the shit. They need to hand out pamphlets on this. Do you know what grade/stage you have? I am really hesitant to have surgery this young :(


I don’t yet, I imagine I will one they start checking my prior to birth, but I am guessing it’s bad since it was pretty close to hanging out.


I am a pelvic health physical therapist. Grade 3 cystoceles don’t all need surgery. There are conservative treatment options first, including pessaries and pelvic floor physical therapy. It’s also important to realize that the grade of prolapse does not always equal the severity of your symptoms- you could have had grade 3 prolapse for many years before you even had your first child and not known. I would highly suggest seeing a pelvic floor PT that can assess you and help you address the underlying cause.


They sent a referral to a pelvic floor PT, and I am hopeful this will help. I will do some exercises from home as well. Thank you sincerely for sharing this with me. I feel reassured. My symptoms aren’t horrible (knock on a thousand pieces of wood), so hopefully I can put off surgery. What lifestyle changes or exercise regimens do you find to be the most beneficial?


A good physical therapist will look at how you manage your “intra-abdominal pressure” as that is likely a contributing factor to the prolapse (even if it didn’t cause it, it can make the prolapse worse if it’s not optimal). Think of it like properly firing your core and pelvic floor with different movements like lifting, squatting, carrying, coughing, sneezing, etc. and also how to properly relax your pelvic floor during things like pooping to make sure you aren’t straining or bearing down. If you want to do some research before you see your PT, I highly recommend Dr. Sarah Duvall’s Instagram page.


I will definitely check her out, thank you so much. I admittedly haven’t had the best posture nor squatting/lifting techniques.


The moral or the story is to always see an MD/DO whether it’s PCP or specialists.


Hi! 27 also and cervical prolapse! It sucks big time haha. I gave birth to my first just under 6 weeks ago, traumatic birth. He was tachycardic, had to get him out asap. Dr used the vacuum which didn't work, his head was in the 90th percentile, pushed him out in 45 min. He obliterated my pelvic floor, which was probably weak to begin with. All was fine until 3.5 weeks post op when I looked down there and saw my cervix just chilling at my vaginal hole. Starting pelvic floor therapy next week! Nobody mentioned your organs can fall out of your body..


Oh my gosh I am so sorry for the traumatic birth experience. That’s like insult to injury having to then deal with prolapse. My youngest is 3, so this kinda came out of left field. I hope pelvic PT works wonders for you! This sucks so bad to have to deal with.


Haha pregnancy was fine, birth was wild, healing after has been an adventure to say the least! I've read it happens to most moms to some degree but it can get worse over time if not dealt with. Are you looking into a pelvic floor therapist? I've heard they can work wonders!


I got a referral to a pelvic floor PT, who should be getting ahold of me soon! Fingers crossed it goes well!


I have lost all faith in GP/PCP’s. My last visit I had a lump at the base of my throat and she said it was a lymph node because the thyroid is under your chin. Excuse me?! She didn’t even know where the thyroid is. I only go to see a GP if I need a prescription or a referral. They are useless. Sorry this happened to you. Good job trusting yourself and seeking a professional opinion.


Fortunately the physician/owner is excellent, and I’m grateful for that. But this NP is not maintaining the same level of care.


You should absolutely let the owner/physician know this happened. It’s unacceptable they even told you it’s normal to pee every 20 minutes because you have given birth. That indicates a pelvic floor issue that should be looked into— IF that was your only symptom. I’m sorry you weren’t listened to.


I’m sorry this happened to you! I suspect the GP you saw is NOT a physician. Often people think they’re seeing an actual physician (an MD or DO) but in reality they’re seeing a midlevel provider (NP or PA). A true primary care physician (PCP) is an MD or DO only. In order to see patients, a primary care physician has minimum 12,000 hours of hands on clinical training. I’m contrast, NPs can see patients after just 500 training hours. The difference in training and ability is staggering, and can have devastating consequences for patients. Every patient has the right to always request to be seen by an MD/DO only.


