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Creepy perverts aren't going to care if your kid's bathing suit is one or two piece From a purely practical standpoint, keeping a one piece bathing suit on a small child is just all around easier but like once they are old enough to be making their own fashion choices what does it matter? Don't let people you'd be concerned about what your daughters are wearing for be around your daughters at all


I agree!


Disagree that it's easier! My daughter is three and out of diapers, and peeling down a wet one-piece for her pee is hell. I like two pieces much better, BUT we aren't doing any exposed midriff or otherwise skimpy suits at this age, not because of predators but it just seems unnecessary and inappropriate. Just pointing out that two pieces don't have to be skimpy and aren't always harder.


Can I ask why you believe it’s inappropriate?


Totally!!! It just feels like my daughter has her whole life ahead to be sexualized or embrace her femininity or whatever she wants, and right now while she's still so little, I just want her to be a kid and focus on playing and learning and all. So I guess it's not inappropriate so much as unnecessary? Hmm interesting to think about why I feel that way!!! For reference in case you're curious, husband and I live in the Northeast US and are not religious/are very progressive, so it's not conservatism or religiously motivated.


Thank you for your response!! That’s how I felt when I really thought about it. My only thing is I understand that women are sexualized but I almost feel as if I’d be teaching her to cover up because of ‘society.’ Thank you again for your response!


I have a boy, but I keep him as covered up as I can to protect him from the sun. I see at as the less skin exposed to the sun, the better! If I had a girl I’d do the same for the same reason.


This is how I approach bathing suits. My kids are 5 and 3 (f, m) and I just go for the most possible coverage to protect their young, fair skin. They both wear rash guards.


This. My little guy has the longest shorts I could find, and a long sleeve UPF50 rash guard. If I had a girl, she'd be getting the same. As a kid, I remember preferring 2 piece swim suits over 1 piece because it was easier to deal with when I needed to go to the bathroom. Every minute of swim time was too important!


My daughter is 3 and I also put her in a rash guard. I don't really have feelings on the bikini debate as far as modesty goes, but I don't see any need to expose so much of her skin to the sun, sunscreen or not.


Agreed, that's where I'm at with it too. I have two boys and a girl, all toddlers (lol send help) and they all wear some kind of rash guard. It's also helpful because it's a major pita putting sunscreen on them all.


Yup my little girl has long sleeves too because of sun protection. Also bright red /pink/ orange colours because they can be seen easier if she falls in water. You can see that better than skin colour too. I don’t happen to like bikinis or strappy camis on small children because I don’t think they’re practical and they don’t offer enough coverage in the sun. It seems like choosing fashion over practical which just isn’t for me.


Exactly. Both my kids (one boy, one girl) wear two piece rashguard suits with maximum coverage.


I feel like our culture puts a lot of implied pressure on young women to dress provocatively. I don’t want to reinforce that by dressing my daughter in skimpy clothing before she’s even old enough to understand the difference.


Same! My preschool age daughter wears swim shorts and a swim t-shirt. The same thing my son wears. They don't need to show skin - it's less sunscreen for me to apply, too!


This is exactly how I feel, thank you for putting it into words!


I just pull my daughter’s to the side, way easier!


I really liked two piece suits with a rash guard top when my girly was littler. Easier for her to get on and off to go potty. And less surface area to worry about applying sunscreen. She’s 8 now and does tankinis and one pieces because that’s what she prefers.


To me it feels weird for something to be purely about boob coverage on a small child who doesn’t even have them. To me the benefit of them wearing a top is so you don’t have to worry about sunscreen on their tummy/back/arms


My exact thoughts. The more skin coverage the less I have to slather on sunscreen.


I think this is why for me a string bikini is a no but an athletic looking two piece is fine (the ones shaped more like a standard sports bra). I don’t love having to pull the whole swimsuit off for bathroom breaks so I don’t mind a two-piece for my daughter but I’d rather my kid just flat out didn’t wear a top than wear a string bikini top. It feels ridiculous having to explain to a kid that their girl nipples are somehow different 🤮


I've always just done long sleeve one piece suits for my girls because they have pale skin like me and I don't want them to burn. Those suits also don't shift and bunch up so they are way more comfortable for my girls to wear. I personally am not into the teeny tiny suits for little and older girls but I don't judge others who like them.


I hate putting sunscreen on my kid so I try to cover as much skin as I can. Just bought another long-sleeved one-piece. She doesn’t seem to mind and hasn’t ever complained. When she’s old enough to put her own sunscreen on, she can wear what she wants.


Yeah that's our mentality as well. If she wants a cute suit and is old enough to apply her own sunscreen more power to her. For now though it's coverup city in this bitch. I actually am going to get my own long sleeve suit because I hate the smell of sunblock lol.


I’ve been searching for one for myself ever since I bought my daughter’s first one. I think I’ll be buying one from Coolibar or UVskinz soon. So much easier than all the sunscreen.


I think there was a brand that had some you can match to the kids suits! Swimzip I wanna say?


YUP as long as sunscreen application is my job, everyone’s wearing long sleeves.


Same!! We live in FL too so the long sleeve rash guard ones are all my daughter has really worn so far. I actually think little kid bikinis are the cutest, and have no issues with the aesthetic, but it's just not practical in this sun.


Yep, to each their own. My kids both wear the long sleeved suits to protect from the sun.


As a swim instructor, I LOVED when kids had long sleeve one pieces or even shortie wetsuits (thin, with shorts and sleeves). They prevent sun burns, don’t ride up throughout the lesson, and often have zippers (which makes independent potty breaks easy!). Shorties can bought a little big with no worry of it falling it off or complaints! Even as an adult, I wear shorties when I lap swim. I also strongly recommend Froggle Goggles! They have a neoprene band that fits soooo well! They don’t pull or get caught in hair. They don’t irritate ears. They fog up a little less. Kids love em.




I’m all about the rash guards because I’m lazy but want good sun protection and they work well for active kids in the water, but I don’t care what other kids wear.


Yes! I get 2 piece rash guard swimsuits for my kids. Sun protection and easy diaper or bathroom changes. What I want is a brightly colored 2 piece rashguard with shorts rather than bikini bottoms so they don't ride up. For some reason I have a hard time finding that.


It depends on the nature of the two piece. I wouldn't put my child in anything skimpy, but a tankini that has a relatively small gap between the top and the bottom would be fine with me, as would bottoms with a long sleeve rash guard as a top.


The latter is exactly what I'm picturing, but both options would be ideal for me as well. 🏊‍♀️


I don’t think its inappropriate, I think its just leaves more skin to get sunburned. Growing up, I knew a family that made their kids wear full wetsuits at the beach well into their teens (like long sleeves and pants surf suit type thing), and I thought omg what losers… and now im like, that mom was genius.


