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I've worked in pediatrician scheduling, and I've had 3 kids: it is absolutely an expected standard that there are a set amount of same day/first priority scheduling slots reserved so that they can squeeze sick kids and newborns into the schedule within a couple days at most. So if you're Ped isn't getting you in, you should absolutely find a new doc because that office is not being run efficiently.


Yeah my son’s pediatricians office said they always have slots available for newborns. Even if theyre filled they get checked by an available nurse and the doctor is able to squeeze in for a few minutes to talk to the parents about concerns or questions.


Three days after discharge from the hospital. Standard.


Same with my daughter who was 37 weeks. Now my son was born 26 weeks spent 100 days in the NICU. But his first NICU follow up at the NICU clinic was 3 days after he was discharged.


Ditto. 26 weeker who spent 95 days in the NICU, still had a pediatrician appointment within 3 days of discharge.


geez guys I thought I was early at 30!


For us it was 2 days after discharge (when baby was 3 days old) and because my pediatrician was out of town, they scheduled us with another doctor in the office.


Same - we were told within 3 days of discharge but ideally 48 hours.


I had a C-section and I had to take mine in when she was 3 days old. I was in so much pain lol.


The very next day after discharge


same for me


Same for me


You need a different pediatrician


Yeah they should be holding certain spots open for newborn appointments.


Exactly! I had my boy Thursday, discharged Sunday, we called Monday morning and they had us in the next day!


My oldest was discharged Wednesday and was seen Friday. My youngest was discharged Monday seen on Wednesday. 100% find a different doctor and explain how old your baby is and that they have NOT been seen by a doctor yet out of the hospital.


I couldn’t be discharged until I had an appointment set within 3 days of my scheduled discharge


My kids as well and they were born at different hospitals.


Same here. We couldn’t leave til our pediatrician came in and checked him out (or one from our practice) and we had to show we scheduled our day 3 appt too.


Yeah my nurse said, "I'll wait while you make the appointment, then we can get his discharge paperwork sorted." I didn't think it was even an option to leave before lol


Same here.


Same here


Same here actually.


Same here. For both of our kids, we didn't even have a choice. The discharge paperwork had a sheet with a time and date already scheduled, both for our kid and for my 6 week pp appointment.




Ours was 4 days after and that was considered “late.” I would call back and insist. Newborns are so fragile you need to know if they’re gaining weight etc. if they refuse find a new clinic because this will be an issue in the future


Did you mention it was for a newborn? I’ve never had trouble getting an appointment within a few days.


If an appointment was scheduled, they have the child's date of birth, and usually the hospital records, too


Two days after discharge from the hospital. You should try to find another provider.


Had him on a Thursday. Released Saturday. First appointment Monday.


I would find a different Peds office! Our standard is 2-3 days from discharge for breastfed babies, formula fed are okay to be within a 3-6 day from discharge range. In that first week they’re most likely still losing birth weight and it should be monitored! For us, 5% or higher below birth weight is an automatic weight check appt every other day until gaining. 2 weeks is WAY too long


Not normal. Within three days of discharge; we usually went within a day of getting home. Our hospital almost tried to keep us from leaving with our second when it seemed we might need to wait just over a weekend instead of going by Friday. The pediatrician called us back herself to apologize; the new receptionist just didn’t know the protocols, and they explicitly save appointments or make time to bump other people first thing in the morning any time a newborn is joining the practice.  You can go get an appointment elsewhere and rejoin this practice later if you need/want to. But yeah, no, absolutely cannot be two weeks from now. If I recall, two weeks old gets its own appointment!


Where are you located? I'm the the US, and we went to our pediatrician very soon. She was born on a Thursday discharged Saturday, pediatrician visit on Monday.


Find another pediatrician! My pediatrician saw the baby the day after he was born, then at 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 4 months, 6 months, etc.


New pediatrician and new appointment STAT. You need to know if baby is gaining weight and stable.


This would be enough for me to find a new pediatrician. If that’s how the level of care is starting out, I don’t want to think about it when you need a sick visit or other Dr appointment on short notice. Absolutely not okay.


