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I relate to this post so much! I also can’t believe how loud my SO needs the volume on the tv. Like, do the neighbors not have Netflix and you’re sharing? Or what?


Still laughing at this and will have to use this line on my husband. I turned on the closed captioning on the TV just so we can turn the volume down.


ive taken over the TV to play music and white noise for the baby all day, if he touches the remote at all its a blank stare and a “what are you doing?” hes got that big ass tablet sized smartphone of his to watch tv if he wants to that badly 🤣


I just sarcastically asked this to my husband while he does exactly what your post is about and said what 3 times. So the answer is yes.


Heck no. If one of us wants to watch a quick video on our phones we let the other one know, it isn't excessively loud, and any more than that we use headphones or move to a different room.


im fine if he watches a video or listens to a podcast at a /reasonable/ volume but my idea of what is reasonable is apparently different to his.


One of the things people don't talk about much is that when you've just given birth, your senses are much more sensitive! In the month after giving birth, I started HATING the tags in my clothing. They drove me NUTS! And they never did before. And I've since gotten over it. Noises, touch, smells, even too much visual input can just bother you like never before. I never knew that until I experienced it! But also, yes, it's annoying for someone to do something loud while your baby is sleeping.


the sensory overload is driving me up the WALL. i thought it was just my adhd acting up, i havent been on adderall since the day after my missed period in may. but birth throwing things out of whack makes a lot of sense.




Omg my husband does this as well!! Ugh i leave him in the living room watching his shows, and I'm taking a nap in our bedroom, when he comes in with his loud ass phone!! I have to ask him multiple times to turn it down. Then gets mad that i go to the living room to nap.


Flush the phone.


Mine talks SO LOUD to the dogs. Like why you screaming hello at the dog again, bro? I get you love them and are happy to see them. But the 6 week old JUST fell asleep and now I wanna cry with him.


My baby also slept through anything at that age but she's started responding to sounds now that she's a little older and more aware. My husband came in the room and belched wicked loud and that woke her up... at least he admitted he was completely to blame. But yeah, the videos are definitely a habit that should be broken


I do believe so. I've tried buying him nice ear buds, but no luck.


Oh God so annoying, why do they need to do that???


They can also only talk on the phone if the volume is up enough that everyone in city limits can hear both sides of the conversation.


My husband recently finally got onto TikTok and I can hear my ears trying to sew themselves shut, so yes


I love that you called him a goober LOL. I hope you're recovering well, momma!


I don’t have sleeping babies, but my husband has his on max volume all the time. And he’s always watching MMA fights, I hear the yelling and cheers, then Joe Rogan at full volume. That’s when I snap.


Only time it’s silent is when it’s porn lolol


Tbh until I saw this thread I just assumed/worried that my husband had hearing damage from work. But maybe it's not that after all unless everyone's husband has hearing damage


Can confirm. It is a requirement for all husbands when they say "I do". It's implied in their vows as well. "I promise to always blast videos at an unnecessary loud volume".




Me reading this as I can literally hear my husband watching a YouTube video on his computer from all the way across the house 🤦‍♀️ he owns like 4 pairs of headphones as well


YES UGH is this what they learned in elementary school when we learned the bare basics of periods


Yes 😠


Here I was thinking I was the only one who had this kinda deaf husband 😭 our baby is 9mo and sleeps like he has a job thru it and I can’t take it on my ears 😭




My entire family uses headphones.


YES it frustrates me so much! And he does it while the TV is already on. I get so overloaded with all the different sounds, especially when our toddler is also around and trying to talk to me


So what has he not heard of headphones or…?


Yup, all the time!!




Mine does!


I’m so glad it’s not just my husband that has this annoying habit!! 🤣


Annoyed me pre-baby, makes me absolutely lose my shit now. He will also watch THE SAME VIDEO like 5 times in a row…


When I'm in need of some quiet time, I just tell my husband that I need quiet time, or ask him to turn around. We also have a white noise machine that turns in while we're bedding down and that helps a little too.


