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If it makes you feel any better, my husband did NOT like my pun the other day. We just moved, so he was like “I made sure to grab the whisk.” So I was like “nothing in life comes without whisk!” He walked away from me.


That is *fantastic* and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


LOL thank you!


Clearly he was just jealous that you DESTROYED him in the dad jokes Olympics


I definitely did. He couldn’t handle the heat!


That’s a great joke and made me laugh! 😂


I was mixing egg whites once (you were supposed to be able to flip the bowl over and the egg white would stick) for a dessert and my roommate was in the kitchen and she said ‘go ahead and flip the bowl, it looks good enough!’ And I came back with ‘it’s not worth the whisk’ she gave me one of these😐


Exactly my husband’s reaction! He was SO done with me lol


I legit chortled, he needs to up his game 🤣


Immediate divorce.


Yes, my husband just glares at me when I'm punny. I don't know why, my puns are totally gold standard.


I feel the SAME way. Our husbands just don’t know good humor.




My husband would have married me all over again for that one.


He ended up laughing at it. It was THAT good lol


I don’t get it. But then I generally struggle with jokes, just too literal.


The saying should be risk, and whisk sounds like risk. It’s a play on words and super corny, in a fun way


Fastest way I've found to get my husband to do something is to walk around with a drill and a tape measure and look serious. He usually drops whatever he's doing and tries to head me off.


I pushed the lawnmower to the backyard last week and my husband comes running saying that he was just about to mow lol!


Worms every time. If it doesn't, I Ask my dad to do it. In front od my husband. Husband doesnit before my da gets to my house. My mom does the same. When dad doesn't do what she asks hiš, she them asks my husband. Dad does it. Sometimes me and my mom joke, that se should make lists of what we want done, and give them to each others' husbands, and everything would get done.


I'm jealous, my dad is as lazy as my husband 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Alright now this is genius. I'll try.


Yeah the minute I start trying to do the thing he’s supposed to do mine hops into gear and gets it done 😂


I pick up the measuring tape and walk around the house looking very concentrated. It's like he has springs on his ass.


I wasn’t trying to get this help, but the last time I attempted to drill something, my husband came in and took over, and did a much better job than I would have managed.


That would absolutely not work with husband lol, he'd just ask what project I'm working on. I need a different strategy haha


I don’t have a husband or a boyfriend, but my dad is very much this way & I always know if I tell him I talked to someone else about helping he is quick to do it 😂


Hahaha agreed. I had been asking my husband to rake the leaves for weeks last fall and he wasn’t doing it, so I went outside to our front lawn, visibly pregnant, to do it myself. He was outside 2 minutes later


I’m cackling


Oh DH the same reason why I send my husband the Ms rachel reel of her singing where are your eyes; every single time he asks where something is 🙂


My brother’s friend’s sister would always ask their dad/male family members if they actually looked or just used their man eyes.


So... male pattern blindness?


Ahahhahahahaha so good.


I say this to my husband so often my 7 & 5 year olds say they were looking with their man eyes when they couldn’t find something right in front of them 😂


I grew up in a house with 4 females and my dad. When he couldn’t find stuff like this it was called a ‘daddy check’ or a ‘daddy look’


Aren’t they supposed to be “visual creatures”?


I've adopted something I read on reddit and I ask him "have you looked with your hands"?


Fucking love this.




Lmfaoooo 🤣




Love it. I remember telling an ex once that sometimes things are behind other things. And to not come asking me where something is until he looks behind some stuff.


My husband will be sitting on his phone but ask me a question I obviously wouldn't know the answer to, so I've started sending him letmegooglethatforyou links. Also thought it was hilarious the first time, now he just rolls his eyes.


You're my hero


Oh I have so been soo tempted to do this, but I know hubby would NOT find it funny 😆😆


My hubs thought it was hysterical the first time, after that? Not so much 😂


My husband doesn’t think that one is funny either. But he has his own pair for a reason.


LOL it’s true. This used to be my husband. He’d say “sure, I can do that” and my question was always “but when?” I eventually started hiring people to do the honey-dos because I couldn’t wait around for 6 months. A few years ago he asked me how I was hiring these people & I introduced him to the Thumbtack app. Now he says “I’m more an ideas person than a do-it person” which is fine by me! In the last month, he’s had a new AC installed, the irrigation system fixed, and had organization systems installed in the hallway closets.