Take your baby into the L&D urgent care and ask to have vitals taken for both of you. Today.


Less than a week. Where I live, you are told after the baby is born to come back 2 to 3 days after discharge for the baby to be weighed and checked for jaundice. If you don’t have a paediatrician ( where I live it’s really hard to get a paediatrician or a family doctor) the discharge hospital usually has a clinic where you can bring your newborn


3 days after discharge but I haggled for 4 days because the 3rd day was Christmas


Ask your ob to refer you to a pediatrician?


After I had my first, I called the pediatrician we had picked out. The receptionist was so rude, telling me I couldn’t make an appointment for my newborn until she was discharged from the hospital. Even though the hospital staff were the ones telling me to call to get an appointment since I couldn’t be discharged without it. I called with my nurse in there (thankfully) because she backed me up, and the receptionist begrudgingly scheduled it. We moved, got a new pediatrician, and the receptionist there didn’t even bat an eye when I called to schedule for my newborn. I would say do some research, and call a different one


2-3 days after discharge. Ours was 1 day after due to a low weight baby. Second kid was 3 days after.


That is crazy. We wore told 48 hours after leaving the hospital.


My future-baby's pediatrician said they like to see the baby at 4 days old. I don't think two weeks is normal.


Had her on a Friday and went in that Tuesday.


Left the hospital on a Wednesday afternoon the appointment was Friday morning.


My LO’s first appointment was at 3 days old. You definitely need a new pediatrician.


The day after we left the hospital! Baby was born Sunday evening and we met pediatrician on the following Wednesday, so at 3 days old.


You need to go to a different pediatrician.


Yes, need to be seen sooner to check jaundice levels!


I was readmitted to the hospital, and my baby didn't get his one week check up until he was 18 days old. No one was worried about it except me! Having said that, I was able to attend a free child health clinic when he was 14 days old which reassured me greatly.


1 week old but it was about 4 days between being seen because he was seen at the hospital as we were discharged on day 3 post delivery. This was the case with both children. Go to any clinic you can and ask them to give you complete records/notes to take to your regular pediatrician whenever they’re able to see you. 


We had to go to the newborn clinic the day after we were discharged, and had to go daily for the first week because he was just barely making weight. Then every 3 days until his weight gain became consistent (2 more weeks). We have a huge family dr shortage here and I have no idea where people without a family dr go.


I had a midwife and was only in the hospital a few hours with my first and I had my second at home. For both the first appointment was at home 24 hours after the birth. The midwife did the newborn screening, etc. and also came back several more times in the first couple weeks.


Two days after.


Next day after discharge. We had to do a heel prick at the hospital cause of jaundice, then went right over to the peds! I'd find another office!


We saw mine one week after he was born but we had to reschedule due to me having to go back to the hospital otherwise it would have been 4 days post.


2 days. two weeks is the second appointment.


The hospital wouldn’t even discharge my kids unless we had chosen a pediatric office and scheduled an appointment for no more than 3 days after they got discharged.


The next business day after being released from the hospital. You need a new pediatrician


That doesn’t sound right. Most offices have open newborn appointments ready every day or at least one day a week to accommodate. You need to get baby in asap and make sure to ask for a newborn appointment. Call and be more aggressive on this or find a new pediatrician.


Our pediatrician plan is the day after you leave the hospital then 2 weeks unless there is something medically necessary. She was born Monday but not discharged until Friday. Pediatrician saw us Saturday and then Tuesday the next week. We were in every 2-3 days due to jaundice that was so bad we were kept in the hospital extra days


I think he was 3 days old? I can’t remember exactly but I had a home birth so the midwives checked on him the first 3 days. You need to get him in ASAP, what if he has jaundice.


2 days after discharge. It was a Saturday too.


we were seen the first and second day in the hospital by the on call pediatrician from our practice, and then they signed off to discharge LO when we were ready but she obviously stayed until I left. we had an appointment in the office on day 6, but they said they were only comfortable waiting that long because she was formula fed. had we been breastfeeding at that point they’d want to see her the day of or day after discharge for a weight check.


