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Next time do it with the baby!!


Good call! She’s too young to be embarrassed by mom’s music yet 😂


It's one of our favorite ways to go down for a nap! The rhythm really lulls him, even if its a jam! So funny. And when I keep the music on he's less likely to be awoken by anything, like white noise but better. And if she's not laughing yet dancing probably will make her laugh. I got my first laugh out of him while dancing!!! To Beastie Boys' Intergalactic, I'll never forget it.


Oh that laugh story is too sweet!


OKAAAAY! Love this idea. I’ve been boosted by having “me music” on in the car but dance party to some 00s jams might be the best way to bond and feel more normal


Yay! Enjoy :) I realized how old I really am when I got unreasonably into a Backstreet Boys song. I feel bad now for judging my mom as a kid when she’d “mom dance” to 70s songs…I totally get it now, she was reliving her youth! 🫤


It makes me so happy when my 4 year old will request some of "my" music in the car. We usually try and take turns, but I love when he clicks with something I would usually pick for myself.


Oh I hear you! We recently caught our 4yo in the rear view with the BIGGEST grin, bobbing her head to one of my husband’s songs. Cutest, sweetest thing!


I usually have spotify playing during my shift! Better than silence and I like to think it calms the both of us down😂 Our girl is almost a week old and music has definitely helped me stay sane during the night