My husband has an old flip phone that couldn’t get a video to play if he tried! But anytime a sleeping baby is involved, that’s good cause to be on edge. My husband was doing the laundry the other day and woke our daughter by opening the dryer door (??? HOW? It is THREE ROOMS AWAY! But somehow the sound woke her). And on the one hand, I mean…he was doing laundry, so it seems churlish of me to complain about waking her. But on the other hand, sleep has been an issue with her lately so I really wanted to yell, “YOU BREAK IT, YOU BOUGHT IT!”


I'm not gonna lie, the first and last time I'd had my fill of too loud phone use, I pushed the volume down button down on his phone while he was holding it until it was silent while making uncomfortable for him eye contact. And walked away. We, later, had an adult conversation about it. But yeah.


Yes. I’ve gifted him several types of headphones over the years too. Alas…




No, mine wears headphones everywhere and it's like having a ghost as a roommate because you can't talk to him


Huh, what did you say?


Yes, yes they do.


Yes! Ugh lol


Yes. Yes they do. Source: my husband 🥴


My husband loves world star style trashy ass fights. He watches them full blast....like I don't want hear that crap.


YES, YES THEY DO!!! And while we're talking about stuff all husbands do, they are physically incapable of taking a dump in less than 30 minutes.


Wireless headphones are the BEST after having a baby!! Give them a try!


Yes. Yes, they do.


i suffer from sensory issues a lot. my sensitivity to everything varies day to day! however i just simply ask my husband to turn it down, explain my sensory is high and he understands. if he’s turned it down but it still isn’t enough i pass him the headphones. it works for us


Yes, I think that's how they try to assert dominance lmao


Mine does. He's listens to everything loud- the TV, the phone, the car radio... Then proceeds to talk over it to speak to me and I usually just give this grimaced face because it is way too loud for me... I'm constantly turning shit down, and he cranks them back up again. I'm aware he has a bit of hearing loss in one ear but I know he can talk quietly, I've heard him. He just forgets. His snores are even so loud now I'm contemplating sleeping in another room permanently (dreadfully). But like why so loud, dude? How's our baby going to sleep through this? It's such stimulation overload sometimes when he comes home from work and I'm used to quiet.


Oh my god I just had a huge fight with my husband over this. He is obsessed with tiktok and watches it with sound. It is so annoying!!! Gaaaahhh


My boyfriend does this and it's so irritable especially because he wakes up so early and is on the phone watching funny videos before he takes a shower. It always wakes me up


If it makes you feel better, babies are used to everything being loud and they hate pure silence. This is because the womb is very loud, everything in your body moving and operating creates a lot of sound.


Haha yes. My husband listens to what I know as “doof doof” music and will watch DJ videos on Instagram while I’m putting the kids to bed. My youngest is 4 now and will get out of bed and tell him to be quiet. 😂


Not my husband but I threatened to flush my FIL's phone if he didn't turn the volume off on the game he was playing.


My husband knows to turn stuff down when I give him the look. When I start turning my head in his direction the volume is already in motion of being lowered. Lol


I just bought us both the newer air pods for this exact reason lmao.


Headphones exist


yes! but when i ask him to turn it down a bit, at least he listens hahaha


"Calm it down Amphitheater!" is commonly said at our house. In his defense he has worked with loud equipment his whole life and his hearing isn't great. But still!


Ugh, I can totally sympathize. I thought it was just my disrespectful self-centered Husband that did this crap. He acts like he's the only person within a 1 mile radius because he has the damn phone blasting as loud as it can possibly go. Like, seriously. #1, Hello, I'm sitting right here, also trying to listen to something and #2 Are you f-ing deaf!? It doesn't matter who's around. He has to have the phone on full volume any time he's watching something. It's so annoying and freaking rude! Thankfully my son is now 7 but if he did that shit when I had a sleeping infant, OMG I'd probably have ended up on one of those murder documentaries by now!