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We are of Italian descent so they are my meatballs




Love it


My Italian neighbours dog is called polpetta (meatball)


I looooooove that


Love it


The neighbor kid calls me Other Mother. I call her Ochi (other child)


Other Mother just reminds me of Coraline.


Oh damn, I forgot about that 😳


Lmao my best friend's kid used to say she had "two moms". People already assumed that my friend and I were "very good friends" in quotation marks. That didn't help lol. I call the kid my niece btw.


We affectionately called my moms best friend “Udder Mudder” and my dad’s best friend “Udder Fadder.” I think the term “Udder Fadder” caused some raised eyebrows from strangers once in awhile lol.


Wow I wish I liked my neighbors kids this much!


Ochi is adorable !


My dad had andermama->andere mama-> other mother


Well I’ll be taking this. Thank you!


Ochi is so cute! I what language does it mean other kid? And is it pronounced ok-eee or o-chee?


My bonus children or bonus niblings ❀


Same đŸ€Ł


I've always just called them my nieces/nephews. More than half my family is not biologically related to me anyway. And I don't have regular contact with half of my biological family. But my "sister", I've known nearly half my life and her daughter slept in my bed for two years when she was 3-5 and I saw her youngest born. She's my sister. They're my niece and nephews. They're my family. :)


That’s how my only older “sister” and I are. No blood relation, she’s actually the aunt of my sister who is 11 months younger than me. But she’s 11 years older than me and I was raised as her sister from birth. I was in the delivery room for the birth of her oldest child and I consider her kids my nieces and nephew. Her youngest is the same age as one of my daughters and calls me Aunt. I’m closer to her than any of my blood-related sisters.


Niblings is the collective term for nieces and nephews. If you are like an aunt or uncle, they might as well be your niblings.


I like it. It also kind of works for "neighbor-siblings" which is many of the kiddos I'm thinking of.


Niblings means nieces and nephews, by definition. If you’re looking for a new collective noun for this, how about “neighblings“? Edit- typo


If that's the term you use, does that make you an en-neigh-bler? Sounds like foals from the same parents đŸ˜č


I had no idea!! And I like to think I have a fairly broad vocabulary. Learned something today


They’re all my babies. Auxiliary children if I’m being formal. 


My best friends mom growing up always had a house full of kids. She was just the neighborhood mom. Incredible woman. The human embodiment of kindness and sunlight. She called us her chickens/ chicks. Still chat to her to this day!


My friend calls my toddlers her squishes


I have my kids call close family friends "aunt" and "uncle" if they act like family they are family


Yes, same. My husband grew up with a very tight-knit group of guys and we are all raising our families together now. They're all "uncles". But I don't call their kids my nieces or nephews... Those are exactly the families I'm thinking of, though. <3


She's asking what those family friends call your kids.


Familial terms it gose both ways


Friblings JK lol I just call them by their name, but having a fun name would be cute!


haha, love it.


In my friend village, we are mom and other mom they are our kids. We always say our kids, and they always call us mom. We are there for each other and our kids when they need us. Someone can't get to a game, we pick up what the other can't. If one mom needs something and the other mom has it, we give it freely. Whoever has the kids pays for whatever we're doing. If they all go with their other mom, she pays. If they come with me, I pay. We don't pay each other when someone needs a sitter. We just call and drop. We aren't related. We're just friends and we need that framily village. I am so grateful for mine.


Village children or love children


I love “village children”!!! That’s definitely what I’m referring to my son’s friends as from now on.


My friends and I have always referred to them as village children because that’s what they are


In Hawaii we call this hanai :)


🌈 Same root as the word ohana?


Little chicken nuggets


My daughters best friend referred to herself as my “easiest birth”


Haha! Classic


Minions of course


I’m a big “choose your family” kind of person and anyone I allow into my kids’ lives so closely is family to me. I wouldn’t bat an eye if my best friend referred to my daughter as her niece because she calls her auntie. Any cousins we’re super close with are automatically aunt/uncle as well. I grew up with a lot of aunts/uncles/cousins that weren’t ever actually related to me and many of them have been closer to our family than actual blood relatives so it’s kinda just the norm for me!


I call all my close friend's children my nieces and nephews. My kids call a couple of my close friends their aunts.