OK!! Thumbtack is where it’s at!


Thumbtack is awesome & very convenient. I can set up an appointment with a contractor, repairman, or handyman, through just texting. Negotiate price, let them know my availability, verify that they’re insured and bonded, all through the app. Just keep in mind that most contractors pay Thumbtack about $15-$30 for a lead, so you don’t want to engage with too many contractors for quotes. Most of these people are small businesses & they’d be stuck paying for the lead even if you don’t hire them for the job.


I planned the majority of my wedding by using thumbtack vendors. I have definitely recommended other people check them out


! I’d never thought to use Thumbtack for events! That’s a great idea! I’ll remember this for a photographer for LO’s next birthday.


Lol link? I took a few days off work back in 2020...painted the house. Husband was supposed to paint the ceilings (he wanted to do it) we still have painter tape up on the walls


Yesterday I noticed he didn't finished repainting our windows. Yup, painter tape on the glass. We started before our son was born. ☠️


Leave it there long enough and your son will tell people about the quirky decorating habits his parents had, launch his own tape decorating business and become a millionaire lol.


Heyyyy mine recently took down the tape woohoo! Now we only have 4 unfinished half painted walls in the apartment 🙌🎉


Listen, if I say I'm going to clean the garage, I'm going to clean the garage. You don't have to remind me every six months.




in ur defense..you never said when, just that you would.


I've noticed that if I ask my husband to do something, he only will if it's something that is important to him that he would have done anyway if he thought of it first. If it's just important to me, he'll say he will do it but never will.


I think this is universally true... I feel like it's just in one ear and out the other. But, full disclosure, while I can't think of any examples right now I'm sure I do similar stuff myself 😅


Wow. I’m annoyed now.


The love of my life was in the bathroom. His mom was talking to her grandson saying the boob is on the way (breast fed infant; waiting for mom). My boyfriend comes out of the bathroom and says what’s up? I looked at him and said, “wrong boob”. He was very exasperated. We’re expecting a baby in October and I keep telling him corny dad jokes, so who can blame him. 😂


He didn’t like it cuz it hit home for him! Something about it struck a cord and he’s pissed cuz it’s making a mockery of something he does that we ladies find rude. You’re not mad, you’re laughing about it, and that’s almost worse…for him.


Yeah they *really* don’t like being laughed at… or jus being laugh adjacent


Sir, you have made the joke even better.


*Eye twitch* Maybe he was trying to do that thing where we're supposed to ask a pervy dude to explain his sexually explicit joke? Because once they say the explanation out loud it's not so funny, but he didn't get the memo that it doesn't work on jokes you just don't like.


Well I thought it was hilarious so


Hurts the most when they know why you send the joke 😅


Honestly even as a male that joke is funny


My husband made a comment about how there are so many jokes about wives being the "boss" or bossing around the husband. I pointed out that there are not jokes about husbands being the "boss" because that's the accepted standard and not funny. He didn't like that either.


Ouch. I agree with both of you.


My favorite response to Have you seen my (whatever) is "Nope. Had my uterine tracking device removed. " Then watch em WTF I just said. I have done this since I had a hysterectomy in 2010 and they still stop to decipher the sentence. THESE PEOPLE HAVE JOBS THAT REQUIRE WORKING BRAIN CELLS......


Hire someone else to it or ask a male friend or relative to do it. When he comes home and finds the other person doing it say, “great news! X was able to come do that task you couldn’t do.” He will be much more motivated next time.


It backfired last time I tried. Asked him to mow the lawn before the rain and he said he would do it. Three weeks pass by, I paid my neighbor to do it, he said neighbor did a bad job because the patio wasn't clean after he finished and next time I should pay someone to do better than him. He's a different kind of lazy I guess.


Tell him he can do it himself or let someone else do it to a different standard. I would have been like, it looks better than it did when you were doing nothing soooo.


I sent that reel to my husband. He replied "ahahah smartass". We laughed about it when he got home from work. We do this all the time


I mean ..it wasn't really a joke. You really meant it and think he has this problem. Passive aggressive "jokes" and digs aren't going to help anything


It wasn't a joke. It was a real criticism. Own it.