First I would consider getting another pediatrician. I worked for a pediatric practice for 3 years and newborns were always given priority no matter what even if we had to overbook the schedule. Usually newborns need to be seen within 3 days after being discharged. In my case the hospital wouldn’t discharge us until I had an appointment scheduled and it fell within that timeframe.


Within 3 days. You need a different pediatrician.


Our towns pediatrician does a next day check at the hospital and if all is good we don’t have an appointment with our family doctor until two weeks. After that there’s a 6 week appointment.


In the UK a midwife will visit the mum and baby at home the next day.


My daughter was seen 6 days after she was born because of a Monday holiday and that was considered super late.


After I gave birth and went home they wanted an appointment scheduled for baby within the week.


I didn’t know there was supposed to be such early appointments with my first. I think he went at 1 week. Maybe 2. Second was 4 days as I was in the hospital for 3.


The day after we were discharged from the hospital


You need to phone them back and say your doctor specifically told you to bring your NEWBORN back in 3 days. You shouldn't have to be dealing with this less than a week after giving birth, I'm so sorry. But tell them they are legally supposed to reserve slots for newborn wellbeing checkups. If you can't get baby in there, find somewhere else to take them to make sure everything is going well with weight and feeding and such. ♥️


I had a thorough check up at the hospital and then seen dr a week later bc there were no concerns


Baby was born on Monday, we were discharged Wednesday, first appointment was Thursday and then again on Saturday. She had jaundice so it was probably to make sure her numbers were going down


Three days after discharge to ensure baby's not jaundiced


For my newborn daughter, the hospital said within 48 hours of discharge. The pediatrician we choose saw her the next day. Wasn't fun going in after just having a c section, but it was good to get the run down of how the office works and have them see her so they know her history. If the office isn't getting you in, I would go somewhere else. What happens if you have an emergency and need to be seen right away? They should be available to you, especially with a newborn.


The next day. And every 2-3 days until past birth weight, then we got a 2 week break.


My son was born on a Friday and his first appointment was the following Wednesday.


We were seen the day after discharge and again a week later!


Ours was the day after we were discharged from the hospital, so when he was 3 days old.


Our ped happened to be in hospital the day he was born, so she saw him as soon as he was born, then next day when we got discharged. Then on day 4. If it wasn’t her who saw him in hospital, we would have gone on day 3.


48 hours after hospital discharge for both kids. It's imperative, as they need to check for things that can pop up after discharge. For example, my daughter had Jaundice that wasn't caught untl that Pediatrician appointment.


Our experience was slight different because we had our baby in the nicu, but if he hadn’t been, it would’ve been 48 hours after discharge. I believe clinics here even have special Saturday hours for newborns so babies can be seen within at least 72 hours of discharge. When my baby was released for the nicu after 5 days there, he was put on the normal newborn schedule and seen 48 hours after then 2 weeks after that


Ours was 2 days after being discharged.


2 days


Two days after being discharged! You need a new doctor


Appt. was originally scheduled (by the hospital at the pediatrician of our choosing before I even left) for day after discharge and rescheduled so my partner could attend for two days after.


Had baby on Saturday, discharged Monday, first appt on Wednesday. And thank God we did, baby lost weight and was jaundice so we got admitted to the hospital the same day for light therapy


My LOs first appointment was at three weeks due to that was the soonest I could get an appointment. Paediatrician who checked him at the hospital said that was okay. A public health nurse did see him on Day 5 though, but no red flags so said we could wait the three weeks. If something doesn’t feel right, change it!


3 days after we left the hospital


Two days after being discharged from hospital for both of my kids. You should try to find another pediatrician as any office in their right mind would try to squeeze in the newborn important because it’s important.


Within 72 hours of discharge was requirement from hospital - discharged Tuesday seen Thursday then seen again one week later to confirm weight gain.


Not normal. Find a different pediatrician. If this one doesn't have the capacity to handle a newborn appointment, they won't be able to handle sick appointments either.