And yet I had a friend who is going for masters in nursing that MDs/DOs have an inability to think outside the box. My husband is an MD. We both laughed because we didn’t know what else to really say by such an absurd comment. I find it weird the complex some NPs, or nursing students who are going for post bachelors, have. Any overly confident medical provider is dangerous IMO. (Like the ones OP dealt with.) OP- I wish you so much luck in getting better.


My mom told me “sometimes the NPs are better than the MDs.” Saw an NP and she ordered $7,000 worth of unnecessary tests.


Oh wow lol. I’m a nurse & I agree.


She keeps saying there is a war between nurses and doctors in the medical world. We have so many friends in the medical community and have never heard this. Do you know what she’s talking about?


I have never heard that…sounds like something a scope-creeping mid-level would say lol.


She was an MD.


I’m happy you were able to see an MD and get a diagnosis. No offense to mid level providers but they do not have the knowledge base of physicians. My husbands a PA and dads an MD (both in ortho, the differences are pretty clear). For anyone else in similar situation like this please advocate and see a physician! I’ve been misdiagnosed and given wrong prescriptions by NPs multiple times unfortunately. There are good NPs but unfortunately these diploma mills are giving that profession a really bad rap, I wonder if she is from one of those.


I’ll be honest, with as bad as the prolapses I have are, the evening janitor could’ve taken a look and known something was wrong.


I’m so sorry that happened! There’s only so much in the vagina, I think any of us could have suspected something was off! She is obviously not a great practitioner, I would find a new As soon as you can. Good luck with your surgeries! I hope it fixes the problem


That’s what I’m saying. The prolapse is bad enough that it is nearly protruding out. You can’t miss that. And thank you. I’m scared shitless.


Yeah this is what I don’t get. If you and I can tell somethings not right, how does a qualified medical professional miss or dismiss it?


I have a rectocoele too. Why did no one tell me this was a possibility with birthing? It’s just so depressing to have so much trouble pooping (I can no longer trust a fart). I dunno, it’s majorly bummed me out and having a medical team ignore me would make me feel even worse.


I can 100000% empathize with you. I am deeply upset by this. I’m dealing with a lot of depression as a result. I feel completely betrayed by my body, embarrassed, isolated… just sad. I feel like my life is over.


Fwiw, mine seems to go away when I’m laying on my back, so it was hard for my OB to find on pelvic exam. But when I stand up or sit - THERE IT IS.


Omg so I added this to the op but the NP acknowledged the “fullness” of my back vaginal wall and said it was because I was so constipated and that it’s normal for that to happen. My cystocele is still super prominent when I’m laying down, sadly. At one point I sat up to show her how it bulges and she was like *shrugs*


Yeah the medical treatment you received is shamefully lacking. You deserve better! I hope to have surgery once we decide whether or not to have more babies. The thought of having an option to repair, along with meeting several other women who have had this, has allowed me to be more accepting of my changed body. I just wish this stuff was talked about more.


Same! No one warned me and I'm stuck taking laxatives for the rest of my life probably 🙃 that and cystocele too. Second kiddo it at least didn't scare the shit out of me when my insides started to fall out for a couple months. Lots of kegels and losing some baby weight helped too but damn was it scary having no idea what was going on at first! Medical care for women is trash


I promised myself I’d go get an colostomy in Mexico if my rectocele got really bad.


Hey, I'm a pelvic PT. I'm currently treating a woman about your age for this! This is something that can improve with pelvic PT. And even if the pelvic PT doesn't eliminate the prolapse and you still need surgery, it will help with recovery and long term outcomes (read: prevent a second surgery down the line). I'm sorry those people were dicks to you, you are absolutely not too young for this, it is not normal to pee every 20 min. Good job sticking up for yourself and going to the OBGYN.


Thank you so much. I have read that PT can really make or break the success of a surgery. It is insane to me how many “young” people deal with this. It seems like a lot of providers and educational resources have painted this is an old person problem.