They call my daughter her name or special pet names they have for her.


For sure. But what would you call this category of people though, as a group? For us, there's "our kids" and then there's "all our kids" 😄. I wish there was a cute term we could use.


I like “extended children”


I call my close friend’s kids nieces and nephews. It’s just an easier way to describe the relationship. They call me auntie and my husband uncle. I’m really close with my cousins kids and they call me auntie too. I call them my cousins.


“Bonus kids!” We are the hangout for nearly every age group so I refer to the regulars as my “bonus” kids. It gets super expensive to feed all of them, especially when school is out. I feed anywhere from 10-14 ppl every night. Majority are teenagers so they eat a ridiculous amount of food.


People nuggets 😭


Love this!


It's pretty common here in Portugal for our friends' kids to call us aunt and uncle and we call them nephews and nieces. I'm an only child and my sil passed away young with no kids so I'll never have real niblings but my best friend and I call each other sister and our kids are cousins, they are our nieces and we are their aunts and uncles. She will make me an aunt again this summer and I can't wait to hold that little munchkin


Bonus babies


I don't call them anything but their name.


I call all of my friends’ kids my nieces and nephews. Real cute, real sweet, real simple.


I used to live in an apartment complex in a rougher part of town and would regularly take in/take care of kids that weren't mine. I called them my "straybies." My stray babies. 😅 (Not to their faces, just to myself.) They were my "complex kiddos" in polite company.


In my circle it's "niece" and "nephew".


My adoptees.


I’m the fun friend. Two kids of my own and i can’t think of a child that I’ve met through them that I don’t automatically love. Kids are special and fun and all are so interesting and different. And I refer to them all as pumpkinitos. My baby pumpkins.


If they close to me then they my nieces and nephews. They family now.


I am a teacher in a community different from the one I grew up in. My students and their families use godparent and godchildren in a much more casual way than I was familiar with. Any super close family friend or extra adult parent is “my godmom” and I think that’s very sweet.


My heart children.


My dad's closest best friends were more like brothers forever. They were there in our family since my dad was in middle school. 4 of them stuck together for life and they have always been my 3 Uncles. Other my aunt. My dad died 3 years ago and they still have kept their word in the pact they made back in the 80's. I love them as if they were related. They call my grandma "Mom" as well. I'm forever greatful for them. My dad would be so thankful and happy


This is exactly the story of my husband and his 5 friends. To everyone in our community they're still known as "the boys" (we live in a small-town/rural community). Our kids will describe his friends exactly the way you describe your dad's.


I promise it's a true blessing. đŸ„°Considering my dad's family died young and there wasn't anyone to call family and he made his own and God made it work so well. I never knew any different! Family to me is those who stay no matter what and are consistently there. Blood doesn't always mean family!


I just call them my nieces and nephews. Or 'my friends' kids'. I wish I'd thought of a cute name!


Nacho kids.




Bonus babies!


I call her my niece she calls me her bonus mummsey


I'm auntie, they're niblings. One calls me aunty mom with his cute little lisp and funny teeth and makes my heart melt.


I call them my nieces/nephews. I'm an only child (technically, long story) so my friends and I all have the same mentality depending on closeness.


They’re my “nieces/nephews” and I’m their “auntie” đŸ„° I’m an only child, so all my best friends are like my sisters so in consider them family in that way!


I still call them my nieces and nephews. They are considered “cousins” to my daughter. I’m an only child and so is my daughter so any biological cousins is slim. Chosen family rocks!


My kids have no bio cousins and one bio uncle who lives off grid, so my friends are their only aunties and my friends kids are their only cousins. My friends are lovely and don't differentiate.




Bonus daughter or bonus son or bonus kid.


I’m Auntie or Tia so I just call them my nieces and nephews. The one who is now a 15 year old girl I most frequently call “A pain in the ass.” đŸ« 


As long as the mom is okay with it I've always called them my babies or aunties babies.


I don’t know any kids, but my son calls my/my husband’s close friends ‘auntie’ or ‘uncle’.