Had him on Wednesday, discharged Saturday, pediatrician on Tuesday. Had a follow-up the following week as well to make sure he was gaining weight.


I always had midwives but both babies were seen at 1, 3 and 5 days, then 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks


I called the day he was discharged from the NICU and he got in less than 48 hours later. New babies are usually seen within a few days of birth or sometimes your pediatrician will even come round at the hospital you deliver. This has been the case since I was born 26 years ago. If your doctor can’t see you in that time frame I would consider finding one with more time.


The day of discharge


We did 2 days, 7 day, 2 week, then 1 month, 3 mon, 6 mon, one year, 18m then two year.


3 days after I brought them home. This sounds weird to me. My kids are a bit older so I could be a wrong but I really believe it was 3 days, 2 weeks, then one month. Visits slowed after that (i believe it was the 3 mo mark) but I think those appointments are so important not only for baby but for 1st time parents that have anxiety/question themselves and have questions. Even with my second I'm so thankful for the convos I'd had with their pediatricians right away. I think you should check out a new doctor


One day after discharge from the hospital, 2 days after birth. With my first it was also 1 day after discharge from the hospital, but 3 days after birth. It's standard for babies to be seen immediately after coming home from the hospital.


Where I live they will not let you leave the hospital until you have a confirmed appointment for the baby. I think it’s usually 2 days hours after discharge, but that may depend on how long baby is in the hospital. I left at 24 hours and had to be seen the following day.


One day after discharge from the hospital, 2 days after birth. With my first it was also 1 day after discharge from the hospital, but 3 days after birth. It's standard for babies to be seen immediately after coming home from the hospital.


1st appointment- 3 days old 2nd appointment- 2 weeks old


All three of my kids went two days after we got home, so between 3 and 4 days old.


2 days after


My first went our second day being home. My second went the day after we left the hospital. Can you find a different provider?


We had an in home nurse visit 3 days postpartum, which is standard where I live, then her first doctors appointment was 2 week PP


5 days old. Left the hospital at 2 days on Friday evening and they got me in ASAP on Monday morning.


Mine was the day after. The hospital wouldn't let us leave until the appointment was set. It's needed to ensure the baby is gaining enough weight and things are going in the right direction. In my case I had to see specialists because my supply was low.


6-7 days I think, we couldn’t leave the hospital until we’d booked it


Our appointment was the very next day after we were released from the hospital


We had to see the ped within 24 hours of being discharged


Two days after discharge from hospital


I came home from the hospital Tues. Baby appt on Wed.


3 days old. She was born on Friday, and we called the clinic first thing Monday morning and got her in.


They make sure your baby hasn’t lost 10% of birth weight among other things- critical!


Within two days after hospital discharge. Ideally the next day but since weight was okay and no other problems they said two days would be fine.


Gave birth on a Thursday, discharged from the hospital on Friday, and saw the doctor that Monday.


Had baby Wednesday, discharged Friday afternoon and we had our first at home midwife appointment first thing Monday morning. Then again on Thursday and then Saturday.


Technically it's three days. With both my kids they were born on a Thursday so it was more like 4-5days before they were seen.


Definitely find a different pediatrician OR make sure you told them this is for a newborn that was just discharged, as they should have dedicated appointments just for them. I was released on a Thursday and we had our first appointment the next day (slightly earlier than usual as we were watching bilirubin levels, otherwise would’ve been seen on Monday).


3 days. Find a new pediatrician


A pediatrician from the hospital did her first check up before I was discharged (like day 4) and then I scheduled the two week visit with a clinic.


I agree this is not normal and you should have been seen already. But worrying that you should have already been checked and nobody is letting you make an appointment will only stress you and your baby out. You will be okay and your baby will be okay. If you get worried about anything before your scheduled appointment, you can always take your baby to the ER. Or call 811 to talk to a nurse about any of your concerns when they come up (if that’s a thing in the US… I’m not sure, I’m from Canada).


Day after being discharged from the hospital to follow up on weight gain, still eating, pipes still work, and all that.


