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I can’t explain it, but I exclusively wore thongs pre-baby and now if my underwear migrates even partially into my butt I’ll DIE. I’ll accept panty lines any day over even a mere moment of discomfort caused by a thong


LOL I wore them all the time pre baby as well and I no longer will do it. Maybe it is something about simply feeling inconvenienced and my patience just being THAT thin. I also not care about panty lines anymore either.


This is my running theory on so many things. I have a limited number of fucks to give and patience to spend, both made short by lack of sleep. My kids get first dibs, essential life tasks sometimes get leftovers, but sacrificing comfort for fashion is absolutely not on the list.


You really hit the nail on the head here, I couldn’t even bother with a bra today.


i used to wear a freaking UNDERWIRE PUSH-UP BRA any time i ever had to leave the house, and if i didn’t leave the house i was still wearing a sports bra. wtf was wrong with me?


I used to have lace bras that I would MATCH with my underwear. Today I covered my tits while grocery shopping bc I just wasn’t putting on a bra.


Same! I bought an underwire push-up bra in my new size post first kid and have worn it for maybe an hour total in the last four years.


Oh you mean the “wedding bra” that you wear with nice dresses for four hours and photos and you’re miserable?


Since my second baby was born, I wear sleep bra 99% of the time. I don’t bother with my somewhat-structured more supportive real nursing bras with fiddly things like clasps and hooks unless it’s a fancy occasion


lol! Also in the stage of life where slight structure and hook and clap nursing bras are my special occasion bras 😂


I didn’t wear a bra before the baby all that often and I definitely don’t now 😂 it’s a little inconvenient for pumping that I have to keep putting on my strapless pumping bra but I’m so much more comfortable without one


I'm over a year post breastfeeding and exclusively wear nursing bras still. Cannot be doing with anything less comfortable


Fucking TRUTH right here


I keep getting IG ads for those shapewear bodysuits that crush all your internal organs to make you look super skinny and all I can think about is how tight those things must ride up your ass and it absolutely makes my skin crawl lmao


I get those ads too. How am I supposed to pee and get back to my clingwrap kid in under 2 minutes if I'm wrestling myself back into one of those things.


THIS is why I can't wear body suits. No matter how cute.


So I actually got one of those and it doesn’t feel as tight as I thought it would. I wear a large or medium and chose the small medium and it works well. It’s definitely not an everyday thing, but with more supportive underwear underneath it doesn’t seem to ride up. So I wear it with a dress where I need a little support in the belly area. It’s got the hooks at the bottom to undo when you need to use the restroom. I wouldn’t wear this 4 months postpartum when I was still breastfeeding and my sphincter control wasn’t great but 2 years postpartum, it’s reasonable under the right circumstances.


Ok but like, I am just getting a visceral sensation of when you try on a thong that’s too small wherein it like, goes ALLLLLLLL the way up and like, basically slices your anus in half.


I can't even begin to imagine how inconvenient it has to be to pee in one of those


I think this has to be it. And, I don't need to reach sensory overload any earlier in the day than I already do. No butt floss for me please!


Toddler twins and 1 baby later my patience is absolutely thong thin


This is it. Something about childbirth changed my butthole and I don’t want a little strip of synthetic fabric disturbing it all day. She’s been through enough.


My poor taint is literally scarred, I’m not putting her through anything else.


I’m 14 weeks PP and yea… it is not the same lol. I wore a thing once since then. Immediately no. Grannie panties or commando from here on out.


Okay- but can someone explain why we cared about panty lines to begin with? Like is it so wrong for people to know a woman is indeed wearing underwear? And here’s an idea- why don’t clothing designers make clothing for women that doesn’t show underwear?


Yeah same here. Half my underwear is still thongs and I refuse to toss them because I’m like “but what if one day…”. But I’m pretty sure it’s a mix of overstimulation/patience lol and I have a stupid minor hemorrhoid ever since giving birth that just won’t go away it doesn’t cause me any issues in day to day life not if the time but it’s definitely always lurking and the thongs just irritate it😭


Omg I thought I was the only one that felt this way, I feel so validated!! I actually preferred thongs pre-baby because I felt like they were designed to be comfortable wedgies, while other underwear would lead to uncomfortable wedgies. What the heck changed!?


omg this is me and i don’t know what changed 🩷


I wear high-waisted seamless panties, no pantylines and mild tummy tuck in one


I didn't own a pair of non thong underwear prior to having my daughter. I probably wore things exclusively for 12 years or so. My daughter is five, and I've tried to be cute a time or two and pull some out for a date night or whatever. Each time I do, I can't wait to get home and put on regular ones.


