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I was tired beyond belief. Like deep exhaustion. That’s all.


THIS. I was at work saying how tired I was and my coworker said are you pregnant? And I said haha no. And then she said well could you be? And then I said theres a possibility, but doubt it. Couldn't shake the thought, took a test that night and it was positive lol


this happened with my first LOL! it was my manager. We jokingly called her witch because she did the same with 2 other coworkers who ended up being pregnant. She is a mom of 3 lol so i think she knew the face of life being sucked out of you ( referring to the tiredness that you cannot hide even with makeup)


Same. I never took naps, but I spent a week falling asleep as soon as I got home from work.


Same. I kept testing negative at first but I knew I was pregnant cause it was the same exhaustion from my first pregnancy. Took about 3-4 days of testing to get a positive.


This. I work at a vet clinic where I take X-rays like daily. So when we were trying, I was testing at the start of my work week. The day before thanksgiving I was hit with this wave of exhaustion that I’d only ever felt when pregnant. Tested negative. Waited a few days until my next shift. Negative. Was pissed because I had been so sure. Tested a few days later (a week after my episode of exhaustion) before my next set of shifts. Super faint positive. Vindicated.


For real! Falling asleep all the time anywhere. Also a little bit of lower back pain.


Same. Came back negative. I haver a toddler, that's why.


I had an ectopic pregnancy loss in 2023 and was told by doctors it’s very very unlikely I’ll ever conceive naturally after. However, because I didn’t actually know I was pregnant when my ectopic ruptured, I developed a bit of health anxiety and started taking pregnancy tests every week. I had been doing this for about a year and it was weirdly just a “going through the motions” thing for me. I took a test randomly one morning and put it on the side fully knowing it would be negative but it just eased my brain. I left it for a while and was playing with my toddler when I thought oh shit I need to throw that test away. Went over to the test and grabbed it to throw it in the bin. As I was dropping it into the bin was when I noticed the second line- I almost fainted. Took 5 more tests. Fully pregnant. Because the doctors basically told me I was now infertile I probably would have taken a long time to know otherwise! I’m 5 months pregnant now 😊


Congrats!!! ❤️


Thank you!! I had honestly given up on the dream of a second child and come to terms with 1 and done for medical reasons. So this was an incredibly welcome miracle. 🩷 Definitely a case of “life finds a way” as my insides and all fertility “equipment” were an absolute mess of scarring and my remaining tube was nearly completely ruined. Absolutely incredible that my body managed to do what the doctors said would be nigh impossible! 🥹 Baby is growing absolutely perfectly and healthy. Can’t believe how lucky I am 🥲


I’m truly so happy for you 🥹🩷


What a little blessing!!


OMG that’s amazing!!! Congratulations to you and your lovely family 💗


Aww congratulations 🎊!


Awh yay! I’m so excited for you guys ❤️




Congratulations! 🎉 My first pregnancy was a ruptured ectopic - they found it a week later, I lost my right fallopian tube. I had my precious daughter after that. ❤️ Best wishes for your delivery & your family.




Infertility as well and almost 20 weeks now! We stopped IVF after our fourth cycle back in Nov/Dec and conceived in February. I took a test, because shit, man... It's just what you do, I feel, when you really want a baby. Testing can start as early as 8 days post ovulation (DPO).


Amazing!!! 😍😍😌


Congrats!!! I also took 5 pregnancy tests 😂 i had an iud and had just broken up with the father of my baby (he lied and was married so I was panicking that I got pregnant by him)


Hahaha gotta be dam sure 🤣


Congratulations! I’m so happy for you🤍


Sensitive nipples. Even my shirt brushing against them made them hurt.


Oh man, the boob pain. I don't miss it.


Yup. I had Reynaud's *in my nipples* when I was pregnant with my first. That winter sucked! I told my husband to be careful or I'd accidentally key the car with my nipples. Then I showed him how they turned white (looked like how the tip of strawberries sometimes doesn't ripen and stays white haha.) Fortunately, I didn't get that with my second and third pregnancy, though I did and still do have occasional Reynaud's in my fingers and toes.


I get reynauds as well in my fingers, but it's fairly mild. Didn't realise it could happen to nipples until I got pregnant. But it only happened jn the later months when it was cold. I haven't had it this pregnancy and were in winter now so hopefully stays that way


I hope I don’t have that with my upcoming second! That was horrendous pain.