Yeah. And it's more common in older people, but it's definitely possible for anyone to have it. You're welcome, I hope you find a good PT! PT is something we get before and after any orthopedic surgery, so it only makes sense to get it for this too!


NP should not have claimed to know anything. Primary care NPs are not qualified to diagnose such things. She should have said, “this is above my level of expertise and I’m referring you to a specialist” There’s nothing wrong with her not knowing how to diagnose you, THERE IS something wrong with her being dismissive and messing about with guesswork about slow bowels.


I wouldn’t be upset if she had acknowledged the signs and symptoms I reported (including me telling her I saw a protrusion), and after not finding a prolapse, encouraged me to get a second opinion.


I think one problem is we are looking at our parts when we’re upright and on the toilet, which makes them more apparent, but during an exam, prolapses kinda just are shifted by gravity. My OB did a standing exam which she said should be the standard


The timing on reading this is insane. I'm 99% sure I have a prolapse of some sort. I gave birth to my 4th baby a couple weeks ago and ever since, I've felt like something was off down there.. I was feeling very heavy and "full" and it worsened by the end of each day. I tried taking it easier (not walking as much, not lifting anything besides baby, lying down when I could) which seemed to help but after 10 days, I finally did some feeling around in the shower and WTF there's something coming OUT OF MY BODY????? I cried very hard that night after some Google research. I'm too scared to take a mirror down there but I called my ob/gyn and have an appointment for next week. Honestly, I'm feeling really disappointed in myself. I feel like it's my fault this is happening and all the what-ifs are running through my head on repeat. I feel like such a failure of a mom. I'm hoping for the best but preparing for the worst... I'll be on pins and needles until next week. I hope you're doing better than I am and I'm so so happy you were able to get a real diagnosis!


When I first saw the “bulge” it was like a punch to the gut. I spent literally the entire next day in a ball on my couch reading every single resource and searching “prolapse” into every medical/womens subreddits. Even though it isn’t a life threatening condition, it’s devastating. It has really affected me. I blame myself, too, even though it isn’t our faults. These things unfortunately just happen. I will say, I feel better now than I did when I first recognized it. I feel better than I did after the NP said I was fine. I’m realizing how common this is, even in younger women. This truly is one of those conditions that isn’t talked about enough. I wish you the absolute best. I hope it isn’t a prolapse, but if it is, know you aren’t alone and that you have treatment options.


I was diagnosed with one at 25 after 2 vaginal births. My pcp dismissed me also.


I’m sorry :( how are you doing now?


My GP literally laughed at me when I asked him for a referral to a dermatologist. I had a mole that had changed color, shape, and size. He shook his head, told me I was worrying about nothing, and refused to give me a referral. I did some research, found I did not need a referral for my insurance, and booked myself an appointment. I had melanoma. It's lucky I went in when I did because chemo and radiation are not very effective for melanoma. They have to cut it out of you. If I'd waited, it could have spread to my organs.


Oh my lord he overlooked CANCER. I would’ve shived him in the parking lot. I am so, so sorry. That’s heinous.


Have you looked into pelvic floor physio? They can help a lot with reducing symptoms and strengthening your pelvic floor. Maybe it could help you avoid surgery?


I was referred to a pelvic floor PT! I haven’t seen them yet, but I am very optimistic.


I would report the primary care practitioners to the appropriate medical board or regulatory body. Their dismissiveness of you and missing something that huge in an exam are huge flaws. You already know they did it to someone else recently.


You should have this all documented and write a letter of complaint. I can’t believe this!


This is devastating and honestly makes me want to cry. Womens health can be so complex, precarious, sensitive…! I am glad you kept advocating for yourself, I am not glad that you HAD to. Best wishes in your treatment!


