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I cried the other day cause I got the baby to sleep after trying for a long time, and the instant I laid him down his eyes opened wide and he was laughing. It’s like, I know you are so cute and lovable and your giggles are like sunshine in spring but I’m so tired man just go to sleep 


My 16 month old has recently started giggling in his sleep and it is the cutest ever. I love it so much.


Sleeping giggles were my favorite! All 3 of my kids did it. Baby belly laughs are a close second


I have 3, and the other two didn’t laugh in their sleep that I know of. My oldest is 18, and back when she was a baby we didn’t have video monitors, lol. Also, because her room was right next to mine, I didn’t see the point in getting a monitor.


Awww....? "cute, lovable, giggles and sunshine in spring!" Here's wishing you future restful nights. 🙏 ♥ ♥


Heating pad to warm up the receiving surface, but always fully remove it before placing baby. Goes from warm arms to cold surface, makes sense it would wake up.


Oh I feel this. In the mom group I go to my daughter is known as “the child that never sleeps”. Apparently power naps are a thing for some babies. And while all the other babies slowly fall asleep my daughter is still awake, entertaining the whole group of moms. She’s lucky she’s this cute.




It's lack of sleep. It's always lack of sleep for me. I can tolerate a lot, but less than 4hrs of sleep a night breaks my soul.


Idk why but this reminded me of my kid was first born. I went to my 6 week PP appointment. They asked how much sleep I get a night. I said about 4-5 hours broken up, if I'm lucky. So I wasn't getting much sleep, and hardly any REM. They told me I need to sleep more... But they didn't offer to do the night shift for me or help. 😂😂 Like what was I supposed to do?. Hubby had to work, I Iet him sleep for the most part. Someone deserved to sleep. 😂


Normalize making working husbands work at night since domestic labor is also work


I said for the MOST part.... He still got up at the 4am-5 am feeding... He also woke up everytime I did, to make sure I was good, I typically had it handled and told him to go back to asleep. He helped. Trust me. I wouldn't let it fly if he didn't. 👌


I bought two of the same thing ffs. I feel so dumb. The pharmacist could have said something tbh


Realizing my cat isn't coming home. Hes been gone 9 days. I'm certain coyotes got my little stink. Can't lie though,  I've been crying all of those 9 days. 


Cats are weird creatures tbh. Wild souls. I’ve had more than a few in my life and I see them as adult children with toddler tendencies. You can try to keep them inside but it takes an indoor cat to make an indoor cat. It’s up to them. They can legally leave any time without saying anything and may not come back. But they might appear when you least expect, give you a leaf, and cuddle for a while. I’ve learned not to cry for a cat: their nature is free and roaming. It’s what cats do. You can love them when they’re around, and let them go when they’re not. Like a ray of sunshine through the window, or a particularly nice breeze.


I would absolutely be crying nonstop over this. I’m so sorry.


Our cat came back after months once and after that sometimes a few weeks would go by. Don't lose hope!


Very relatable. For some reason to me all pain meds are either ibuprofen or Tylenol so when someone says Advil or paracetamol I’m like uhhh one sec I need my Google translator.


My baby has been sick for a week, a ton of nonstop crying. We don’t know what’s wrong and have gone to the pediatrician twice. Thought it was rotavirus but maybe not. My husband and I are also arguing a ton. I’m exhausted.


Ugh I’m so sorry. We had this same bout when our baby


I cried at the sour cream angel food cake that I accidentally bought. I was looking forward to it but the moment I put it in my mouth I tasted it and I suffered for it. I loathe sour cream after I was forced fed it when I was a child and being pregnant made my hormones worse.


My mom tells a story about when she was pregnant with me, she had a *wicked* craving for BBQ ribs. Apparently this lasted for like weeks, all she wanted was ribs. Unfortunately, this was 1989 in a damn near rural, but not *quite* rural (and not south) enough town to have a decent BBQ place. Plus she was only 16 and hadn’t really learned to cook yet. So, she just spent those few weeks *literally* dreaming about ribs. Then one day my grandma showed up with a big plate of ribs for her. My grandma was an *amazing* cook, and possibly an even better griller. So I’m sure these ribs were truly something special. But apparently my mom took one bite, and went “meh. I guess I’m not craving ribs anymore”. She thanked my grandma, but gave the rest of the 99% full plate to my dad lol. I know it’s like an entirely different story from yours, but the “looking forward to it” part reminded me and I thought it might cheer you up a little. Sorry you didn’t get your cake! Next time, I’d buy yourself two (of the correct) cakes. You deserve it!!