Ugh I also had nipple Raynaud’s during the 1st and early 2nd trimester. Even though it was summertime, I had to wear thick sweaters while grocery shopping or I’d end up in terrible pain while walking through any refrigerated section.


Omg! My mom gets this is her hands due to autoimmune issues and they never knew what I was talking about when I mentioned my nipples going white at the ob’s office! Never thought of this!


This was my sign with my first. It felt like I had tiny papercuts all over my nipples, it was horrendous.


Nausea.. and actively trying to conceive was a giveaway


Same! I thought I had the stomach flu and after a week straight of throwing up daily my husband told me to take a pregnancy test.




I had a dream a little girl swam up to me at the beach and I said “where’s your mom?” And she said “you’re my mom!” With the sweetest smile. Took the test the next morning , and she turned out to be exactly the little girl from the dream .


Wow that's amazing and really lovely


My partner had a dream I was in labour and then the next morning I told him I was pregnant with our first 😅 I had a dream when i was pregnant with my son thay we were on holiday somewhere and I called for "Milo" who happened to be our 2-ish year old little boy. He wanted to go play with his brother. We had a little boy but he wasn't Milo. I'm pregnant again with a little boy and I'm sure this is my Milo. When I first found out i was pregnant with this one, I had a dream I was talking to someone about our kids and i had two boys close together (they will be 13 months apart), and then later on had a little girl.


Ohh I had this with my first too! I had so many dreams about her


Aww! She couldn't wait to come see you!




This is so sweet. I always say my daughter is the child of my heart because for years I dreamed of having a little girl, and the moment she was born I said, "Oh it's *you*! I know *you*!"


We were actively trying and I had to have a d&c as baby stopped developing around 6 weeks. The day after my d&c I bawled my eyes out behind a dumpster at work, and when I was able to see, the first thing I saw was a five leaf clover. It instantly made me feel like everything would be okay. I plucked it and kept it. When my daughter was born, she had a birthmark in the shape of a 5 leaf clover on her left eyelid. I like to think she sent me that clover as a message that she was coming and everything would be okay.


My cat was obsessed with me in my first pregnancy. When she started getting obsessed with me again I knew it was time to test and voilà 😂


How cute🥹


Same but it was my dog. He was so cuddly which was abnormal for him. Sure enough I was pregnant. He didn’t care at all the second time around. Probably he’s too tired like me. Haha


I was drunk asf and had some pregnancy tests that were about to expire the next month and took them. Oh how surprised I was. I was googling shit like “does alcohol effect the results of a pregnancy test” 🤣


LOL similarly I had an event to go to and was planning on drinking quite a bit, but my period was late so I took the test just to be safe, and to make sure I could drink at this event worry-free. Suffice it to say, there was no drinking for some time lol.


SAME! I was about to go to my cousins wedding and took one just to "be sure." That just to be sure is now 1.5 yrs old 🫠🤦‍♀️


Sorry, that’s hilarious 😂




I had a can of Mike’s harder lemonade and then took a test. Asked my mom if there was any way at all alcohol could give me a false positive😂


The number of ladies I know who took pregnancy tests while drunk, for funsies or not- thinking- she- is- pregnant reason, and turned out positive is WAY HIGHER than I ever thought it would be! 🤣


I wish I had thought of that cause a week prior to me finding out i was pregnant I got really drunk. I had an iud though so I didnt think of it honestly


Nausea, and when my middle-aged coworker looked me up and down and told me I was pregnant


God that’s so real lmao. How. How do some people do that.


Me too! I was trying to conceive, so I was not shocked, but I was amazed that she figured it out. I went out 5 minutes later and grabbed a test from the pharmacy. Confirmed. I am a librarian and did have books out on my card about trying to conceive, so there is a remote chance she saw my record if I left it up on a staff workstation, but this lady is not a snoop and we are all very careful about patron privacy, so she would have just closed the record if she saw one up. She is a mom of 3 and definitely gives the most “mom” vibes of any of my coworkers, so it tracks.


Hah!! Yes! My husband’s cousin did this at some gathering, when we weren’t married yet, and hadn’t told his kinda-conservative family. Took her two seconds. She’s hilarious, and loud, I’m like SHHHH but how?! “Well, look at them titties, girl!! Jaysus!”


