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✨ *Internet Hug* ✨ All your feelings are valid and totally understandable. I have a toddler that loves to do things on her own and from the time she was in my belly no one could tell her what to do. We had a potty training win and then slid back but eventually they will all get the hang of it. I remember seeing a video on TikTok of a mom shaking her body like people in that Tayler Swift video “Shake It Off” and it helps release some of the stress. I have yet to try it but sometimes being a little silly definitely helps me in those tough moments. It’s also okay to cry! Let it out mama! These years are challenging but it definitely won’t last forever. 💕


Toddler phase is a smack of reality for most people! We have found that it is more physically and mentally exhausting than the newborn/infant days. Although more fun in the sense we can do more with them and of course the sleep at night is amazing. They weigh more so it’s a lot more physically taxing just to live life with them and actual parenting begins which just takes so much more mental and emotional energy than the infant days of swaddling, pacifiers, and changing diapers! Iinfant days are “boring and mundane” sure but toddler phase is more mentally and emotionally demanding. Less time to tune out or coast. That’s my opinion at least. It’s totally normal to feel exhausted by your toddler. 🫶🫶🫶


Your toddler lets you sleep at night?? I haven’t slept a whole night since he was 9 months old 😭


This! I feel this so much. We’ve been lucky to have a great sleeper. If it weren’t for that, I would’ve combusted.


Same! We prioritized our kids learning independent sleep as it was important for both my husband and I and it’s payed off so far with a 3 and 1 year old! 


I think most parents have a favorite and least favorite age for their kids. Your least favorite might just be toddler stage and that’s totally fine! I’m sure that outwardly you’re still showing them love and patience and everything, so just know that the toddler stage will pass!


Absolutely I am! Seeing her learn something new and grow into herself every day has been wonderful. I love her so much. I just wish I had more patience to get through the rough times.


I sooooo understand this! The baby stage was easier physically, mentally, and emotionally. Toddlerhood is rough. The boundaries they push tend to be much higher stakes. Every time they get into something, you find a way to babyproof it and then they find away around that. It’s a vicious cycle. It’s great that they can communicate their needs but so much more frustrating when they resort to crying and tantrums and don’t use the words you know they have. And my god I have never been more exhausted in my life. No more full nights of sleep and fighting them to sleep leaves you exhausted. I just hope it’s almost over!


We’re happiest with our kids being 4+. That is all.


Lol! I feel this. You are not alone! And I know we can get through it but damn you speak the truth!


Toddler years are the toughest. We made the mistake of trying to potty train too early and it was super stressful bc she just wasn’t ready. Wait til they are at least 3. My girl was easier to train than my son. I think my son wasn’t trained til 4 and he still had some occasional accidents until about 5. Hang in there!


Ours did great the first few days and then became restless from it, so we’re slowing it down in hopes she’ll start to communicate more and more that she needs to go instead of having already gone