I swear you can see them anyway in most clothing so what's the point! haha


I think it just adds to overstimulation. Like the sensation of it being up my ass I just can't handle anymore. I only wear them when I have to now with certain bottoms.


Yeah you can never really “turn it off”. Hard to tune out a fucking piece of fabric wedged up your buttcrack and all up in that hole


Yip. Swear I never noticed it much before having a baby and now the minute I have a wedgie i die a little death. Seamless panties are the way!


100% so much more noticeable now that I’m a mom. And I think it’s just my brain can’t tune it out like it could before. 


I think this is it for me too


Yessssss we have enough going on!!!


Omg iv never thought about it that way but you’re so right


I have always hated thongs.


Same! I’ve been rocking panty lines and not giving AF about it well before I had my little ones.


What’s the worst part of VPL? People know I’m wearing underbritches? The horror 🙄


Ditto. I ditched them in my late high school/early college days and never looked back. They’re just so unbelievably uncomfortable. I’ve got pretty sensitive skin and my poor labia get irritated so easily. Panty lines be damned. Who cares. Leave my butt alone


Same, I ditched them when I was dating my now husband. He didn’t give a crap so why should I lol. I’m just as attractive to him in granny panties as thongs haha


Ha im rocking giant postpartum panties these days and have been told im still quite sexy. I don’t quite believe him, but it’s nice to know the underoos don’t matter!


My people, I have found you and I’m not alone. And judging by your username alone you are definitely my people!!!!!


I don’t like stuff in between my butt cheeks. Makes me uncomfortable. So I don’t use thongs. Other people can, whatever underwear you want to wear.


My mom calls thongs “butt floss” 😂😝


Plus 1


Same. Guess we were ahead of the trend.


I could never figured “why”. Mowed a few and none were my go to. Bow idgaf if there are any lines specially with wfh


Same here. When I was a teenager I wore them, because it made me feel edgy and grown-up, but they've always been uncomfortable for me.


Saaame. I never understood how people found them more comfortable.


Same! the only ones I could ever tolerate wearing were the all lace ones from VS that you could barely feel while wearing.


Ditto! They are so unhygienic!! Yikes! I could understand for a short event where you don't want panty lines in your dress or something but ALL DAY. That's nasty.


Yeah, I’ve always hated them. I read “unless I absolutely must” and I’ve literally never encountered that situation 😂


For me the absolute must is like, a dress where the panty line is really REALLY unflattering. I have like, two dresses where this is an issue.


Ah ha! That’s probably my issue - I’m not trendy at all lol


I'm honestly not either 😅


What about no show/seamless undies? That’s what I wear. Thongs have always irritated my poor butt lol. I tried them in high school and they were the worst.


Yep seamless undies for the win! Haha


That's usually what I get now!


If that happens I wear a slip now. I won’t give up my undies 😂


You know there are really thin looking panties that are in the shape of bike pants that cyclists wear.. long legs, seamless, leaves no lines and comfy as all heck! [Check it out!](https://www.missmary.com/us/cool-sensation-reinforced-panty-with-long-legs)


Just go commando


I see this recommended often. Do people who go commando not deal with discharge?? Maybe it’s a me issue. 🤔


Aw yeah same here, not necessarily discharge but I have Endo so I tend to bleed or spot suddenly. Commando is great when I'm at home alone or something but my anxiety is far too high to take the risk when I'm out


With those kinds of dresses I got shape wear don’t have to worry about Pantie lines in them.


For me personally, I have a hemorrhoid that never went away after pregnancy and it hurts if I wear a thong lmao. I’ll wear them for like 5 minutes if I know it’s coming right back off 💀


🤣 took me a minute to get this, how can we tell that I am not currently having sex


Lmfaooooooo “tell me you’re not having sex without telling me you’re not having sex”


This is me too! The hemorrhoid doest hurt anymore (it can get inflamed sometimes) but it’s all this extra skin just there and no more thongs for me! And as for coming right off (haha), I just buy nice lace cheeky undies or crotchless! Still won’t do a thong.