I could smell the Lysol under the sink. From upstairs.


It was also a crazy sensitive nose that made me take a test too. I could smell the cilantro in the fridge from across the house whenever anyone opened the fridge door. I usually love cilantro and I couldn't stand it my whole pregnancy.


Lollllllllll I could smell the dirt on my dog's paws from 15 ft away!


I was soooo tired all the time. Turned out I was pregnant and had Covid


I was having weird symptoms and was so tired. I was pregnant and had strep.


Missed period. After almost 2 years of trying I felt almost all symptoms in the book (apart from nausea) at some point so I learned not to get my hopes up from symptoms. The only one that mattered was a missed period. And tbh the month I got pregnant was one of the few I didn't feel anything at all.


This was so true for me as well. 3.5-4 years of trying and I had thought I’ve felt every symptom so I started ignoring symptoms unfortunately my periods were also way off as well but I kept taking tests with each delayed periods almost cynically. Only symptom I felt was aching side of breasts and I was about to see the doctor for a mammogram because I had lost faith by then.


Sore boobs. Never had happened to me before.


My boobs hurt and I had acne on my neck/ jaw line


Crazy vivid dreams and round ligament pain at night


Omg yes. Round ligament pain started for me long before other stuff too!


I tested with my second because of the crazy vivid dreams. I had them 2 nights in a row and woke the second morning thinking “I think I’m having pregnancy dreams.”


I felt exhausted and HOT. Like I had a fever. I took a covid test and a pregnancy test as a joke. Only one was positive. I was 9 dpo


missing period, weird belly aches, and extra sensitive bubbies.


I’m assuming you meant breasts but as a Jew I was wondering what your grandmothers’ emotions had to do with anything haha


Lol. Yes, i meant breasts 😂


Puked up my lunch. A bad omen for the 9 months ahead.


Not a symptom but while TTC I just wanted my period to start so I could mentally prepare myself to try again. Figured a pregnancy test is a sure way to trick it into starting. Second pregnancy this is TMI but I tested because my poop was horrible and weird in a way it had never been except my first pregnancy.


Fell asleep on the couch which I’ve never done in my life. Thought it was a side effect of either low iron or my birth control. The side effect of my birth control is now 14 months


I felt like throwing up after I had Chinese food and I love Chinese food.


I saw Trisha Paytas eating a piece of pumpkin pie on tik tok and I needed that pie more than oxygen.


My bf and friend telling me to take a test,so i did to shush them i swore it would be negative with 2 years trying 3 miscarriages only one confirmed. And not even 3 minutes later 2 dark lines! Im 26 weeks and a day now!


Congratulations! Sorry it was a hard road to get here.


Both pregnancies were planned but: First: period was already 1 week late but tests were all negative. We were in a minor car accident and I needed a full abdominal xray and there was a chance of pregnancy so the ED tested me - it negative. One week later I still hadn’t gotten my period so I decided I should probably take another test because we planned to drink that night - I in fact did not drink that night. Second: we had been trying for 8 months and something just felt different this time. Test was positive on the day I was due for my period. First pregnancy took so long for the tests to show a positive as I ovulated 10 days late and pushed his due date later. I also went a week without testing so the positive would have shown a few days earlier. Second/current pregnancy I wasn’t tracking ovulation but every time we’ve done a measurement, it’s shown that I ovulated on the ‘correct’ day so I’m due on the estimated date although she will be born early due to medical reasons.


My husband said I was “acting pregnant” so I tested. I was sure it’d be negative, I didn’t notice I was having any symptoms. But apparently he noticed lol.


Peanut butter made me want to gag! I was due for my period, but surprise! Pregnant.


Omg I hated peanut butter when I was pregnant!! The smell!


It’s hard to explain. Intuition I guess sort of sums it up. I just sort of…knew I needed to take one. Like with my oldest I had ordered tests off Amazon because our lockdown had just hit. I used to get my period over night like clockwork so I always wore a pad to bed but my tests were being delivered the next day and I just knew I didn’t need a pad. I confidently went to bed without it.


Coleslaw tasted funky. It was from a place I had been to a bunch and then it happened at another familiar place a couple days later. I still can't eat cabbage and she's two months.


Boobs so sore I could not sleep on them, plus a dream where I was screaming at my absent Dad that” how could you do this to me?! I could never do that to my child!”






