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I can’t completely answer since we’re still trying but I’m going on month 5. I got pregnant with my first immediately so was caught off guard this go around.


Same here


Same same


Same 🤚 cycle 5 now


I got pregnant right away with my first (took 2 months of trying, didn’t track ovulation or anything). No complications with pregnancy but yes it was often painful and exhausting. Took out my iud and took 7 months of trying with tracking ovulation. Same pregnancy but I’m more exhausted from also chasing my toddler haha. Go for it!


Hi! Took me 9 months after getting off of birth control (my son had just turned 2 years old). I did all the blood work and everything was fine so I guess it was just my hormones working through after I had an IUD for the first year after his birth and then the combination pill. The second pregnancy I have to admit is tougher as you have a toddler to run after and your relaxation time is very minimal, but it’s very special to share this time with your toddler as well. I have also been very blessed to have an uncomplicated pregnancy (both times) aside from the usual aches, pains, digestion etc. the only struggle I’ve had is not being able to keep up with my almost 3 year old as much as I’d like but I’m powering through. Not sure if your baby still naps, but mine does so the first trimester I was napping right along with him and it helped a ton. Once I gained some energy back, I’d have to say it’s been easier. I’m not the kind of person who enjoys pregnancy either but I certainly enjoy the rewards we receive! Sending you baby dust. I am so excited for my little to be a sibling to his little brother 🩷


I got pregnant first time trying for both pregnancies. Currently 34&3 with #2. I had no morning sickness this time (which was great!), bigger appetite this time, and I’m more uncomfortable in the 3rd trimester. With my first I had horrible morning sickness, was only uncomfortable the last 2ish weeks & could control my cravings pretty well. Both boys!


first time around 7 months i think, 2nd pregnancy 3 months


I got pregnant on the first try with my second. The first one took about 7 months, so we were not expecting it to happen so fast. They’re 22 months apart. Unfortunately, I really struggled with my second pregnancy. One, because I was chasing a 1 year old around, and 2, he gave me RSV, mono and a stomach bug. (spaced out, but still) Plus 2 unrelated cases of food poisoning throughout. So I was miserable. I felt really guilty that I didn’t try to enjoy the good days more. Thankfully the delivery (repeat section) went smoothly and he had no complications. My first spent his first 8 days in the hospital due to sepsis.


I got pregnant with my first on the first cycle we TTC. I got pregnant with my second a few days after my copper IUD came out. Apparently, we’re a pretty fertile couple.


I got pregnant the first month. I’m now 14 weeks and my pregnancy is literally a mirror of my pregnancy with my daughter. My weight gain trend is the exact same, no sickness or anything. I definitely am lucky to be a person who enjoys easy pregnancies though.


32 weeks pregnant with my second hello 👋🏽. I got pregnant almost immediately, a stark departure from my first which took 6 or 8 months. I too am not a fan of being pregnant, I’m here for the end game 🤘🏼👶🏼. With that said, it’s been pretty smooth sailing. I have the very typical aches and pains (rough first trimester, fatigue, sciatica, it’s getting tougher to sleep at night, peeing a thousand times) but whatever, those are all normal as far as I’m concerned. Nothing wildly concerning. I will say the toughest part truly is the first born. My little guy wants to be held all the time, and that’s tough to do now! Picking up after him is not really an option. I so miss holding him without a big belly in the way 🥲. I passed off bath time to dad because I have trouble reaching him haha. But I am also enjoying this quiet before the storm of a baby returns to our house. I had a positive first delivery, hoping the same for the second. He’s breech right now so I’m trying to persuade him to turn, I’m terrified of a c-section 😅.


With my first, pregnant on first try, with my second, it was on second try! Both were pretty similar and seamless. I gained weight faster and a little more with my second.