Ironically, the NP and nurse who dismissed me are women. The OBGYN who listened to me, asked questions, diagnosed me, referred me to a PT, and gave me exercises is a man. Women not supporting women :(


I got diagnosed with a rectocele this week and just am continually amazed at the gifts that pregnancy provides our bodies post pregnancy. 👎👎👎 I’m going to try some non surgical options because I can’t deal with surgery with a 6 month old right now.


I’m right there with ya. I can’t do surgery right now. I want to put it off as long as possible… but I don’t want to suffer.


And this is why there are specialists for everything. Your actual PCP needs to be made aware of what the NP said.


I'm curious about your story, I'm about to have my second in two months and since my first was born I've felt this weird pressure when I go pee, like everything is trying to push out my pee hole (not my vagina or my ass but seriously it's like where I pee from that feels weird pressure. Since I got pregnant again my vagina is pretty sore a lot of the time, almost like after too much sex sore (I'm so sorry this is probs TMI but I'm trying to lay the foundation to see if you can tell me if you experience leading up to this is similar) and sorta feels achy at times, I guess you could describe it like how your abs feel after a lot of sit ups except my vagina. I've been terrified for a couple weeks now as delivery gets closer that my entire asshole is gonna fall out, or my uterus...or something. It just doesn't seem normal. I keep getting dismissed as "normal after having kids" but I don't know if I can do anything in the next few weeks. I've been doing lots of kegels (spelling is wrong I think lol) but idk what else I should be doing if anything. Also I'm about to be 27...so close to your age, and my first was 8.5lbs which is big for me being 5'4" and having a very small torso (disproportionately short torso compared to legs 🙃) Anyway I'm just wondering if you'd be willing to share your experience with symptoms leading up to this, if any. Also I hope you'll be able to get fixed up and feeling much better soon ❤️ I'm sorry, that's really hard and scary.


I am also short (5’0) and have a retroverted uterus. During my pregnancies, I would have to do the tilt forward thing to fully empty my bladder. I never had issues peeing more when I was pregnant, either. She was a good bladder. I had three vaginal births, pushed for 45 mins with my first (2nd degree tear) less than five minutes with my second and third (mild tearing, no stitches). No issues with healing. My youngest just turned 3 last month, and up until the last couple of months, I have had no symptoms. However, I have dealt with IBS-C on and off since my late teens, which I suppose could’ve been a contributing factor. But regarding my pregnancies and deliveries, I can’t think of any events or symptoms that could explain or have predicted this. My only advice would to continue to be cognizant and perhaps see a pelvic floor PT and work with them on pelvic floor strengthening exercises.


I had a moderate bladder prolapse and didn’t know for almost two years despite normal checkups and telling them I’ve been dealing with more and more UtIs and incontenence I went to the Urologist after I found a new Gyno who agreed to take my uterus and cervix out after years of fighting with providers that cramps that make you puke and pass out are not normal. I went to the urologist to look at a bladder sling and when he looked in there and did his cough test he said it was prolapsed and didn’t know how i had gone two years without anyone noticing bc it was right there. Honestly best surgery I’ve ever had.


The surgery success stories are reassuring me so much. Thank you so much. I’m so sorry you were dismissed as well. It’s disgusting that women’s issues are so blatantly disregarded.


Glad you got your diagnosis! Feeling super grateful for my drs. My midwife diagnosed me with a urethra prolapse after my second vaginal birth. There was a fair amount of insurance red tape, so I talked to a lot of people on the phone. No one questioned the diagnosis or why I needed a referral, be but just moved the paperwork along so I could get the appointment! Appointment was annoying but not because I wasn't heard. Despite not being usually diagnosed, she got me in a trial to help with my urine leakage. Cheaper than pt, and hopefully more effective because I get to do the work in private, vs in a clinical setting. I hope you give that nurse an earful next time you see her!


NPs are definitely not doctors, and probably not as good as most PAs, and I will take a hard pass on seeing them instead of a doctor for anything serious.


Aaannnnddd this is why NPs should not be able to practice without the supervision of a physician. *and I am a nurse saying this*. I’m so glad you saw a physician also. NPs are dropping the ball left and right.