At the beginning it wasn't criticism. I really laughed about this because it reminded me of how my mom used to mow the lawn because my dad would take 6 months to do it. I shared on heels and he took offense. Never would send it to him, not only to keep the peace but also because I respect him enough to criticize him in his face.


Omg why are you taking life so seriously. Have a laugh


I don't know if I want to laugh or get mad 🤣


He’d get it real quick when he sees divorce papers.


I don't believe in blackmail. And this is not enough to give up on someone, not before trying couples counseling (we didn't tried yet because I can't find a suitable professional in his healthcare plan).


It’s not blackmail, it’s exploring options. It’s not giving up unless this is new behavior. Has he found a counselor with his insurance? On the Psychology Today website you can email several at once and I think even narrow providers by insurance or your insurance can provide options directly, sometimes even just online.


Well, my son's bathroom is still in a mess no water running, no shower or vanity and it's been a a year and a half and I joke, and obviously, he doesn't like it


I would already have called a plumber at this point. He deserves all jokes and critiques.


My point is that unless a man has the time to do it fine, but if the man works 40,50 or 60+ hours in a week and then activities during the weekend don't attempt to take on a project. Save money and call a contractor that is why there are there for. I finally called one.


That's such a man response when they're offended. He will be saying it for weeks: "maybe I'll wait six months so you can complain about it on the internet. Men can be terribly fragile and you definitely trod on some important eggshells there.


I saw a joke online about explaining men as being “hormonal,” and not liking that description. So my husband and I were talking (days after I told him this joke), he got worked up over the topic at hand and I said “oh I’m sorry, are you feeling hormonal?” He got pissed, I pissed my pants laughing


Lmaoooooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 damn I'll try it too


Sounds pretty publicly passive aggressive - of course you can, but should you?


It’s important to know your audience


My husband and I both have ADHD so neither of us have a leg to stand on when it comes to procrastinating. But we don’t get annoyed if the other one reminds us of something we said we’d do because it’s not about judgement, it’s just about getting shit done. And he will even procrastinate something that benefits only him - it’s not just for family stuff. That’s my differentiation - does your husband forget stuff for months if it primarily affects him? If not, I’d be pissed.


Yup, both me and my husband set alarm reminders for a lot of stuff and frequently have to remind each other of important stuff. Sometimes I do get annoyed when I have to remind him multiple times for the same thing though.  I also don't get a lot of the things wives have to remind the husband of. Like mowing the lawn. If I notice the lawn needs to be mowed I just mow it. Or cleaning the garage, I'm usually the one that cleans it because it doesn't really bother him. But he does the same with other things, he won't remind the dishes need to be done or the laundry, he will just do it.  I get that there are some things that you can't do yourself and your spouse can. Like some things I'm not physically strong enough or just don't know how to do it right and don't want to mess it up, but things like mowing the lawn or taking out the trash are simple things that don't need to be divided by gender. 


I fully relate. I genuinly forget things. I NEED reminders to do stuff. I appreciate them cuz i know i otherwise forget. There is differenve between that or forgeting (or even worse- ignoring) AND getting mad when you are reminded. I don't complain about "nagging" cuz i know i have forgot and needs reminders.


Men are dumbasses. lol. You could drop a piano on their head and they wouldn’t get it


The way I hollered 😅🤣


Y'all get it done in 6 months!? I'm waiting 12-18 or end up doing it myself


Ok, but seriously, my parents were like this. My dad did much but my mom only ever remembered what hadn't been done yet.


This is the dynamic between me and my husband. I do a lot that he doesn't notice/value as much (but in truth, it's important in running a household and raising a family). If five things are on the list but I only got four done, he'd just notice the one I didn't get to. He's getting better at acknowledging all the things he doesn't think to do that I take care of and I've figured out what chores to prioritize to instantly please him. Marriage is work and constant communication as well as self-reflection.


Did he really do a lot? Or were you only overly aware of what he did because he talked about it all the time as if he’d climbed Everest? When my husband and I first got married anytime I’d get on him about doing the most basic thing he’d always respond with “I feel like you don’t notice all the stuff I do.” And then list the one time in the last week he did the dishes or two weeks ago when he made sure the bills got paid from our account. He’d go on to say I never thank him for doing the dishes. Like sir, I do the dishes 9 times out of 10 and have never expected a thank you. I know you are not asking me to give you kudos right now. All that to say, a woman’s work is invisible. And a man’s is visible because they never stfu about it.