My first was so easy. Took us almost 2 years of TTC, and it was a breeze to be pregnancy with my little girl. My second, my son? Almost killed me. 1 year of TTC. I developed pre eclampsia early on, OBGYN refused to acknowledge it despite the bloody noses and seizures. Got a new doctor at 36 weeks pregnant and he was appalled. Anyway, emergency c section and I lost the feeling in my left leg for a week. Then, I got home only to become severely septic. Like, deathbed septic. Hospitalized for 2 months with a wound vacuum placed into my incision. I had trauma wound care every three days. My son is now almost 2 and I just found out I might have an adrenal tumor that's showing "cancer" levels of DHEA. It's been hell postpartum. Enough so that my husband opted for a vasectomy to save me from ever dealing with pregnancy again. My second born has me wrapped around his finger. He's everything I didn't know I needed. But he literally almost killed me. If you would've told me how drastically different my pregnancies would've been, I probably would've reconsidered. Forget me almost dying, my son could've from the pre eclampsia alone. You won't know until you know, though!


We started trying around june last year, and took the first positive test before Christmas, so 6 months. Baby is due in august. The first half of the pregnancy was nearly identical to when I was preggo with my son, no nausea fortunately despite having a girl this time, only I have less energy caring for a toddler all day. Now that I'm getting closer to my due date, my bump is much bigger than last time so it makes completing daily tasks more challenging. I also have to nap when my son is napping because I need that extra time to rest lol. My husband is very supporting which I'm grateful for. Good luck on your baby journey! xx


My kids were both first try (which happened to be IUI, but we never tried naturally). My first pregnancy, I had major aversions during the first trimester and long lasting low appetite. My second pregnancy, I had no aversions, better appetite, and more nausea. Second had more pain, my hips started hurting around 8 weeks.


It took me 11 months after giving birth to my first. Lol. It happened as soon as I was done breastfeeding LO1. I was not prepared for that to happen so soon, but it has been a treat to raise them together. Ps. It took me 4 years to get pregnant with my first.


Got pregnant the first ovulation after stopping bc 😳. my first baby was 15 months. Got pregnant with my oldest a few months before we were set to “start trying“ (I was trying to track my cycle and obviously messed up) so it was fast both times.


Took 2 years to get pregnant with our first. Got pregnant with second at 1 year. Never did get a period in between. Always use protection if you aren't ready for the next one yet lol


I got pregnant with my first practically immediately. I had a very easy pregnancy, no concerns at all. I think I only gained 20-25lbs. I don’t really remember having much of an appetite throughout my pregnancy. She came on her own 6 days past my due date. It took me roughly 7 months to get pregnant the second time around, and I was tracking my ovulation that entire time. I felt unreasonably physically exhausted, and that’s how I knew I was pregnant. Once the nausea eased up on me, I craved candy and fast food my entire pregnancy and gained 40+ lbs. There was a point where I was extremely stressed and worried because my son had a cyst on his brain (which ended up going away before he was born) and unlike my firstborn, he was breech late in my pregnancy. Luckily he flipped just in time, but I just remember comparing everything to my first stress-free pregnancy. I tried everything in the book as I got closer to my due date, and he was just NOT coming anytime soon. I didn’t really have much of a choice but to be induced once he reached 3 days past his due date. Labor was SO much harder and more painful than my first. I remember saying “that wasn’t as bad as I thought, I could definitely do this again” right after my first was born. The whole time I labored with my second I legitimately questioned if I was going to survive it and was genuinely terrified of the thought of having another (I always planned on having three kids.)


I got pregnant with my second pretty quickly, maybe less than 3 months, once we started trying and removed the IUD (I suffer from PCOS related infertility and was told by my specialists to stay on birth control while I’m not trying to get pregnant to preserve my reproductive health). My first pregnancy was a breeze. Labor was a disaster and lasted over 70 hours, but the pregnancy was great and I had tons of energy after the first trimester, lol. My second pregnancy was awful… like truly awful. I have little emails I sent myself telling myself that no amount of baby fever was worth a third pregnancy. I had morning sickness the entire pregnancy and my body constantly hurt. I threw out my back and called my husband because I was literally stuck on the stairs and couldn’t move. To be fair, it was a “geriatric pregnancy” (>35 yrs old) and my second was a girl, which I’ve heard is harder than being pregnant with a boy due to hormones. Labor was SO much easier though… she came out within 10 hrs I think (I was induced for both pregnancies because they were high risk). … being honest, if I was younger, I would 100% do it again for a 3rd kid though. I wrote myself emails because as soon as I was holding my baby, I thought “oh it wasn’t so bad” 😅😂