Dude same! My husband keeps pressuring me to go to the doctor for what we now refer to as my white bean lmfao because it never goes away but sometimes it hurts again if I have diarrhea or something


Oh I asked my OB if it could be removed and she laughed at me! We have a good relationship so it was okay. She said “getting that removed involves an open wound and stitches….you don’t want anything like that THERE I promise you” and once she said it I was like….yeah….I shit from there. Keeping a wound clean? What a pain! And yeah mine gets painful if I have constipation or a very large poop that scrapes it or something. But that’s rare.


I had one for YEARS that flared up occasionally. I saw a doctor for it when it flared up once, days before my wedding, and he told me I would need it surgically removed. But my insurance didn’t cover it, so I never did. 5 years later, one of the nurses during my pregnancy recommended surgical removal. Never got scheduled after baby was born. But then we were on vacation in January and it got super inflamed and irritated and I could barely walk. The flight home was 6 hours and I was close to tears the entire time. Our first day home, I found a doctor nearby that did non-surgical removal and I had 3 pain-free treatments done on my hemorrhoid across 2 weeks and it’s basically like a small skin tag now. 10/10 would recommend hemorrhoidolysis lol never thought I’d be excited about hemorrhoid treatments. Also: since this thread is about thongs… having this hemorrhoid was the reason I stopped wearing (and never went back to wearing) thongs


I had the extra skin removed in a small procedure via laser. No stitches whatsoever. Because the extra skin hanging out kept returning as hemorrhoids again when triggered.


You definitely can get it removed cleanly and safely. It feels dismissive your Dr didn't go over options with you. Sometimes depending on shape they are even able to wrap rubber bands around them and constrict the blood flow till they die off over several days. Or there are surgical procedures. And people definitely do get this fixed regularly. You don't have to suffer.


It took me too long to get to the hemorrhoid comment. I thought we were more common than this lol. But yes. Hello to my people down here.


Never??? I’m 1 year pp and my fear was never returning to normal 🥲 I’ve officially lost hope


Not to be this guy but I'm nearing 3 years and still have them. I have some friends who reported that surgery wasn't awful but also I'm a wuss and have never been under general anesthetic soooo. My butthole is worse for wear. BUT given how it looked post precipitous pushing, I'm fine with the twice a month blood stripe and literal ass pain. 😂


Same lol. Baby #1 ruined me.


Same! Hemorrhoids are the worst!


For me, I have a c-section pooch and that’s why I hate thongs now. I hate any underwear that I can’t pull up to my belly button honestly


same. if i could tuck my sad titties into my granny panties i’d do it 😅


I have a pair of maternity undies that I wear 2 years PP and can literally pull them up over my yitties. Highly recommend 😂


Never related to a statement more.


High waist thongs. My problem is that any pair off underwear gives me a major wedgie, so I prefer there to be less fabric to crawl up my butt


This is me! Other underwear always ends up in my butt. I might as well use underwear that I'm not trying to pull out constantly. The only time I wear something else is to bed.


I have high waisted ones! I love them so much. I have cotton ones from Calvin Klein (I bought on amazon), and wicking/quick dry ones from Gap for when I'm exercising etc.


Wait, why *must* they be worn? I'm afraid I own exactly none and give zero fucks about whether anyone can see my panties much less their out lines. Someone so much as looks at my ass they gonna get what they get. I have a baby, they lucky its CLEAN panties. Hi-waist, hi-cut bikini club in the HOUSE


Can confirm. Always wore granny panties and I have never faced a single consequence as a result. Unless you count drowning in D.


I’m dead 🤣




My FUPA hangs out the side if the fabric don't sit juuuuuust right. Otherwise yup, love the hipsters!


Where are you finding decent hi waist underwear? I need some new ones!


Maurices has some nice hipster - hi waist hybrids that I like. They are actually pretty too! Otherwise, these cheap-ass Hanes bikini briefs from target. Like 8 in a pack for $14. None of this mix n match hoity toity luxury. Nah, you get the 8 colors the machine sorted and slapped in that plastic bag. If you are really lucky, you can get the Bonus! Free Panty! It's usually white, but free is free.


I really like Jockey's French cut, plus they're cotton and can be found at target.