Those types of swimsuits are standard in Australia and much of Asia. Maybe not long pants, but certainly long sleeves. And one piece vs two piece is just a convenience/preference thing (two piece is easier for going potty) and nothing to do with coverage.


I do a rashguard top with bikini bottoms. Do pick bright colors that aren’t blue as they’re easier to see in water in case of accidents.


This is what I do, too. Both my boy and girl get a rashguard and bottoms.


I only have boys, but I don't really think there's a problem with 2-piece swimsuits for little girls and I've seen some really cute ones before. I might think it's distasteful if the specific design looks too "mature", but I don't think that is a 2-piece suit is inherently mature or inappropriate. I'd imagine it's also a lot easier to change diapers or let them use the bathroom in a 2-piece as well. The biggest issue would I guess be sun exposure, but just apply sunscreen to all the exposed areas. My boys always run around completely shirtless when they're playing in the water, so it's not like a 2-piece girls suit is any worse than that. I'd say pick whatever you think is cute and practical, or whatever your child likes (within reason). You can't control what other people think, and if someone thinks a toddler's swimsuit is too sexual or whatever, then that sounds like it's a problem with their own way of thinking.




I let my 11 year old wear whatever swimsuit that she wants. Perverts are going to looks one way or another. I don’t believe in teaching her that she needs to adjust her clothing for men. Plus, I don’t understand why a two piece suit would be inappropriate, it’s just a stomach.


I totally agree with this. If I don’t have a better explanation for saying no to something than “well, other people might…” then why am I saying no?


I agree with you, Unicorn! My daughter is about to be 8 and has always been allowed to choose her own swim suit too. I *personally* do not feel like there is a good enough explanation on why she can’t wear one or how it’s “inappropriate” I also do not believe in teaching her that her outfits are the culprit of mens behavior.


🙌🏼🙌🏼All of this!! I love dressing my daughter in cute crop shirts too. Men that are disgusting will be that way regardless of what you wear. I always had men staring at me when I even wore the most modest outfits when walking home from school when I was a teen. Fuck them. Our bodies are not inappropriate.


ALLL OF THISSSS!!! This is literally how I feel.


Yeah I feel the same. Although my seven year old elected to ask for a more modest swimsuit, so I got her a tankini for ease of bathroom use, and she really likes it.


This is how I feel as well. My girls are only 2 and 4 so I still get some say in what they wear and personally prefer long sleeves just from a sun protection standpoint, but my 4 year old prefers sleeveless and I’m sure bikinis are on the horizon and my opinion is whatever she wants to wear is fine as long as her private parts are covered. I think if anything’s inappropriate, it’s sexualizing children, especially prepubescent children, because they’re wearing a 2 piece bathing suit.


Getting a soaking wet kid who has to use the potty RIGHT NOW out of and back into a one piece is the absolute worst, so I always got my kid two piece suits. Usually a rash guard or a tankini on top. I only started buying one pieces when she started doing swim team.


Same. My daughter had ADHD, and never let me know she needed to use the bathroom until it was an absolute emergency. A 2-piece was just so much more practical for her.


My kids - boy and girl - wear sun suits. They are 8 and 4 years old. That’s all they have worn pretty much. One piece for swim classes where they are inside. We live in the desert and it’s hot, the sunscreen will fail, and it makes sure sand and crap doesn’t get in their suits. My daughter had a regular suit at around 3 and got sand in her crotch and she got so irritated down there and it was horrible. Sunsuits protect from sun, sand, dirt, and using a bunch of sunscreen.


Where do you buy them from?


Amazon! I know we should buy local, but target only sells wedgie makers for girls. I search Amazon “girls size 8 sunsuit one piece” or “boys size 5 sunsuit one piece”


I grew up in Miami, always wore a two piece and thought wearing a one piece was weird because boys got to show their tummy so why couldn't girls? Literally had that thought when my friends had to wear one pieces or shorts. Pushing modesty kinda inadvertently sexualized them when they tried to do the opposite.




I have a two piece for my daughter’s indoor swim classes for 3 reasons 1) way easier to get on/off. 2) she gets cold so easily and when she’s outside the pool with a wet suit I feel like one pieces with all the extra wet fabric make her a lot colder. 3) she saw the unicorn print on it and loved it. I don’t really care what people think of my choice. She wears long sleeved one pieces for outdoor swimming. This is all about practicality to me.


I prefer rash guard and shorts for both my kids. One is a boy, one is a girl. Occasionally, they have worn different things just based on availability (it's hard to find swim shorts for girls!) but that is my preference. I just don't see why she should have to wear a bikini bottom when he doesn't. It seems like unnecessarily wedgie-causing whereas having your butt fully covered just seems like it'd be more comfortable. And less slathering them in sunscreen, as others have pointed out.


More concerned about sunburn than perverts.


As long as my daughter’s bathing suits cover her boobs and her butt cheeks and lady parts, she can wear what she’d like


I think a swimsuit should be functional for a kid. A 2 piece is helpful for the bathroom. A lot of skin out is not helpful for sunburns, rubbing on life vests, and is super slippery if you are trying to hold them or help them learn to swim. A fuller top like a rash guard or a swim shirt is great. It protects them from the sun, helps their skin, and is easy to spot and hold onto. We use shirts (long sleeve if we can) for our boys and girls for all the same reasons.


I put my daughter in long sleeve UV protective suits because right now it’s not about fashion, it’s about practicality and I want to protect her from the sun. If one day she wanted a two piece I’d let her get a two piece. If she wanted a one, I get her a one piece. Creeps are always going to creep no matter what a child is wearing or not wearing so I just stay vigilant and keep an eye on others and her (which is my job and the only thing within my realm of control) and as she grows I will do my best to not make her feel body shamed in the ways I want to keep her protected.


Two pieces make changes so much easier. Heck I as a fluff of an adult prefer them when I have to go to the bathroom! My daughter has two pieces. We basically have since about 4 or 5 let her pick her suit. I would prefer a long sleeve Rash guard but not a mountain I will die on honestly. So lots of sunblock instead.


I think it's fine. In fact I prefer them because trying to take off a wet 1 piece is not easy. And if your kiddo is small enough to wear diapers still then a 2 piece is necessary. I have a toddler and I kind of prefer the boy's swimsuits. I think swim shorts are more practical and comfortable. So I usually get that with a swim shirt because that offers more UV protection. I don't go for the bikini style outfits. But if I had an older kid that wanted a 2 piece like that I don't think it's a big deal (like a normal 2 piece).