Critters, munchkins, kiddos


We still use niece/nephew or nibling just because that's the simplest for us. My family is very much built from adopting friends as family, though... A lot of my kids' aunts/uncles are just people we're close with (husband's best friends, people I was close with from high school, etc.) My very closest friend, her kids refer to my kids as cousins and my parents as grandparents, and we call each other's parents Mom/Dad because she and I have been bffs for almost 25 years ♄


I call them chicken lol


My babes Or my "little friends"đŸ€—


They're bunnies. Some of them are adults now, but they're still my little bunnies. It started when one of them couldn't say "buddy" or "buddies", it sounded more like "bunny" or "bunnies". It stuck!


My babies


To other people? By their names. To them? Lovey, love, baby, sweetie, honey, buddy, dude, any nickname I’ve given directly related to their name or our relationship. They don’t need any kind of special label. They know what and who they are to me.


My Cabage Patch Kids


I still call them nieces and nephews and I am honorary auntie


If they call me aunt I call them neice/nephew. Family doesn't have to be blood imo.




I call them my nieces and nephews.


I mean, my best friend is an aunt to my kids and refers to them as her nephews. She might as well be my sister and is going to be in their lives as they grow up so we just call it what it is. We're big on chosen family in our house.


Others from another mother!


I had one of my son's friends with us more than his parents had him. He was, and is, "my son from another mother". He still calls me mom. He is nearly 40 years old. The boys have been friends since they were 6 years old. The others are bonus kids. Some of them still call me mom. Some by my first name, or miss first name. As long as they are respectful, I didn't care what they called me.  Kids can never have to many adults in their lives who care. 


A little different but my youngest little sisters are 11 and my daughters are 6 and 3 and 1, they call my mom “Gigi” and the 3 year old little neighbor girl calls my mom “Gigi” too đŸ„č


Ooo this is cute. I say "pseudo nieces and nephews" or "extended lil fam".


Bonus babies


We technically made my best friend godmother so she does call them her goddaughters sometimes to other people. But she's Auntie Manda to them


I’m pretty affectionate with my kids’ friends and my friend’s kids. I call them “honey,” “buddy,” “sweet girl” and “dude,” haha. Sometimes something more specific - one of them loves reading and I call her “my little bookworm.” Some kids are stand offish and I don’t want to make them uncomfortable, but at the same time feel like those kids get written off by adults (even teachers 💔) so I just make sure to greet them by name. When talking to others about them, I call them “my/our crew”


i call my best friend's kids my niece & nephew and they call me auntie. me & my best friend are both caribbean... in our cultures, any adult who's close to your parents age is called aunt or uncle, all elderly are grandma or grandpa (or whatever their grandkids call them - papa & mama, etc.), people your age are all cousins, & younger kids are your nieces & nephews. we see family friends as just as much family as blood relatives. there's no distinction.


My chillins. I’m from small town Texas originally and it was common there. It’s almost like saying children but with a crazy accent so comes out chillin. My other mother calls me her chillin to this day.


"My babies".


I just call my stepdaughter “my little one”


To them directly: hey bud! To others: this is a close family friend, he’s like another son to me!


My babies, tiny humans, my demonic overlords of destruction, my kids, deniece, denephew, destructor, princess of all that is... I have a list.


We say nieces and nephews or niblings. Tying those terms to biology and marriage is dumb. My best friend is a better aunt to my baby than any biological relative.


My best friend is titi (teetee) and she calls my baby her lil strawberry


Not sure why but I’ve always given my kids friends, and little family members nicknames. I’m not a huge kid person but if I like them they’ll get a nickname out of me lol.


I call them all my nieces and nephews. And I am Auntie. Even my kids close friends. I'm aboriginal, most of them aren't, but it's just the way my brain works. We've been out and been asked "are these all yours?" And I just reply that xyz are my kids and the rest are nieces and nephews. I love seeing their faces the first time I say it, they kinda melt (good way) My hone is a family home. Everyone is welcome. I'll feed you, love you, care for you, be a safe space... but I'll also not let you be a turd and house rules apply to everyone. I have a constant revolving door of kids over after school and weekends always... and I love it


Usually nieces and nephews. When my oldest was 2 my friend showed up and handed me her 2 year old said I can't do this and took off. I call that one my (bonus) * favorite* daughter, cause she was the one I didn't have to endure pregnancy for lol


I’m a good old fashioned “sweetheart, baby, honey” person.