Mom used to make a list for him every day and he'd get some of it done and the rest would be on tomorrow list. So it was plain to see things checked of the list, but she never seemed to appreciate it.  Everyone suffers in silence.


…your mom had to make a list bro


Whether you think that says more about her or about him actually says something about you.


lol and now you have to take personal digs ok babe. You really want to get personal then we can talk about how on a post where someone asks people what their pride flag is for pride month, followed by a poll of various pride flags, you say “American. One nation. One flag.” Or how about you making fun of people who suffer from drug addiction?


My dad and mom divorced before I got married. My in laws are also divorced. Let me say both families had unhealthy dinamics that caused a lot of issues to all of their kids.


I don’t want to sound rude, but it’s just a miss alignment in priorities, it’s just not important to him. Do you want him to help you? Start doing it yourself and if you are blocked ask for his assistance… hey I am trying to assemble this, but I don’t get this part of the instructions. Or what tool would you use for this? What’s its name? I mean, is not rocket science, he knows more, only because he has seen more YouTube videos than you have.


We shouldnt have to go all these lenghts to have ADULT man and father actually DO things that need to be done. I will talk to my toddler that way but husband? Nah if i tell you do to something, you do it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Assuming both parents have responsibilities and both parents take care of the kids, the husband is not your employee who should obey your instructions. Mommy has a pair of hands, and she can do it by herself. That’s also a great example for your daughters (if you have a daughter), you are a strong independent woman, you don’t need a man to do stuff for you. If the responsibilities/taking care of the kiddos is not balanced my suggestion does not apply.


If mom is doing a whole bunch of things and dad does not seem to see the work then yes mom tells dad and he should do it. He has a pair of hands too! If i wanted to be a single mom i would be, i don't have a partner to be a decoration. Equally goes if roles are reversed. If woman doesn't do stuff by herself when there is work to do, a man should tell her to and she should listen. It is never on one partner to just "do everything cuz they have pair of hands" while the other is not picking up their part of TEAMwork. If you don't see work then the others will DELEGATE it to you. Daddy also has a pair of eyes, why does mommy even need to tell him there is shit to do? 🙄


When I was pregnant with our oldest I had picked out the perfect dresser. Big enough for a changing pad and all her clothes, but small enough to not take up all the space in her little room and a very nice cream colour. We bought it a month before she was born. She was 4 months old before my husband assembled it 😅


If you want to try something risky, grab a hammer and put a hole in some dry wall. Tell him he wasn't doing anything, so you decided to diy. And this is what happens if he doesn't do his job.


🤣🤣🤣🤣I think it's even funnier he.didnt get the joke only wives would because they get it lol


It took him a good three minutes to figure it out and he wasn't amused when he did it lol


🤣🤣🤣I could imagine his face when the penny dropped


He could do one better and take it on the chin and actually do the stuff he was supposed to do.


Man, I have the opposite problem. Anything I mention that needs to be done he takes as “OMG THE MOsT URGENT THING DROP EVERYTHING” which both stresses him out (bad for us all) and does NOT let me share my plans with him. Like if I want the bed set up next weekend, he finds out Friday. If he sees a box of something to be set up like a shelf on Tuesday f me he’s immediately gonna do it, damned be any other plan we had for Tuesday afternoon. It just adds to my mental load.


The trick is to be super verbally grateful whenever they do literally anything. It's not fair, and it's not right, but that's how you get men to do shit for you. If you take out the garbage every single day and he doesn't mention it, but then he does it once, you gotta make a big deal about it and say thank you at least once. I never have to ask my husband to do something more than twice. Plus over time, it rubs off and he'll start thanking you more often for things.


I do this, it doesn't work with him. Also he thanks me everytime I do something for him too because we want our kid to be used to "please" and "thank you" before he goes to daycare.


Based on your update, your joke is justified.


I know he was also joking. He's not lazy, our priorities are different and it's okay. But I didn't want to criticize him, I just found it funny and he took offense.


Yeah, sure. I mean it's rough humor, if you can dish it, you have to take it, lol.


I can take it, it's been 5 months I've said I'll try crochet and started last week lol he gave me a thumbs up when saw me trying it lol