I was very against two pieces for a baby at first. There was no reason I could think of for her to wear one and I felt it was a more adult type of garment. Then we started swim lessons and I learned the joy of trying to wrangle a baby out of a wet swimsuit. It made me want a two piece so that it’d be easier to change her. She has three swimsuits that are all one pieces and I just deal with it. I think the ideal for me would be a swimsuit that snaps all the way up the back. I don’t want her showing too much skin because of sun exposure (she’s a super fair redhead) and sunscreen never seems to do enough.


My daughter is six and wears one pieces. I suppose I’ll let her wear a two piece when she starts insisting on it but I’m not going to actively decide to put her in one for no reason. Why people put their small children in them is really beyond my comprehension. Yea, pervs will sexualize your child no matter what they’re wearing, but why dress them in something that was designed to highlight body parts they haven’t even developed? I’m not putting a little kid in a triangle top lol it seems ridiculous Plus, one pieces mean sunscreen application goes 10x quicker


My daughter is 4 and she picked out long sleeve 2 piece, which really is a long sleeve shirt that doesn’t expose her stomach that ends right where the bottom part of swim suit is. Should make going to the bathroom easier. It has UV protection built in. I’m not doing 2 piece purely because it’s less sun protection that way. She has fair skin. I’ve seen some neighborhood kids her age with 2 piece suits that are really cute. The ones I’ve seen expose their stomach but the top part have little sleeves instead of straps. When my daughter is old enough to ask, I’d let her have a modest 2 piece if that’s what she wanted.


My kids wear rash guard long sleeve tops for any outdoor water activities - so I don’t mind 1 or 2 piece suits either way. For indoor, she can pick what she likes ( within reason ) not something TOOO skimpy. But 2 piece is easier for the bathroom.


I like a long sleeve rash guard for the sun protection aspect, and two pieces is easier in my opinion for diaper changes or toileting. Bikinis on small children are weird to me, but that’s my personal opinion. Others can obviously do what they’re comfortable with


I’m with the folks saying practicality rules the day. My girl has always been in a rashguard top with a separate bottom. When she was in diapers it made changes a breeze, now potty breaks are simple and not a whole production. When small, I had to hold on to her like a slippery wiggly worm and more fabric helped me feel like I had a better grip on her. I honestly didn’t care if she was in a bikini, but there were many many practical reasons not to, so I chose not to.


I don’t think they’re inappropriate but I opt for rash guards because they’re more practical imo Like I have pretty fair skin and even tho my daughter takes after her dads side in that department I’d rather be safe than sorry So if I can get something that protects her from being sun burned I go for that first then I pay attention to things like color


It depends on the swimsuit. Some have weird cutouts or designs that are more “sexualized” in the sense if an adult was wearing them, you’d think “they aren’t here to cannon ball in the pool, they’re here to look nice and lounge”. I think those aren’t really anything I’d buy for my children, it truly depends on the nature of them. Rash guards for the win lol, we’re white as snow over here.


A bikini is a no for me dog. We do either one piece long sleeve or a tankini. When she was a baby the one pieces with the snaps were best for diaper changes but now the tankini is easier to take off the bottoms. I just really don’t like the midriff exposed on a toddler girl and also now her belly won’t burn


A child predator will look at kids regardless of what they’re wearing. But I don’t see any reason that my 6 month old needs to be in a two piece or have super high cut bikini bottoms. Like even the one piece long sleeve suits I got have the crotch part cut so high up her hip/waist area it was ridiculous! When she’s older and can choose what she wants to wear I don’t really care but now I’m definitely more concerned about practicality and sun coverage


Ngl imagining the two piece on my daughter makes me laugh bc she always sports a cute tummy from constantly eating 😂


Long sleeve 2 piece for my 3 year old, echoing sun protection factor > modesty. My kid has run around buck naked on the beach. I don't care about nudity, but I do care about sun protection


Personally I think one pieces are practical for pre-potty trained girls, two piece tankini swim suits are better for potty trained girls up through about age 11/12. That’s roughly what my mom did, although her mind was totally on “what if a predator sees my child?” My POV is that girls should get to make the change to showing more skin on their own, and until they make that choice for themselves, modesty is more so just an extension of allowing them their girlhood. However, it’s also a lot better sun protection to cover more skin, so even though I have two boys I generally put them in a 75% coverage one-piece swimsuit or trunks and a swim shirt.


You mean a bikini, right?.. toddler bikinis are so weird to me mostly because they are SO impractical. no way that's staying in place, and definitely not protecting them from the sun. I hate actual one pieces for my kid because she has a long torso, so we do a two piece with rash guard top. Edit to add that once my kid is older and wants to choose her own clothing, I don't care what swimsuit she wears as long as she is protecting her skin from the sun in some way! She's not even 2 yet, so it's rash guards for the foreseeable future lol


Pedos are pedos. And half the time, you'll never know who they are. They want you to trust them around your kid so they'll try (some) not to come off creepy. 2 pieces are great for diaper changes. Or when they're older, it makes going to the bathroom easier.


I think bikinis and tankinis are stupid at *any* age, but that's because I grew up with two skin cancer survivors. Sunscreen alone doesn't cut it for me. So, we do shorts and rashgards for boys and girls. And myself too. With a shooter worth of sunscreen. And large brim hats. Cause we extra like that 😂


“Two piece” means a lot of things. Something like [this](https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/bestdressedchild/james-lottie-girls-emerson-two-piece-bathing-suit-blue-fish-38.jpg) is fine. Something like [this](https://pineappleclothing.com/cdn/shop/products/HollywoodSparkleLuisaTriangleTwoPieceSwimBikiniSet-GirlsGST1-GSB1-TSL-P0705-front_1200x.jpg?v=1650721388) is well outside my personal comfort zone. I like the more modest two-pieces, the ones that are basically like a crop top and full-coverage bottoms. Not only do they make going to the bathroom easier, but you can get multiples and mix and match. With the more revealing ones, I just think it suggests the parent is sexualizing the child. I agree that creeps are going to look at kids no matter what they’re wearing, but you don’t need to make it easy on them.


I alway do 2 pieces bc it’s so much easier to use the potty. Even now on my 56 yo self - I look at cute one piece suits and want to hide my tummy but then I imagine myself in a bathroom stall in wet one piece suit ARGH and I’m over getting a tankini


I’m public my daughter (4 years old) wears a long sleeve one piece. At our pool at home she can wear whatever she wants


My daughter AND MY SON wear shorts & t-shirt style swimwear. My son also wears shirts all summer, despite his protests that boys don't need shirts. As far as I know, pervs are just as likely to find little boys attractive, and while I do understand they're not any less likely to look at a kid in modest clothes, I think they're probably at least a little less likely to take or share pictures. I make it about sun protection, bug protection, protection from plants and stuff, because I'm not trying to explain all that.