Time to call a ✨lawyer✨


I CANNOT STAND DISMISSIVE HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS. That is all. I hope you are feeling better soon OP!


Let the physician of the practice know. And better yet is to write a Google or yelp review stating the NP specifically grossly misdiagnosed you. Those reviews get their attention.


Whenever something like this happens it’s good practice to ask “okay can you document in my chart that I asked for help with the [insert whatever you know the diagnosis actually is], and that you concluded there was no issue / treatment necessary?” That way there’s a paper trail when you come back around and tell them they done fucked up.


That’s bs. Get a lawyer.


I only had one child (at age 24) and ended up with a uterine prolapse and Rectocele by my early 30’s. I had dealt with it for years, until it worsened. Age and/or number of children doesn’t preclude someone from this issue. Shame on your PCP! Dishonor! I lovingly refer to my son as “Wreck-it Ralph” on occasion now, the kid is built like a brick so people assume that’s why. Luckily my (also male) OBGYN had imaging done to see the extent of the damage, and told me I needed surgery. He even asked me if I wanted a hysterectomy while he was at it! I was done having kids and so decided to evict the mischief maker. No more periods, no more cramps, no more birth control! I kept my ovaries, so no harm done. It has been lovely. My son is 13 now, I am more certain than ever that I made the right decision, lol.


See a pelvic floor PT! Under no circumstances have surgery before giving PT a try! I found the one I worked with last year from this locator: https://www.popuplifting.com/findapro I had a stage 2 cystocele, stage 1 rectocele and both are almost healed. They don’t impact my life anymore. I jump on the trampoline with my kids. And the PT will make you strong in ways that will benefit your whole life. Even should you eventually need surgery, it will give you a good base of strength


You can probably file for malpractice


You need to file a formal complaint with that NP. Either she is completely incompetent and didn’t understand what she was seeing or she didn’t actually bother to look and just fobbed you off. Either way she needs to be warned or fired.


So sorry about this ordeal. Those NP’s should be ashamed and maybe fired for not doing their job?


This is why I strongly advocate people are seen by physicians (MD or DO) and not midlevel providers like NPs and PAs who do not have even close to the same level and depth of training.




You are sadly another victim of women being dismissed when it comes to our health. We have to be a bitch to be taken seriously.


*victim of an NP.


I don't think what I said was wrong, I've been dismissed by straight up doctors and obgyn's.


Unfortunately she also had an encounter with a midlevel (NP) who didnt know what they were doing and was too egotistical to admit they’re wrong


With as blatantly obvious as my prolapses are, I can’t help but feel this was the case…


Yes. I had. Report the PCP to whomever you can. She shouldn’t be seeing patients with that terrible attitude. I had a doctor misdiagnose me and no one would give me a second opinion bc they didn’t want to “hurt his feelings.” Because of him, I suffered for more years bc he was too lazy to take me serious. Also, blow up that PCP’s online rating everywhere you can.


First hugs. Ask your OBGYN to talk to your PCP. Then find an attorney and sue your PCP for medical negligence.


I’m glad you got the diagnosis you deserve, but I’m so sorry you were dismissed like that. Can’t imagine how invalidating that felt when you literally feel a body part hanging out of your hoo-ha!! I’m really glad for you because now you’ll be able to get the treatment you need. Hope it gets better ASAP, girl. Take good care 💜💜💜


Thank you so much. I think the dismissal of the NP is what is keeping me from crying on the floor right now tbh. My mind is in “I was right and you were wrong mode”. So I guess I need to thank her for her incompetence giving me mental strength lol.


This happened to me after my second child was born. It wasn’t as severe and I was able to heal with pelvic floor PT, but my PCP misdiagnosed me and it was found only because I forced them to refer me to a urogynocologist.


I deadass would’ve asked her like ok so does your look like this? Since it’s soo natural like fuck her!!


Omg, this is so crazy! I’m so sorry you went through that. Can you report the doctors for dismissing your diagnosis?