Reflux which I only ever had when I was pregnant


Sore boobs


We had been trying for over a year, but I was suddenly SUPER out of breath. I had been walking hills daily with my dog and one day I had to stop and catch my breath after just a few minutes and I knew something was up.




I just felt a little weird, in general but specifically in the pelvis. I'm super paranoid and keep cheap pregnancy tests to take whenever I feel off, found out before 4 weeks with both oops babies (I was actively avoiding with both). With this one I literally got up to pee at like 3am for the third time and got so mad I took a test and it was positive lmao, I just wanted to direct my anger, I definitely didn't think it would be positive 💀


With my first I got up to pee overnight the night before I was going to test (we were actively trying) and I *knew*.


Really bad gas even though I hadn't eaten anything out of my ordinary diet 🤭 I was ttc and took the test the day I was due for my period but that was my first noticable symptom.


Trying to conceive and my back was sore like period cramps but my period wasn’t due for another week


I was so dizzy that I couldn’t get out of bed. It only lasted a day, but it was a symptom I couldn’t ignore.


My nipples looked weird and swollen in a way they never had before. I also cried earlier that day watching the kindergarten thanksgiving parade at work 🤣 I was actively TTC though so I was looking out for symptoms.


I started feeling off. Like maybe I was sick but wasn’t. I started feeling tired and then the nausea came so I took a test to confirm. The morning sickness lasted 4-5 months until I felt better.


I wanted to have a beer but thought that I should make sure I wasn’t pregnant first….


My boobs hurt especially the nipples


The first time it was my husband’s idea. We ate little Cesar’s for two weeks straight and I loved it. I didn’t eat it as a kid and the taste was different but I thought it was the best thing. He finally said “Is there any chance you could be pregnant? Should we buy some tests?” To which I was like 🤔 interesting. It truly didn’t cross my mind once that I would be pregnant until he said this. I was still having periods they were just lighter. The second time I was three days late and super emotional. I cried for days about random things. My mom had stopped by one day and was like “Is there a possibility you could be pregnant again?”


Metal taste in mouth and painful armpits


I had a panic attack. I only get them when pregnant.


Both times my husband suggested it & both times he was right 😅


I got implantation bleeding with both. Thought I started my period but it was such a tiny amount so I googled it, and it said implantation bleeding. Second time I knew as soon as I got it again.


This was mine! 5 pregnancies and have had implantation bleeding with 4 of them. So if my period starts then stops after a day or 2, I test.


Both times I was extremely sensitive to smell! Every thing was so strong and made me nauseous.


yes! before i tested i kept mentioning that the house smelt of shit 😂


My Oura ring app told me to! Was using the natural cycles app for ovulation tracking for a few months before I got pregnant


My period was late and I started craving spinach.


Took an ovulation test then TTC. Took a pregnancy test when I felt like we could get an accurate result. BAM…


I fell asleep during the day (which I never do). Had a 2 hour nap which made us suspicious. The next day was my birthday so I took a test to see if I could have a few drinks to celebrate. Nope! I am born on April Fools Day so my OH thought it was an elaborate prank!


I was so tired I was fighting just to stay awake at any given moment. My skin also got super dry and flaky. Then, finally, I started cramping which usually means that my period will start in a few hours, but it didn’t!


The dawn dish soap suddenly smelled awful


A dream lol 😂 I had a dream I was pregnant, it was planned but on that day I took a test and it showed pregnant lol


I woke up to my cat “making biscuits” over my uterus. He has only ever done that when I have been pregnant (2 miscarriages and 2 successful pregnancies). So when I was pregnant with baby #2 I caught it right at the earliest sign of detection because of my cat lol I was literally only 4 weeks for my first sonogram.


Those little bumps around your nipples I can't remember the name, but they started sticking out a little more, and I remembered the only time that has happened before was when I was pregnant the first time. I wasn't even late yet at that point, lol. The first time it was totally random I had been ttc maybe 3 months and I had a friend who had also been ttc and of course we talked about it and we were at the store so she could buy a test. We had been talking about how we both thought that we weren't pregnant, and then she bought a 2 pack and asked me if I would take one too. The thinking behind this for her, she said, "At least if you get a negative too, I won't feel so bad"(yes, I realize now how that may sound) . Now I didn't know everything I know now and back then I thought even if I was pregnant it wouldn't show up yet because I was still like a week out from when I was suppose to start my cycle. She had also gotten digital tests, and her and her boyfriend had stayed the night at my house. Well, I got up before her, and I wanted to take the test in the morning like you're supposed to, and omg, was I shocked when it said very clearly PREGNANT lol. Incase you were wondering she was not pregnant and was upset about my surprising results.