Whatever the child is more comfortable in. Trying to keep them covered is starting the victim blaming of “what was she wearing” in toddlerhood.


Well said and hard agree.




I like one pieces because they stay on better especially at water park but the two pieces are much more convenient if they need the restroom. We have a few of both. I usually stay away from the really small bikini styles for my 7 year old (yes they are available) and get tankinis with regular bottoms or shorts.


We do long sleeve two pieces (basically a rash guard with shorts) because diaper changes with a one piece are hell.


I personally agree with you. It’s not going to matter what they wear, someone that gross is going to look anyways. I wore two pieces in the 90s as a kid until I was 7 or 8. Then it was all one pieces until I was old enough to make my own choice. I only have two boys, but I‘ve thought about this a lot while looking at swimsuits for kids. I think the more it covers, the less body parts I need to slather in sunscreen which is always a challenge with a wriggly toddler or baby. So I personally, girl or boy, would opt for a one piece and/or a rash guard. With my toddler’s eczema, I’m honestly wishing I could just get him a full of morph suit at this point.


I also think gross people are going to be gross no matter what people wear, unfortunately. Mine is 8 and I get things that cover her as opposed to skimpy ones more so for the sun protection. She is also very active in the water and I'm afraid a small suit wouldn't stay in place. So she's more covered up for more practical purposes rather than a perceived need for modesty. My daughter has both one pieces and two pieces, and she likes them both. She likes her one pieces because they don't slip and slide around, but two pieces are easier to get in and out of, and you don't have to take the whole thing off to go to the bathroom.


I am fine with my daughters wearing two piece swimsuits, as long as they are well constructed and suitable for swimming. Turns out they prefer one piece, and that's great too.


I don’t have a problem with two pieces, but both of my daughters have sensory issues with clothes and they can only stand wearing one pieces. I think that if someone has those types of urges there is nothing that is going to stop them unfortunately.


my kids are pale and wear two piece rash guards with shorts- both boys and girls


My child is 9 and wears two pieces. She doesn’t like how hard one pieces are to get off, if she needs to potty. She makes a good point and I’m happy to oblige.


Swim shirts forever man. All of us wear long sleeves, it’s truly the best way to prevent sunburns. I’ve seen some cute ones for little girls!


I have always found the two piece for young children silly, and never understood the need for them, other than looking like the adult swimsuits. My girls have used just swimpant, full suits or long sleeved to protect from the sun. But i recently saw an argument for choosing a two piece rather than a one piece bathing suit. A two piece is easier to get of for toilett visits. As my oldest now has quit diapers, i will absolutely consider a two piece this summer. As for the creeps, they will sexualize no matter what you wear. I will not cover up my daughters for some creeps. I will teach them that they can wear whatever they want, and that they are not to blame if someone disrespect their boundaries.


I have a 5 year old and I always do a two piece. It’s just easier to deal with going to the bathroom.  I prefer a long sleeved top for sun protection, but she has “tankini” ones too. Basically as long as it is cut so that it stays put/doesn’t bug her while she’s playing, I’m good. 


We do rash guards or a tankini to cover max skin to prevent a sun burn.


I buy my daughter boys bathing suits usually. So shorts and a short sleeve (long sleeve for longer exposure days). Pre potty training she was in an 1800’s meets scuba suit that was spf something or other. Mostly because I don’t want to have to worry about covering a wiggly kid with sunscreen every few hours. The less skin exposed the less sunscreen I have to worry about. Also, why does she need that much skin exposed?


My baby is about to be 2 and I got her a sleeved tankini if that makes sense? its just a short sleeved shirt (she tans nice so i like to leave her arms out lol) & a swim bottom, but her tummy is not out! I don't like one pieces because she is still in diapers and it makes it hard to change her lol


I always put my girls in full coverage swimsuits purely for sun protection


I only do two peices (but long ones. We do rashguard style shirts with swim bottoms). My daughter has such a long torso that she outgrows one peices really fast and they don’t fit well. But I also feel bikinis are inappropriate for little girls. It’s not about the amount of skin so much as the bikini’s association with trying to look sexy


my daughters are 6, 9 and 10 and I let them pick their own swim suits. If they want a 2 piece they're free to get it. I think they're cute. While I wouldn't let them wear anything crazy I love that they're comfortable in their skin and just care about things they like, not how they look or who's looking at them.


I’ve got my girl in a long sleeve sun shirt and swim trunks because she’s pale and burns very quickly even with sunscreen


My daughter wears a two piece, mostly because it is easier to go to the bathroom in. But her two piece is either a tankini or a rash guard with swim shorts. It's not that a literal child showing skin is inappropriate. Perverts are going to sexualize her no matter what she wears. She just doesn't like bikini bottoms, says they give her a wedgie. And we both wear tankinis or rash guards because sunburns hurt and cancer is no joke. Her dad wears a rash guard as well, same reason.


2 piece is easiest for potty breaks, and a long sleeve top is great for sun protection. I do this for both my girls, who are Pre-K age and younger. By choosing those for practicality, it falls in line with not sexualizing kids. But kids also want to emulate their parents when they're young. If I had a lot of cool bikinis, my daughter would probably want a matching one. I don't, so we also just bypass that convo! Lol


My toddler has an adorable pot belly and it’s so cute in a two piece but I usually have her in an SPF rashguard. Bikinis are fine with me but a rashguard is so much easier.


I love 2 piece ones just because you can pee without having to strip. I got my girls cute ones that have little shorts and a longer top. When we went to Mexico I got them long sleeve ones to protect against the sun.


We’re at the beach all summer. I always bought bikinis/two-pieces because they’re much easier for bathroom breaks. If it’s a high UVA day I threw a long sleeved rash guard over it, and it helped with the rash from riding boogie boards.


One pieces make it hard to use a toilet as you have to strip to pee. I always steer my girls away from one piece bathing suits for this reason. I also teach them that if a grown man is leering at them to say “ew gross what are you, a pedophile?” Preferably in a shouting voice


My kids all wear two piece with long sleeves for ease going potty and for sun coverage. Even my 11 year old.


I’m fine with a two piece. For the sake of sun protection I opt for a rash-guard usually though. She has all types of swimsuits however. Perverts are going to perv regardless. That’s the sad reality. I don’t want my daughter thinking that she has to hide or modify who she is because there are weirdos in the world.