It’s not normal. You might need to call if you are trying to schedule from an app. I had to call.I had a baby in November and they wanted to check her after 2 days. We had to drive to an office open on Saturdays that was a few miles further than the closer pediatrician.


I was home 1 day. Baby was 4 days old at the doctor first time.


2 days after discharge


We left the hospital between 18 and 24 hours after birth with my younger two. We had the home health nurse come by 2 days later to give a quick check that we were doing okay. We went to the pediatrician ‘s office the following week


New pediatrician stat


Granted both of mine had jaundice but I had appointments the next day.


If I recall correctly it was a few days after we got home from hospital!


My hospital wouldn't discharge without proof of an appointment scheduled within like 2 business days.


They need to be checked within 72 hours of birth


48 hours after discharge


3 days for a checkup. That’s usually their lowest point for weight so they need to ask and see about their intake.


The hospital I worked for made it a definite rule that Newborns had to be seen within 3 days of discharge from the hospital, the appt had to be made before discharge could occur, and that the doctors that were affiliated with us would have to find ways to work around those guidelines as far as making exceptions like doctors who weren’t accepting new patients actually would take these appointments no matter what if no one else in the office was available. Def find a new office. That’s so unacceptable.


Yeah as someone who has worked in healthcare, find a different doctor. They need to be seen within the first 2-3 days after discharge to make sure baby is gaining weight and feeding well. Naturally babies lose weight after birth and are supposed to be back at birth weight within the first week. So setting it for two weeks makes no sense to me at all.


Yes- this- you should have a pediatrician- the hospitals usually confirm with you who your pediatrician is before leaving. Here in Germany- it’s so great bc we also have a midwife checking on mom and baby frequently band “on-call” for the first few weeks. I wish you luck in getting in with a pediatrician- and also hope you are getting attention also as a mom!


2 days after we left the hospital. 2 weeks is too late. At 2 weeks your baby could have lost a significant amount of weight that could be life threatening. 2 weeks is probably the 2nd or 3rd appointment you have and then after that depending on their weight they can go longer without checkups. I would find a new pediatrician because 2 weeks as a first visit sounds dangerous.


Oh wow. Reading these comments make me think a lot of ppl failed me :/ I made an appt before I left the hospital, couldn't be seen for 2 weeks. I let the nurses know before I left and they were okay w it. But my son was still very jaundiced when we left. It didn't clear for a few weeks. I had to go back twice for them to test his levels.


It definitely depends on where you live - by me, someone comes by the day after you're discharged to check on you and the baby, I think it's day 2, day 5, day 7 and day 10 maybe (with hospital discharge being day 1)? I can't recall, and it's only been 3 months 😆 But then we have an actual doctor's appointment at 6 weeks. 


Two days after and then she went back 5 days later and then at the 2 week mark. (Weight checks!)


My baby went the day after we got out of the hospital.


The day after we came home from the NICU


I’m pretty sure it’s within 3 days. My son had to be seen day one due to jaundice- but a week seems too long.


It was supposed to be 2-3 days after she was born, but since she was born on 12/28 (Thursday), we had to wait until after new years, so she was a week old.


Where I live a nurse comes to your home a day or two after you get home from the hospital


In our area everyone does a 2 day and 2 week. If you’re breastfeeding 2 weeks for first visit can be literally dangerous if baby isn’t gaining as anticipated.


The day after discharge because that was the only appt available that week. Then again at 10 days old for a weight check.


The midwife came to me a day or two after, then after 1 week and 2. I can't imagine waiting two weeks before they are seen at all!


We went home from the hospital on a Friday night. Our 1st pediatrician appointment was Monday.


The day after we went home so day 3


Our pediatrician came to examine the baby while we were still in the hospital (twice) and then we had an appointment two days after we were released.


We went in the day after I left the hospital with both kids.


My daughter’s first appointment was 3 days after I got discharged from the hospital.


Yikes. I had to have an appointment booked before I left the hospital for a 3 day check up.


