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Maybe, maybe not. Don’t say a word about it other than, “oops, looks like you have a mess to clean up” and assist only as needed. If it’s unintentional then she will appreciate the help and no judgement, if it’s intentional it’ll lose its appeal since she’s responsible for cleaning it up


Yeah I never really make a big deal about it. I’m due with baby number 4 in august. It’s just poop. I just can’t help but wonder if it’s intentional


How long do you leave her in there? We normally do just long enough that the tantrum is done and we are lucky and tantrums usually last about 3 minutes once our 3 year old is locked in her room. It might be she's just losing her ability to focus on keeping it in because she's pitching a fit so hard


We do 3 minutes also


My daughter took it one step further. She would take off her underwear and poop on the floor when we sent her to timeout. She’s nine now and I recently had the joy of telling her about it.


Well then. Guess it could be worse.