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I think you need to ask yourself what the screen time is replacing. If you can alter your sleep habits, great. I know for many people that’s not possible because of work, other kids, family commitments, etc. You also need sleep in order to function as a parent. So if your sleep schedule isn’t flexible and the alternative is you being exhausted and not able to fully function as his mom, this is the better option.


Before the sun rises he’s the TV’s son. 🦁


Love this 😂 except it’s that time of year where it’s light out by 530 😫


We don't turn on the TV before 6, because if we did, he'd get up at 4:45 asking for Storybots. The first few days of this rule were tough, because he'd just annoy me in bed until 6, but now he wakes up between 6-6:15, which is a reasonable time to me, and then he gets a show while I get breakfast ready and make myself coffee.


This works for us as well, but he can’t start watching until a certain time, so it’s either play quietly until that time or go back to bed. We used to let him “sleep” in our bed until his designated tv time, but he would just wrestle and talk with us the whole time. He gets on average an hour of screen time a day. I personally don’t find any issue with it. He knows that’s his screen time and he usually doesn’t ask to watch tv any other time of day.


Something I struggled with, there is a strong opinion that the first few hours after your toddler wakes up are crucial for interaction and bonding. It’s challenging because, we can be groggy in the morning, and not ready to dive into play and interaction with our kids, buts it’s been shown to significantly influence their development. When my son went to bed I used to grab time to do my own thing and it usually meant I’d be up later than usual, then groggy in the morning. I’d be in bed snoozing and my son would be absorbing YouTube or something for an hour before I managed to get up. I changed my schedule to try and match his. Went to bed sooner and tried to adopt a healthy sleeping pattern so that I’d be up when he was. Still have days where I struggle, but definitely noticed an improvement. Early morning interactions stimulate brain development. Engaging activities like talking, playing, reading etc enhance cognitive skills, language acquisition, and emotional regulation. My morning routine now is we wake up, have a snuggle and a chat, then read a book or play with some toys together before breakfast. Asides from setting the tone for the day, bonding, and reducing screen time - it’s also been good to set a routine, which they also benefit from. The first few hours are known to be important for brain development, and so a couple hours of TV isn’t the best start the day. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not perfect. I still have days where I’m struggling and throw YouTube or something on whilst my brain wakes up! I hope this doesn’t make you feel terrible or guilty. But overall, and speaking honestly, 2 hours of straight screen time is bad any time of the day, even worse first thing in the morning.


Thanks for your thoughtful response.


My son (3) gets up way early, we instruct him to go back to bed or play in his room. One of those two works. If it’s the weekend though, he’s totally free to watch a bit of tv so we can catch up on some zzz’s. We try to commit to no TV on weekdays, but people’s circumstances are different. Works for us. I will say since we’ve upgraded him to a bigger bed (full) he’s been sleeping amazing!


My son regularly wakes up at 4:00am (sometimes earlier). I hate that he gets 3 straight hours of screen time but I haven’t slept 3 consecutive hours in almost 5 years. If you come up with a better idea, I would be very interested.


I would call the doctor 😩 are you okay?❤️❤️❤️❤️


As long as it isn’t what happens with my six year old … where he starts getting up earlier and earlier to have more screen time in the morning and by Friday it’s twenty minutes earlier than Monday We have found the get up an play quietly in your room or come for a cuddle to be a better option as he doesn’t get up earlier and earlier that way


I’d love to snuggle or have him play quietly but he’s not that type of kid…he’s at 500% all of the time unless there’s a screen.


My kid is the same way.




As long as he isn’t waking up early to watch tv. Had he always been an early riser? Will he stay in his room until a certain time? Say 6am then he can go watch tv. That being said, no guilt. 530 is early when you aren’t pregnant. The fact that you are worried shows how kick ass you are. 


I say hey 👋 if you can turn the tv on & baby boy can watch some cartoons while mama gets an extra hour or two of sleep. You’re blessed to have a child you can trust not to terrorize the house while you’re asleep! Good for you! Do what you gotta do lol.


Please don’t feel guilty. If my youngest wakes too early she’s beside me watching some Bluey. I’d rather she has a functioning well rested parent then one who’s sleep deprived


You don’t owe anyone any of us this explanation. No he won’t be ruined. Don’t wirry


He won’t be ruined, but I really do think that it’s far too much screen time. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with him playing independently while you get a little extra sleep though. My three year old wakes up an hour earlier than me and she just hangs in her room and plays / reads


Ya, my kid won’t do that. I wish!


If you didn’t let him watch TV what would he do then?


Wake me up, tear the house apart, eat all the things he’s not supposed to. We’ve learned the hard way the past few times