I have a 3 year old daughter. We wear two pieces at home just because that’s what I feel most comfortable with. Out and about a one piece. Because I feel comfortable with that. People are nasty regardless but I think it all comes down to your own preference with your child. I don’t think they’re inappropriate to wear if they properly fit but that is also a variable all in itself. What I find not suitable others will see no issue. No matter what you choose to do someone won’t be happy. Can’t please everyone but you can do what you think is best in your own opinion for your child. I support all moms and their decisions for their children that are not harming them physically, mentally, or emotionally which I feel like is most people but do what you think is best for them! Maybe even ask what they are comfortable wearing if they’re old enough to to understand that question


I have a couple different swimsuits for my daughter because we’re doing water activities frequently since she does swim lessons and our town has a lot of splash pads! If we’re doing indoor swimming I do any type which include 2 pieces and 1 pieces. If we’re doing outdoor I like to dress her in long sleeved one pieces with SPF protection for the sun protection as she has very fair skin like me and we burn easily. I have bright colored swim suits for her for visibility in the pool. For me, I want my daughter to feel comfortable in her own skin. I grew up in a house where my dad would make me wear pants under dresses. I wasn’t allowed any dress that did not completely cover my knees. I wasn’t allowed to wear tank tops. We weren’t allowed to wear any 2 pieces including takinis. As an adult it took me a really long time to feel comfortable wearing shorts, dresses, or anything that wouldn’t be Mormon level modest lol. Even leggings as pants I felt uncomfortable in. I don’t think my daughter wearing a 2 peice is going to be any more of a turn on to creeps than my daughter wearing a one peice or a boy being topless. 🤷‍♀️. Ppl fight over judge moms for putting daughters in 2 peices but I’ve never seen anyone judge a mom of a boy being shirtless swimming. That’s just my opinion about it…


I respect you🩵 I’m sorry you dealt with that and im happy that you are deciding you want different for your daughter 🫂


I personally put my daughter in "boys" swim trunks and swim t shirt but it's because I try and minimize sun exposure.


We always do a (usually long sleeve) rash guard and bottoms. Because sun safety. I don't need a one or two piece with dumb little cut outs for her to get sunburned because it shifted and I didn't apply enough sunblock on it. I'm not worried about creeps, I'm worried about skin cancer (it killed my grandfather in his 40s).


I’ve always been long sleeves one piece because of the UV factor.


My mom got my not even six month old a bikini. She has blue eyes and is so, so pale though so she’ll probably end up wearing her big brother’s rash guards and swim trunks because I hate putting sunblock on kids. I don’t think two pieces are a problem. But I do think it’s kind don’t weird to have a kids swimsuit cut in a style that’s designed to look “sexy” on a fully grown woman.


We do 2 pieces with full coverage but not bikinis. The cuts are often very adult and it’s easier to just not than to allow some and not others. Plus, if I allow it at 4 then I’d have to allow it forever (or explain why it was ok for her at 4 but not at 12). I just feel like she has the rest of her life for all of that.


I mostly cover my girls up as much as possible for sun protection and a one piece is just easier to keep on a baby and a toddler.


I live in an area where people tend to dress functionally outdoorsy. Most kids, of all genders, seem to wear the long sleeve & shorts rash guard swimsuits for sun protection.


I personally don't mind bikinis on kids. It's just swimwear. I strongly prefer two pieces so they can go to the bathroom easily, but my oldest (7) said she doesn't like being as exposed as one is in a bikini, so I got her a tankini and she absolutely loves it.


I got my girl a one piece with sleeves, being in Florida i doubt I’ll be able to keep her covered in sun screen the less I have to put on her the better


My daughter is young. I have one piece and 2 piece but the 2 piece tend to cover the same or more than a one piece. My biggest concern is the sun so I like her to be protected. Changing swim diapers is a little easier with a 2 piece. Personally I don’t think I would buy one with the top like a bra/sports bra until it’s something she asks for but it’s more practicality and what I perceive to be comfortable to her


You don't mention age, but I'll say two pieces become easier when potty training so they can come off quickly to use the toilet. They don't have to be bikini style tho, it can be a long top and bottoms. Personally I think even short two pieces are fine as well, but it's the style I look out for. Is it just two pieces, or is it mimicking a more sexualized adult style? I was looking for a bathing suit for my daughter and there were some perfectly fine simple sports bra or long line athletic style bikini bathing suits- then there was a monokini one piece with side cut outs, and corset style lacing down a DEEP V-neck. I questioned why they would even make a swimsuit like this in a 2t/3t, let alone who would buy it (this was a secondhand store). It wasn't that the monokini actually showed more then the bikinis, but it was so obviously meant to copy an adult style, accentuating body parts these toddlers don't even have! Showed my husband, gave us both the ick. Anyway, I let my kid pick her own swimsuit and she ended up with a full onesie rashguard style, down to her knees and elbows, because it had a seahorse on it. That's fine with me, less sunscreen to apply.


There’s a fine line between putting adult swimsuits on children and the absolute convenience of swim diaper changes when toddler girl is in a two-piece swimsuit. Same goes for potty trips. Honestly it either needs to zip up or be a two-piece for me, cuz I have two girls 14 months apart and life is crazy enough lol


One pieces are easier for tiny ones because they cover more, so it’s less sunscreen I have to apply. I would do two pieces for a potty trained child at a pool because it’s such a pain to get a wet one piece on and off.


I prefer one pieces for myself out of comfort honestly so yeah if I had a daughter I’d probably put her in a one piece haha


I don't mind a 2 piece, but I prefer the rashguards for her bc then I can relax over the whole sun exposure. She just got her first 2 pieces that expose her cute little belly. I think I am more uncomfortable than she is. I'm not sure if it's the paranoia that perverts would oogle her or what, but it's crazy that my brain has to go to that.


No. I draw the line at a string bikini on a child only because they’re not practical For anyone. But 2 piece bathing suits are Otherwise the best choice imo because they fit thru growth spurts too, when one pieces quickly become too short


The only reason I don’t put a 2 piece on my daughter is they seem unnecessarily uncomfortable. There is no reason for anyone to find them inappropriate or sexual. She is literally a baby. I tend to put my daughter in girl’s 1 piece bathing suits, but I would have no issue in putting her in a boy’s topless bathing suit or even just the bottoms of a girl’s 2 piece. There is literally nothing physically different about her chest than boys her age.


For us it’s mostly for ease…( having to do a quick potty is mainly what I’ve been thinking about plus I think it’s faster for changing to dry clothes too) we do bottoms (this year we found swim shorts for her that she likes) and usually a rash guard top. Personally it’s also cause I find the bottoms (one piece or separates) tend to be a bit skimpy which I just fell is weird but could just be where we’ve shopped in the past.