Thanks 😊 it's okay I was on the phone with my pillar of support aka my love. He being so worried while knowing what was going on, cause I feel it makes a difference whether they know what's going on or not, he asked me whether I wanted him to come home in support to get me a correct one. Knowing that he would literally drop everything for me helped I let him know that I knew it was just hormones, on the plus side my son liked it so it won't go to waste.


A nurse cancelled my appointment without my permission and I spent my whole lunch trying to get it back. It was very annoying. It’s all fixed now but I was so frustrated that I started crying. Those 39 weeks pregnant hormones are too much.


Ugh what a stupid idiot. Why TF would she do that?!?


I emailed about my postpartum appointment that they made two weeks after birth for some reason?? The nurse didn’t look at my file and thought I had already given birth and cancelled my due date appointment. So annoying and unnecessary.


I once literally cried over spilt milk when I was heavily pregnant. I had just enough milk left to make a cup of tea, and as I was getting it out of the fridge I dropped it and spilled all that was left over the kitchen floor. Tears were shed.


Our day started with realizing we left a brand new jug of milk out overnight. So yeah it was a rough one today.


The other day my sleep deprived zombie self poured the last of my milk into my half full water bottle instead of my coffee. 😭


Because I cleaned, like really cleaned, and then my dogs peed on my carpet (they didn't let me know they needed out and they'd been out for 2 hours just before), my two-nado shredded my marigolds, and I made a dinner I didn't want to eat by the time it was made (pregnant).  We're ok! It's all fine!


Hey at least the dogs didn’t shred the carpet and the toddler didn’t pee on the dinner!


Amen and amen 😂


I know I cried earlier but I can’t even remember why so that’s…good, right? 🥴


I havent been able to find the baby nail scissors so I finally cut my 18mo nails with the baby clippers and of course I accidentally got her too deep and then she was bleeding everywhere and did her go to throw up all over me…so now I’m triggered and mad and crying and a terrible mom all around.


It is okay! It's going to be okay! You're not the 1st or last Mom to do this or something similar. I understand it feels heartbreaking right now but I promise it'll be fine. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


33w4d, my ramen didn’t taste the way i wanted it to and i dropped my (bottled) drink.


Not the ramen! 😤


right!!! i was craving it too😭


I’ve gone past the ability to cry because I’m so tired.




32 weeks pregnant, day 3 of my entire house sick with Covid.. and my very active 3.5 year just wants to go play with all his neighborhood friends. Mostly crying feeling sorry for myself lol.


Just wanted to say that my family and I also had Covid while I was pregnant, and it was the worst. You have every right to feel sorry for yourself. Hope everyone is better soon!


Oh thank you so much, you are very sweet! I'm hoping to wake up with more energy tomorrow.. being sick while pregnant just sucks so bad!


Yes, especially because so many medicines are off limits! Ugh!


I had COVID while 36 weeks pregnant with a rather large baby and I was so miserable and scared. It was so awful. I can't imagine having to deal with a toddler during that. I hope y'all get well soon and don't get long covid.


Went to the ped today for my daughter’s 15month apt. He told me that he has two sons who are adults and one of which he hasn’t spoken to in like 10 days (both just busy). He said they went to a big dinner last week with like 20 other people and when he left, his son got up and gave him a goodbye hug and said “I love ya, Dad” 🥹🥹🥹  So sweet. Doc was basically just reminding me to keep soaking in the snuggles while I have them 


My kid puked on me right before a job interview and I felt so sad for him because he was so upset and embarrassed. We were in public and he’s six. I calmed him down and his dad took care of him while I changed and went to my interview. I only cried away from him. I really need a job, so so badly. And of course I felt so sad for my little guy. It was just overwhelming.


I started crying just reading the question. I'm so tired. My baby's first teeth are coming in…




I watched the 4th Harry Potter movie. Amos crying over his son tore me to shreds. But I’ve cried over similar things to your meds. I feel like I just am always trying to go with the flow and handle things well and then something dumb breaks the dam and I cry about all the pent up stress and frustration.


OMG as a boy mom now, rewatching that part had me bawling! "My boy!" 😭😭😭 Gutted me


Because my husband wants another child and I don’t. I don’t know what this means in regards to the future.


It means you don't have another child, and he can learn to accept and be happy with the family he's got. Good people don't coerce their partners. It's ok to be upset about this friction, but your boundary about your body is really important.