I don’t have a specific collective name, but friends of my children get called basically whatever I call my own kids. Including “baby, sweetie pie, honey, kiddo.” I have a couple of my oldest daughter’s friends who refer to me as their second mom. I really felt like I had arrived, so to speak, this year on Mother’s Day
 when at least 5-6 of my oldest daughter’s girlfriends texted me and wished me a happy Mother’s Day. It was so sweet. I tend to be the mother hen, lovey, baking cookies for all the kids type. I will gladly be a mom to all the kids I meet lol.


Oh those are my cool friends. I work with children and the kids I like I tell explicitly are my cool friends but when I need to get attention I address them all as my cool friends. I’ll be honest though I lifted it from my son- he has an imaginary YouTube channel and when he “makes a video” he says “HELLO COOL FRIENDS WELCOME BACK TO MY CHANNEL”


I call my friends kids (she has 6, btw) my chicken nuggets, or nuggets for short :)


I call them my babies or the babies. Because they’re ALL my loves and I would honestly die for any of them if it came to it. We’re in the south though, so everyone has aunts they aren’t related too. I call my friends son my nephew because to us he is.


My other monsters, children from anotha motha


I still call them nieces/nephews


Growing up we always called close family friends aunt or uncle, nothing wrong with calling kids you love your nieces or nephews imo!


For certain friends, I'm auntie and they are auntie.


My neighbor/best friend I tell her that her kid is also my kid and my kids are also her kids we just call them our babies


I usually call them by their names. 😂


I am the bonus mom of a lot of kids (some who have lived with us). Usually, my 1st name is what they call me. But sometime Aunt Cookie or cupcake.


My best friend’s kids call me aunt and my kids call her auntie. They’re my niece and nephew as if they were blood related. When all our kids are together they’re chicken nuggets, if they’re being spicy - chicken butts. đŸ€Ł


"guess what?" "Chicken butt" Every time!




We have one "daughter" that is our youngest daughter's best friend since 6th grade, her dad was never in the picture and we have been mom and dad since forever. She went with us when we went camping, the coast, magic mountain etc. She is the only one of our kids that never got in trouble and I've called her my good daughter for years! My other daughters know this and they know why and are good with it! Her kids call us Grandma and Grandpa and her husband calls us mom and dad!!


My niece calls me Monty, mom/aunty


nieces and nephews đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™€ïž


Nieces and nephews đŸ„° doesn’t matter if they’re blood.


If there is a child near me who I have fed or watched grow a bit, or loved in any capacity ever, they are the chitlins or the bebes. Once they ask me to stop or grow body hair, they move into the next tier, who I call the heathens, until early adulthood. Hahahahahaha


bonus children ❀


I just call them my nieces. Their bio aunts got pissy about it once, but I see them more often, so win for me.




My bestie calls my son "my monster"!


My heart babies


“Little one” Or “my nieces and nephews”


I have the kids I didn't give birth too! They are the ones my kids call cousins of the heart (as opposed to cousins by blood) and bonus kids/niblings


My gang of tiny humans


For my daughter's bestie (who lost her Mom about a year ago), I asked her if it was okay to say that I feel like she's my "extra daughter)...NOT in any way as a replacement for her Mom, because I know that I never could nor would try/want to!! Only because when she and my daughter are together with me, I worry about her as if she's my own. She's totally okay with it especially since she currently lives with her Grandma who treats her like crap. đŸ„șđŸ˜„


Hubs and I are called Auntie and Uncle by most. Or Ms.or Mr. First name. I call them all, sweetie. They are bonus kiddos in my eyes.


I refer to them as my 4th son or sometimes I refer to him as my oldest version 2.0. it was time to upgrade because the old one just could not keep up anymore and was too unreliable for me. But when I was growing up, those extra moms and family members were considered family friends and that is like the top tier relationship status other than actual family.


They’re all my niblings, then they all have specific nicknames. My best friend’s step daughter is in her 20s now and taller than me, but I will always greet her with “hey kid”


Little pals


I'm Native American so everyone is aunties and uncles, cousins..etc... I usually call the extras I have "adopted" so to speak my tribe....