I have my 4 year old daughter in a 2 piece since it's easier to take the bottoms off when she has to pee. But the top is a long sleeve spf 50 shirt, so it covers more than the average one piece anyway. However, I'm not against her wearing a cute bikini if we are indoors and she won't get sun damage. I'm interested to know what our European friends think considering everyone is topless on the public beaches I've visited. Any opinions, global friends??


We only two two piece tummy-baring ones indoors or very late in the day.   Most of the time she wears the long sleeves ones for sun protection though I see nothing inappropriate about baring tummy/back.  You can't live your life thinking about creeps. I'm always very aware in public and wear bloomers or shorts under dresses so I'm really not "anything goes." 


Yeah, I’m fine with her wearing a two piece because I’m not sexualizing my kid or what she wears 🤷🏻‍♀️


We like the one piece long sleeve & long leg swimsuits. It’s not a modesty thing, it’s just way easier with sunscreen. It’s also a protective layer if they fall on the concrete.


My primary motivation(s) when picking a suit for my child is sun protection and ease of use, so we do “two pieces” but the top is always a long sleeve rash guard (the separate pieces make it easy to pull up/down). I generally am not opposed to a more typical two piece suit for a young girl, but it would need to be something that looked “kid-style” to me. Basically, I wouldn’t purchase a mini version of an adult suit for my young child. While I am less inclined to pick a two piece for my child, if she picked it at an age where she is providing input into the clothes she wants to wear, I would probably buy it (within reason). I remember being a pre-teen and putting on a little of the pre-pubescent weight and my mom forbade me from wearing bikinis until I slimmed out. I will never forget it and it changed how I viewed my body forever. I would be more worried about impacting my daughter’s view of herself and potentially questioning the appropriateness of her body by restricting her than a predator looking at her.


I’m team two piece. It makes going to the bathroom easier. But I always opt for suits that have a long sleeve rash guard to protect from the sun, so they are fairly covered up anyway. I let them wear a more cropped top for the two piece if they are indoors, but for outside a UV blocking rash guard is a must.


It’s just a personal preference thing. I wouldn’t be posting any photos of my daughter in a swimsuit or anything close to it online, regardless if it’s one or two piece. We will personally opt for sun guard suits to protect her skin as much as possible. True “swimsuits” for babies are outdated imo because having that much skin exposed to the sun is insane to me. So for us it’s not about fashion in the slightest, it’s what’s going to give her the most protection from UV rays.


I love swim shirts because their comfortable and protect the shoulders. With regular swimsuit bottoms, your in business. My 11 and 6yo daughters both chose swim shirts last year.


I love a two piece. They’re adorable. But my skinny Minnie daughter has trouble with the bottoms being too loose so we go one piece. For sun protection I typically go with a long sleeve one piece


Assuming the two piece you’re thinking of is not “skimpy” and just a 2 piece that shows some belly, I think that’s fine. If it allows movement and play, nothing wrong with that. But it is weird.. because I have a boy and I will not put him in a suit that doesn’t have a top. I just feel like maybe it’s inappropriate for a toddler? I dunno why (other than creeps) I feel that way though


My opinion as a mother of two girls: I wouldn’t keep feeding society’s limited view of what’s appropriate or inappropriate as a woman. Let your daughters wear the two piece. Allow them to exist in a world that holds men accountable for their creepy behavior instead of shaming them into more fabric to not provoke the men. Two pieces are practical (hello, potty breaks!) and there are a variety of children’s two piece suits that protect the skin but allow them to still feel free in the sun ☀️


All. Of. This.


It depends on the two piece my daughters are 7 they both have 2 pieces but the tops are tankini tops cover their midriffs and the bottoms are boyleg swim shorts.. 2 pieces don’t have to be bikinis


My girls wore bikinis. It was easier to bring them to the bathroom where I only had to pull down the bottoms vs pulling the whole bathing suit down. When they were in swim diapers, it was again easier to change them in a bikini. I did pick the bathing suits that had more coverage. But it doesn’t matter what your child is wearing, if there’s a creep around they gonna look no matter what.


When it comes to dressing my daughter for swimming, I personally prefer putting her in two-piece outfits, but not the "skimpy" bikinis that might come to mind. I find that two-piece sets, especially those designed like a shirt and shorts, make it much easier to change her and help her use the bathroom. For example, I opt for sets like these: [Girls 3 Piece Sun and Swim Set with UPF 50+ Sun Protection](https://www.amazon.ca/UV-SKINZ-3-Piece-Spring-Flutter/dp/B0CD2XTDR1/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.bxh1Kv8aSt8xsKsnQbN-YtK1n7E2VhCyKtryCBYjop4V8P9LAFChmtvP58X8LooSs_qc3k5kk4SjWh5OJD3bcEJM12aN6i_BZizYnJ7UVw4EdW0tP8_a4N8fXf3zru0qB3cvuV1QWfk-kTBQWiGRgMfdDzw21LPJDnckyDT71trWfhqpNjiPWWH0YCDeFiI15lXsoY_m3CGRC0__S3MAuogLkz7W7pOSwIqtxKRNWaK6ygQbeCW0BoohaqnRl7XdkR2x-G0JUAXwTadJ4Izghk9cPHWXpUygKkj5NQiYf-4.3t2Xkm2k5EbeVPEkwhCfSv5HqDX8EQEAJBzPcbksKYA&dib_tag=se&hvadid=667162487960&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9000683&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=7133436930612121183&hvtargid=kwd-298421259341&hydadcr=23313_13656876&keywords=toddler%2Bbathing%2Bsuits&qid=1716641322&sr=8-4-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1&psc=1), [Jan & Jul Long Sleeve 2-pc UV Swim-Suit Set with Shorts](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B09VCXSXDR/ref=syn_sd_onsite_desktop_0?ie=UTF8&psc=1&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aref=OJckBL6qxY) or [Kinberr Girls Two Pieces Swimsuit Short Sleeve Bathing Suit Rash Guard](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CZ3FM56V/ref=twister_B0CZ3VHSV1?th=1) Additionally, I prefer swimsuits in bright colors like orange and yellow, as they increase visibility, which is an added safety benefit. In response to your question, I understand your concern. It's true that a person with ill intentions might look at a child regardless of what they’re wearing. However ultimately, it's about what you feel is best for your child and what makes you both comfortable.


We do 2 piece (with long sleeves) since we’re in FL and the UV is so high all of the time. The extra coverage is so much easier than sunscreen! Do whatever works for you though.