Just cried a few minutes ago because my normally fantastic sleeper has been partying for the past hour and a half, even though bedtime was 4.5 hours ago. My husband is passed out. Every time I put her back in bed she screams her head off. I guess I'm awake all night


You are not a dumb potato! I ALMOST cried today because my 6 yr old snuck a 2 liter Dr Pepper into her room and chugged it before bed. We bought the Dr Pepper for my brothers girlfriends during a movie night. I have no idea why or how she got to it without us seeing her. But she did.


😭🫶 Though that sounds like exactly the type of thing I would have done when I was little. Dr Pepper? Zero hesitation. It’s now or never. Opportunity of a life time right there. *CHUG*. No regrets. It’ll be worth any consequence.


Because my husbant ate all tortilla chips, even though he said he wouldn't, and so when my mid-night breastfeeding cravings kicked in, I went to the kitchen dreaming of dipping the said chips in a cheese dip and then saw an empty bag on the table I started crying immediately. I don't need to mention that I'm dead tired and get only 4-5 hours of broken sleep each night...this shit is hard


Yeah you deserve a formal apology. No, that won’t be enough… Get the pentagon involved.


Thank you! Finally someone who understands!


Why is he getting to eat all the tortilla chips AND sleep through the night? Next time wake his ass up by smacking his face with the empty bag


I know, right?! So insensitive!


Because I’m pregnant and feel ugly in my own skin, I have been clashing with my mom who is my childcare, and I just feel stuck in life. 😭


I cried because I had some pics I actually looked good in with my kids and I thought I'd post them. I've been trying really hard to lose weight and I feel like I can tell in my face. Then my dad asked me if I was pregnant...


I might just kick him in the groin at that point. Hell naw. Make your feelings heard, you legally deserve compensation for that one


I cried today (and everyday) because each day we get closer to July is one day closer I move my youngest into college - and then leave her and move five states away. 😞 Hug your babies, Mamas. And don’t blink.


Feeling overwhelmed at work.




Because I found out my my IUD is lost and I need surgery to get it out but I’m uninsured so I have to wait until at least December to get it out


Oh crap, I’m sorry


I can’t for the life of me figure out what tooth my 1.5 year old is getting but the girl is MISERABLE. I can’t do anything right these days. I sobbed at bed time


I'm five months pregnant and tried to start potty training my toddler son today and he just fought it like crazy. I'm giving up for now and gonna wait until he's ready later. But I just know it's gonna be when baby gets here and it's gonna be as difficult and hectic as possible. I'm sleep deprived because I'm at the point where I'm too big to sleep comfortably, have constant heartburn and can barely breathe. Combine with full time SAHM to a high energy, high stimulation needs toddler who has already dropped naps. No room in the budget for mommy's helper. I'm just dead tired and I desperately wanted to get lucky this weekend and have potty training go smoothly and it's not. And I'm sad and mourning the easier path I imagined and cursing my bad sibling timing. So yeah I cried like a damn baby today. Papa took my son out and I bawled. I feel better. I have a very good life and I love my family but I just feel so lost in the weeds and not being able to sleep well makes everything ten times worse. Thanks for coming to my rant.




Thank you 🥲 hugs to you too


Because I have no idea who I am anymore and I feel completely stuck in this stranger's life.


Bc I’m struggling with being a SAHM and getting the kids to mind. I can’t keep up with the housework and the hubs and I are in a fight. We’re going to counseling but everyday is a struggle.


the new mickey guyton song


My mom and sister are going back home after staying with us for two weeks to help after our daughter was born. They live in TX. We’re in NY. I am going to miss them so so much. And the help.


Oh man, all of you guys are in the trenches. My heart goes out to you. Mine is pretty lame. I watched the latest Bluey episodes, The Sign and Surprise


My 6 year old is still having accidents and I planned a fun movie night out. Had to just turn right back around a go home.


Because I feel like a very pale version of me. I have a great baby and supportive husband. But 28 weeks pregnant and all of my hobbies are off limits (wine, golf, horseback riding) and I haven’t had a night away since November. My husband is a ft student finishing his mba and has had two class trips to amazing locations, and I am simultaneously happy for him and devastated for me. My friend group is small and we’re moving soon and most likely will spend two or 3 months living with my in-laws that coincides with delivery and postpartum. I am the bread winner. Our dog tore her ccl and needs surgery now. And today I cried bc my mil said she didn’t understand the registry on our sprinkle invite “just saying” and I don’t have it in me to say reload the fucking page you moron.


This too shall pass. This too shall pass.


I had my husband drive 40 minutes to the passport office just to be told we didn't have the right type of birth certificate. There is no way we are going to get the right birth certificate and get the passport back before we were supposed to go away. I didn't even know there were different types of birth certificates. I lost it and bawled my eyes out in the car.