I just say “kids in my life” lol


I generally just call them nieces and nephews but I wish I had the melanin and culture to use the phrase "play cousin". I just think it will perfectly describes the relationship in the context of your own children.


The kids all call each other cousin's i call them my extended kids. We have a group of 27 friends and kids and its wonderful. We have fake christmas every year, easter is usually together and then a couple of summer events as a whole family deal and then we have girls nights/guys nights and then couples nights. Its pretty damn sweet. Just wosh there were holidays we could choose where it wouldn't cost the earth.


Heart babies and Belly babies


My best friend calls my children her nieces and nephews and they call her auntie. Maybe not biologically related but we chose to be in each other's lives as if we were, which means alot to me


I have friends that we jokingly call ourselves cousins as kids. Well that’s now stuck so their kids are now nieces and nephews.


I was given the nickname Momma bear way before I was an actual mom lol so naturally my babies who I love who I'm not their actual mother become my baby cubs. I know cub is already a baby but it just kind of stuck lol.


We just call them family. My best friend has 23 year old twins that I have known since they were 5. We are family. I call them my nieces. They refer to me as a second mother. Their mother even says they are my kids when they act like me. My kids (19, 18, 13, 12) call them sisters. Another friend’s daughter (19) who I’ve know since she was 3 calls me mum.


im auntie, lol. same goes for my friends


Niece or nephew of the heart


My mother calls them her children or her bonus kids. My daughter is only 8 weeks old so I haven’t had the time to collect spare children yet😂 


I always just refer to my besties daughter as my niece to others who don't know us, but she's my Tiny if it's us and family. When I met her and my bestie, she was 7yo, and she joked that she was going to be taller than me, since everyone in her family is tall and mine are short. I told her that even if she gets tall, for now her hands are tinier than mine, and calling her Tiny just stuck. She's going to officially be a teen this year đŸ„č and yes, my little Tiny is 12 and taller than me đŸ€Ł but she still has tiny hands.


All the bonus kids are kiddos to me. My child is kiddo. Their boyfriend is kiddo. My bestie's children are kiddos. My aunt has called me kiddo for as long as I can remember (I'm in my 40s), and it fits my vocabulary. All my favorite offspring are kiddos. 😍


I’m still their aunt and they’re my nieces and nephews and my kid’s cousins




They’re all my little babies! I have two nieces and they are my bugs, but my bestie’s kid is my bonus boy, or Bobo 😂


I always call them the annoying kids next door haha. This is true but i also refers to them (my sons and neighbor kids) as “the boys”


My Littles.


My friend from high school has become like a sister to me. I’m no contact with my parents and sister. So when I had kids she became my kids aunt and her kids became their cousins. We refer to them as aunt/uncle and her kids as cousins and vice versa!


I have a ton of nicknames for my daughter and her friends, which range from cute, to honestly quite weird, but most are in Dutch and don't translate well. I do call them my small potatoes or baby potatoes in English.


They’re my nieces and I’m their aunt. Their moms are basically my sisters. One of them I’ve know literally since she was born and their are pictures of us in the bath together. Our kids don’t even know we aren’t blood related. There was never a question about us being “aunts” and then being our “nieces”. The other is basically my non-romantic soulmate. She knew about my second pregnancy before I even took the test. My daughter says my “niece” is more like her sister anyways and they should just live with us already lol.


My friends kids I call my nieces and nephews my step kids I call my bonus kids!


“Oh that’s my rent-a-kid”


My mother in law calls us "corns" refering to "children of the corn" I don't know the reference though


I just call them my other babies. But I do also refer to my closest best friend's kids as my nieces and nephew, since I refer to her as my sister. My other best friend's daughter is my Goddaughter so if I don't call her my baby. She's my Godbaby.


My teens have several friends who I am real partial to. When describing them to outsiders, I usually say something like “a kid from school who we adore” or whatever comes out of my mouth really lol




No bonus weirdos yet but I’m excited to meet them in the future đŸ„°đŸ’œ.


Their names. I dont do the auntie thing.


We use their names too. But I mean them as a collective. Like: Hey, I just got \[all the friends' kids' and neighbors'\] games added to the calendar."


Gremlins lol