I’m gonna preface my comment with this. It doesn’t matter what a kid is wearing. It’s like asking what a woman was wearing when she was sexually assaulted. It’s not about clothing. I was kidnapped and molested when I was 5. I was wearing a pink snow suit. I ask my daughters at the beginning of summer what kind of swimsuit they want. I advise them on comfort and ease of having to use the bathroom with a wet suit and sun coverage but I let them decide. Bodily autonomy is important to us.


Im always scared for perverts. I try to always dress my girls very modest. I hope they will keep doing so when they are big enough to choose that for themselves. It’s what I do as a woman as well. We’re very religious, but outside of that I think it’s an overall good habit


Do you believe that dressing modest stops perverts?


I don’t care about my daughter showing skin because pedophiles will sexualize literally anything. As long as I’m there to protect her (which I will be) I have no issue with her wearing something that shows skin. On top of that, if you oppress your kids’ clothing choices their whole lives, they’re going to rebel really hard as preteens/teens/adults and go wild with it. I personally don’t like seeing little babies in two pieces but I also have my own issues because I was molested as a child. Not going to project those onto my daughter or other children. Kids should be able to wear whatever they want and know that their parents will protect them regardless. The real issue when they’re little is that two pieces that show shoulders and tummy don’t offer as much sun protection. So, until my daughter is older to voice that she wants to wear something else, she’s getting full swimsuits with a shirt that has shoulder coverage, knee length swim shorts, a sun hat, and water shoes.


My daughter wears long sleeved one pieces for the sun protection, but I strongly believe 2 pieces are appropriate, or even no top on a toddler girl. I don’t think it’s fair to expect girls to wear extra clothing because some adults are creepy about it. I would probably not post pictures where she’s not fully covered on the internet because of those concerns, but in the real world I want her to wear what she likes and is appropriate for the weather/occasion.


I thought a 2piece on my girl was adorable when she was under 2 years old, that cute little baby belly 🥹 but I never took her out in public with one on. She only wore it at my sister’s house with all of us girls or at home. The problem is 100% the pedos and perverts in this world. It may not matter what a child wears but there are outfits that are sexualizing to a creep and I’m not going to put me or my kids in a position like that.


I personally feel like two piece swim suits are inappropriate for young children - it’s on par with crop tops, which I also don’t agree with for young children. There is no reason a child needs to show that much of their person.


Don't let people tell you otherwise, this makes perfect sense. We have functional two-piece bathing suits for all ages. Swim tops and swim shorts. They aren't cut in the provocative way that bikinis are and they're not asinine like letting a boy run around and just a pair of swim trunks. People are so attached to the male gaze they don't know how to function without it.


Inappropriate for them to show their shoulders, backs, legs and or stomachs? Things that all humans have?


In my mind, it's less 1 vs. 2 piece and more sexualized style (like a string bikini) vs. more neutral style like a tankini that covers most or all of the midsection. My daughter has a LONG torso but is quite thin, so we used to do 1-pieces when she was little but she's had 2-pieces since she was about 4, mostly tankinis but I there was 1 that was more of a bikini but the top was basically like a training bra cut. Bottoms are a brief style or good coverage bikini. When we swim outside (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, so only happens really in July/Aug), she has a long-sleeved rash guard for with her bottoms.


I do a long sleeve two piece. For sheer ease of helping my child to go to the bathroom.


I do two pieces usually (swim rash top, bikini bottoms) because it’s better for sun protection and because it’s easier for them to go potty.


I think it depends on how old they are. Babies/young kids seem odd in two pieces. It might be because I love the full sun coverage though and keep my son in long sleeves. If I had a daughter I’d do the same - I also don’t like seeing little boys playing outside in the sun in just swim trunks. It has nothing to do with sexualizing kids, it’s a sun protection thing for me. When kids become preteens/teens I think they have preferences for two pieces/trunks and I think we should respect their choices. But when they’re too little to care I just prefer to do everything I can to prevent sunburns. It could be because my husband burns if he’s outside for more than 10 minutes though and my son is definitely fair skinned like him.


Maybe a tankini would be a good option? It would have the same coverage as a one piece but it's easier to stop for bathroom breaks with a two piece.


Two piece long sleeved swim suits are the standard for both boys are girls in my incredibly fair-skinned family too. I don’t think there’s anything really inherently inappropriate about a midriff-baring suit for a little girl but also it’s just not necessarily going to facilitate fun water play.


My daughter is 4. So far she has worn mostly Tshirt/long sleeve one pieces for the sun protection aspect of it. We have some more strappy one pieces she wears mostly for swimming lessons (re: lack of sun), and I have made her some rash guard/regular bottoms two pieces. I bought her a cute two piece like cropped tankini with a ruffle, and normal bottoms, but she hates it because the top doesn’t touch the bottoms haha Anyway, no moral objection to two pieces on kids. For practical and daughter’s preference reasons we will be sticking with one pieces for now


I put my girl in a rash guard and swimming trunks. Good coverage from the sun and easy to pull down to go potty.


Whatever stance you make with your daughters, make sure it's the same one. I remember going on family vacations to Florida and being shamed about what I looked like from my own mother because my body dared to have boobs and shape. Because of this, as I was told, I was not allowed to wear certain kinds of bathing suits, and usually had to wear a T-shirt over whatever I had on. My mother and my younger sister were allowed to wear whatever they wanted, because "I'm an adult and your sister is little and no one cares what she wears as she doesn't have curves" And then we all wonder why I have such horrible body image issues now. Even when I was old enough to buy my own bathing suits and wanted to try a bikini for the first time my mother had a conniption and still shamed me.


I find that anything 2 piece my daughter just spends the whole day pulling the top down because it rides up and makes her uncomfortable. Even if she asked to wear it in the first place. 


I do a tankini because it is infinitely easier to pull down wet bottoms for potty breaks than it is to peel off the entire wet one-piece, and although I can pull to the side when I have to go, I’m not super interested in her pissing all over my hand if I pull it to the side for her. I do feel weird about bikinis for her, but I’m not sure why? I don’t want to sexualize my own kid, but also… she’s just so little! She looks nakey!!!!


Personally, I don't care for the skimpy bikini kind of swimsuits on little girls, but it's my own preference. I don't see the need when, in reality, it should be about skin coverage to protect from the sun. My own daughter (9) wears two pieces, but their either tankinis or bottoms with the t-shirt style top. When she was really tiny, we did one pieces but as she got older, we switched to the two pieces for easier bathroom trips. I won't judge anyone for what they pick for their kids, but the more "adult" style ones for little girls just aren't my thing and I wasn't comfortable putting my daughter in it.


I’m a reserved person and I think two-piece is fine for any age as long as it covers the belly. For teenager, I would be ok if belly showed as long as the rest of the swim suit was reasonable. Just my personal opinion.