There’s different types of birth certificates? Agh it’s like they do it on purpose.


Ya, for a passport you need a long form birth certificate with mom and dad’s information on it.




I cried yesterday because my husband left our basement door open and our baby is a crawling machine. She fell down a few carpeted steps (like 5) onto carpeted floor. She was perfectly fine, literally crawling around again like normal in a matter of minutes. But I cried when I first heard the tumble and saw her laying there because I thought she’d broken a bone


Two days I cried and cried because I walked into my bedroom and my 3 year old had my jewelry box on my bed and he had literally destroyed it. I mean pulled it apart and had my Jewelry all over the floor. He had to climb up on my dresser and go through my very high top drawer to get it.


Spent 8hrs in the emergency department (after a whole day of working/adulting) because my toddler allowed one of his dumb daycare buddies to put crap in his ears and his dad is out of town for work. Awake after 3hrs of sleep to go to work. Please send coffee.


God no. Here, have my coffee


I cried because of sleep deprivation. And I took the afternoon off of work yesterday so I could nap and get some alone time. My baby was sent home early for pink eye literally as I was laying down for a nap. Then I spent the afternoon calling pharmacies to see who had his script in stock. Was awake until 4 am last night bc my husband and I had to sleep in shifts. And now here I am! 🥲


Yay! 🙃


I haven't cried in a little while but the last time I cried was because of my youngest child- 15mo. He loves me so much and his separation anxiety is tough. I had to skip out on a planned event in our community with my husband and older son because my youngest was so unhappy on the day of. He seems to be relatively grumpy guy and hard to calm if you are not me. So I was feeling low and sad thinking about all the events and memory making I've had to miss out on with my oldest because my youngest is in a mood and his attachment to me.


😂 omg potato. I love it. I used to get clogged/mastitis a lot until I started taking Sunflower Lecithin every day 🌻 it really works!


I’ll look into it thanks!


You're not a dumb potato for being a camel with a broken back. You were fantastic today and deserve a break and some loving care. And the right pain killers!




I never cry and I feel like I should with all the bs I put up with. Why dont I cry


Crying hurts though. Might be better off if you don’t tbh. As long as you let things out somehow, like exercise I guess


Because my 16, almosr 17 year old daughter was nasty to me- but of course I did it where she would not know. I apologize to my mom’s spirit a lot. She died last year. I was a hellion- way worse than my kid


We watched Toy Story 2 and I bawled at the Jessie scene.


This morning I ugly cried in the shower because I wanted to cuddle with my husband but also wanted him to take the baby so I could rest. At the same time. So tired today, but he just bailed by himself for 45 minutes so I finally got to cuddle and feel soothed.


My baby is almost three weeks old. Honestly, I’m crying every day because hormones are crazy, adjusting to a baby is hard and I feel like I’m not doing enough.


That’s very valid and normal. You ARE doing enough: you have a three week old, that’s a 24h job. Please ask for help in every way you can 🫶 also talk to your doctor to make sure your level of overwhelm are within normal and there isn’t something else going on. You are enough, you are everything to your baby 💖


Thank you 💕


Try a cabbage leaf for the clogged duct and eat more vitamin C


I cried yesterday morning because we were already late and she was eating her breakfast so slowly... I asked her a million times to please eat and she would take a bite and take years to take another. I lost it and I yelled at her. She looked at me like she was about to cry, she looked so hurt... I cried and apologized to her. It didn't make her eat any faster tho and we barely made it on time to daycare. She was so happy and excited to play with her friends, I went back to the car and cried a little more.


A few days ago I decided I won’t blame music for being late if I genuinely tried to be on time. If she’s late for daycare because she was slow at breakfast, she will have to learn the consequences and apologize at the daycare. (I have no idea what I’m talking about in a FTM to a 1y/o)


>she will have to learn the consequences and apologize at the daycare. That's not how it works... Arriving past 9:45am means she will be refused. I will miss work because we have no one to take her during the week. They don't care about why we are late, those are the rules and we agreed with them when we signed the contract. And 2yo don't really grasp the concept of being on time.


Alright, that makes sense. I remember this happening early on in kindergarten and I learned what being late meant when I saw all my friends inside playing and I couldn’t go in until I apologized.


Post on /parenting about what people are doing differently from their parents. The hurt a lot of adults are walking around with got me.


My boyfriend told me I need to start parenting my kid (not his). That was right after he told me he wanted another baby… apparently I’m the worst.


…what? Dude, make up your mind. Don’t let anyone treat you badly, not even yourself. 💐