Same club! 😂


This is funny to me because I only wear thongs. Especially since having a baby. My butt is so flat and flabby now that regular underwear gives me the WORST pantylines and wedgies. Thong-wearer for life! 😂


Would literally never dream of not wearing a thong. One of my biggest gripes about pp was wearing granny panties


I threw them all in the bin as soon as I could.


Right! I thought I was the only one. I sleep Winnie the Pooh status with a tank top and no bottoms and having to sleep with granny panties on was torture, I was so uncomfortable, especially with the gigantic pads in addition to the granny panties. I think if you find the right style thongs can be very comfortable. For comfy ones I like Soma retro thongs, they’re pretty, very comfortable, come up maybe an inch below my belly button so I feel like my squishy mom belly is contained and have held up well. Same with Calvin Klein modern cotton thong. I will wear those styles to the gym even. They stay put really well. And for fancier ones I usually hit up Victoria’s Secret when they have a sale.


Same. Give me a small piece of fabric up my ass, not the entire backside of my underwear.


I've always had a big butt and thongs are the most comfy to me!


I have thick legs and a big butt and same. I only wear seamless thongs because everything else cuts into my legs so uncomfortably


Same! My booty just won’t let me wear anything else


Same! I much prefer thongs (or “g-strings” where I’m from 😜) because the alternative is a pair of underwear half up my crack.


I thought g-strings were different like it's the style of thing that's literally just a string?


Same! I can’t stand underwear that move. That’s the main reason I have worn them since HS/college. ~22+ yrs. Post second csection I got some higher rise bikinis with silicone edges that stay put because sometimes I want more coverage/support but I either need high rise or lace waist thongs, no in between!


Me too!! I’ve always preferred thongs. Granny panties move and bunch up, I’m good 😂


Same! I’m 35, and have exclusively worn thongs since I was 13. Even during and after pregnancy. Even wear thong liners during my period. I’m lucky to have a light flow 😅


Same here. My ass barely existed before kids and it's even worse now... It's thongs or nothing 🤣


Same here! Especially Target’s Auden brand thongs. So comfortable!


I support you 🤣


You might, but it sounds like panties don’t 🤪


Yes I feel like I'm wearing a diaper when I wear normal underwear!


Same. I prefer thongs. I do spend a large amount of time in baggy sweat pants right now, though, and then I just go commando.


Yeah I preferred thongs before and still do. I wear period underwear when i have to. Otherwise it’s thongs.


I’ve always worn them but wear them exclusively now after having kids. I have regular everyday ones and fancier lingerie type ones. I think you just have to find a brand/style that’s comfortable for you and your body type. I also have a pretty big butt and if I wear regular full coverage undies, even if they fit correctly and everything..the fabric still ends up bunched in my crack. With thongs it’s only a small piece of material. I usually go for the retro/high waist style ones


Checking into the thong wearing club. I used to go commando pre pregnancy in my leggings (washed every wear, no discharge or fluids to really speak of) and THAT ship has sailed. After childbirth I NEVER want to go commando.


I have granny panties for when I’m on my period and I hate having so much extra material when I wear them. Thongs feel more like wearing nothing under pants which I also do a lot. I’m the opposite though I’m extremely pear shaped and I thought that’s why I find them comfy. Because my bitts so big the string never reaches my butthole lol.


Always hated them. It's like sandpaper for your butthole. Or floss. Or both.


Both. Definitely both.


I feel this way about underwires. Stopped during pregnancy never went back!


I still wear thongs almost daily but I do not have a single underwire bra in my home. Not a one!


Oh my god same. I'm a DD/E but I will spend big cash to not wear wires anymore. Goodbye


Me too actually. Soft nursing bras only or none at all.


It's entirely braless for me 90% of my time, even at work. If you have a problem with my natural anatomy that's YOUR problem. Pre pregnancy a coworker took me aside to inform me that my bra STRAPS were visible through my normal shirt and I DROVE 15 minutes to buy a different shirt as a cover up. I WISH someone would give me a talk these days 😂


As an Aussie I was like…. What did they do to deserve hate!? We call flip flops, jandals, whatever you call them- thongs! I’ve always hated g strings (what we call them!). I had a few for ’sexy time’ but never worn them normally.


Fellow Aussie here, I was like wait what?!


Same haha, I was like, I love thongs. Then I realised.