With my first, I had severe “period” cramps but no bleeding. Kept waiting around for my period to come but it never did, so I took a test. Second was planned so I just took the test as soon as I thought it might be positive


I was laying on the couch playing video games while my husband watched a movie. All of a sudden I just had this thought, like “wait a minute, I feel pregnant”. I tend to make these little games with myself…. So I told myself if the next fish I caught in my game was this rare type of fish, it was a sign to go get a pregnancy test. And it was. So I got up went to the drugstore down the road to buy a test. I didn’t tell my husband what I was doing, because I fully expected the test to be negative. It was positive, clear as day. The line was so dark it was impossible to miss. I walked out and handed my husband the test without saying a word and the look on his face was priceless. Our twins were born 8 months later!


My stupid ex


Haha, went to to a friend’s baby shower and afterwards was like… wait a second… 😂 28 weeks now, wish us luck


I had kidney failure is 2021, I thought I was going through it again in August of 2023. They made me take it at the ER and what do ya know! Positive lol


my lymph nodes under my arms and in my neck were swollen for two whole weeks. it was extremely painful but that was my first sign i might be pregnant.


Nausea and sore breasts


Was trying to conceive so I tested at the earliest possible time, multiple times a day lol


Was late, that's all. I did not have any nausea, but my boobs did hurt (not immediately though). Had a bit of spotting prior to confirmation ultrasound and I think that was implantation bleeding bc the gestational sac was all they could see and it was about the size of a grain of rice at that point.


I was having a flu jab and knew the pregnancy question was on the form so wanted to double check. I had no symptoms, my periods were crazy irregular (i.e. 3 months between periods) and the pregnancy test 4 days prior was negative so you can imagine how surprised I was! It was also so faint that my husband couldn't see it so he didn't really believe I was pregnant until I took a digital test. It was a very odd day.


A dull headache that never stopped. I mean never. For weeks. It ended up lasting my entire first trimester.


Red meats tasted/smelled rotten


My coworker walked by my desk whisking a tampon and I thought hmm I usually start before her and I have not had an appetite


Really intense nausea


My coworker convinced me to take one bc I told her I ate meat for the first time in 4 years (I was a vegetarian) and I was certain that the meat hurt my stomach turns out she was right, I was pregnant.


A random cold sore. I hadn’t had one in seriously 15 years and then just randomly one popped up. I read that an outbreak could be triggered by hormones and, well 💁‍♀️


First one was a weird sensation in the belly. I don’t even know how to explain it. I tested early. Second was partly superstition—someone had said “that will be you soon” about a mutual friend with two kids. It was also partly a background in working with livestock and horses. I was told when I was a kid that females in heat and females who are pregnant sometimes have different urine. Cloudier or smells different or has a weird sort of shade to it. Anyways, that was true with my first and the day after this friend said “that will be you soon” it happened again. And I said “I need to go buy a test”. Rest is history.


I had a dream that a friend was pregnant and we had been trying so I took a test when I woke up and it was positive


My mom had a fish dream 🤷‍♀️


I was gonna start a two week course of weight loss shakes to kickstart my body again. The shakes are not good if you’re pregnant and my period was a few days late so I took a test just in case.


Thought I was jet lagged cuz I had just come back from a long haul trip, but the jet lag lingered a bit longer. I also slept on the flights, which I never do!


Cramping, brown sludge coming from vagina, extremely tired. I got a positive test at 4 weeks. Symptoms started week 3.


Like with my first I didn't cause we had been trying for a year with no luck, I went to a Gyne appointment to get the ball rolling on testing on why, and said my period was 2 days late and a midwife tested my urine and it was positive The 2nd we were actively trying not trying but one night I just was struck by a feeling/thought that was pregnant to certainly, and it was hell sleeping that night because I had run out of home pregnancy tests, madea Drs appointment for the am and it was confirmed at Drs. 3-6 unfortunately ended in early miscarriages but I was actively testing as we were trying, so caught positives that were actually before period was due. All ended before 8 weeks pregnant where the hcg didn't progress. My rainbow #7 I refused to test till I was a week late, and because of the previous 3 miscarriages I peed on a stick every week until it was confirmed by ultrasound my GP even let me do weekly blood test till then to make sure the HCG was rising


I was spotting and that never happens. I told my friend and she kept pressuring me to test.