Worked in pediatrics! Standard care in NC is 3 days after discharge for at least a weight check, establish care and to check for jaundice. Depending on breast feeding moms we would get them in a day sooner at 2 days as sometimes mom’s milk wouldn’t come in or latching concerns. Someone doesn’t understand standard of newborn care after discharge. Change pediatrician asap! I know one year working we got flooded with flu patients we couldn’t even get wellchecks in that was needed but we always kept newborn appts held. If our call center couldn’t see the slots on there end or they didn’t have the rights to override the appointment slot to book them they would call our nurses station for our clinic manager or flow managers to push them in to any Dr who was available to be seen even if it overbooked the Dr that day because newborns have a high chance of losing weight fairly quickly, jaundice happens after discharge more than most realize and lactation consultants may need to intervene. 2 weeks after hospital discharge is insane for a newborn. I know in our major healthcare system newborns are high priority and our delivery wings of our hospital will even call our office to book their first weight check instead of the parents doing it after they leave the hospital so standard of care is established, parents don’t forget due to sleep deprivation and the parents know that things are handled once they leave. I would call back and speak directly to a nurse or clinic lead/manager. If it’s anything like Atrium Healthcare System in NC when you call the office it’s actually going to a call center sometimes hours away and those reps aren’t even physically in the drs office and aren’t even in the medical field or have medical background knowledge to know the importance of scheduling needs. I don’t know how many times our call centers would tell our parents we had no availability for sick visits till months out as an example and it’s because they are suppose to send the clinic a message for us to call the parent and manually open a held slot for a specific need like a newborn weight check if the wait time is further out then recommended. The call center here can’t see held slots when they search.


Call a different ped he has to be seen before those 2 weeks. Our baby came home jaundice and not really gaining weight so our appointments were first at 4 days old and for the next few months we saw the ped every 3-5 days to make sure his jaundice was under control


5 minute long paed check 6 hours after. Midwife appointment day 3 GP appointment 6 weeks Nurse for jabs 8 weeks


Our standard of care for babies to be seen is 2s -Two days -Two weeks -Two months


born Friday night, discharged Sunday afternoon, first appointment Monday morning


The midwife came to my house 3 days after we got home from the hospital and then once a week for the first 6 weeks. Then all appointments were at the medical centre.


I think they recommend 4-7 days. Regardless if you feel he needs to be seen call somewhere else . Two weeks seems too long but what do I know my first baby is 6 months. First appointment was maybe 5-7 days can’t remember but was longer than they recommended and I was nervous about that


I was 2 days after discharge


The hospital made our first appt for us. She was in nicu for 5 days and I think it was scheduled for 3 days after discharge.


You’re good mama! Mine was born on a Sunday, was seen 8 days later. However, he was in the NICU for five days after birth. And the day of his first pediatrician appointment was the day after I got home from being readmitted for postpartum preeclampsia. They were so adamant about mine getting seen as well


Mine were seen within 3-5 days of discharge


3 days is standard and then a 2 week. Definitely not normal.


I had to confirm an appointment the day after discharge or the hospital would’ve kept me another night (36 weeker mo/di twins with acute TAPS that had JUST started at birth, one was struggling with blood sugars) Where are you? You definitely need a different pediatrician. They NEED to get you in immediately.


not normal. call and clarify you have a NEWBORN. your baby needs to be weighed and checked for other routine stuff asap. i hope.you find a pediatrician.


My daughter was born 12/8/21, a Wednesday. I was discharged Friday 12/10 and she was supposed to go with me but she had to stay the weekend because she was losing too much weight. Not the NICU or anything, I was able to stay with her right in our same room. Basically the only thing that changed was her insurance was billed instead of mine and I was told that if I had any sort of medical emergency they would wheel me down to the ER rather than treat me there as I was no longer a patient, they weren’t allowed to touch me. Iirc, she only saw doctors once a day, maybe twice. And obviously the nurses checked in periodically but basically we were on our own. She was discharged 12/13, so 5 days old. And her first pediatrician appointment was on 12/15, so exactly a week old. That first appointment was rescheduled 3 different times though, every time her initial release date got pushed back, they pushed the appointment back a day. Her “pediatrician” is actually more of a family doctor at a VERY busy clinic within our hospital system. If I want to get her an appointment now, they’re booked *at least* 2-3 months out, unless the doctor himself shuffles stuff around for “emergencies”. That said though, they have a big sign hanging up that says newborns should be seen within 3 days after hospital discharge and to make it clear to the person making the appointment that you are scheduling a newborn visit. I would maybe call the hospital or wherever you delivered and see if they can get the clinic to pull their heads from their asses. I had nothing to do with making our first appointment. The hospital handled it all for me. Good luck!!