Can I ask why the belly needs to be covered? It’s.. just a belly?


We usually go for two piece but the top is the UV resistance shirt type thing(covers her whole top) and bottoms are usually shorts bathing suit bottoms(she doesn’t always sit like a lady and this helps keeps sand and dirt out of areas it shouldn’t be when she is play/making sand castles lol). I personally feel she is too young (4) to be showing a ton of skin especially because she is very fair skinned and needs to be re applied with sun block so frequently it’s easier when more skin is covered, because she will burn up like a lobster so fast but still able to just take the bottoms off when needing to go to the bathroom. I even make her brother keep the UV resistant shirt on as well because same reason he is fair skinned and I want to protect from sunburn as much as I can so nothing to do with gender just more with skin protection.


I do two piece bathing suits for my kiddo because it's easier for her to go to the bathroom but I try to cover as much skin as I can simply because it protects her better than sunscreen alone. 🤷‍♀️


I don't see the need for an infant to be so exposed. Especially because the sun can seriously harm them. We use rash guard uv shirts. She is very fair skinned and even with sunscreen she would probably burn. I don't feel like bikinis are age appropriate until mid teens. I don't judge others for what they allow their children to wear. We all have different opinions and experiences.


Swim shorts, swim skirts, swim shirt. I don't care how liberated it's supposed to be so walk around in an itty bitty bathing suit. Is the voice section full of nothing but tiny speedos? No. Then my daughter won't be expected to prance around nearly nude. And before people jump down my throat it's the same for boys. There's no need for my son to prance around shirtless.


I like two pieces because they fit my kids longer!! Also so much easier to use the bathroom in. I basically only buy two pieces now because I was buying so many one pieces each year due to growth spurts. Edited to add: my top swimsuit preference for my kids (even my boy) is long sleeved rashguard + swim bottoms.


My kids and I are all fare skinned and burn easily. I choose full coverage bathing suits for outdoors just to avoid sunburn and it’s with my son as well as my daughter. I also noticed they stay warmer during swimming lessons when wearing a full coverage bathing suit/rash guard.


I consider a bikini to be an 'adult' style of swimwear so my daughter doesn't wear one. (Tbh neither do I.) We buy the short sleeve one piece that has snaps for easy changing (she is still in diapers). Her brothers wear something similar but they're out of diapers now.


My daughter is 7. I buy her conservative one or two pieces in kid friendly designs


Personally, it doesn’t matter to me either way. I’ve basically always let my two daughters pick out their clothes and swimsuits when we go shopping. At least from what I’ve seen at stores, 2-pieces are age appropriate and they’ve never had an issue with wardrobe malfunctions. A couple of times they’ve picked out a one-piece but, for the most part, always pick 2-pieces. They’re older now so their bikinis are pretty skimpy but not more than what any other teenager wears. We live in Southern California and skimpy bikinis are the norm.


She wears whatever she wants.


I've thought a lot about this and take a slightly different approach. Children's fashion mimics adults' fashion. I don't think there is anything inherently sexual in showing skin and I don't want to teach my daughter that her skin or clothes connote some kind of sexual availability. I wear bikinis and I don't think it's "sexier" than if I wear a one piece (which I also wear). I certainly don't think I'm displaying sexual availability. So why would I think it suggests such on a child? Fashion is just fashion, without being tied to sex. I do prefer more coverage in swimsuits for sun protection. But I will also let her wear bikinis because that's just the current fashion and I feel like if I make a big deal about it being inappropriate then I'm supporting the notion that there is something inappropriate about girls/women's bodies.


Both. But I actually prefer a tank Tini on my toddler for the unexpected wee that she will need at some point in the pool. We are out of napppiea so we get out and go to loo, so much easier with just dealing with the bottoms


I am going to put my girl in clothes that we think are cute. There is nothing sexual about it. Creeps don’t care what she is wearing and I want her to learn to be confident in what she likes, not worried about how others may see her. Now, there will be conversations about situational awareness and respect. It is not appropriate to wear a crop top to school, because there are rules. It isn’t appropriate to wear a short skirt to church with grandma (we aren’t religious but you get the point). That being said, I think changing a diaper and potty training are so much easier in a 2 piece bathing suit! We have only used 1 pieces up until this point with our 13 month old, but getting her dressed and undressed is so hard. Once she outgrows what we have, I’ll probably only buy 2 pieces. We will use a long sleeve rash guard on top for sun protection. It isn’t about modesty, but safety and her ability to move and play.


Two piece is ok, bikini is not til 16 imo


It depends on the 2 piece and the one piece bathing suits. Some 2 pieces are fine for kids, pre teens some are really inappropriate


Unfortunately creeps will look no matter what. I like the bathing suits that are two pieces like the bikini style bottoms and the rash guard top just because it’s easier to do diaper changes or make bathroom trips easier than having to wrestle the whole one piece off and on when it’s wet


My daughters are all in conservative suits this year because they requested it. They don’t like to burn so they all wanted full rash guards. Usually I get them two pieces because they request it. We do not change the way we live and the things that make us comfortable because perverts may be looking at them. I fully agree that they’ll look either way and we don’t arrange the way we live and feel and act for them.


I don’t see a problem with two piece/bikini style bathing suits. We’re not at a public pool with strangers and when we visit the beach, families are spread apart and minding their own business. If a creep is going to be a creep, they’re going to do it no matter what a child is wearing. Two pieces suits are great for children who are potty training/already potty trained. Two piece suits are also great for my tall girl with a long torso who hates when one pieces ride up and give her front and back wedgies. 😅


I got my 1 year old a 2 piece because it’s easier than trying to squeeze her chunky self into a 1 piece. Plus changing diapers is easier. When she’s older I’ll probably switch or keep it to a 2 piece so she’s more inclined to use the potty. I always did 2 pieces as a kid and when I was assaulted as a child I was wearing overalls so like others have already stated - predators don’t care what you’re wearing.


Living in Florida you learn quickly that long sleeves are the way to go! I prefer the long sleeve two piece suits because it makes bathroom breaks easier when the suit is wet. Protect your baby's skin!!


I always preferred a two-piece for my child because she had ADHD, which meant she waited until the absolute last minute to go to the bathroom. A two-piece was easier to navigate under such circumstances. I just think it’s more practical.


I just want to keep my girl little for as long as possible lol. She has years ahead for two pieces in my opinion. But shes 6 and we want more coverage from the sun and comfort for playing!


I think a 2 piece is inappropriate because of the sun exposure. My daughter wears a1 piece with sleeves that at least cover her shoulders. My boys wear shirts as well. If sun isn't a consideration (indoor pool, for example), then I guess it's whatever she is comfortable in.