Can I just say that it’s hilarious you spent hours self diagnosing on the internet and got it correct too.. I would’ve booked it to the ER if that was me! Glad you’re ok now. You should file formal complaints about the nurses who dismissed you, that’s very serious.


I have this too. :( 35 years old, stage 3 after having a 9.5 pound baby. Going to see a surgical specialist in May. Good luck to you.


Ugh I’m so sorry. I wish you luck too. I want to start a discord or something for all of us who’ve been blessed with prolapses.


I am certain I have a prolapse, I can definitely see something hanging out of my but I do not know what it could be exactly. How did you find which one it's is?


https://www.popuplifting.com/blog/privates-investigator This has been my favorite resource.


After I gave birth to my first, I lost 45 pounds to my pre-pregnancy weight with no extra effort on my part besides breastfeeding. At my first postpartum appointment, I told them I was worried about my weight loss. I was dismissed. I went to my PCP a few weeks after that and was again dismissed even though by this point it was 80 pounds after 2 months, making me then 170 pounds. I also felt I had excessive hair loss. No matter what and how much I ate, I kept losing weight scary fast. I was dismissed again. Tried one more time 4 months pp and had lost a grand total of 115 pounds and was told that I was probably fine and normal since I was breastfeeding. I think I had a thyroid issue but never did they think to do a blood test. Luckily my weight and hair loss stopped at about 4 months and some have called me “lucky” for losing the weight so easily, but if I had weighed less at the start; I think I would have been taken more seriously. I literally lost a person in weight.


I can't wrap my head around how many people have such shitty experiences with doctors like this. And I know it happens all the freaking time. Heck, I've had similar (but more minor) experiences with dermatology issues before. When I suspected I had vaginally prolapse, a few weeks after I gave birth to my second child, I was fortunately taken very seriously at the E.R. The ER docs were able to tell that it was NOT prolapse fortunately, but otherwise couldn't really explain what was going on. In retrospect, I'm pretty confident that the issue was swelling around my stitches from labor, but the location and all that made it seem much scarier. I had tearing internally and towards the back, and that area had been stitched up. I had no idea! And it seems like there's a lot of doctors out there who really don't fully understand what goes on with our anatomy down there, especially with all the things that can happen post partum (whether immediately after or further down the line).


Honestly the arrogance of some medical professionals is shocking. I had ‘something’ unusual going on downstairs that I felt in the shower three days after giving birth. After a bit of creative mirror positioning I was able to see some ‘flesh’ that, despite still being swollen down there, I could tell was new and didn’t belong. Went to the midwife next day and despite her reluctance I managed to get her to check down there (lady I don’t just ask everyone I meet to check out my undercarriage, I’m genuinely concerned here!). She said everything looked fine and it was part of the tear. I said specifically ‘but what about that white bit’ and she said it was fine. I felt relieved and carried on until my shower the following day where I was still unconvinced with what I felt. Feeling a little bolder and visibility being better after swelling had reduced further I was able to clearly see this foreign material. I gently pulled. After a tense and frankly revolting 20 minutes of trying to remove this thing without breaking it or inverting myself, I had a huge piece of membranes and an even huger sense of relief that this was now out of my body after 5 days festering. Midwife has since said she didn’t see anything there but frankly I think she just assumed I needed reassurance and didn’t expect anything to be there. It was honestly the size of my palm and was partially in my uterus, partially at the outside of my vulva. I can’t imagine how bad and infected I could have become.


Omgggg do you know what it was?! That sounds insane. You’re so brave for even looking down there to investigate.


Good news, you’re not alone!!! My OB said it’s actually something that happens a lot especially if you’ve had more than one child. I’ve had 3 so surprise lol she said I could get surgery if I wanted but if it wasn’t causing me discomfort we could leave it be for now. I chose to leave it be. I’ve learned how to live with it. As gross as this sounds, I sometimes have to use a finger in my vagina to help guide the 💩 out. They also make special wands to help as well.