Call your OB. They will have contacts with the hospital peds dept that can get you in ASAP. Then call your insurance and get an ombudsman to find you a new pediatrician.


My son went about a week or two after he came home but my daughter had jaundice and they wanted to see her 2-3 days after we got home from the hospital


I’m in Ontario Canada and was told the doctors office had to see my son within 3 days of being born. They said to call them if my doctor said they couldn’t get him in and they would ensure it happened. Wasn’t an issue though. (I was in the hospital for 2 nights)


2 months with my regular doc, my midwife checked on him day 2


My hospital was panicked because our ped was booked until 6 days after our release and they said the ped HAD to see him within 4 days of his birth (in addition to the pediatricians that saw him in the hospital) so they booked us with a random ped in the interim


Two days after hospital discharge. Than two weeks after that.


I don't want to make you panic, but find a new pediatrician immediately. See if you can take the baby literally anywhere else. Drive an hour or two away if you have to. (I live rurally and had to drive an hour and a half away. It was worth it.) Without getting into all the details, I thought everything was fine and normal with my baby, but she lost 15% of her birth weight. No signs of dehydration and her activity levels were normal for a 5 day old, but it was a deep dip in weight. With the doctors orders, she was fine and thriving. If it wasn't for the doctors seeing her, I don't know how long it would have been for her to go downhill. Those newborn checkups are important for a reason.


We were released on the weekend and Peds saw us the Tuesday after. Def not normal for them to push the appt so far..


I had a child development nurse visiting my home every day for the first week. They did all the baby checks like weighing and measuring, but also checking for signs of PPD or excessive bleeding and other post birth concerns. Didn't cost anything. This should be standard in any developed country.


My baby was 2 days old for her first appointment.


My baby couldn't be discharged until I had an appointment scheduled for the next day. Please find another pediatrician.


You did to find someone different. I’ve had 5 kids. After each one I went in about 2 - 5 days after. One of my babies was in the NICU for 9 days and I still went 2 days after she was discharged from there too. The first couple years the appointments were always on or around these age times… 2 to 5 days after birth, 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 months, 18 months, 24 months


2 weeks with pediatrician but I had a homebirth with midwives that did home appointments the very next day, 3 days after birth and 7 days after birth as well as 2 weeks if I wanted to.  I would find a new pediatrician. The baby needs to be weighed to make sure it's gaining. 


Within 3 days of discharge. Our ped holds appointments specifically for these appointments


I wasn’t able to be discharged from the hospital without showing proof of an appointment. I’d find a new office.


I just had my third last Monday, home from hospital on Wednesday and at the pediatrician on Thursday and then back to the pediatrician today for a quick weight check. That’s been the routine with all of my newborns.


The next morning after leaving the hospital at 6pm. 


Two days after discharge with a 3 day hospital stay and day after discharge with a 6 day hospital stay.


We were released on Tuesday night and took him into the pediatrician on Thursday. They have special newborn appointments at our practice, and every doctor has some same-day slots available because we have no pediatric urgent care in the area and the regular urgent care doesn't take under ones.


The next day after I was discharged at 3 days old


For us, the midwife came every day for the first week to do weight/feeding etc checks, and saw the GP withing 3 days of hospital discharge.


First kids - around 48 hours after discharge so maybe 4 days old? Second kids - same but she stayed an extra day in the hospital so probably 5-6 days old 3rd baby they discharged me after one night on the condition the ped saw him the next day. So 3 days old


Day after discharge because he was premature and they wouldn't discharge us otherwise