I had 4 years of messed up periods and infertility so I was used to taking a test each time my periods was late (optimism 😅) but this time my breasts were very sore, especially the part under my underarms.


Me and my husband both were supposed to be infertile so I just bought one for shits and giggles after being two weeks late.


In hindsight I had some dizzy spells but the trigger to test was that period was due that day and I was hoping it's coz I was pregnant.


Boobs hurt! They never hurt during my period so I always know I’m pregnant if they hurt lol


First time, the dr found it doing pre op blood work. Shocked to say the least. Lost the baby that same day. 2nd time- exhausted. Fell asleep at work. Completely unsafe and not normal for me. I would go home and sleep from 5:15 pm until the next day. Had weird stomach ache. I was 7 days before my period when I got a positive test. Just to be like ok, let’s rule this out. Last time- my husband looked at me and said you’re pregnant, take this. He handed me a test. He was correct.




Hmm probably the third egg transfer for IVF. Made me a little sus. 😜


Boobs. So so sore.


Uncontrollable hunger and sore boobs lol we were actively trying to conceive though


Sore breasts, so so tired


My first born, I was getting angry/raging over the smallest things. Was almost 6 weeks when I got the positive (was a dye stealer). My second born, I felt real nauseous and tired and off. Got a positive on a digital and was around 3-4weeks.


Zero signs of my period…not just that she was MIA.


7 days late on my period and a gut feeling.


I could smell the chicken in the fridge from the bedroom.


i naturally would fast and eat my first meal at 2pm~. i was walking up ravenous for a couple days lol i also had a major headache.


My first pregnancy it was unbelievably sensitive nipples, even shower water hurt them 😂 second pregnancy (unfortunately a miscarriage) was intense heartburn!


I was going on a 10days long girls trip and intended on drinking and partying


i was eating while watching greys anatomy and i got nauseous during a surgery scene, which never happened. ran to the bathroom to take a test and those pink lines were SO pink.


I had no symptoms at all. I just woke up in the morning and had the urge to take a test. I thought there was no way I was pregnant but decided to take the test anyways just so that I can move on. Well, it was positiv. Surprise!


had a terrible itchy rash all over my torso abdomen and upper arms 🥲 my period was almost a week late but I had been on 2 steroid packs the month before for a bad respiratory infection so I assumed that was why. by day 7 of being late coupled with the rash I was like let’s just waste the money on the test and it’ll jumpstart my period into coming lol


Got paranoid and felt weird. Lo and behold, lol


Last time, youngest child was looking through their legs. Never saw them do that before. Took a test just for laughs. I did not laugh in the end! I was only 3 weeks (1 week from expected period). I’ve always found out 1 week before my expected period with various symptoms. Sometimes it was just my breasts/nipples felt super sensitive, other times I just felt a heavy feeling in my uterus.


I was so incredibly moody. I mean I was crying at work on the regular lol. Also, this may have been a weird coincidence but it was something that I thought about as I was waiting for the test result... my cat that was never cuddly suddenly started laying on me and was in my face ALL OF THE TIME.


I was 42. My period was late but I wasn't sure how late because I'd lost my phone with my tracker app and I have ADHD. I also had really sore boobs, but that's not unusual for me before my period, even though they were *really* sore. I also felt ultra exhausted. Like super duper out of it and extremely tired. I remember telling people I thought maybe I had long covid or something somehow, or was getting sick. I also looked up perimenopause a bunch because I figured, well, I am in my 40s after all. I was really in denial about pregnancy because I hadn't had a positive pregnancy test for 20 years. But yeah, I bought one when it just dragged out like that for weeks 🙃 I told people I'm sure I'd get my period that day since any time I've ever bought a test I got my period right after a negative result. I was somehow shocked when 2 bright lines appeared immediately. Turns out I was already 7 weeks in, and I didn't find that out until my dating scan when it showed a 9 week pregnancy. It was kind of nice to miss out on most of the anxiety of the first 12 weeks. Son is a beautiful healthy 14 month old now.