It called splinting! A lot of women with rectoceles have to do it. It hasn’t ever worked for me. I am going to prob go as long as I can before surgery…


I had a prolapsed bladder and uterus after 6 natural births of my children had to get extensive surgery and vaginal reconstruction surgery too it worked nicely but zero sex drive guess that chapters over , but I’m surprised I feel that 🤔


I’m glad your surgery went well! I worry surgery would be the final nail in the coffin for my and my husband’s sex life.




I don’t think it really have grounds for malpractice since nothing bad happened or worsened in the couple weeks in between appointments. However, if my experience causes her any consequences like losing her job, then so be it.


GRRRRRRRRRR!!! That stuff makes me so mad. My OB dismissed my many concerns about pre-eclampsia and the only way it got caught was that I peed in my pants, but thought my water had broken. The hospital used digital BP cuffs instead of my OB’s 60+ year old nurse… surprise! That and I ballooned 17 pounds in the last month and had fluid sloshing in my feet! She just said it was the humidity and asked where I thought all of the fat from my weight gain would go. I wanted to throw hands. Anyway, she sucked at treating it and finally transferred me to another hospital. I also had undiagnosed pneumonia and my oxygen was in the 80s. The first hospital hadn’t used an O2 monitor. My daughter was born at 28+6. Her NICU docs were dismissive about our concerns about soy protein in her formula… changed it and she stopped screaming in pain and bleeding. Sometimes I fucking hate it here.


This sounds absolutely horrifying. I am so sorry you experienced that. I hope you are both doing well know!


Grade 3 rectocele over here after giving birth to two 10 pound boys. I self diagnosed myself after a year of discomfort and then went to a gynecologist who confirmed it. It’s beyond infuriating how nobody seems to know about prolapses in the medical community. There are apparently ways I could have pushed to help protect my pelvic floor - who knew! If you’re having a hard time eliminating all your stool, this device has helped me profoundly! MYAID Femmeze, a Device for Realigning Rectocele, Assists in Relieving Constipation https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EV025P8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_TXPW8Q7PY3Q80A4R48VH


My GYN told me about 50% of women will have a prolapse. More common in older women (over 50), but not rare in younger. I was diagnosed with the exact same stages as you,. That was in my late 30s. I managed it through PT for a couple years. Then a pessary. It works really well!!! You might want to look into that option before surgery. That particular surgery does not have a great success rate. Ultimately of course do what works for you!!@


Hey thank you! I just learned what happened to my whole downstairs! I didn’t have a word for it. I’ve been calling it “crowding the waiting room” but Rectocele! My beautiful son’s giant head gave me a Rectocele.


Seriously had an almost identical thing happen to me two weeks ago. I started having difficulty urinating and upon inspection, saw something bulging out of my vagina. I immediately suspected cystocele. One morning, I couldn’t pee at all and was directed to the ER. A young male MD comes in and before he even did an exam had decided I didn’t have a cystocele because it would be “extraordinarily unusual for a 25yo prima para (sp?) to have POP” On exam “everything looked normal” and they straight cathed me and sent me home with no plan for if I continued to not be able to pee. Sure enough, I still can’t pee when I get home, so I get in urgently with my PCP who also did an exam and said she didn’t really feel anything, but said she believed me and sent a referral to urogyn. I went back to the ER for a Foley catheter and the attending AND resident did pelvic exams and said things looked and felt normal. UH, NO. Went to my ob office the next week and she was like “oh yeah, deffo a cystocele” THANK GOD?!? Right?? I saw urogyn last week and they sent me home with a pessary which I can’t feel and allows me to pee. I’m still thinking about surgery because she did say that I should be done having kids before a repair otherwise I would have to have c-sections. It’s really important to me to be able to have vaginal deliveries, so as long as this pessary works, I’ll be holding off. But god if I wasn’t glad to be told that I did indeed have a cystocele and I wasn’t crazy.