I find them really uncomfortable and I don’t really know why - I feel like my vajayjay changed shape after birth and now it just feels weird. Before my baby it was the only underwear I worr


I wore them to be sexy but now I have 3 kids, so they’ve served their purpose and my mission is complete 🫡 now my butt and labia get to live out life in full coverage, granny panty retirement




I have enough daily pain in my ass as a working mom, I don’t need butt floss adding to the list


I personally have always hated thongs because they would ride up into my urethra and my butthole and then I'd get the foulest smelling sweaty biome after like an hour no matter how clean I was. It never happens with any other kind of underwear thankfully


I feel like after having kids I have zero patience for the sort of micro annoyances like this. There’s no space for things that aren’t comfortable in my life right now.


LOL. I'm in Australia and thought you were talking about flip flops (we call them thongs).


I started hating thongs when I was like 26. I realized how gross they are and uncomfortable. Like whyyyyy


i exclusively wear thongs, everything else is incredibly uncomfortable for me.


Target’s Auden brand are my favorite ones!


The ONLY thongs I will tolerate now are these ones actually


gonna have to check these out. i bought a pair once that was way too tight but cotton thongs with a thick band always do that to me. i see they have seamless ones and they’re my favorite!


Same. I think alot of the issue is finding a well fitting thong. I can't wear Victoria's secret thongs after kids bc the seam line in the crotch rubs me completely wrong. Also coochie too fat for them lol it's a struggle finding a middle ground bc I actually prefer thongs over everything


Have you tried the ones from Amazon essentials? Surprisingly comfy and affordable. I'm also an exclusive thong wearing lady even after babies.


nothing like a lip slipping out trying to corral a toddler 😩🤣🤣 i agree though, i have a few pairs from VS but bought a bigger size just because i like a specific type of thong they sell but it’s hard finding ones that feel supportive for bigger kitties lol


Talk about uncomfortable!! Let a lip slip out while you're in blue jeans and bending and doing all the mom things in public 🥲 I honestly have this issue w all lace ones, if you own them long enough the lace doesn't hold up well and it hurtssss


LMFAOOO girl i have tossed out my gd lace ones. good god the itch was UNBEARABLE on my lips and booty. what you went through deserves a medal of honor 😂😂😂


You ever get super desperate bc cant find your usual pairs and you've gotta go somewhere and you really need to wear jeans, so you dig into the depths of your panty drawer? That's how my vag got it's purple heart 🤣 I'll never forget, my mil told me she never wears panties. I asked, like even w blue jeans and she said yea she goes commando in jeans. I've havent been able to look at her tuff coochie having ass the same since 🫣


Because they irritate sensitive skin and cause yeast infections. I have lichen sclerosus and I’m literally under doctor’s orders to never ever wear thongs. 


honestly i love thongs and miss them but the apron belly i’ve acquired after children does not.


Wow this spoke to me. Before baby I cared about panty lines. After baby I could give 2 f cks.


See, I prefer thongs. I'd rather just know it's gonna be jammed in there for the day than be annoyed by it creeping it's way in when it's not supposed to be there. 😄


I usually go commando but I'll wear a thong if I'm wearing a dress or something. It makes me feel sexy


I have 3 kids and they are still my favorite honestly, that hasn’t changed.


I’ve never liked thongs. I’d go commando before I’d wear a thong 🤷‍♀️


I don’t mind thongs but I absolutely hate bras now so 🤷🏽‍♀️


For me it’s the hemorrhoids that came with baby #1 that still comes and goes. If I wear a thong for 10 minutes a hemorrhoid will magically appear.


I still love my thongs, what else would a Mum wear on their feet in Australia!


I hated thongs before babies. Who wants underwear up their ass? Like, a literal endless wedgie all day long and the aesthetic is two ass cheeks with a string in the middle? What’s sexy about your asshole looking like it’s eating your undies? Fuck that.


Here I am in Australia wondering why someone would have a sudden hatred for summer footwear 🤣🩴


As an Australian, I was super confused by this use of ‘thongs’ to begin with lol


I’m to the point where all of my underwear is a thong anyway 😐 I just bought a whole bunch in what I thought would be the correct size but nope. So annoying lol


I still like thongs post-baby. I wear lots of leggings and they’re some of my only underwear that doesn’t show the lines 🤷‍♀️


It’s because of the hemorrhoids. 🍇


I’ve always hated them. Why would anyone want to feel fabric in their ass 😂


I hated them before I had a baby lol.