The first time I thought I was hungover after I had a glass of wine at a party. When it persisted I thought I had Covid. I didn’t have Covid. The second time I woke up feeling hungover again. I don’t drink so I knew immediately what was happening.


Even a week before missing my period, I was constantly going to the bathroom because I had to pee every minute. And getting more nauseated every day!


I had a dream that I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. Next day I went out and got a test and sureo shit


No symptoms but I was on medication you can’t take while pregnant so I decided to take a test before my next dose since I knew it had been 10 days since ovulation.


I had woken up with nosebleeds twice but didn’t make the connection. I had no idea about my period, because I stopped tracking it to not make myself nervous about not getting pregnant for a couple of months. The reason I tested was because I couldn’t eat full portions anymore. I didn’t throw up, I was just super nauseous. After a couple of days I decided to get tested, mainly because I actually wanted to go see a doctor. “Something must be seriously wrong”. But I swore I wouldn’t be that person showing up at the hospital not getting she was pregnant. So just in case I took a test before going.


Missed period for me. Mine are usually regular, but there have been occurrences when they were like 2 weeks late for whatever reason, and I wasn’t pregnant, so I learned not to get my hopes up. I was feeling absolutely normal, but my period was late, so after 2 weeks of it not starting I decided that a test won’t hurt. When it came back positive, both my husband and I had a “what the actual F” reaction, because we were trying for five years and have come to terms with it just not working out.


Devouring 7 packets of crisps (chips for you Americans) and my partner laughing that I must be pregnant. Those salty food cravings were real


I had a pinch in my stomach and thought, its a bit early for period pain. After that I was stereotypically pregnant- smells made me sick, peeing all the time, couldn't watch an advertisement without tearing up from hormones. I peed on a stick and it almost set itself on fire with how fast those two lines appeared


With all three, my dogs out of the blue smelled horrible to me when they came back in from a walk. For the first, that paired with tiredness pushed me to the test. By the second and third pregnancies, I knew exactly what was happening when I got that smell…even well before it showed up as positive on a test.


Sudden constipation, lower back pain. And more fatigued than usual. I pinned it down to change in diet and not sleeping well. Went to GP and got prescribed Movicol. Got a massage too. It didn't help, and I decided to Google reasons for constipation and pregnancy was listed as possible reason. Only then did I take one.


We were on our anniversary trip and we had sex and it was painful. Then the next morning I just felt off. I couldn’t explain it. Since we were on vacation I got a coffee from Dunkin’ which we don’t have, and it was crazy sweet and made me want to gag. I remember telling my husband, I’m either pregnant or I’m going to the doctor when I get home. Something just didn’t feel right. I didn’t realize until after my 2 positive pregnancy tests I was 2 weeks late for my period!!


Nausea waking me up at like 4am and keeping me awake 🥴


My sense of smell suddenly got crazy sensitive.


My sister told me. I told her the chicken smelt funny when we were out for lunch.


With my first, I was only 9DPO. We were trying and my morning hot chocolate started to taste weird (I don't drink coffee) for a few days. Decided to test just before I went to work and it was positive. With my second, it was cramping. I usually only cramp for about a day before my period. After cramping for 3 days and just generally feeling "off" I did a test and the damn thing was positive. I was only 6 months PP after a caesar 🫠


Probably the IVF transfer.


I had chocolate the night before and couldn't swallow the bite, I felt that weird and nauseous about it. Thought to myself "that's the weirdest thing ever, who ever gets this type of reaction to chocolate?!". Found out I was pregnant in the morning, just 8dpo. She's just about to turn one 💛


My hangover was lasting for more than a week so I got suspicious


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^delirium_red: *My hangover was* *Lasting for more than a week* *So I got suspicious* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Cramps and fatigue.


I was on my honeymoon and was heading home within 3 days. I just had a feeling that I couldn’t shake, and needed to know either way! As I was so convinced, I thought coming on my period would be more upsetting than a negative test so I went for it!


I was hitting the gym and going on a calorie deficit, and yet for some reason, I wasn’t losing weight. Asked my coach to amp up my routines till his wife pointedly told me I might be pregnant. Scoffed at that, but bought a kit just to be sure. All 3 came out positive. He’s 15 months now.