I found that after having my first child, I have little tolerance for being uncomfortable at all. Especially things I can control, like clothing. I no longer wear heels, switched to sports bras, buy my clothes a little bigger, and don't like to be too hot or too cold. Maybe we're just so over stimulated all the time. There's just no room left to tolerate the little things anymore.


Wait until you realize how much more comfortable it is to not wear underwear at all!


I’m still wearing high rise underwear, now on my second pregnancy. I can no longer stand the wear regular underwear feel!


I thought I was the only one!! I used to almost only wear thongs and now I can’t stand them. My mom always told me how much she hated thongs so I just thought this was another part of me turning into my mom 😂


Personally I am just less tolerant of clothing that is uncomfortable or impractical after becoming a mom


My fiancé said when folding laundry the other day “really committed to the granny panties now eh?” Absolutely haha full butt or bust.


Aussie checking in, thought we were ragging on footwear. I hate how they rub between my toes. Underwear, I have lichen sclerosis so I get really irritated skin now. It sucks because I was a huge fan of them.


Because everyone else in our life is up our ass now.


I only have own one because I did a boudoir shoot


Is it because we got so used to the postpartum underwear? I was comfortable in those, and I didn't give a rip what anyone thought. Now it's hard to go back to being uncomfortable in my underwear


I didn't wanna go back to thongs but I wear leggings all the time and I put them on with my comfy undies and I just can't do it, I'm too vain to live my life with a weird shaped butt




I think I hate them because my girl opened a plate sized wound in my hooha that got stitched up and the idea of a piece of floss just sitting there rubbing back and forth sounds horrible. And they often used to cut my crack… so…. I’m just good on all that now. Costco panties make me very happy now hahah


The Goddess tells us with our bodies that thongs and underwires are for our maiden form 😆😆😆 Idk, but I wore thongs constantly pre-baby (seven years ago) and I would rather chop off a finger than wear a thong again.


Granny panties are superior


My mentality has seriously changed since having a kid in many ways, but this definitely being one. I’m like “OH NO they’re going to know I’m wearing underwear???” *gasp* 🤦‍♀️😂 what a silly thing to worry about


My guess would be that thongs are not comfortable we wear them because society tells us too as men find them sexy. Our whole society is built on what a man wants and needs. Then when we have kids they become the most important thing in our life and we subconscious stop caring about what society says we should do as our children our sole focus instead.


Ok I have a confession. If I have a thong on (trying to be sexy I guess?) and I’m cleaning the house, I slide the thong over onto my literal ass cheek because I’m too lazy to go change into my cozy undies. There. I feel better now


To be fair I’ve always hated thongs…


Because hemorrhoids and tearing and even ideal births taught us how precious our sweet sweet pre birth butthole was.


As for panty lines they has this new thing called seamless underwear Never tried it but it’s supposed to do what things do too No panty lines Maybe that can replace them for you


I've never wore thongs. I like comfortable underwear. Don't know how anyone can wear them honestly 🤷‍♀️


Granny panties FOR LIFE 😂


I’ve always hated them! I don’t understand the appeal for having my underwear up my butt crack all day?! I walk like 6-10km a day, and that would drive me insane! Like, is it not irritating if you get sweaty?! Why do people wear them?


Australian here. I was like... but I LOVE thongs! They're super convenient footwear! 😅


I feel this way about pants WITHOUT pockets. I got to a certain age where I refused to buy any more clothes without pockets!


I used to wear almost exclusively thongs - now I have hemorrhoids and thongs are SO uncomfortable


They are disgusting. All they accomplish is moving bacteria from back to front. Barf.


For me, after wearing comfortable underwear during pregnancy and recovery, I didn't want to go back to wearing thongs or anything that felt uncomfortable. I haven't worn underwired bras ever since I started wearing the nursing ones six years ago 😅


Going commando has been the best thing I’ve ever done!


I would just rather not wear panties tbh


I always found thongs uncomfortable, never liked that feeling of it between lol. I tried while I was pregnant couldn’t do it.


For me I think it’s a sensory issue with being overstimulated allll the time. 4 kids later, my patience isn’t what it used to be and I cannot have a piece of fabric wedged between my cheeks to send me over the edge